Unariun Wisdom

Venusian Contacts ~ Part VIII

by George Adamski

I had to remind myself that, after all, they too were human beings and, no matter how far advanced beyond us, must still be subject to error and vicissitude… Here again a wondering thought slipped in as I mentally questioned what they had found on the “other planets” they had visited.

The Venusian’s eyes sparkled and a tiny smile flitted across his mouth as he caught my thought. He continued without interruption. “With the sole exception of inhabitants on Earth, we have found the peoples of other worlds to be very friendly. They…have gigantic space cruisers for the pleasure and education of their fellowmen. As we visit their planets and are welcomed, they also visit ours as friends. It is to the Earth alone that these passenger cruisers never approach. Nor will they be permitted to do so until your people have a greater understanding of fellowship as well as of the Universe beyond the limiting confines of your own little planet.

“During flights of this kind, those on the cruise have much leisure time, as well as definite hours devoted to learning. When they land on other planets mutually interesting social gatherings are held. In short,” and he made this very clear, “peoples of other worlds are not strangers to one another, but all are friends and are welcomed wherever they go. We consider planets throughout the Universe as being in one vast sea of life. The far distant planets by the billions which we have not yet visited will be explored when we have further improved our space ships. There are some planets so far out from any in our system that it would take us two or three years to reach them. Whereas, within our system, the distance between planets can be covered within a few hours to a few days.”

Reviewing our concept of distance, I exclaimed, “That is staggering to me! How fast do you travel that you can cover such vast distances in so short a time?”

“Speed to us,” was the reply, “does not mean what it does to you. For once a ship is launched into outer space, the speed of the ship is equal to the activity in space! Instead of being artificially propelled, as are your planes, ours travel on the currents of space.”

I derived some small hope for our eventual progress on Earth when they freely admitted that, in the earliest attempts to conquer space, the inhabitants of Venus and those of other worlds had been faced with exactly the same problems as those that are holding us back today. Once again they stressed that gravity must be overcome as a first principle on the way to space travel…

“…you have been brought here and shown what lies within our smaller craft and this large carrier. You have traveled in each for a short distance only, but far enough to give you much knowledge to pass on to your fellow men on planet Earth. You have seen what outer space is like and that it is indeed constantly active, filled with moving particles from out of which all forms are finally brought into being. There is neither a beginning nor an ending.

“In the vastness of space there are innumerable bodies which you on Earth call planets. These vary in size, as do all forms, but they are very much like your own world and ours, and most of them are peopled and governed by forms like yourselves and like us. While some are just reaching a point where they are capable of supporting such forms as ours, others have not yet reached that stage of development in their growth.

“For you must understand that worlds are but forms, and they too go through the long period of growth which all forms experience, from the smallest to the largest. Each planet moves in co-ordination with a number of other planets around a central Sun, in perfect timing, forming a unit or what you would call a system. In each case, so far as we have learned from our travels, there are twelve planets in a system. Beyond that, twelve such systems are united around a central core comparable to our Sun. These make up what some of your scientists call an ‘island universe’. We have reason to believe that twelve such island universes comprise a vast unit in the Father’s house of many mansions . . . and so on, without end.

“On our planet, and on other planets within our system, the form which you call ‘man’ has grown and advanced intellectually and socially through various stages of development to a point which is inconceivable to the people of your Earth. This development has been accomplished only by adhering to what you would term the laws of Nature. In our worlds it is known as growth through following the laws of the All Supreme Intelligence which governs all time and space. As you have seen, we travel space as easily as you cross a room. The traversing of space is not difficult to those who have mastered the laws within which all bodies live and move—planets and men alike. It is then understood that distance between two such bodies in space, or that between worlds, is no distance at all as you conceive of distance in your world.

“Remember, at one time the distance between the bodies of land on your Earth, which you call continents, was considered great, and much time was required to travel from one to another. Now your aircraft have shortened this distance to a relative fraction of the time required in days past. Yet the distances are the same. And so it will be as you extend your knowledge and learn the laws operating in infinite space.

“Another aspect of which as yet you have no conception is that the body of any human being can be as comfortable on one planet as on another. While there are some differences in atmospheric conditions, depending upon the size and age of the planet, these are little greater than those which you experience on your Earth between sea level and on a mountain several thousand feet high. Certain people are affected by such changes, more than others, but all can become acclimated in time.”

