Unariun Wisdom

Polarity, Pulse, And Pollution

by George Van Tassel

In biomagnetics and working with electrostatics (both answering to the same polarity laws), it is easy to see that molecules of fluids can be polarized to form “liquid crystals”. Once liquids become polarized, in their liquid state, they are also subject to radiations of the surrounding matrix of other elements. This is why rubbing a glass containing a drink can change its flavor, or taste. Putting a magnet in the drink does the same thing by the same polarity laws.

Polarity is the plus and minus of all unbalance, whether it be in stable or unstable elements, or in any energy matter reaction. This is why underground atomic tests may withhold the gamma destructive rays, but can create resonance in like elements. All of the mineral elements have a “water content” percentage.

When the water content of any mineral becomes polarized it can accelerate the decay cycle. Silica, which is the biggest percentage of the matrix of the earth’s crust, is especially susceptible to rapid decay because of its dialectric composition. Thus it becomes a static accumulator in its molecules. Silica, which is the largest composition of dams be they mortar, or dirt fill, can loose its binding ability and decay rapidly if the electromagnetic pulse happens to reach a resonance with it. The molecules in the water behind the dams can be polarized by fallout radiations. The polarized liquid crystals of water can eat the dam down by decay acceleration. Steel, in bridges and skyscrapers, can weaken and collapse by the same radiation resonance with iron, in the spectrum.

The valence electrons are always found in the outermost orbits of the atom. They are bound less securely than the other particles. Professor Sidney Barnes of Rochester, in speaking of the sodium atom, estimated that it takes one thousand electron volts to remove one of the K, or inner orbit electrons from its orbit. Thirty-five electron volts are sufficient to move one of the electrons from the L, or middle orbit, and only five electron volts to remove the valence electron on in the M, or outer orbit. Dunning and Paxton tells us that it requires 5,250,000 electron volts to remove one of the particles from the nucleus of an uranium atom. It takes about a million million electrons to equal the value of an ampere.

In 1894, Professor Dolbear of Tufts University explained the law in the following way: “Each change in matter is brought about by the action of energy upon it.”

The energy needed to shift the valence electrons in a chemical action is electromagnetic. The formula is:

hv – W plus hv

The total energy needed is hv. h is Planck’s constant (6.55 x 1019). The part v‘ is the frequency of h. The part W is used up in moving the valence electrons along. The part hv‘ is required to overcome the inertia of the valence electrons. Since the particles are in electrical balance in the new compound, the hv‘ energy is gradually radiated from the new compound.

This proves that atomic radiations from bombs and reactors will change the molecular strength of both shielding and structure materials. The electromagnetic pulse in harmonics, or resonance, beyond those in nature on the planet will, by radiation, even change the reactions of the Sun.

Reactors are slow bombs that natural deterioration will accelerate due to their radioactive cores. Natural laws did not create Sun principles on the planet. Only the destructive minds of men in science did that. Every semi-critical mass is going to explode at sometime in the future as the laws of nature through decay and time react.

The elements of hydrogen and oxygen, in their liquid state can become “heavy” with polarity changes in their molecular structure. Moisture in the air accelerates the change. Radiations from bomb tests have changed the polarity of the molecules in hydro-carbons so they no longer repel from the earth by a small antigravity effect, therefore hanging in valleys and low places as part of heavier than air gasses.

Regardless of how far away a bomb of any atomic type is, when it is detonated, it creates ionization polarization measurable anywhere in the world within several seconds.

Resonance of a violin note breaking a glass, using the air as a conductor, is only a small scale example of what resonance can do in the electrostatic magnetic reactions of elements using the earth’s crust as the conductor.

You would have no pulse, or heart beat, if it were not for the electrical spirit in the body. By the same token blood is para-magnetic and will respond to acupuncture only if the polarity of the point at which the needle is inserted is right.

As cells pass on their electric charge to other cells, pulsing of the blood is kept alive electrically. Cells break down electrically in their polarity pulse when they assimilate radiation in resonance with the charge of their molecules creating an electrical null, or discharge, and anemia results. This is why microwaves, radar, or other radiations are dangerous to the living structure the cells compose.

Chemicals, being composed of molecules of the elements can create beneficial effects in some people and detrimental effects in others. Then we say the person is allergic to them. Actually what happens is the polarity is opposite in the reaction due to the resonance.

Heart rejection in heart transplants is electrical because the donor’s heart is not in harmony with the transplant’s body resonance.

Radiation is a must for life, but it must be the right radiation not a discordant one. Too much of anything is bad and too much radiation is extra bad.

When the biochemical liquid creatures, that are alive today, realize that the electromagnetic atomic molecular polarity resonance of the radiations, and balance of the spirit, is what makes one live, then we must eliminate all forms of radiation energy that is detrimental and accumulative.

How Atomic Testing Affects Atmosphere

Atomic scientists, and a few government officials, know that after every atmospheric test, there is a temperature drop on the surface and an increase in temperature above the atmosphere. This temperature drop travels from West to East with the normal flow of the air. The test coming in the winter months made the normal cold months super cold.

When atomic bomb tests were conducted above ground in Nevada, years ago, we would get a 20 to 30 degree temperature drop 250 miles south of the test site by the next day.

What happens, is the blast blows a huge chunk of the air into space creating a rise in temperature above the atmosphere, then the 40 to 50 degree below zero upper air around the hole rushes down to fill the hole creating super cold below the normal seasonal temperature on the surface.

Professor Yoshio Sato of Tokai University, Dean of the Faculty of Space and Aeronautical Science, one of the pioneers in pulsatory motion of terrestrial magnetism, charted the results of atomic tests on upper atmosphere, earthquake, and circumpolar motion. We are reprinting Professor Sato’s graphs through the courtesy of associate Iwao P. Hino of Kameoka, Kyoto-fu, Japan.

Since the Periodic Properties of the Elements have been charted relative to their difference in electro-negativity, percent of ionic character, electrical conductance, specific heat, atomic volume, heat of vaporization, ionic radius, heat of fusion, thermal conductance, atomic radius, crystal structure, covalant radius, acid base properties, mass, charge, mean life, and decay modes, it is possible to control the energy effects on weather and earthquakes through atomic explosions. Thus weather and earthquakes become weapons of war by focus triangulation. The earthquake harmonics can be transmitted through the crust of the earth similar to the signal transmission now used for communication with submarines.

These violations of natural law could create a bounce similar to laser that could chain react in resonance, and could cause a polar tilt, explode the atmosphere, or split the planet.

This is what atomic scientists are working on; bigger and better ways of destruction. It is expected by 1980 that 35 nations will have atomic potentials. Any nation can explode any other nation’s bombs that activate by radio control, intentionally or by accident.

Excerpt from Proceedings (Newsletter) Vol. 11 Jan-Feb-Mar – 1977 Number 4