Unariun Wisdom

Cancer Alternative Therapies

by Ralph R. Hovnanian

“Every man his own doctor.” – 1830’s US slogan

“There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, & which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation without investigation.” – Herbert Spencer

“The mind of the bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more light you pour upon it, the more it will contract.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

“Beware of prejudice; light is good in whatsoever lamp it is burning; a rose is beautiful in whatever garden it may bloom.” – Abdul Baha

The most frequent criticism of Alternative, Unorthodox, “Unproven”, Therapies of Cancer is that they are based on anecdotal evidence, rather than double blind controlled clinical trials, with statistical confidence. This treatise [see link below] is intended to calm that criticism, by harvesting from the literature sundry & such statistics, & standardizing them into an assimilatable “Table I Matrix” herein.


The Author / Publisher / Printer is not responsible for damages or other liabilities. He cannot guarantee accuracy of data herein, nor its safety, effectiveness, etc. Nothing herein is intended to offend anyone or group, or to imply/infer breaking any laws or agency fiats (including “practicing medicine without a license”, “cancer laws”. “advertising”, “labeling”, etc.


Condensed for convenience in the “Table/Matrix” herein, are over 20 categories & over 300 experiments (or clinical trials) of Alternative (Unorthodox, “Unproven”) Cancer Therapies. The overwhelming majority of these Alternative Therapies are MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE, LESS HARMFUL (in “side effects”), & shown herein to be equal to, or usually MORE EFFECTIVE than, the Orthodox (“Proven”) Therapies (of Surgery, Radiation, & Chemotherapy).

Most of these experiments in Alternatives appear relatively valid, yet with room for further verification. The Researchers are on the whole highly qualified. It might be of interest to some, that 90-99% of these Alternatives are ILLEGAL in treating cancer, even by (AMA union) licensed physicians, (except by FDA permission, a virtual impossibility).

For perspective in appraising these Alternatives, a “Cancer Quotations Collage” of over 600 concise excerpts from a panorama of sources is juxtaposed.

The abundance of valid experiments showing the effectivity of Alternative Therapies of Cancer has surprised even this Author. Most of over 20 categories of Alternatives proved their potential, with some excellent experiments in each category.

Since cancer is reversible, though with difficulty, then logically, the elimination of any initiator or promoter of cancer, becomes, however slightly, a therapy of cancer. Also, experimentally, the % of synthetic chemicals that cause cancer, is roughly equal to the % of plants that, however slightly, treat cancer. One might wonder whether there are as many therapies, however slight, of cancer, as there are causes!

Although many of these therapies might only have a weak effect, combinations of them might be potent treatments of cancer. Synergistic combinations (where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts) have been shown effective as Alternative Therapy of Cancer. If one of a patient’s responses against cancer is not already saturated, & if the several treatments stimulating that response are not antagonistic (canceling each other), then combination of the treatments has synergistic promise.

The odds that an individual researcher will be capable of surmounting the most intricate complexities, both natural & societal, is guaranteeing lack of progress in the spread of Alternative Therapies. Researchers, few in number, individualistic, as well as in political affiliation, are shy of amalgamation into politically viable pressure groups. The overwhelming forces of various origin impeding implementation of Alternative Therapies are illustrated in the ” . . . Quotations . . . ” & referenced throughout, herein. Aroused members of the lay public & legislatures have joined in, legalizing one Alternative, Laetrile, in 24 states. They have yet to close ranks with environmentalists, small farmers, hunger fighters, consumerists, & other reformers in: mass media, judiciary, multi-lateral disarmament, sexism, minorities, etc. While there are many legal & Constitutional avenues to explore further, events have readily convinced some that the most lasting & effective measure would be an explicit Constitutional Amendment for “Medical Freedom of Choice”.

Excerpt from Medical Dark Ages – Circa 1984 or Cancer Alternative Therapies’ Cure Rates

Medical Dark Ages – Circa 1984 or Cancer Alternative Therapies’ Cure Rates is a book that is a well documented file on various cancer treatments and their effects. It also covers many instances of the suppression of these alternative therapies. This book is an indictment of medical and business monopolies who are constantly manipulating us. There are no wild claims. Everything listed has its reference given. – Review by Journal Of Borderland Research Vol XLII Jan Feb 1986.

Please see full manual (294 pages) here.