Recalling the popular conception of ponderous headgear plus tubes and gadgets, as depicted all the way from the “comics” to serious theories of supposed experts, I wondered if our world was the lowest in development throughout the Universe. Reading my thought and continuing without interruption, this great teacher said, “No, my son, your world is not the lowest in development in the Universe. Yours is the least developed of those in our own system, but out beyond there are some worlds whose peoples have not yet grown to your standard, either socially or scientifically. Also, there are worlds where development has gone far in the field of science and remained low in the field of personal and social understanding, even though space has been conquered. In our system, the peoples of all planets except your Earth are traveling space freely; some for short distances only, while others achieve great distances that take them to systems beyond our own.

“Your understanding of life and the Universe is very limited. As a result, you have many false concepts about other worlds and the composition of the Universe; and so little knowledge of yourselves! But it also is true that there is a growing desire on the part of many on Earth who seek sincerely for greater understanding. We who have traveled the path you now are treading are willing to help and to give of our knowledge to all who will accept it.

“The first fact your people must realize is that the inhabitants of other worlds are not fundamentally different from Earth men. The purpose of life on other worlds is basically the same as yours. Inherent in all mankind, however deeply buried it may be, is the yearning to rise to something higher. Your school system on Earth is, in a sense, patterned after the universal progress of life. For in your schools you progress from grade to grade and from school to school, toward a higher and fuller education. In the same way, man progresses from planet to planet, and from system to system toward an ever higher understanding and evolvement in universal growth and service.

“You know that there are certain groups in your world who have already made claim for property rights and possession of your Moon for the purpose of using it as a military base. Many Earth scientists are hoping that, in the not too distant future, they will succeed in building space ships like ours for interplanetary travel. It is entirely possible that this will be done. But Earth men will not be allowed to come in numbers or to remain, until they have learned to embrace the all-inclusive life as lived by people of other worlds, rather than the selfish personal life as found on Earth today. And there will be much for you to learn about outer space, for it is on space itself that you will move.

“My son, our main purpose in coming to you at this time is to warn you of the grave danger which threatens men of Earth today. Knowing more than any amongst you can yet realize, we feel it our duty to enlighten you if we can. Your people may accept the knowledge we hope to give them through you and through others, or they can turn deaf ears and destroy themselves. The choice is with the Earth’s inhabitants. We cannot dictate.

“In your first meeting with our Brother here, he indicated to you that the exploding of bombs on Earth was of interest to us. This is why. Even though the power and radiation from the test explosions have not yet gone out beyond your Earth’s sphere of influence, these radiations are endangering the life of men on Earth. A decomposition will set in that, in time, will fill your atmosphere with the deadly elements which your scientists and your military men have confined into what you term ‘bombs’.

“The radiations released from those bombs are now going out only so far, since they are lighter than your own atmosphere and heavier than space itself. If, however, mankind on Earth should release such power against one another in full warfare, a large part of Earth’s population could be annihilated, your soil rendered sterile, your waters poisoned and barren to life for many years to come. It is possible that the body of your planet itself could be mutilated to an extent that would destroy her balance in our galaxy.

“These would be the effects directly concerning your world. For us, traveling through space could be made difficult and dangerous for a long time to come, since the energies released in such multiple explosions would then penetrate through your atmosphere into outer space.”

I wondered whether, and to what extent, if war should actually come to us, they would feel justified in stopping us.

The master answered my mental question by saying, “As you know, with our knowledge of the use and control over energies far more powerful than any our brothers on Earth have as yet learned to use, we could, if we wished, nullify your force with our greater force. But remember what you have been told, we do not kill our fellow man, even in self defense. We are trying, and shall continue to try, to prevent such a war by bringing to Earth men the knowledge of what they would be doing. For no man wages war except in ignorance.”

A light came into his face and his eyes seemed to be looking at some inward vision of beauty as he continued softly, “And no man lives who has never once dreamed of what you call Utopia, or the nearly perfect world. There is nothing which man has ever imagined which is not, somewhere, a reality. And, therefore, nothing that is not possible of achievement. For you too, on Earth, this is possible. For us on the other planets of our galaxy, it is so now. There are those on your Earth who have exclaimed, ‘But how monotonous perfection must be!’ It is not so, my son, for there are degrees of perfection just as there are degrees of all things. In our worlds, we are happy, but we do not stagnate. Just as when one reaches the top of a hill seen from below, a further hill comes into view, so it is always with progress. The valley that lies between must be crossed before the next height can be scaled.

