Unariun Wisdom

Eight Reasons Why Suicide Is Not The Answer

by Tish Brown

Can’t Kill The Soul

You can’t kill the soul…you will continue to live on in the afterlife. There is no death. Our souls are eternal living energy systems and as you know energy cannot be created or destroyed. The lessons that you refused to complete will come back to haunt you again in another life until you can overcome and accomplish that life’s teaching.

Warp And Woof

Since we go on life after life in our spiritual evolution, our souls are formed from the warp and woof of these many lifetimes both spiritual and physical. Suicide would be something akin to taking a dagger and stabbing a hole in the warp and woof of our psychic anatomy. Something that will have to be fixed. Since we have an eternity to fix it why not just NOT do it. Don’t make holes in our spiritual anatomies to begin with. They will only cause more trouble down the road as we move forward in our evolution.

Left Behind A Grade

After suicide, on the other side, a soul becomes essentially human wreckage. Committing suicide goes against the very nature of existence. It would be akin to something like throwing a molotov cocktail in the middle of a school classroom (earth’s classroom of life). An analogy would be like a shooter in a school shooting, why would you want to do this to yourself? Of course, once dead from self-destruction, it may take thousands of years to heal the damage, that is if you are lucky enough to be rescued by the special spirits who have dedicated themselves to take upon this difficult task. Once in the healing energy rays of these inner worlds, it will take time to heal. As this healing process goes on, in the meantime, your soul group continues its evolution. This is something like being left behind a grade. Not only do you have catching up to do, but once you make it back, you are now in the midst of a classroom of people who you have not associated with before and known through-out your spiritual evolution like your normal soul group.

Karma Requires The Lesson

No matter how tough the circumstances may be that you want to escape, know that this is your karma. This is either something you put in the lesson plan yourself or it is something that you must undergo as a karmic debt. Trying to escape only postpones the lesson and doesn’t accomplish what it is you originally intended before you incarnated.

“Those who commit suicide may not return to this “veil of tears” for perhaps two thousand years simply because certain psychic structures within the psychic body have been destroyed. The supporting elements of that person’s entire being and his individuality were destroyed by the act against himself. When they do come back into the earth plane, because they do not have these structures they find themselves disoriented. They wander; they are people who have no objectivism, libido or the drive. It takes them two or three more of these cycles (lives) before they catch up, to reconstruct their psychic selves so that it inflects and impinges into their consciousness and gives them a directive, dynamic force which is so necessary for everyday life.” ~ Ernest L. Norman – ICCC

Cycles Of Good And Bad

There will be cycles in your life where there will be ups and downs. It is no different then the seasons or like the ocean waves that break upon the ocean’s shore. There is day and night and sleep and wake and all matters of cycles in between that govern our daily lives. In the troughs, just be aware that this is just another place and time where things may be so hurtful as to seem almost impossible to get through but during those times remember the wonderful times of happiness that will again come like the sunrise that breaks the day to dissolve away the mists of darkness. Many people who have failed at suicide go on to realize wonderful productive lives where they complete the lessons in life they were suppose to, where they in retrospect can now look back and contemplate upon how they could have ever thought of doing such a thing.

Future Possibilities Lost

Contemplating suicide, a person may forget the details of what their dreams have been all their life. They may forget their family and friends who have worked so hard to help them. They may forget the goals they have always wanted to accomplish. Simply writing down these goals may be enough for them to realize they have a purpose in life that still is there to be achieved, and even though they may be in the midst of a negative cycle, they may remember that they have so much more to offer to the world and how even the smallest humblest service to others can make a big difference.

Damage To The Psychic Body

As bits of God matter ourselves, we have come up through an eternity to get where we are today, this finely tuned machine we call our physical body which in turn is supported by our psychic anatomy. This cannot be destroyed but however can be damaged. Why would anyone want to damage something that took eons to prefect and develop through evolution? This magnificent miracle we call the human body which so many millions of people all across the globe struggle to maintain and keep healthy and viable; to destroy that purposefully is not only foolish but disastrous to the spiritual self which is the culmination of eons of evolution.

Regretted Upon Completion

Spirits usually regret immediately their actions upon completion. Nothing can be worse then having to take a time-out (thousands of years) to heal a self termination in a spiritual world. The ordinary day to day and the not so ordinary earth life experience may be difficult but within everyone there is a God part of themselves where they can find the strength to overcome and be proud of it. As Jesus said, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” We create these lessons for ourselves, we need to solve them and in the overcoming triumph on to a better and more productive way of life where we fill find happiness in knowing that we succeeded in not only helping ourselves but in being there for others.

For more on this please see Suicides In The Afterlife