Unariun Wisdom

Self Mastery ~ Part II

by Ernest L. Norman

Let us refer back to the concept of the structure of your psychic self, which was drawn for you as being composed of a body of energy in which there were numerous vortexes which could be created from either positively or from negatively constructed experiences. It is our purpose to remove such negative structures and to supplant them with newer, fresher and more positive ones. Thus, through our various incarnations in thousands of years to come, we would gradually develop a spiritual body from this psychic self which will enable us to live in higher dimensions and which will actually integrate and relate us and implant us into that higher spiritual dimension. It was further emphasized that you could never occupy any such dimension until you had developed such a psychic or spiritual body in which you could live and be an active participant in such a dimension.

Now there is a basic plan which every individual may use to his own advantage. It requires courage, but above all, it requires honesty. We cannot be like the individual who sits at the table playing a game of solitaire and cheats–for if we cheat in this game of life, then we are indeed lost. If we cheat ourselves in failing to recognize what these faults, these negative impingements or vortexes are in our psychic bodies, then it only means that we have left them for some future time and place where we must again renew and make a more concerted effort to rectify them. I need not add that our very attitude will make this far more difficult in a future time. As Kung Fu says, “The longest journey begins with the first step.”

So now we are going to present a plan whereby a person can start to become his own master. The remaining lessons given in this course will be built primarily on how well we use this plan. These lessons will deal primarily with obsessions and their removal, developing personal clairvoyance, integration and functioning with the higher orders of UN.AR.I.U.S. and other Celestial dimensions, but before we will be enabled to do these things, we will first need to remove the various negative forces which are now making our life more or less confused; and these things are keeping us from our true pattern. They are keeping us from self-realization and from becoming that clear channel.

I have drawn here a chart and there are also two sheets of paper. One is labeled good things the other is marked bad things. This is a pattern of your lives. Each one should make a pattern of this chart. It can be done privately and kept in the confines of your bedroom. You will sit down and think back upon the time when you were a small child and you will enumerate all the good things that ever happened to you. You will write the dates of these happenings on the opposite side. You will take the other sheet and write all the very unpleasant things which happened to you as near as you can remember and include the dates or periods of time in which they transpired.

In the future in the analysis of these two sheets, you will begin to see that there is an actual integration, an actual cyclic pattern of happenings, of places and time. It will also help you in some aspects of clairvoyance whereby you may be able to obtain flashbacks into your previous lives, either in the sleep state or in the hypcognic state, that the answers to these different conditions will be given to you.

After you have compiled these particular things, you will turn to the basic chart of character analysis and the chart of self-mastery. As you see, I have laid this chart out for three months. It has been suggested that this process in self-mastery be used for three months. I have ruled out long lines so that a number of phobias can be put in. This takes very careful thought by each individual, as he will very carefully think whether he has acrophobia, the fear of high places, or other phobias. You need not write down the scientific names of these phobias; just list them in common words as they may occur to you. Be very honest with yourself and give yourself the benefit of the doubt. If you are not quite sure whether it is an imbedded fear or phobia, put it down anyway.

Next you will list what is called the reflexes or the mechanisms. In the language of the modern psychiatrists, they can be called such as defense mechanisms, etc. To you they may mean such things as temper. Ask yourself: Did you lose or express temper? Are you critical? Do you nag? Do you blame the Infinite or others for things which happen to you? Do you suffer periods of melancholia? Do you have periods of excessive exuberance? Are you critical of your neighbor, family or friends? Do you swear? Also enumerate other little traits of character which you may have and of which you are not particularly proud. List each and all of these things.