More Quotes:

Dr. Dean Burk, co-founder of the National Institute:

“The more people making a living off cancer, the more impossible it is to get rid of it.” — “If enough money can be made on it, they can design research to prove that daylight doesn’t exist.” — “Only lies, superstition, prejudice and ignorance have prevented a cure for cancer.”

Google Burk’s name and title and get the facts of what one great American has done for the world.

Dr. Herbert Ley, Commissioner of the FDA, San Francisco Chronicle, 1/2/70:

“The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s doing are as different as night and day.” (FDA = Food & Drug Administration)

Henry David Thoreau:

“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”

Socrates, (470-399 BC):

“The cure of many diseases remains unknown to the physicians of Hellos (Greece) because they do not study the whole person.”

Celsus, (1st century AD):

“After excision, even when a scar has formed, nonetheless the disease has returned, and caused death; while … the majority of patients, although no violent measures are applied in the attempt to remove the tumor, but only mild applications in order to sooth it, attain a ripe old age in spite of it.”

Paracelsus, (1493-1541 AD):

“It should be forbidden and severely punished to remove cancer by cutting, burning, and other fiendish tortures. It is from nature that the disease comes, and from nature comes the cure, not from physicians.”

Moliere, (1622-1672):

“Nearly all men die of their medicines, not of their diseases.”

Benjamin Franklin, (1706-1790):

“He’s the best physician that knows the worthlessness of most medicines.” — “God heals and the Doctor takes the fee.”

Thomas Edison (1847-1931):

“The doctor of the future will prescribe no drugs but will interest his patients in the care and nutrition of the human frame and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Act of Parliament, 1512 AD. Appendix 2, chapter 2. p.2:

“To protect herbalists from persecution by the Company of Physicians and Surgeons. Company of Surgeons in London, minding their own gain, and doing nothing for the profit or ease of the diseased, have sued, troubled and vexed honest persons (herbalist) … Said persons have not taken anything for their pains and skill … Surgeons have small cunning, yet take great sums of money and do little for it.”

Dr. Benjamin Rush:

“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship … To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic … and have no place in a republic … The Constitution of this Republic should make special provisions for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.”

Dr. Benjamin Rush:

“This large and expensive stock of drugs will be unnecessary. By … doses of … medicines … multiplying … combining them properly, 20 to 30 articles, aided by the common resources of the lancet, a garden, a kitchen, fresh air, cool water, exercise, will be sufficient to cure all the diseases that are at present under the power of medicine.”

Donald Law, A Guide to Alternative Medicine:

“Samuel Thomson (1769-1843, herbalist) so upset New Hampshire doctors that they persuaded the state legislature to pass a law specifically naming him, not for practicing medicine ‘illegally’ (the usual charge with which to charge non-allopathic practitioners) but to prevent him (from) healing people without charging them.”

Clarence Darrow, (1857-1938):

“The efforts of the medical profession in the US to control: … its … job it proposes to monopolize. It has been carrying on a vigorous campaign all over the country against new methods and schools of healing because it wants the business … I have watched this medical profession for a long time and it bears watching.”

Harry S. Truman:

“A conspiracy, not a profession … Every doctor will allow a colleague to decimate a whole countryside sooner than violate the bond of professional etiquette by giving him away.” (NO DIFFERENT THAN ANY SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP)

Harry S. Truman:

“(The AMA is) just another mean trust.” (AMA = America Medical Association).

Dwight D. Eisenhower:

” … The right of the individual to elect freely the manner of his care in illness must be preserved.”

Jimmy Carter:

“(Doctors) collectively have done more to block adequate medical care for people of this country than any other single group.”

Ronald Reagan:

“I’ve heard drug experts say they believe if penicillin were discovered today, the FDA wouldn’t license it.”

“But the doctors in the past, as the review of the evidence showed, branded Jenner, Semmelweis, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., Pasteur, Lister, Koch and Keen as charlatans … this question (on a novel cancer cure) is too important to leave purely to doctors …”

US Senator Paul Douglas, Congressional Record, 1963:

“It’s a terrible thing that we cannot really trust the FDA or NCI (National Cancer Institute). We need, therefore, an independent scientific investigation.”

Senator Long from various Senate hearings:

“If the FDA would spend a little less time and effort on small manufacturers of vitamins … and a little more on the large manufacturers of … dangerous drugs … the public would be better served.”

