Unariun Wisdom

Spirituality And More With Yada ~ Part II

Lecture by Yada di Shi’ite through Medium Mark Probert – 1968

Yada: Sinas and Sinehas, I am Yada di Shi’ite.

Comment: Good evening Yada. Welcome

Question: Yada, how can one find self and know what you are talking about?

Yada: First, what are you? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Not who are you – everybody knows who is who; but almost nobody seems to know what they are. So I ask you, what are you? And I speak not just to you Sir, but to all of you sitting here – What are you? What do you suppose you are? Now I do not expect you to answer me because each of you will give me a different answer. That’s alright.

Question: Do we just go through the life cycle, to find out?

Yada: That is what life is for – to discover what we are. I AM THE CREATOR. Now that sounds big, doesn’t it! In fact, to many, it sounds like too much! But how am I the creator? By feeling, I come to know. I come to know by feeling, my own nature. Now if I get a ‘stick of fear’ pushed into me at the moment I am trying to discover myself, I will naturally back away; the pain is too great. The reason this man or this woman is sick, is because they hate. They are bogged down in hate – hate of another; hate of their color; hate of their creed; hate of their political beliefs. Hate, hate, hate. Kill, kill, kill. We all seek to destroy that which we do not understand. Or, we ‘bottoms up’ to it. In either case, we are lost because that is not the way to approach ourselves, to approach life, to come to understanding. Understanding comes to us not through reasoning, but by being quiet. Getting ourselves quiet, so we can listen to that marvelous teacher within us. I AM.

Question: Do you mean the real self?

Yada: The real self, that dwells here. It is the Son of the Sun, and when we open that center, the light comes out and dispels the darkness. When the tomb of Jesus was opened, they found him not there. People who believe in psychic phenomena, were awed by it “Yes, he did rise, just as he said. Isn’t that amazing. Isn’t that wonderful! He must have been a witch!” He never got in there, so He had nothing to get out of. Here (Yada gestures) is the tomb that is spoken of – the body self. We, the Christ, is shut off, is locked in the body self – the cave of the body. The cave of the body is ignorance. The Christ arose – which is the entirety of the man called Jesus. It is the real self.

The doll – is a projected symbol of the man called Jesus – the body self – just an idea. And he took that idea with him, in here (gestures) – not the physical head, but the mental head. It is known also as – the heavenly state. What am I made up of? My physical self is what it has been conditioned to be, by first of all my parents, or those whom I came into early rapport with, in the physical body; right on through to my death. I am that, physically speaking. I am a conditioned being conditioned to this vibration called the world of matter.

Now I come to a point, I come to a fork in the road of my life. I must go one road or the other. I must know what I am. My confusion has come from believing that I am a who – a personality, a thing in the flesh. The first thing I must try to do is to find out what I was conditioned by – fear, anxiety, guilt, shame; or love and understanding. Which? Why am I afraid? Because I do not understand. I do not know what is happening. It is like waking and finding myself in a dream (the world). So I get caught up in it; everything is there already. I had nothing to do with the dream. It was just there when I came into the physical world. I had nothing to do with it – “God did it!” “My parents did it!”

Now suddenly it may be my good fortune, in this particular life, to wake up – to suddenly realize that I am dreaming. In doing so, all my fears and anxieties about the dream, vanish; for now, I am master. I am now a conscious creator, so I can change anything, alter anything, produce anything in that dream. It is the same in your wakeful dream, called the material world. Are you conscious in it, or are you a drifting, unconscious zombie? Now I do not use those words at you. They are not critical words. I seek not to criticize you, for to criticize another is to criticize myself. I simply make the statements. This is how it is. That is all. What you do with it, is your business.

Question: Yada, you mentioned how people might pick up negative violence? Do people also pick up negative violence when they are dreaming?

Yada: Oh, of course. We do that, from every thought we think. No matter where we are, we are always open to points of activity that may be destructive to us – out of harmony with us.

Question: Do you use the same words as when you wake up in the morning, to rid yourself of negative violence?

Yada: Yes, you can. This keeps you in a more positive way of thinking; therefore, you are not intruded upon so easily by negative thoughts of others. You make positive statements to yourself, about how the day is going to be. “This is my day; this is my creation. And, the more I am consciously aware, the fewer negative things are likely to occur to me.” Now this is what I say. But you choose what to say because it is your life. Most of you remember a story I tell about that this is your life. Would the rest of you care to hear this story?

