Unariun Wisdom

Electricity For Health

by Carole Punt

Unable to sleep on a hot, muggy summer night, I switched on the television. A movie, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, had started. Professor Waldman was a medical scholar that had been censured for his rebellious ways—he had diverged from accepted academic research. Played by John Cleese, his face loomed on the screen as he explained to Victor Frankenstein, a medical student, played by Kenneth Branagh: “For thousands of years the Chinese have based their medical science on the belief that the human body is a chemical engine run by energy streams.” He went on to explain how they insert: “… needles like these into the flesh at various key points to manipulate these electric streams.” The enraptured Frankenstein marveled, “I see, so electricity is the key.”

For centuries, the Chinese have known about and worked with the body’s electrical nature from an intuitive basis. What, I wondered, has modern science discovered about the flow of electricity in the body? What evidence is there for an invisible river of electrons that provides life and health?

The Electrical and Electromagnetic Nature of the Body

What drives life is a little electrical current, kept up by the sunshine. All the complexities of intermediary metabolism are but the lacework around this basic fact. ~ Albert Szent-Gyorgi

Despite the fact it is a fight for scientists to gain recognition and acceptance for their work in proving the electrical nature of the body, numerous patents have been filed, papers published, books written, and web pages developed to explain the subject. The research of the following scientists stood out for me. Each breaks new ground in better understanding how our bodies work to keep us alive and well.

Jacques Benveniste, M.D., a French scientist states: “Life depends on signals exchanged among molecules.” These signals travel at speeds beyond our comprehension. As Benveniste points out, established medicine is based on the theory that molecules communicate only when a ‘key’ molecule finds the right ‘keyhole’ molecule. A key must be put in the right keyhole in the same way we unlock a door. Finding the right keyhole allows the molecule to pass along information or, in other words, create a chemical reaction. He had been a scientist for many years before he realized the absurdity of this theory for it suggested a random and cumbersome process that would be far too slow to account for the lightning speed of reactions in the body. Benveniste’s research instead based itself on the fact that molecules vibrate—a fact known for decades. These vibrations are the tools of the trade—the communication system by which biological functions are controlled. The vibrations are electromagnetic frequencies that send signals. Water is one medium in the body through which high-speed transmission of messages between molecules is possible. “We can now understand,” says Benveniste, “how millions of biological molecules can communicate at the speed of light.” Identifying the specific electromagnetic frequency for different molecules allows modern science to diagnose and heal using those electromagnetic frequencies. A discovery that, to this day, is largely ignored by established medicine.

Electromagnetic frequencies generate electrical currents and electric currents produce electromagnetic fields. As a result, the terms ‘electricity,’ ‘electrical current’ and ‘electromagnetic’ are often used interchangeably.

Another leading scientist, Robert O. Becker, M.D., broke new ground with his research in healing using electricity. He started by proving the electrical nature of the nervous system and the brain. In The Body Electric, he states: “Our work on nerves and the brain was leading toward a whole new concept of life whose implications only gradually became apparent.” Then came his discovery that bone healing and growth were set in motion by a tiny charge of electricity. Becker found electricity best described all life functions. Electricity is commonly conducted with the use of crystal structures. Crystal structures are a key to understanding the electrical nature of cells. Becker explained, “The electron microscope has shown us crystal-like structures of previously unsuspected complexity in all living cells, …” In addition, he described another system hidden within the biological structures of the body for electrical transmission. The sheaths surrounding the nerves themselves are not merely insulation as described in established biology. They function as wires to conduct electricity that reaches “… into each area of the body to create a normal electrical environment around each cell, or a stimulatory one when healing growth is needed.” Becker had cleared the way for the “Body Electric” as a new paradigm in medicine when he stated, “those embarrassing little oddities that the chemical-mechanistic theory could not explain are beginning to be understood …”

Modern medicine is still largely ignoring the research of Benveniste, Becker and other pioneers that have helped us to better understand how the human body functions and, more importantly, how to better help it heal. Franz Morrell, M.D., a German researcher, inventor and author, also proposed an electromagnetic system to explain how the body can transmit large amounts of information extremely fast. How much information? Morrell states: “In a single cell the amount of information being transmitted per second is so great that it would take a hundred years to read if it were printed.”

Science & Vie, a French magazine reported more evidence for the electrical river in our bodies. Translated the article states: “White cells (leukocytes) kill bacteria and pathogenic fungus by electrocuting them.” White blood cells are a key immune system component. This discovery gained further attention when a letter, sent by the research team, was published in Nature, a UK science journal.

The next researcher that stood out reminded me of what I was taught in high school science—that the exchange of sodium and potassium across the cell membrane creates a pump that is an essential function to sustain life. A physicist in Greece, Panos Pappas, Ph.D. reminds us what we are not taught. Pappas explains that the pump hypothesis is not complete as it does not explain how the amount of sodium differs from the amount of potassium being exchanged. What, then, is the missing ingredient? The missing ingredient is electricity! The rapids get rougher here as mainstream science does not accept transmutation—one element being changed or transmuted into another. Both a French and a Japanese scientist, Louis Kervran and George Ohsawa, proved that sodium can be transmuted into potassium with the addition of oxygen and … electrical energy.

When describing the transmutation process, tracking how the body uses electricity, and how the body works to maintain a balance between sodium, potassium and other chemical reactions in the body, Pappas exclaimed, “This makes understandable the wisdom of positioning the adrenal glands on the top of the kidneys.” It isn’t necessary to understand the details of the reactions to appreciate the realization that this was the best design for our human bodies.

