Unariun Wisdom

UFO Perspective ~ Part II

by John McCoy

It is obvious, since we are being visited by highly intelligent beings from other planets, that they must have some purpose in their visitation, some intentions toward the inhabitants of Earth. These intentions have been variously assigned and interpreted by individuals on this planet, who in some cases have had contact with the UFOs. Let us begin at the basic possibilities regarding the probable reasons for space visitation at this time.

It is obvious, since we have reports going back many hundreds and even several thousand years, that the space people are not interested in the conquest of the planet by force. Otherwise, we would have certainly been overcome while man was in a primitive state in regard to destructive weapons. Thus we must come to the conclusions that they are passively interested, possibly from a scientific viewpoint, or else that they have the best interests of the people of Earth at heart and are here on a helpful mission. From the many contacts which we believe to be authentic it would seem that the latter is the only logical conclusion. The personal experiences of Dr. George Hunt Williamson and myself are sufficient to testify to this, and along with all the other accumulated evidence it is almost a foregone conclusion to the initiate of saucer literature, that the space people are here on a friendly and helpful mission to Earth.

Why should space people suddenly in our time make themselves widely known to mankind by continuous appearance and by contacting comparatively large numbers of Earthlings? Evidently, according to their own messages it is because the planet is nearing the end of a great 26,000 (approximately) age or cycle of evolution. The frequency or vibration of Earth is being rapidly raised to a new pitch. It is time that we fulfill our destiny. One came about 2,000 years ago to give man a way of life. He was murdered and his true followers persecuted. When in the time of Constantine, Christianity became very popular, it was decided by those in power, that if men wished to become Christians that those in power simply would take over the church and permit everyone to have a religion but only if it was controlled and molded to fit their own ends. Reincarnation was deleted with all its implications—without which concept life becomes a very misunderstood confusion. Thus the religion founded on freedom, love, and devotion became the religion of Constantine the conqueror. Today we find that ministers condone and even encourage their youth to go to war with other nations and kill their fellowman. Some even go so far as to say that “God is on our side!” It is easy to see that the basic principles of the way of life brought 2,000 years ago have been lost and are generally not in practice on Earth.

Now a time has come in the evolution of Earth when man must be ready to enter into a higher consciousness and vibration. Otherwise, he must incarnate elsewhere in order to learn the lessons that will enable him to someday take his place in the dawning of a New Age on another planet. Those individuals of earth who are ready to go on, who have learned how to live in peace, love, and harmony with their fellows, will proceed on into a new age, while those who have not will by their own lower rate of vibration eliminate themselves from the picture. As the frequency around us rises, we must also individually improve ourselves in this respect. If we do not, many difficulties are encountered. We are no longer in harmony with our surroundings and we find dissonance. This manifests in many negative conditions and eventually ends in the non-operative condition commonly called death.

Because of the need that humanity has in this coming time, the space people have come here to lend their aid and support. When we hear talk of a new age, we immediately think of everything as being changed and different. All of the bad things of life that annoy us, we feel will be eliminated and everything will be so much better. Yes, conditions will be tremendously improved in the new age that approaches. Vast changes will be made, and compared to today it would be called by some a paradise. By Earth standards one supposes that it would be a paradise. Actually, it is only the way things should be in the first place. People realize this and say that great changes are coming of every conceivable nature. Nothing will be left unchanged. Yet, many forget one thing when they are talking about changes. They know how everything is going to change, but many of them forget that they are a part of the old order and that they, too, must change as must the rest! It is very simple to say that everyone will be good and kind and “I’ll get along with everyone in the new age.” Perhaps we think that there will be no more people in the new age like the next-door neighbor with whom we are not compatible. If we will but look within, we will find that any trouble we are having in the world stems directly from ourselves. Yes, we as individuals must make as many drastic changes within as we will see things changing without. Many of our pet theories and ideas will have to go out the window. Physically, mentally, and spiritually we must adapt to the new order of things.

The spiritual hierarchy of Earth is more or less in charge of the progression of mankind. The hierarchy is composed of the highly-evolved masters and mentors who have reached the state where they have the ability to control matter, energy, space, and time. They recognize to a great extent their own identity and have answered the question “Who am I?’ which gives them great power and ability. They are much concerned with the development of the New Age, of course. Actually, it is evolving under their direction.

Each planet has a counterpart to Earth’s hierarchy. None are without their highly advanced teachers and mentors. On the other planets of this system, the attitudes of the people enable these masters to manifest publicly and so teach, even as did Jesus of Nazareth, Gautama Buddha, and others on this planet. Here it is the exception rather than the rule, however. Because of the fact that Earth has rejected the ancient wisdom so many times and because of the fact that the negative forces are for all purposes and intents in ruling control, it has been necessary for the great teachers to go “underground” to be able to accomplish their missions. The “dark” forces have often attempted in the past to destroy the many manuscripts and documents which contain and preserve the ancient wisdom. Thus even the written word has been secreted through the ages in many places on the face of the Earth. One of these is the Great Pyramid. There are many others. Soon many of these are to be found and the wisdom brought forth for mankind in the new age. Actually, the spiritual hierarchy of earth has been in communication with its counterparts on other planets for millennia and they have worked together at many times.