Linus Pauling:

“Everybody should know that the ‘war on cancer’ is largely a fraud, and that the NCI and the ACS are derelict in their duties to the American people who support them.”

” … The truly fraudulent claims must be discarded. But novel methods of therapy should not be rejected because they are novel, or because they run counter to some generally accepted belief (‘which may just be biased’), or because we do not understand the mechanism of the proposed treatment, or because it has come from an unconventional source.”

Linus Pauling 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances and winner of the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize.

D. Ian Thierman, Yale U. Grad:

” … Terminally ill cancer patients … 100 … who took 10 grams of Vitamin C daily lived four times longer (from date of diagnosis as ‘untreatable’, than controls) … Dr. (Linus) Pauling submitted these findings in a scientific paper to Journal of the AMA, and New England Journal of Medicine, and both have refused to publish this illustrious Nobel Laureate’s work.” (International Association of Cancer Victims and Friends, Jan. 1979).

US Congressman Larry McDonald, MD:

“Anyone may logically wonder why this information has not been put into proper investigative format and presented toward various medical bodies. The answer is simple. With the powerful alliance of the media, the federal agencies and orthodox medical groups, anyone attempting to present such … would be destroyed with orchestrated cries of ‘Quackery.’ There is ample evidence to document this beyond question.”

Senator George McGovern. 1978 Subcommittee hearings on Nutrition:

“This total failure to address the diet/cancer relationship is most disturbing to … those … informed.”

Senator Bob Dole, 1978 Subcommittee hearings on Nutrition:

“Even though the nutrition research budget has increased 21 fold in the last four years, it still remains less than 1% of total NCI budget, even though one half of all cancers are diet related … Does the peer review simply turn into a ‘buddy’ system for awarding grants?”

US Congressman Benjamin Rosenthal:

“Eminent nutritionists have traded their independence for the food industry’s favors.”

Dr. Vincent DeVita, Jr., Director NCI:

“Why is there frequent criticism that the cancer research system is unreceptive to unorthodoxy? Because its true. Not cancer research, all research systems. It’s a very important issue … The entire system … tends to exclude people from the fringe who have ideas that are radical departures, and we ought to pay a lot more attention to them … I try.”

NCI Deputy Director, Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention; and of Diet, Nutrition and Cancer Program:

“The problem with ‘prevention’ is that it does not produce revenues. No health plan reimburses a physician or a hospital for preventing a disease.”

Peter Chowka, “The Failure of Specialty Medicine”, Journal of the Nutritional Academy:

“During three different strikes by MD’s (in) the mid-1970’s (in Israel, Columbia, and California), death rates fell between 18% and 50%.”

AMA President, Dr. Charles Heyd:

“The potentialities for harm far outweigh those for good.”

Editorial Dept., Journal of American Dental Association. L.P. Anthony, DDS, Editor, Oct. 1, 1944:

“Don’t drink fluoridated water … Fluoride is a corrosive poison which will produce harm on a long term basis.”

US Congressman, Dr. A.L. Miller, Chairman, Special Committee on Chemicals in Foods, Fluoridation of Water, Extension of Remarks., Congressional Record, 1952:

“I sometimes wonder if (a major aluminum company) might not have a deep interest in getting rid of the waste products from the manufacture of aluminum, because these products contain a large amount of fluoride. In this connection it is interesting to know that (a bureaucrat), who now heads up the Federal Security Administration (precursor to the US Public Health Service), and the firm of attorneys he was with … represents (that aluminum company).”

John Yiamouyiannis:

“(As of 1983) Belgium, West Germany, and Sweden have abandoned their pilot fluoridation experiments on human populations, and are not fluoridating any public water supplies. Sweden, Denmark, and Holland have banned it completely. Many other countries, such as France, Italy, and Norway have never fluoridated their drinking water. Only about 2% of the population of Europe is living in a fluoridated area.”

Within weeks after Dr. Yiamouyiannis next spoke out against fluoridation, he was put on probation, was told he would never receive a raise again, and was advised to find another job. Dr. Yiamouyiannis was ultimately forced to resign.

Judge Ronald Niemann, Circuit Court, Ill. Decree, Illinois Pure Water and Ruby Hale vs. Director of Public Health and Director of EPA, State of Illinois., Health Action, Feb, 1982:

“(Fluoridation) is unconstitutional … (and) … an unreasonable exercise of police power.”