It is one about what you call an old maid. An old maid is one who apparently has been afraid of the opposite sex; conditioned, because it is not natural for a woman to be afraid of a man or for a man to be afraid of a woman. It is a conditioned reflex – but that’s what an old maid represents. The mind is such that, no matter how we are stopped physically from doing things, the mind goes on doing them anyway, if they are for us to do. So this old maid kept dreaming about handsome men. Every time it came to the real man, the external living being, she was afraid and would run away. But after a time of dreaming, her dreams became so mixed with the external self and external happenings, that she was seldom sure which was which. So one time when she was dreaming, she dreamt about a man standing at the foot of her bed – gazing at her with lust, beautiful lust. She got very frightened and cried out to him, “What are you going to do to me?” He said, “Lady, I don’t know. This is your dream!”

Isn’t that a truth? This is your dream. Life, oh life, what are you going to do to me? I wait. I wait in patience and often in impatience, for life to move and help me to move. I do not want to be the excluded middle. I do not want to be left out. To play some part is better than no part.

More Q & A With Yada

The question is, do I love myself? The answer – yes. Why? Because I understand myself; I know what I’m made up of because I created it myself. My “god” of the past is dead. He was a god of fear and anxiety, which brought all my troubles to me. The real god – the eternal Light, the Christ within – is an awakened state of consciousness. Can I not be protected in this higher state of consciousness? How can I not be? I have no protection from the God of Moses. The God of Moses was the god of wrath and vengeance, which this great being was told to bring, by the White Brotherhood, to the people of that time, because that is all they could understand. They were afraid to die – but yet they were not afraid to bring death to everyone else around them. In order to save the people of that time from one another’s angers and jealousies and fears, a god of that kind had to be brought to the people.

Man is slowly coming out of that state of consciousness. He is coming into the light – the light of understanding, so he finds the real god within him, constantly there. He does not have to get on his knees. He does not have to enter some special building, called a temple or church. He knows that this body is the living temple of the living god. But the greater masses are still living in the swamps of their ignorance. But, life is not lived by masses. Life is lived by individuals. We, as individuals, have to come out of the swamp.

There is a story about a man in India, who is walking along a dusty road, and comes upon a man by the roadside, who is carving elephants out of simple blocks of stone. He looked at the stone elephants and admired them very much, and he turned and looked around for an elephant that this man might be using as a model. But he couldn’t see any, so he said to the man, “Sir, tell me please, how do you carve such perfect elephants without a model?” To the man, the artist said, “I look at a block of stone; I look carefully, and pretty soon I begin to see the elephant in the block of stone. Then I knock away everything that is not elephant.”

So it is with us. We look into ourselves and we see all the beauty of the creator in ourselves, and then we begin to knock away everything that is not of the creator. We knock away the animal and find the divine human. How beautiful that story is. What great meaning, just coming from the lips of an apparently ignorant sculptor. But you see, he wasn’t ignorant. He knew his business. His business was carving, was molding. That’s why he created such great and beautiful elephants. Can you look in yourself and see the light you are? Can you see that divine being in you and then start breaking away everything that is not of that nature.

A little while ago, a lady and man were talking to Mark, asking him about Karma – I was there; I listened and Mark tried to explain. He did a very nice job explaining, very nice; but it was not understood by the listeners. Was it Mark’s fault? – the talker’s? Or, the people’s fault – the listeners? All we can ever do with one another, in the physical world, is to make sounds. Then the listener to those sounds, makes his own pattern of what is, of what has been said. We can do no more than that and they can do no more than that. I cannot teach; I can only make sounds, and you use those sounds to teach yourself. So you see, you are the teacher, not I.

Does man live after death? That is a question with many important issues in it, one of them being – what do we mean by living after death? What is it that survives! Do you think you are a spook in the skin, a ghost? Well, you will be a ghost or a spook when you die, too, because you are one now if you live that way. You are practicing to spook people. Know yourself and you will talk that way. Do not be afraid of your own thoughts and your own feelings, whatever they may be. There are people who have been taught to be afraid of sex. And if they are taught to be afraid, taught to feel guilty about the opposite sex, then they turn to their own sex. For sex must be expressed in one way or another.

It is a natural phenomena of the human being, as well as any other animal. But with the human – he puts something else with it – thought. It is not simply a drive to satisfy himself for the moment, it is a baptism, that should enlighten us. Is sex used only through the sex centers? Of course not. It is the energies of life; it is the kundalini – which causes us to be creators. It is the fire of inspiration. It is the touching of the Light, the creative Light upon our minds. What do you feel about it? It’s not what I feel; it’s what you feel. That is important.

Life after death. Alright, I am going on a trip. What do you do when you are about to go on a trip? Sensibly, I believe, you pack a bag. Yes? You are now going to take with you things you can use. In climate – taking heavy clothing for cold weather; light clothing for warm weather. Now would you take heavy clothing if you are going to the tropics. Would that be sensible? What would you put in the bag? Things that you can use. Now, you are going on a trip but you haven’t tried to find out what your destination is. So you do not bring anything. So you end up with nothing at the end of the trip. And you suffer from bringing nothing.

