Unariun Wisdom

Venusian Contacts ~ Part IX


Dana Howard’s contact, Diane (also known as Val-Deena Thor), is a highly evolved Venusian. Dana speaks of her ET friends with high reverence as they relate their wisdom through her in the effort to inform and awaken the earthman.

Unlike the odd looking humanoids and grey aliens of today, the saucer pilots of the contactee era were so human in appearance that it is said they could easily blend in with average Americans, walking down the streets of Anytown, USA totally undetected. They were mostly Caucasian looking, had long, wavy, blond hair with piercing blue or green eyes.

Diane (Val-Deena Thor) On The Meaning of “God”

It was early morning and the golden sands of the desert were breakfasting on the first glow of the sun’s actinic rays. I loved to walk at this hour when all the unseen little people were gay-filled with the spirit of the new-born day. I could see them now in my mind’s eye as they danced with the rhythm of abandonment, tuned with the orchestration of the spirit of life.

Making my way over the wind-swept sand dunes drinking in inspiration for my day of work, I came to a sudden halt. It had happened many times of late—a tingling sensation of my body—bells ringing from afar—the fragrance from beautiful flowers—strains of melody floating in from out of the nowhere.

A patch of soft sand beneath a sprawling greasewood bush beckoned to me. It was an ecstatic moment, that sharpening of perceptions of my mind…then a merging with an “alien” something as though I were being hooked up with all the main lines of the Cosmos. This cosmic clairvoyance I had come to welcome for I knew I would soon be honored by HER saintly presence. Then came the concordant tone of voice I had come to know so well.

She speaks:

Child of Earth…it is with the spirit of gladness I greet you this day out on the clean desert sands. It was from the same clean sands we of Venus found our way to the throne of God. We did not arrive at our journey’s end by way of platitudes and dramatic petitions. You will find our footprints one by one over the stepping stones to the arcs of Venusian splendor. Out where the wilderness is wild, you too will come to know the meaning of God. This is the lesson earthman must learn, my child. He has chosen the arduous way through supplication and sacrifice. He has tried to reach God as though he were trying to climb a ladder of gold—rung by rung. Just as your plodding footsteps have moved slowly over the evolutionary sands of time—just has your approach to God’s throne been a slow-paced crawl; many start, but few arrive. The rungs of the golden ladder are broken before the throne is reached.

Through the long eons of time, from our exalted summit, we have watched the milling masses of earth’s children. We have seen them stumble along earth’s hills and valleys. Our lights have beamed over the bright spots, they have tarried longer over the areas where tears have rained down upon the bloody paths man of earth has ordained to travel. At times our lights have burned with luminous intensity, at other seasons only a dim flicker could find its way through the fog.

Yes, Child of Earth—we have watched our younger brethren stumble and fall. We have observed him on bended knee before the altars of earth’s temples. How harrowing have been his entreaties for the favors of God! But here has been where earthman has erred. Though ardent have been his prayers, though bountiful has been his praise and thanksgiving not always have his invocations reached the Supreme over them ALL. In fact, rarely does earthman raise his vibrations to the God level.

Few worship God in the same way. To some God is LOVE. To others God is POWER. To many He is INTELLIGENCE. And so on and on. The way to God’s throne is not segment by segment. It requires no ritualistic drama, but rather it is as simple as turning on your electric light switch—or turning the ignition key on your motor car.

We Venusians KNOW that GOD is the Source of all things. We KNOW that HE is everywhere present. That HE is in every created thing. We know that GOD owns the UNIVERSE. That we own nothing. Human life comes into being unbound by possessions. The harvest man gathers through life, he cannot take with him when he departs. All things are loaned by GOD. They are treasures to be glorified while we use them, but we know that one day we must give them back to HIM from whence they came. Being eternally aware that we own nothing of ourselves—that GOD’s beneficent storehouses are ever open to us from the smallest need to the grandest luxury we borrow freely on a prodigious scale. GOD trusts us to pay our honest debts. HE knows we will not misapply HIS treasures. That we will return His gifts at the close of our day.

Child of Earth—prayers to GOD need not be abstruse. GOD knows his needs of HIS children before they ask. His blessings HE has created for their advantage. Does not your Bible state: “In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was made flesh.” Do you believe that my daughter? It means does it not, that we have only to tune our thoughts to GOD’S thoughts—to speak and all blessings shall be ours. In the conception of GOD, man’s daily manna and castles of gold are of the same equal value. When GOD is enthroned in our hearts we are part of the very breath of creation, small or large.

No, my daughter, ours is not a miracle existence. We are not what earthman calls…magicians. We possess no magical formulas. GOD is our magic. GOD is our formulas. Authors and theologians alike have endeavored to expound this principle, but few there are who have applied it to the worship of their daily lives. Though men of earth have built fences and pillars of marble around GOD’S glorified concepts, at the same time he has never bothered to remove the boulders he has placed in the way of his true understanding.

Child of Earth—the greater number of earth’s children have never learned their mission toward GOD. Earthman has not known the why of his birth. My daughter…God’s children are brought into fleshly manifestation that they might gain needed experience. Man goes out from GOD’S house an infant in understanding. He returns a Sage. He is sent over roads dotted with thorns and thistles—often he must swim through a river of tears, but this is only that he might find himself, by himself. God knows that one day he will return mature with knowledge and experience. He knows he is but a prodigal son.

Why has earthman been so blind? Why has he accepted eons of years of suffering? My daughter…only because he has persuaded himself that the earth plane is all there is. Earthman has been haughty in his self-importance. To gain superiority over all things earthly has been his vain-glorious ambition. His lordly goal. Earthman has chosen the illusion of growth. He has exalted man-made scientific grandeur over the majesty of GOD’s universe. He swells with pride at the sound of the hammer, he thrills to the blade of the sword. Seldom does he pause in the silence to breathe in God’s wondrous sunshine. Rarely does he accept that which his senses have not substantiated. Earthman, believing all is contained within his own plane of existence, has gone contrary to the echo in his heart. He has floundered in the illusions he has built up for himself.

From our exalted heights we have beseeched earthman to listen—to turn his gaze upward. But more often than not his vision has been blinded by his egotistical viewpoint. Our lights have blinded him rather than inspired him. The worlds etherial, the star-strewn heavens—the planets so far away to him—they are all a part of an unsolved enigma. Earthman prefers it that way. A few short years of earthly sojourn, then the state he calls death. Only birth and death and the time between does he comprehend.

GOD knows no boundaries, concrete or etherial. We know that nothing is born of man, even superior man. Forms may come and go, but that which animates form goes on forever.

My daughter…earthman is a born procrastinator. To him today does not exist, only yesterday and tomorrow. GOD dares not procrastinate for one single, infinitismal moment. Should HE do so the very heavens would tumble down. GOD does not slumber. He does not rest. Never for one instant does he relax his vigilance for with GOD there is no beginning and no ending. The crudities of today are the perfections of tomorrow.

All things stream out from Source. All things go back to the Source. We Venusians have learned how to control and utilize this “source material”. It is the taproot of our greatness for plasms are the substance of the soul.

Child of Earth…remember always, GOD preceded all thought. HE preceded all form. GOD is as close to you as breath itself. You have only to throw the switch to reach GOD’S powerhouse. And…there is but ONE POWER. It is the motivating force behind all manifest creation…I take my leave now, Child of Earth.

The tap of her long tapering fingers I felt on my shoulder—the light touch of her holy kiss, I felt upon my lips. Diane vanished as she came…back into the invisible ethers.

Excerpt from Diane-She Came From Venus