“Understanding of the universal laws both uplifts and restricts. As it is now with us, so it could be on your Earth. Lifted up by your knowledge, this same understanding would make it impossible for you to move in violence against your brothers. You would know that the same conviction, inherent in every individual being, which makes him feel that he has the divine privilege of directing his own life and shaping his own destiny, even though it be by the path of trial and error, applies equally to any group, nation or race of mankind.

“Just as there are many downward paths, leading away from progress, so there are many that lead upward. Though one man may choose one and a second man another, this need not divide them as brothers. Indeed, one may learn much from the other, if he will. For in the vastness of the infinite creation, there is no one way that is the only way.

“On your Earth we have heard many times the phrase ‘the road to happiness’. It is a good phrase, for progress is happiness and lies all along the upward pathway from its beginning. And happiness makes men brothers in tolerance toward another man’s efforts, even though of a different nature from their own.

“There is nothing wrong with your Earth, nor with its people, except that in their lack of understanding they are young children in the universal life of the One Supreme Being. You have been told that in our worlds we live the Creator’s laws, while as yet on Earth you only talk of them. If you would live by the precepts of even what you now know, the peoples of Earth would not go out to slaughter one another. They would work within themselves, their own groups, their own nations, to achieve good and happiness in that section of your world wherein they were born and therefore call ‘home’.

“I think the peoples of Earth would be amazed to find how swiftly a change could come throughout the planet. Now that you have the medium for world-wide broadcasting, messages urging love and tolerance for all, instead of suspicion and censure, would find receptive hearts. For the great part of the Earth’s population is weary of strife and its aftermath of woe. We know that, as never before, they hunger for knowledge of a way of life that will deliver them. We know that there is fear and confusion in their minds because they have seen and felt the results of two great wars that have served only to foster the seeds of another.

“So, with receptive minds and hearts everywhere on your planet, it is not too late. But there is urgency, my son! So go forth with the blessing of the Infinite Father on your mission, and add your voice to those of others who also carry this message of hope.”

“I wonder,” I said slowly, “if you would care to comment a little further on the reason why, even though war on our Earth would endanger the traveling through space of millions who live on other planets, you still feel it wrong to hurt the few in order to benefit the many.”

“We will try to explain,” Orthon answered. “To all of us who have from birth been instilled with a vision of the whole, it is unthinkable to disobey what we know to be the universal laws. These laws are made by no man. They were in the beginning, and will endure throughout eternity. Under these laws each individual, each group of mankind, all intelligent life on each world, must decide its own destiny without interference from another. Counsel, yes. Instruction, yes. But interference to the point of destruction, never.”

His questioning look seemed to ask if he had made the principle clearer.

Firkon, the Martian, spoke for the first time. “You understand the power of thought forms. Apart from our physical missions on Earth, all of us must hold firmly to the belief that the peoples of your Earth will themselves awaken to the disaster toward which they are moving.”

“I see,” I said slowly, as the issue did indeed clarify itself in my mind.

“We know that the power of this thought continually sent out to all our Earth brothers has changed the hearts of many,” Ramu stated.

“We also are aware,” Ilmuth pointed out, “as are you and many other people on your Earth, that your air forces and your governments know that our ships seen in your skies are coming from outer space, and that they can be made and piloted only by intelligent beings from other planets. Men high in the governments of your world have been contacted by us. Some are good men and do not want war. But even the good men on your Earth cannot entirely free themselves from the fear which has been fostered by man himself on your planet throughout the centuries.”

“The same is true of your fliers everywhere on Earth,” Kalna said quietly, “many have seen our ships again and again. But they have been muzzled and warned, and few dare speak out.”

“It is the same with your scientists.” Firkon added. Again I marveled at their knowledge of our world and its peoples. “Then it would seem,” I said, “that the answer lies largely with the ordinary man in the street, multiplied by his millions the world over.”

“They would be your strength,” Firkon quickly agreed, “and if they would speak against war in sufficient numbers everywhere, some leaders in different parts of your world would listen gladly.”

Excerpt from Inside The Space Ships