Unariun Wisdom

Extraterrestrials Walk Among Us

By Michael E. Salla

As the scientific community continues to speculate about whether intelligent extraterrestrial life exists on exoplanets being discovered throughout our vast galaxy, military insiders have come forward to reveal that national governments are hiding a stunning truth. Extraterrestrials who look just like us not only exist throughout the galaxy, but tens of thousands of them have infiltrated communities all over the planet as neighbors, co-workers, teachers, doctors, humanitarians, etc.

Valiant Thor and his companions Dunn and Jill.

One example is my anonymous source JP who has met with human looking extraterrestrials that are part of secret agreements reached with the U.S. Air Force (USAF). He says that he has met with them in remote areas of Tampa and Orlando, Florida, where they have worn USAF uniforms, and communicated with him.

JP is a civilian and has never served with the U.S. military or been a worker in any classified government/corporate facility. He has no professional background that supports his claims, which is perhaps why he is being allowed to take photos of these craft and disseminate them. JP knows a covert operative from MacDill Air Force Base who has befriended him, and who has been revealing details of various special forces operations involving the flying triangles out of MacDill. Further, JP says that he has also been abducted by the flying triangles on various occasions and taken to places where he has encountered human looking extraterrestrials. It appears that a group of extraterrestrials, which are cooperating with Special Operations Command, are allowing JP to photograph their vehicles near MacDill. What this suggests is that Nordic extraterrestrials are actively working with Special Operations Command to disclose the existence of antigravity flying triangles and also the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Such a scenario is bolstered by a leaked 1989 Defense Intelligence Agency document which discusses how Nordic extraterrestrials are friendly, and can be relied on as opposed to other extraterrestrial groups.

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The briefing document refers to four groups of extraterrestrial visitors which are listed in order of importance to our planet, and cites whether they are friendly or not:

“There are four basic types of EBEs so far confirmed. And they are listed here in descending order of their influences on our planet:

1. Earth-like humanoids. There are several variations more-or-less like ourselves. The majority of these are friendly and are the bulk of our EBE contacts. Most have a high degree of psychic ability and all use science and engineering of an advanced nature.

2. Small humanoids or “Grays”. The Grays, so-called for the hue of their skin possessed by most of this type, are a sort of drone. They are not unlike the worker ants or bees…. They are mostly under the psychic control of the Earth-like humanoids who raise them like pets (or a kind of slave). Assuming the Grays are under benign control, they are harmless.

3. Non-humaoid EBEs. These are in several classes and come from worlds where dominant morphology took a different evolutionary course. Many of these are dangerous not for organized hostile intentions, but because such creatures do not hold human life as sacred…. Thus far, contact has been minimal with only a handful of unfortunate encounters.

4. Transmorphic Entities. Of all the forms of EBE studied so far by Operation Majestic, these are the most difficult to understand or even to give a description of. Essentially, such entities are not “beings” or “creatures” … exist in some either dimension or plane which is to say not in our space or time. They do not use devices or travel in space…. In essence these entities are composed of pure mind energies. … They are said (by other EBEs) to be capable of taking on any physical form that they “channel” their energy … as matter.”

As the above description suggests, most extraterrestrial interactions are depicted as friendly, particularly those involving the human looking entities. They have engaged in a number of non-hostile interactions with humanity that date back to Nikola Teslas’ pioneering radio and energy broadcasts in the late 1800’s. The briefing document continues:

“In 1899, the Yugoslavic electrical scientist, Nikola Tesla, most noted for his introduction of alternating current to electrical power transmission and a laboratory device named after him (the Tesla coil) embarked on a number of researches that have made this the ‘saucer’ century. Tesla had long proposed that it was possible to directly broadcast pure electrical energies at a distance without loss of power and without wires. By 1899, and with … government and private scientific backing, Tesla had chosen a site near Colorado Springs, Colorado to conduct a massive and never repeated experiment…. Tesla’s purpose to gather the Earth’s own magnetic field and to use the Earth as a huge transmitter to send signals to outer space in an attempt to contact whoever might be living there. Tesla had no idea that the specific type of power he had generated was coursing through space and caused great havoc many light years away.”

Without realizing it, Tesla’s use of the Earth’s magnetic field to direct radio transmissions into space had created a disruptive energy weapon – essentially the world’s first Directed Energy Weapon, but at a planetary scale! The effect of doing this was analogous to the development of Warp Drive in the fictional Star Trek series, and humanity was now on the Galactic radar for the first time.”

The briefing document describes what happened as a result of Tesla’s experiments:

“The extraterrestrial intelligences (EI’s) attempted to respond to his transmissions in a form of binary code that they routinely use for long range communications (evidently these energies act instantly at a distance and are not limited to the speed of light) and asked that he cease sending. Of course, Tesla had no way of understanding the message he received back from space. The anger of local residents at the side-effects of his research forced him to shut down the Colorado Springs experiments in the same year he began them.”

Significantly, the briefing document is acknowledging that communications were instantaneous, and that the speed of light is not an absolute limit, at least for the kind of communications used by the aliens.

Critically, it was Tesla’s experiments, according to the briefing document, which ushered in the flying saucer age due to the powerful effect of his energy transmissions which had used the Earth’s magnetic field:

“This, then, was the actual start of the so-called “flying saucer age” in our times. As it became clear that our people were on the verge of an explosion of technical progress, the EI’s decided on a long term program of carefully calculated and seemingly random contact with the eventual goal of raising our awareness of our place in the galactic community. With the advent of the Atomic Age, this program was escalated to include eventual diplomatic contact with many of Earth’s governments. The same approach of staging apparent “accidental” contact was chosen for its low psychological impact on the human race. This was the situation in the case of the United States of America (re: Roswell and Aztec, New Mexico files, this briefing).”

In addition to this and the photographic evidence provided by JP that human looking extraterrestrials are on Earth as part of secret agreements with the U.S. military, there is also testimonial evidence from highly credible sources that are available.

Undoubtedly, the most significant comes from the former President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, who says that he was given a top secret file about human extraterrestrials that live among us, and an international organization that monitors the off world visitors:

“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.”

Robert Dean, who reached the rank of Command Sergeant Major with the U.S. Army, says that in 1964, while stationed at the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), he read a Cosmic Top Secret Assessment that described human looking extraterrestrials living among us:

“There was a human group that looked so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the generals crazy because they determined that these people, and they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them…. These people looked so much like us they could sit next to you on a plane or in a restaurant and you’d never know the difference. And being military and being primarily paranoid, that bothered the generals and the admirals a little bit. That the fact that these intelligent entities could be involved with us, walking up and down the corridors of SHAPE, walking down the corridors of the Pentagon. My God, it even dawned on a couple of them that these guys could even be in the White House! Of course, as I said, being paranoid in those years it really shook things up a little bit.”

Earlier, in the 1950’s, famed contactees such as George Adamksi, Howard Menger, and Daniel Fry say that they encountered human looking extraterrestrials who sought their assistance in infiltrating human society. While the general public and UFO researchers widely ridiculed such claims at the time, many have also stated that such a process has been underway for decades involving tens of thousands of off world visitors.

While scientists speculate and argue over the possibility of extraterrestrial life existing on exoplanets discovered in distant regions of the galaxy, it is stunning to think that all this time many thousands of human looking extraterrestrials have been interacting with us on Earth for decades, and infiltrated societies all over our planet.