Unariun Wisdom

Artwork And Philosophy Of Columba Krebs

Above Painting Titled Proof Of Immortality by Columba Krebs

Annabell Krebs Culverwell (1902-1998) was a famous esoteric artist throughout her life, as well as one of the lesser known contactees in the 1950s and 1960s. She took the name Columba when signing her paintings and writings, probably related to the constellation Columba, which is the focal point of several Egyptian pyramids. Her paintings were named after the subjects they portrayed. “The Tree of Character, The Magnet of Art Patronage,” “Our Conscious, Sub-Conscious and Super-Consciousness,” “Mental Magnifying Glasses,” “The Boomerang Law,” “Our Various Bodies,” “The Four Planes of Vibration.” She also authored The Moon Is Inhabited (1961),Visiting Spacemen (1961), and Man, God, Myth (collection of her artwork). Columba was tapped to do the artistic illustrations and paintings for the first edition of The Voice Of Venus by Ernest L. Norman (see illustrations below). To honor her legacy, the following philosophical excerpts and artwork are presented from her (very hard to find now) newsletters called The Clarion Call (from the 1960s).

Genuine Spirituality

We know that life-forms evolve according to how well they can adjust to their environments. The spiritual planes interpenetrate the material, although our present make-up of eyes cannot see them any more than we can see the brilliant colors in dull stones until under ultra-violet lighting. Nor can we see the ray that automatically opens doors, etc. Matter is simply grosser condensation of spirit, in which the vibratory rate is lowered through the atoms revolving more slowly. There are still many more invisible mysteries that science may eventually discover for useful service.

Man’s ideas about “God” have evolved according to the growth of his own limited comprehension of the spiritual realms. The Supreme Power of the Universe is much more marvelous than man can yet conceive of! Man is also under the dominion of the immutable laws of Super-nature. When his spiritual and intellectual powers develop, he discovers how to adjust to and benefit from them.

Spiritual maturity is attained when we stand on our own feet by stressing ethics in practice, emulating those more highly advanced souls who more clearly reflect the attributes of Divinity. We can only make more direct contact with the Higher Powers when we have developed the capacity to “tune in” on such frequencies. Analytical logic is man’s most precious possession, as the blossoming of latent talents spring therefrom. Evolution is dynamic unfoldment, not a static crystallization.

What Humanity needs most to save it from a lot more trouble and accelerate its progress to the ultimate high goal is more of the LIGHT OF REASON, and less HEAT OF PASSION! Our higher faculties can be compared to the “engineer” guiding the “locomotive” of our lives, and the emotions to the “steam” in the boiler. The struggle of life is for the engineer to gain full control over his engine. The endurance of true freedom is based on our capacity to know how to use it rightly. The deeper the “staves” (of right will-power and dependability), the wider the “canvas” (of opportunities and responsibilities) can be made, without the risk of the “tent” being blown away.

Just as radio waves are bounced back to earth from the higher atmospheric layers, so our desires and fears are relayed and returned (in time) to be realized in some form. Success in anything depends upon visualizing our objective and then working towards it with unshakeable confidence. ~ Columba Krebs

A Sample of Past Incarnations

Death is but the door into what we have built up in the higher dimensions while here on earth, just as the next incarnation will be what we will prepare while there, between death and rebirth. The time will come when we can so renew our bodies through spiritualization that we can travel between these planes without death’s intervention. Just as our past incarnations leave some traces in the character and abilities we are born with, so how we live here will show up in future incarnations to influence our destinies.

In Chicago, in 1933, I met a very old librarian in a Metaphysical Library. She offered to go into a deep trance so her spirit guide, Ariel, could read and relay my Akashic Records, where everything that has ever happened, either inwardly or outwardly, is imprinted on the fifth dimensional layer around the earth like various designs appearing on frosted window panes.