Sigmund Freud listed man in his emotional complexes as having an ego which was composed largely of the structures of self-esteem and which were the things which he thought were good, his own pride in himself, his own way in which he conducted himself. That was his ego structure. We have all heard of egocentrics who are extroverts and who are constantly endeavoring to dominate the scene wherever they go. They are the people with a false sense of superiority which they do not possess. Freud also talked of the subversive qualities–the “eto”–which were the subversive traits and must be listed here. Also the “id” is the balance or the equilibrium of these conditions, the unknown or the unseen. So list these various reflexes as they come to you, the things of the ego, the submerged qualifications, or even the extroverted qualities of ego structures. They are all placed in this category.

Now going through the ordinary course of each day, before we retire to our beds at night, we shall take out our chart. We shall go carefully back through the hours of the day until the time we awoke that morning. We shall use a little code opposite each one of these emotions which come to us during the day; and if we give in to this expression, we shall put a little “0” in that box for that particular day. Inside that circle we enumerate the number of times we succumbed or gave in to that particular reflex. If we became angry three times during the day, we place opposite “anger” the “0” with the number 3 inside and so on down through the list.

Where the phobias are listed, we shall mark these likewise. In addition, we shall go out of our way and make it a point to find out from time to time just how these phobias are behaving. We shall refer back to our original chart of life, as to how and where these phobias occurred or how they were strengthened or were fortified by psychosomatics.

Now if we are really careful and quite analytical in going along with this chart and above all, if we are very honest, we shall see that by the time we get over to the first month, the little “0’s” are getting less and less and gradually disappear. In their places we have little “X’s” which means that we have now developed a resistance reflex. Instead of giving way to that bad or quick temper and at that moment of trial when we begin to feel our temper slip, we shall automatically reflex, and we shall see this chart and see ourselves putting that “0” there before retiring, in the box for that temper, so we shall not give way to the temper.

It is a well-known fact that we cannot think of two things at the same time. If we are going to give way to the temper and we begin to think about our chart and reflex, then the temper will not occur; no more than you can be hypnotized if you repeat 2 x 2 is 4, etc., while one is trying to hypnotize you.

So by continuing on and with perseverance and honesty, by the time we are over to the end of three months time, we shall see that the “0’s” have largely disappeared and that now there are a nice little array of “X’s”, showing that although these various vicissitudes of our character have come to us, we have developed a very strong resistance or reflex against these things. In fact, through recognizing them and directing the powers of our superconscious intellect inwardly upon them, we have cancelled out the negative vortexes within our psychic bodies which cause us to slip into these various derelictions.

This particular plan was presented to me in the wee small hours the other morning by a host of friends from UN.AR.I.U.S.. I do hope that you people will take this plan sincerely into your hearts and put it into practice. Ruth and I intend to do so. One of the joys in giving courses in these sciences is that not only do the students benefit but the instructor or the purveyor as well. In my case, I am the channel. I do not claim to be any better than any of the rest of you and I am being quite honest. It is only in the development of an unlimited concept and knowing of these Infinite dimensions of interpretations which we call Celestial or Spiritual planes, just as they were seen by Swedenborg and by others who have held these same tenets of concept within themselves. So they too, –stretched the threshold of their mentality out into a place, a dimension or sphere of consciousness which is beyond the realm of ordinary transition. These things can be done by anyone who takes the right attitude, the perseverance and the stick-to-itiveness which is necessary.

We cannot put these truths into the small vessels of our own mind; instead, we must realize that the mind is only the streambed wherein this Infinite energy and Intelligence can course through, just as the blood flows through the veins in our bodies. We do not want to become victims of Spiritual arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

So, friends, for the closing words here, it is the sincere purpose of those who are working with you from these great Centers of UN.AR.I.U.S. which have been described to you, to be faithful to you as long as you wish them to work with these things, to realize them, to impound them as virtues within the structures of your own psychic intellects. These will be the things which will carry you onward and upward to the Starry Pathway into the skies.

Now for those who intend to try to keep the chart, it will mean very much to you, for these great Intellects have made some very wonderful promises regarding this method of self-correction. It takes much courage but you will be well compensated. We are sure it will work out.

Excerpt from The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation

See Part I here.