Unariun Wisdom

World Of Tomorrow

by George Adamski

…A public lecture addressed by GEORGE ADAMSKI at the Detroit Institute of Arts on September 20, 1955. Published from a tape recording by:

“Interplanetary Relations”
14315 Haggerty Road
Belleville, Michigan

GEORGE ADAMSKI: I thought I would take up the question tonight in reference to what we might expect in years to come and why we are in the condition in which we find ourselves today. Very few people realize just what has been taking place. We have been moving so fast, in so many ways, that we overlook many things and cannot quite place ourselves at the moment as to why all these things are taking place as they do, including “Flying Saucers” among many other things.

In the first place, we have prophecies that we have overlooked…Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, the Bible, and many others, and I might say right here that those prophecies are actually coming true, if we look at them in the right way. For example, it states in our own Bible that in the latter days (as we might call it at the moment) that when these things will be happening…like “signs in the sky and war and rumors of war”…we will have come to an end of a cycle, or as some people call it, a “dispensation”. These things are taking place right at the very moment. At the same time, there is a statement made also that the yellow races everywhere will be rising and demanding the rights that the white man has enjoyed all these ages. We have such trouble today in Asia.

So there’s your fulfillment, right there to really know why the disturbed conditions in this world. We are moving, moving slowly, sometimes a little fast, other times slowing up, but we are moving forward. Go back to the time of 1945 (or even before 1945) since the war ended; our own government, as well as every government in the world, is not the same government as it was. If you look back even two years, you will find a tremendous change has taken place.

We find, if we look back, that science especially is moving faster than any time in the history of our civilization. At one time, science was actually ignored. Many great men and minds have died by the wayside with ideas that could have put us forth probably one hundred years farther than that we are. But they were ignored. A scientist may conceive ideas, but he may not have the means to back them up. The people didn’t back them up,-they didn’t even think the ideas worthwhile,-they were afraid to move forward even if they saw the idea. As a result, we have not moved too fast.

But since the war (a more or less scientific type of war, where scientific instruments were used) the governments all over the world have backed science up. In the last ten years they have moved further than they have moved in the last hundred years…and they are moving so fast that if we continue as we do today, no one can say just what this nation or this whole world will be like, say by 1970. There are many things coming forth.

Just in New York, I was talking at the offices of the National Broadcasting Company. We were talking about the many things that are transpiring today. We find that even right now they are already developing instruments in surgery where the knife (in operating) is no longer going to be used in the manner it has been…but “high frequency”. Things like that are taking place.

The president of Lear Company of Los Angeles, made a statement not so long ago that one of these days, and probably long before we actually will have a space ship of our own going into outer space, that we will go into a booth, something like a phone booth, with baggage and all, and ask for the prices to New York from Los Angeles. They will tell you the price, you will deposit the money (like you do in the telephone box) and someone, somewhere, will push a button…and less than a split second you will be in New York. This sounds impossible, but nevertheless those are possibilities that we are facing today. They are coming gradually for man has only scratched the surface of electronics…and as he goes along, he will discover many other things.

You ladies, one of these days, will not have to be buying brooms. Your houses will probably be wired with magnetic lines of positive force around your floor, where your dust would be attracted. Since all particles are negative, the positive line would attract them like today a magnet attracts dusts of iron.

All those things are coming forth. It’s only a matter of time, and I would say by 1960, if things go right, and we do not have a global war of an atomic nature, which would have a tendency or actual potential of destroying this civilization, that we should go forward. We should go to such a civilization as has never been known on this earth before,-a lot further than many others you have probably read about…Atlantis, Lemuria, and other civilizations that have advanced far. I should say that we will advance a lot further, if we ourselves today can trust science. When I say “science”, I don’t mean all men are scientists because they are working in a scientific factory. I mean major science, science that works in the laboratory, that actually works with nature, not independent of nature.

Look to nature for discoveries, for we must admit that nature has given man nearly everything he has today. Even Edison, many times, when he got puzzled in the laboratory, would give up the whole idea and go up in the park some place and smoke a pipe. While he was free of the thought he was working on, suddenly an idea would be impressed upon his mind…and he would go to his laboratory and finish his job.