Following is short summary, in the order given, beginning with the incarnation just previous to this one: I had been a poor peasant girl in Albania who became the mistress of the local Princeling and was held a virtual prisoner in his castle fortress. Before that I was a soldier in the medieval religious wars, who was shot by former comrades when I deserted to the enemy. In France I was the boss of tapestry weavers; a priestess in the Druid cult of ancient England; the wife of a courtier scribe in ancient Rome, calling my two sons my “Jewels”. A witch of the ancient Mayans in South America (whose deathbed repentance was visited by a materializing Master, reassuring me of forgiveness); a vestal virgin of Isis (goddess of love) in ancient Crete, breaking my vows to elope; a dancing girl in a Maharajah’s court of ancient India, becoming his favorite, next to his wife (with whom I had a lovely friendship which the bards sang about) and for whom the Taj Mahal was built; the commander of an army of Amazons, defeated in an attack on Alexandria, Africa; a Hindu artist who painted famous frescoes in a cave of India; a venerable astronomer in a Mystery School of the Pyramid in ancient Egypt; S. Paul’s traveling companion (Damis?) or he himself (Ariel wouldn’t tell which), who converted many after surviving a snake bite on an island; a man who escaped from the submergence of Atlantis in a boat, rescuing survivors. Ariel did not go back beyond the time I was in the King of Atlantis Court, where my brilliant intellect attracted the Prince, who made me his Queen.

According to this “biography”, I had quite a varied career, both in masculine and feminine bodies, which alternate as our character needs to develop the positive or receptive qualities. Ariel refused to relay anything about my “lives” in the intervals between death and rebirth, but they must have been something, judging by his tone of awe.

Each incarnation is like a “class” in a planetary “school”, teaching us difficult “lessons” we must learn before we can be “promoted” onto a higher grade on a more evolved scale, maybe on another planet or solar system, etc., and so on up (if we don’t backslide) to our Heavenly Home in the Godhead. ~ Columba Krebs

Flights Of Fancy

Life began in the seas, which gradually uncovered parts of the land as they retreated into deeper basins caused by the earth’s shrinkage when cooling. After the waves had beat the rocky crust into sand and land, the various forms of life, led by vegetation, evolved into air-breathing organisms. This transfer was aided by the atmosphere being heavy with mist.

History shows that animals decrease as humans increase in number. Why? Was it because those ensouling the animals in prehistoric times have evolved into human bodies to give them a chance to graduate into the next higher grades of the angelic realms by overcoming the animal propensities? The search for truth may take us into many strange by-paths of conjecture, but we’ll never find out without searching.

Relativity of time can be better understood by imaginary comparisons with our own time-consciousness (if you care to stretch your imagination). Our solar system may be just a huge atom in some gigantic body or material in another solar system of unimaginable immensity, and so on, and ad infinitum! Going from the infinite down to the infinitesimal, from a mental telescope to a mental microscope, each atom may be just a miniature solar system – even with inhabitants on the electron-planets orbiting around the proton-sun! Their sense of time would be so much faster than ours, that their whole lifetime could be lived during one of our inhalations!

On the other hand, our lifetime would be encompassed in one inhalation of the giant’s body, of which our solar system is just one atom! Is this what is meant by, “A thousand years is as a day, and one day is as a thousand years to God?” Higher dimensions are the birthplaces of everything in the lower three dimensions.

Every evil thought and emotion brings hell closer, with its punishment to purge us. Whereas, every good thought and emotion brings Heaven closer, with its deserved rewards. Heaven and hell (with purgatory in between) are states of mind while we are still in our physical bodies. These states are not affected when we “shuffle off this mortal coil!” ~ Columba Krebs

Descend Thou in Light, 0 White Flame of Cosmic Power, To ignite our minds. Flood our hearts with a shower From Thy seas of Love. Through our virtues may It tower To burn out evil And bring our souls to full flower! ~ Columba Krebs

The Voice of Venus Illustrations/Paintings by Columba Krebs