Unariun Wisdom

Curing Cancer The Rife Way Using Frequency

by Thomas F. Valone, Ph.D.

In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to study terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital that would be treated with mitogenic impulse-wave technology, developed by Royal Raymond Rife. After four months the Medical Research Committee reported that all 16 of the formerly-terminal patients appeared cured.

This information was concealed for decades by the AMA as pharmaceutical economics collaborated by the Flexner Report literally cut funding for universities involved in alternative “medical” or health subjects. The Flexner Report restricts our pharmaceutically-based doctors to a knowledge base conveniently limited to drugs designed to create dependency while electrotherapy alternatives that strengthen the immune system are available without the chemical “side affects” that presently plague modern medicine.

Rife’s high voltage gas tube device was designed, with the aid of his unique microscope, by experimentally witnessing the effects on microbes and bacteria, finding what he believed were the particular frequencies that resonated with their destruction.  In 1938, Rife made his most public announcement. In a two-part article written by Newall Jones of the San Diego Evening Tribune (May 6 & 11), Rife said, ‘We do not wish at this time to claim that we have “cured” cancer, or any other disease, for that matter. But we can say that these waves, or this ray, as the frequencies might be called, have been shown to possess the power of devitalizing disease organisms, of “killing” them, when tuned to an exact wave length, or frequency, for each organism. This applies to the organisms both in their free state and, with certain exceptions, when they are in living tissues.’

He had the backing in his day – this was in the 1930’s – of such eminent people as Kendall, a professor of pathology at Northwestern University and Millbank Johnson, M.D., who was on his board, along with many other medical men, when he began to treat people with this new ‘ray emitter.’

Rife came under the glassy eye of Morris Fishbein of the AMA and things began to happen very quickly. Rife was put on trial for having invented a ‘phony’ medical cure. The trial lasted a long time. In 1953, Rife published his cancer report in book form, History of the Development of a Successful Treatment for Cancer and Other Virus, Bacteria and Fungi.

A turning point occurred in 1958, when the State of California Public Health Department conducted a hearing which ordered the testing of Rife’s Frequency Instrument. The Palo Alto Detection Lab, the Kalbfeld Lab, the UCLA Medical Lab, and the San Diego Testing Lab all participated in the evaluation procedure. “All reported that it was safe to use. Nevertheless, the AMA Board, under Dr. Malcolm Merrill, the Director of Public Health, declared it unsafe and banned it from the market.”

In 1954, John F. Crane, owner of the Rife technology, contacted the National Cancer Institute (NCI) concerning the Rife therapeutic instruments. Barry Lynes writes, The Committee on Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy of the National Research Council ‘evaluated’ the Rife discovery. They concluded it couldn’t work. No effort was made to contact Rife, Gruner, Couche, or others who had witnessed actual cures (Couche was still curing cancer patients at that time.)

Electronic healing was thus bureaucratically determined to be impossible. In 1972, NCI Director Dr. Carl G. Baker used the superficial 1954 evaluation to dismiss Rife’s work when asked for information by Congressman Bob Wilson of San Diego.

In 1961, after a trial with an AMA doctor as the foreman of the jury, John F. Crane, the new owner of the Rife Virus Microscope Institute, spent three years in jail, ostensibly for using the Frequency Instrument on people, though no specific criminal intent had been proven. In 1965, he attempted to obtain approval from the California Board of Public Health for use of the Frequency Instrument. On November 17, 1965, the Department of Public Health replied that Crane had not shown that the device was safe or ‘effective in use.’

From 1968 to 1983, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler treated approximately 10,000 patients with the Rife Frequency Instrument, at her University of Southern California clinic, with an 80% success rate. In 1972, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler published Cancer: A New Breakthrough in which she “condemned the National Cancer Institute for its misuse of money [$500 million in 13 years], the corrupt handling of public health responsibilities, and its use of people [100,000 cancer patients] as guinea pigs for a ‘surgery-radiation-chemotherapy’ program dictated by special interests.” Her last book on The Conquest of Cancer was published in 1984 in which she celebrates the European acceptance of the Rife discoveries but complains about the situation in the U.S.

All of these distinguished scientists back in 1958 had been carrying on significant research in the biological and immunological treatment of cancer for years. It is still only now that the United States orthodoxy is beginning to catch up. Because of the suppressive actions of the American Cancer Society, the American Medical Association, and the Food and Drug Administration, our people have not had the advantage of the European research.

This work has been ignored because certain powerful individuals backed by large monetary grants can become the dictators of research and suppress all work that does not promote their interests or that may present a threat to their prestige.

Rife died in 1971, mostly of a broken heart. For further details, one of the best historical documentaries of his life, including audio and video clips from Rife himself, is “The Royal Rife Story” on DVD.

Today, Rife machines abound in many varieties so that it is hard to tell which of them follow the original design parameters of Royal R. Rife. An early Rife technique of using ultraviolet-killing frequencies, unique to each microbe (also requiring eye protection during use), is taught in the Bare patent which has preserved this approach.

However, Lynn Kenny, CEO of Beam Ray LLC, bought all of the Rife archive material from John Crane years ago and claims to have followed Rife’s original work. The Beam Ray Light and Sound Generators, both desktop and portable, use computer controlled pulsed infrared (IR) gas tubes. These EM terahertz signals have been proven to penetrate the entire body with little attenuation even twenty feet away.

Such Rife technology, currently undergoing FDA approval, affects a wide range of conditions involving pain relief and pain management.

Above excerpt from Electromagnetic Healing: A Rationale For Its Use

Rife Source Material For Further Research:

History Of The Development Of A Successful Treatment For Cancer And Other Virus, Bacteria And Fungi by Royal Raymond Rife

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A Study Of Healing And Regeneration Through Polarity by John Crane

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The Rife Way by Mark A. Simpson

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Rife Manual (over 750 pages)

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CAFL Manual of Rife Frequencies

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Murder By Injection – On The Establishment Of The Medical Monopoly (AMA)

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