Man must look to nature. He is a by-product of nature (we can say it that way)…she is his mother and can give him any answer he wants, providing he goes to her in the right way and actually listens to what he is supposed to be listening to, instead of his own mind rattling, sometimes wild, not finding any answers to his problems.

We will find that probably by 1970 we will also have automobiles as we have today…but they will not have any wheels. They will not run on gasoline as ours do today. Take Los Angeles,-it is in a terrible state; New York is coming along the same way, and many other cities. The more cars we have, the more exhaust we will have, and much of that fuel is not burned…smog is created which is not good for human beings anywhere. This has become quite a problem, and especially in Los Angeles, as you have probably read. It is not very pleasant.

So these new things must come forth if this civilization is going to survive in a good healthy state. We will have to adopt other means by which we can propel ourselves from place to place. That next step will be to harness the very power that you have been reading that the Flying Saucers or Spacecraft use. These people (from other planets) do not use fuel like we use…and they are moving through space. We will have this power harnessed and probably much earlier than we realize. We will have automobiles and everything else propelled by this power. This power is tremendous,-far greater than you realize…and it is inexhaustible.

This world has been in existence for ages and ages, millions upon millions of years. Yet, there were other bodies, other worlds in existence prior to this world, and they keep going. By what power? When we stop to think for a moment, we begin to realize that some great power is really propelling these bodies through space.

For instance, our own world is moving at the rate of 162 miles per second on the orbit side of the sun, while it moves nearly 19 miles per second on the 24-hour basis. We find that it makes nearly 600 million miles per year,-and we do not know anything about it. (We don’t even know it has moved an inch). Our earth is 25,000 miles around. That’s quite a large sized body to be moved through space at that speed. Then we find Jupiter out there, actually eleven times bigger than our own world. In fact, if it was cut up into our own size, it would make eleven of our worlds. Then, we find many other bodies that are far larger than that, and are all moving just like toys through space. We never give much thought to this. Yet, there they are…no one is pushing them, no “jet-engines” on them, no “wings”…but there they are floating through space.

We have a tendency in this world to think that nothing is really happening because we don’t feel any movement. The ancients thought there was a prop holding this earth up someplace…or strings holding it from above. Yet, all you have to do is to look out into space. Other planets are moving across the heavens as well and there is nothing holding them up. They are actually floating in a sea of power. That power can be harnessed…has been harnessed…by those of other planets. Why cannot it be harnessed by our own scientists? They will harness it; they are already working along that line.

In fact, if you go back to about 1928, you find Lindbergh and many others were involved in the particular plan of a young man by the name of Hendershaw who was working on a certain generator. The generator was being devised under the supervision of the military. This man (Hendershaw) himself was knocked so badly by this power that he spent some time at the Bellevue Hospital.

So it is not really a mystery entirely. The mystery is how to develop to a stage where we can run the whole world with it…to run anything that requires power.

We are puzzled by many things. We are puzzled how the Saucers “fly”. Yet, if we look at the situation correctly, we must admit that we ourselves as a world are nothing but a space ship moving at that rate of speed. None of us know of this movement.

These people have harnessed that power; utilize the same law by which they operate their space ships which are “man-made planets”, and they are puzzling to us because we have failed to look at our own (planet), from which we could learn just what is taking place.

We are also coming to the stage in development (and this may be disastrous to certain groups), when we will be dealing with this force in such a manner that no human being will have to suffer from disease. That time is not too far off, either. For instance, medical science has advanced a long way, done wonders in many things. Yet, with all their advancement today, we find there are many new diseases coming up with which they cannot cope.

Now, we find a great disturbance in the world of the human mind. Well, a human being is a byproduct of nature (let us put it that way). Nature, the Mother Earth, has given him a body. That body is only transformed earth into flesh and blood and bones. It goes back there. You might as well face it. Well, naturally, if the Mother Earth, Herself, gets a little shaky, let us say, you are going to be feeling it yourself. You’re related to it in that manner. Well, the Mother Earth is shaky, you might say, at this time.

