Unariun Wisdom

Hidden Messages In Water

By Masaru Emoto

Learning about water is like an exploration to discover how the cosmos works, and the crystals revealed through water are like the portal into another dimension. As we continued with our experiments in taking photographs of crystals, we found that we were setting out to climb the stairs toward an understanding of the profound truths of the cosmos.

We start out life being 99 percent water, as fetuses. When we are born, we are 90 percent water, and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 70 percent. If we die of old age, we will probably be about 50 percent water. In other words, throughout our lives we exist mostly as water.

I first published my photographs in 1999, six long years after I started out on this unusual venture. During those first six years, a mountain of photographs had accumulated and was just sitting there in my office.

To prepare the photographs for publication, I tried to put them in some sort of order, and as I did so I started to realize that there was a story unfolding before my eyes. I began to realize that there was a grand and marvelous story that each individual crystal was trying to tell me.

I particularly remember this one photograph. It was the most beautiful and delicate crystal that I had so far seen—formed by being exposed to the words “love and gratitude.” It was as if the water had rejoiced and celebrated by creating a flower in bloom. It was so beautiful that I can say that it actually changed my life from that moment on.

Water had taught me the delicacy of the human soul, and the impact that “love and gratitude” can have on the world.

Water is the mirror of the soul. It has many faces, formed by aligning itself with the consciousness of human beings. What gives water its ability to reflect what is in people’s souls? In order to answer that question, I would first like to make sure that you understand this fact: Existence is vibration.

The entire universe is in a state of vibration, and each thing generates its own frequency, which is unique. My years of research into water have taught me that this is the fundamental principle of the universe.

It can be said in just three words, but for people who have never heard of these three words, it can be very difficult to understand.

You might think, Existence is vibration? Even the table? This chair? My body? How can everything that can be seen and touched be vibration? It is indeed difficult to believe that things that you can pick up with your hands and examine—things like wood, rocks, and concrete—are all vibrating.

But now the science of quantum mechanics generally acknowledges that substance is nothing more than vibration. When we separate something into its smallest parts, we always enter a strange world where all that exists are particles and waves.

Let’s imagine that you could reduce your body to microscopic size, and that you set off on an exploration to discover the secrets of this universe called you. You would soon see that each thing consists of nothing more than atoms, each atom being a nucleus with electrons rotating around it. The number and shape of these electrons and their orbits give each substance a particular set of vibrational frequencies. You would discover that whatever the substance, nothing is solid. Instead there is only a nucleus surrounded by an endlessly rotating wave.

Everything is eternally moving and vibrating—on and off, at an incredible speed. Our eyes can see objects, but they can’t see vibration.Human beings are also vibrating, and each individual vibrates at a unique frequency. Each one of us has the sensory skills necessary to feel the vibrations of others.

All things vibrate, and they vibrate at their own frequencies. When you understand this, you will significantly broaden your understanding of the universe. With this understanding, your eyes will open to things you have never seen before—things previously pushed to the back of your consciousness—and these discoveries and feelings will give new life to your soul.

The fact that everything is in a state of vibration also means that everything is creating sound.

This doesn’t mean that we can hear every sound, although there are some people who apparently hear the voices of trees and who can communicate with plants. Whether we can hear the sound or not, we can say that the unique frequency of all objects can be interpreted as sound.

The natural world is indeed well designed—everything is in balance. And as sound is created, there is a master listener to receive the sound: water.

Let me ask you to think about why crystal formation would be affected by music, and why completely different results would be reached depending on the spoken and written words water was exposed to. The answer is found, again, in the fact that everything is vibration. Water—so sensitive to the unique frequencies being emitted by the world—essentially and efficiently mirrors the outside world.

Music and spoken words are vibration, they are easily understood and interpreted by just about anyone. But how can we interpret the phenomena of crystal formation being affected by words written on paper and shown to water? The written words themselves actually emit a unique vibration that the water is capable of sensing. Water faithfully mirrors all the vibrations created in the world, and changes these vibrations into a form that can be seen with the human eye.

When water freezes, the particles of water link together to form the crystal nucleus, and when the nucleus grows in a stable way into a hexagonal shape, a visible water crystal appears, but when information in conflict with nature is present, an incomplete crystal will be formed.