You are going into this other state of consciousness, this other feeling world. What’s on your mind? Are you afraid? Do you think you can take your body with you? If you think you can’t, then you will not. If you think you can, then you will. But why would you want to take your body with you? It’s worn out; useless. You can take it if you want to, but how will you take it – old? Worn out? Sick? No, not as it looks to you – you cannot take it that way.

What is a body? It is a point of energy. Now you learn to breathe that energy back into your center – the center of your being, because you made it; it belongs to you. But, you will not do this for a long time yet, because you have no real need to do it. You are going to another place; you are not going home yet. You are to adventure further into other lands, in which you do not need that form, so you leave it behind.

But there will come a day, there will come a time, there will come an hour when you will suddenly realize that you are dreaming. Then you will know how to move around. Then you will know the value of energy. Then you will know how to mold it according to the way you want to. When you know this, you are going home. You will not dream more of a matter world. You will not go down into the lower world, called the ‘astral world’. You will return to consciousness. You will recognize yourself as the eternal creator. For this moment, for this time, all my words may seem pointless, useless, of no value to you. But sometime, somewhere, you will suddenly understand it all. Do not be concerned. There is no hurry – no need for it. You are already attuned to the Light. You just now need to know it, to recognize it, to become aware of it.

Karma – like the word ‘sin’ – has a strong tendency to give us guilt feelings. This, when we move into the next level of awareness, this guilt demands that we come back, because we keep in mind that we committed a sin, an evil, a bad! We then want to punish ourselves. That drive for punishment, drives us back into the physical world – the world of punishment, the world of pain and uncertainty, the world of the blind. If you believe that you are guilty of some act, you will punish yourself – as you have never been punished before. Many people are suffering in this way in your world, and it often demands the attention of men who are trained in the field of psychology of the human mind and the human emotions. It demands their attention. Many of these men also carry the same elements of guilt and shame with them, so they use their idea of what to do to heal you, and themselves, to understand themselves. And you pay them for that. Why not; it’s their work. You are their work?

Do you want to be your own psychologist? You can, if you can keep down your anxieties; get control over your nervous system; break away from your false concepts which you have been put under from the time you got here. If you can do this, you will not suffer again with emotional sicknesses. And, when you get clear of the physical world, you will know how to live in this otherness of mind. You will not become a haunt on the earth, but you will become a healthy helper to man who is still in the flesh body. You will not impose your personality upon them with big sounding titles. You will come and say “My friend, I am of your life. I know what you suffer and I want to help you. Will you permit me?”

In your bible it is saying, “The harvest is great, but the harvesters are few”. Our business is with life, with the living not the dead, with the conscious. Let us play that part. Let us go to the living. Again, in your bible it says, “Go not to the dead, for the dead know nothing”. That’s true. Ignorance. They sleep in ignorance. No man can waken another until that one is ready to be awakened. Which would you rather I do – you sitting here, which would you rather I do – bring to you your relatives and friends? For what? What could they tell you, that you do not already know? Who is the greatest being to come into close rapport with? You. Yourself.

You may contact a hundred thousand beings on many levels of consciousness but if you have no contact with that great being called YOU, then all other contacts come to naught. You see why I say – Love Yourself – because there is no greater being in all existence than you.

Question: Yada, is sentimentalism a limiting factor to the human at the present time?

Yada: That depends upon what the sentimental feeling is, what it is born out of. Is there any intelligence back of it, or is it sentiment as purely an emotional reaction with very little meaning.

Comment: This is what I am referring to. Most of it is emotional. Don’t we have a lot of that in the world today, which is actually working against us if I may use that terminology?

Yada: Of course. It causes people – the sentimental reactions to what happens – it causes more trouble, because it is a blind thing – it is not a constructive force.

Question: Lack of intelligence?

Yada: That is right. Now, we can have empathy for others, but sympathy does very little good. Sympathy is highly emotional – we are projecting ourselves into the position that another is in.

Comment: Have empathy, not sympathy?

Yada: Yes.

Comment: Actually – compassion?

Yada: Compassion is the thing. Compassion is with understanding. You know all the existing conditions and you understand them. So you do not, yourself, react negatively to another’s suffering, to another’s complaints, to another’s angers. You know his position. You know his state of mind, so you do not oppose him. You let him move more freely. You know, the more room a wildcat has to move in, the less chance he will attack you. Give room. Let things move in their own way. Then they seldom move against us.

Comment: Quit opposing?

Yada: Yes, quit opposing. When is a wildcat most likely to attack you? It is when you have him cornered; you give him little room to do otherwise. Give him a wide berth. Then you will be free, and he will be free.

Comment: We don’t want to detain you, Yada.

Yada: Thank you. It has been such a joy for me always to come here to talk to you. A notchi. —

Comment: Take our love with you.

Yada: Gratia… My love of the Light goes with you!

See Part I here.