Just how far she’s going to go with it is anybody’s guess. No one really knows. But we do know that there’s something going on in this world and we do know that this year we had quite a number of bad conditions produced by nature. Millions of dollars lost, disasters caused by hurricanes; hot weather in California (in places) where it was not known before.

A lot of people have a tendency to blame this on the atom bomb. Let me say to you the atom bomb might have had a little to do with it, but it didn’t do all that. It couldn’t. It’s impossible for it to bring such a disturbance as that. Because you might say the lightning formed is equivalent to that and is not disturbing conditions. But what is really happening, might be said, is this: most of you have read that prior to the war, Admiral Byrd went to Little America. When he came back, he told us there was nothing but ice and snow,-solid, everywhere. Yet, after the war had ended, he went to Little America again and came back with a different kind of story. What was that? He said that the ice and snow was thawing, melting very fast and that rivers and lakes were forming, and even vegetation was beginning to show here and there. We must admit again that to bring conditions like that about in that part of the world, some change had to take place to produce that climatic condition which did not exist there before.

You see, since the earth itself is moving on the side, what they call shifting off its axis, then you and I and everyone is going to be disturbed, whether we know what is disturbing us or not. Unless we know what is taking place, we’ll be guessing at many things and often blaming many things for our uneasy feelings. We are, you might say, a sensitive instrument that is able to register and speak what we feel.

How far all this will go, no one can tell you. However, the scientists that are good are on the job, watching with the instruments they have, carefully checking to see what is really happening. So far, no danger is showing, but at the same time, the climatic conditions like we have had this summer could easily have been brought about by a slight shift of the earth that could produce a current to cause such storms as we have been having. It has done that before. We have a cold condition in one section and suddenly it begins to get warm…it is going to produce a terrific storm or vortex or whirlwinds that will travel any distance.

Now we also have the space ships that are coming. Why are they coming? They are not going to conquer you and me or impose any religion upon us or any kind of ideas upon us. They will share their knowledge with us if we care to have it, but they are not going to force it. Their main observation is, really, the same shift of our own earth. It’s not only our own earth but the whole system that is going through a change which is a cycle that is coming to an end and another will take its place. From there on, she’ll ride on even keel again.

We don’t know what it is going to bring us, as I stated before, but we have had such conditions in times gone. Biblical history has recorded some of them. Some of them we have no record of, because history was not written that early and if it was the civilization that wrote it went down and the history with it. The library of Alexandria could have had probably much of that history but it was burned by fanatics. So we can only go back on the history of our biblical nature and see that things have taken place like this on earth at one time, like Noah’s flood, for instance. That was a natural catastrophe.

Yet, we are also in a position to bring in human catastrophe upon ourselves. We are not careful, not patient enough to wait and let things work out by themselves as they will. We can through impatience bring a conflict of atomic warfare that would finally annihilate us all. But, by keeping your minds open…you don’t have to swallow everything that anybody tells you. You’d be foolish if you did. But you have got a mind of your own, all you have to do is use it. When you use it, you’ll get an understanding of yourself. In that way, you can govern yourself very well and you can be ready for what might come. Any great advancement…you will fit right into it; any changes…you will fit into them. That’s the only way you can. These are the only people that will fit into these times.

Remember, too, that the masses as a whole have always been against the few. Always have been…you can read history. People have always been afraid to change. Yet change is something that is forced by nature herself, as is taking place today. Some are afraid to speak because of loss of job; others because of loss of prestige or friendship; others won’t speak out of fear of total criticism by a humanity which might not understand them. As far as history goes, we find that all of our great men and women of scientific or philosophical nature have been crucified, condemned, and even burned at the stake in earlier days because they were not understood, and only because they saw things to come. Here we have those things they saw at that time! It is only now that science has “freedom”, you might say, to go ahead to better humanity.

When I say “science” I mean true science, on the grounds that a true scientist doesn’t care what your faith may be, what your color may be, what your education is. When he finds something that is beneficial to mankind, he hands it over to the whole world. He is a true scientist. We are in that stage today and unless the faiths of our world wake up to this moment, they also will be just a matter of history.

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