It is likely that only vibrations of love and gratitude appear in nature, and observation of nature shows this to be true. The trees and plants show respect for each other by the way they live in harmony. This also applies to the animal kingdom. Even lions only kill when hungry, and never at random. The plants in the shadows of the trees do not complain, and the animals do not try to take more food than they require.

In an article in the March-April 1989 issue of the American scientific journal 21st Century Science and Technology, Warren J. Hamerman wrote that the organic matter that forms human beings generates a frequency that can be represented by sound at approximately forty-two octaves above middle C (the note near the center of the piano keyboard). The modern standard for middle C is approximately 262 Hz, so this means that the sound reaches roughly 570 trillion times a second, a number that exceeds the imagination and indicates incredible and wonderful hidden potential.

It is difficult to conceive forty-two octaves, but just realize that the frequency of the human being is immensely diverse and unparalleled. The human being holds a universe within, filled with overlapping frequencies, and the result is a symphony of cosmic proportions.

The universe consists of an uncountable number of things ranging from the lowest to the highers frequency. It might help to imagine keys aligned in order on a piano keyboard, starting from the lowest sound. If you press down on the white keys, you will hit do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti. When you move up the keyboard one octave, from one do to the next, the frequency doubles. In other words, the doubling of frequencies divided into seven parts is do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti. Therefore, the repeating of these seven sounds expresses all sound from the lowest to the highest.

But what enlightenment can be obtained by seeing frequency as sound?

The most important revelation is that of resonance. Sounds of the same frequency resonate. This can be understood by making use of a tuning fork, a Y-shaped instrument used to tune the pitch of an instrument or voice.

When a tuning fork is hit with a rubber hammer, creating a la sound sound, and a singer responds with a la, the tuning fork and the voice create a single frequency sound wave. This is called resonance. When one side creates a frequency and the other responds with the same sound, they resonate. It’s said that likes attract, and so it would appear that vibrations attract and interact with each other.

We see this in human relationships: people who generate similar frequencies are attracted to each other, resulting in friendship. Certain people remain uninterested in each other, no matter how physically close they may be. However, if someone you don’t like approaches you and you react, this also means that you are resonating in some way with that person.

When frequencies are fundamentally incompatible, they cannot resonate. We cannot accept what is fundamentally different from us.

However, an interesting fact is that resonance can result even when frequencies are not identical. This happens, for instance, when the frequency is doubled. Playing the la key on the piano at 440 Hz and the la key an octave lower at 220 Hz creates quite a pleasant resonating sound, and responding to a tuning fork with a sound one octave lower also creates nice resonance.

When the frequency difference is twofold, fourfold, eightfold, and so on—or one-half, one-quarter, and so on—the result is resonance. The principle of this relationship extends to infinity. No matter how distant the frequencies, resonance will result if one of the two numbers is a multiple of the other. We can also say that for every sound on each level there is a resonating sound on every other level.

Most of the objects found in nature emit stable frequencies. Each sparrow sounds basically the same (though the sparrows themselves might recognize slight differences), and the sounds made by dogs or cats do not have a great deal of variation. By contrast, the human being is able to make full use of the do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti scale to create beautiful melodies. Wouldn’t you agree that is indeed a marvelous ability?

We can speak with all that exists in the universe. We can give out energy and also receive energy in return. However, this ability is a two-edged sword. When people act out only on their own greed, they emit an energy that serves to destroy the harmony within nature.

The defiling of our earth is the result of an unrelenting hunger for convenience and the fulfillment of greed, initiated by the industrial revolution. This has led to lifestyles of mass consumption that seriously threaten the global environment. This is why it is so essential that we change our way of thinking, so we can live in harmony with nature and not go on destroying the earth. What vibration we give to the earth and what kind of planet we create depends on each of us as individuals.

If you fill your heart with love and gratitude, you will find yourself surrounded by so much that you can love and that you can feel grateful for, and you can even get closer to enjoying the life of health and happiness that you seek. But what will happen if you emit signals of hate, dissatisfaction, and sadness? Then you will probably find yourself in a situation that make you hateful, dissatisfied, and sad.

Excerpt from The Hidden Messages In Water