Let’s pause to review why electricity is a key to how the body functions. Communication within is instantaneous. Electromagnetic signals are the only way to account for the astounding speed and number of transactions our body must conduct simultaneously. Our bodies are composed of the elements that readily conduct electricity: water, crystal structures and nerves. Research is proving that our immune system depends on electricity to zap pathogens. And, electricity explains how the body balances chemical reactions such as the crucial exchange between sodium and potassium.

Daniel L. Kirsch, Ph.D. and Fred N. Lerner, Ph.D., sum up for us: “Atoms are bonded electrically. Further in our rudimentary training we learned that there are voltage potentials across the membrane of all cells. They do not, however, speculate on the staggering significance of these facts.” Researchers with open minds who are willing to go beyond established thinking and theories are getting closer to understanding the grand design for how we function in the river of life.

Many scientists, who are on the frontier, theorize and have demonstrated that we are an information system and it’s not entirely localized in our body, that we are accessing information from the field all the time. ~ Lynne McTaggart

Fields of information are control systems over and above the molecular level or biochemical level. They are systems that organize the body. ~ Rupert Sheldrake

Our bodies, I discovered, have an early-warning system for disease. Energy medicine recognizes that information is constantly exchanged between our physical bodies and a field of energy that surrounds us. This field of varying vibrations, structures and organizes the physical body. I now understand that chemical deficiencies, be they vitamins, minerals or hormones, show up at a later stage. The body’s first signal that all is not well is vibrational or electromagnetic. This seemingly invisible vibrational field can, however, be detected and seen.

Energy fields of colored light emanating from the physical body were first made visible by a Russian couple, Semyon and Valentina Kirlian, in 1939. While repairing hospital equipment Semyon noticed electromagnetic vibrations caught imprints of human energy on film. Working with his wife, Kirlian further developed the technique to capture the energy fields. The technique became known as Kirlian Photography. In 1996, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, another Russian researcher who had met Semyon Kirlian in his later years, developed a more advanced system—a camera with computer software—to visually present this energy or, “informational field” as he calls it, for diagnostic purposes.

In addition, Dr. Korotkov used his system to measure the energy fields of champion athletes, individuals involved in creative pursuits, and those with a spiritual calling. He discovered they displayed a more highly balanced energy field than usual. He concluded, “So this electrical process is not only health, it is not only well being, it is creativity, it is attitude to the world.”

Wolfgang Ludwig, a contemporary researcher in Germany, compares the energy field of the body to the seemingly solid physical body: “We have one billion more electronic particles than mass particles. Our body consists of a lot of biophotons and electromagnetic signals but only a very, very small part of material particles.”

The disease process starts when damaging frequencies or vibrations are stored in cells. These damaging waves may build up unnoticed for years as chemical changes do not appear until later. Bacteria, viruses and other pathogens take hold and the disease process gradually becomes visible. It took me many years to recognize that my unhealthy lifestyle—poor diet and lack of exercise, emotional and mental stress, and exposure to environmental pollutants—were aging my body faster than necessary. I now realize this lifestyle was creating damaging frequencies that can be detected long before physical symptoms erupt.

Jimmy Scott, Ph.D., founder of a system called Health Kinesiology, helps define Energy Medicine. “We use energy in our English language in a lot of different ways. … The energy I am talking about … the best word for it is bioenergetic … the flow and function of energy within us and between us and the environment.” He continues, “I see the bioenergy in the body as being the blueprint for the physical body.”

In addition to use as an early warning system, Jimmy Scott points out that therapies can also be applied at the subtle energy level for profound effects physically, emotionally and mentally. He explains, “We can deal with phobias usually in a few minutes. But the academics are not interested in that … they won’t even look at the new techniques because they don’t understand what energy is all about.”

In Energy Medicine, Donna Eden describes how she works with seemingly empty space to help relieve suffering. She has worked on individuals with phantom limb pain after an appendage has been cut off. This pain is very real despite the fact a physical leg, arm or finger is missing. A war veteran whose foot and leg had been shot off was experiencing such excruciating pain in the missing limb he was losing his will to live. Eden started working on the space where his foot had been—massaging the subtle energy field that still existed. His pain gradually disappeared.

Drugs are often the treatment of choice when disease is diagnosed. W. Langreder, another German researcher cautioned us, “They [drugs] act in the body by suppressing damaging waves from a sick organ …” Langreder further warned, “A chain of complaints follows which neither the patient nor the doctor connects with the earlier allopathic [drug] therapy—the seemingly quick healing …” In other words, ‘damaging waves’ are created by the body’s electrical response to stresses. These damaging waves are stored and build up until a physical symptom or illness erupts. If a drug suppresses these damaging waves rather than release them by stimulating the body to heal itself, we start a chain reaction that eventually leads to more severe symptoms and illness.

Langreder also reminds us that the damaging waves “move first to the jawbones which steer them on to the teeth.” Tooth decay is an early warning signal of disease.

To restore health, the flow of energy in and out of the body in the form of electromagnetic waves, vibrations, or oscillations—the electrical processes—must be reestablished. This is not usually an instant process. Time and patience are necessary to coach the body back to electromagnetic equilibrium for health. There are several therapies that work to balance the energy body that in turn allows for mental, emotional and physical or chemical balance. Some of the better-known therapies are: acupressure, acupuncture, applied kinesiology, aromatherapy, chiropractic, color therapy, homeopathy, lymphology, massage, sound therapy, nutritional products and plant essences brimming with photons. Several state-of-the-art computerized devices are now available that both detect damaging waves on an energy level and apply appropriate energetic treatments to help restore balance.

Energy medicine recognizes an early-warning system for disease. If imbalances in the vibrations of our energy field are corrected soon enough, we can restore health rather than experience disease.

Excerpt from Electricity For Health