The spacecraft that are appearing today are under the direction of the hierarchy of their own planets and are working in close harmony with the masters and mystery schools of the hierarchy on Earth. The knowledge of the mystery schools, of the hierarchy, and the masters has been brought out by Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, Spalding and many others in the past. Today many UFOs are seen in the areas of the Earth where these schools are located—away from the outer world. Saucers have been seen to land on Mt. Shasta where a large center was located until recently. In Tibet they have been seen, and in the jungles of Peru where a number of schools are located.

Thus we see that there is a definite connection between the mystery schools and the UFO. They are really one and the same force in operation. Just as the FBI has its headquarters in Washington and has many branch offices, so does the spiritual hierarchy have its solar headquarters with branches on the planets. When one office has some trouble, help is sent from one of the others so that it can be properly handled. Thus the UFOs are in our skies, and we are talking with space men who tell us the same thing that the mentors of this planet have been telling us for many centuries. They operate under the direction of the same force.

Are the space people carrying out their program for the Earth only by contacting certain individuals and having them write books about the experience and by permitting their ships to be seen by many people? No, they are far more active and effective than this. As is fairly well known at present, there are many of our brothers from space living among us at the present time. These are individuals which have been landed on the planet from space ships. They have specific tasks and jobs to perform in accordance with the over-all plan and pattern of which many of them are aware to one extent or another. The influence they could have on the society is obvious. New and needed concepts could be easily injected into the cultural stream. Through children’s literature, motion pictures, TV, concepts in art, music, morals, religion, and the like, the way of life on this planet could be greatly affected. This is now going on.

Another group doing a very important job are those people referred to as Wanderers. Briefly, they are individuals from other planets who have volunteered to take up Earth bodies and enter the reincarnational cycle of this planet. These individuals often do not realize their mission to Earth, their own true identity, until adulthood. Evidently some even go through full incarnations in Earth bodies without this cognition. Others remember early in life. In most there are many definite signs of their identity. The important point here is the part these individuals play in the picture of the purposes of space visitation. Many of them have been contacted by the UFOs for various reasons. They are the space people’s “own”, so naturally they would be logical contactees—especially those who are aware of their mission and identity.

One very unusual contact was made by the author, Rex and Ray Stanford, Annie Middleton, and David Pillar at the “salt flats” near Brownsville, Texas. During this contact a crystal device was utilized to direct a beam of energy down upon the group to accomplish certain rises and harmonizations of individual frequency rates among members of the group. Also, certain tests and recordings were evidently made by the space people at that time. The author was able to attain a point of consciousness within the ship and watch the process. When this account was published in They Shall Be Gathered Together, some said that such an event was not in harmony with natural law since the space people took a certain initiative in mechanically causing certain changes within each individual present at that contact to enhance their ability and awareness. This was to some a “violation” of the law of Karma. Though these objections are rather vague and beside the point, we might state that the space people observe that an individual is at a certain state of progression and that he is developing quickly toward a specific point at a certain rate. They, with their instrumentation, are able by proper application of high frequency energy, to accelerate the momentum at which the individual is moving toward this specific goal. They accelerate the inevitable.

Rex and Ray Stanford in their book, Look Up, describe the sight that they and the author observed on the night of October 21, 1956, shortly after a UFO had passed overhead. Douglas Sharon, the other person present, would involuntarily fall into deep slumber at odd intervals sometimes in the middle of conversation and would be heard to mumble unusual phrases in what seemed to be a foreign tongue, one unknown to the other members of the group. It seems as though the space people were directing certain energies to the young man accelerating his abilities and understanding. There were distinct changes and increased awareness evident in Douglas after this contact, all for the better. This has happened in many cases of which we have heard, all over the world. One gentleman, a former yogi, who observed a UFO low over his house, suddenly had the sensation of a tight band being placed around his head and went to bed to sleep for an inordinate amount of time. Several days later he was placed in such a position that he was able to perform a task to help the “cause” of the space people greatly.

Our brothers from space are returning to their own and assisting in their awakening, helping them to remember who they are and what their mission is to Earth. They use many and varied devices to awaken and communicate with those on Earth in whom they are interested. One common type of communication is a “ringing” in the ears. Evidently the space people while “beaming” down a set of instructions to the subconscious mind of an individual use a device which may cause the sensation of a high-pitched electronic tone signal in the ear. One individual relates that he doubted that the ringing that he often had in his ear was from an extraterrestrial source as he had been told it might be. While he was meditating on this, the ringing began, loud and clear. His first reaction was that he must have an iodine deficiency, which he said often can cause a ringing in the ears. However, within several seconds the ring was modulated into what was evidently some type of code. This continued for several more seconds and the ringing stopped. Unfortunately, the individual did not know Morse code. Needless to say, this young man was convinced as to the authenticity of the extraterrestrial origin of his “tone signal” in code. When relating this from the lecture platform, the author has been told by a large number of persons that they have had the same experience. It is quite widespread and evidently effective.

More than a few individuals prominent in the flying saucer fields, who even may appear quite conservative, have had contacts and in some cases are even in fairly constant communication with the UFOs. An individual at the White Star Illuminator Center at Joshua Tree, California, near Giant Rock, has been able on occasion to “make appointments” for UFO contacts for various people. Many are in communication with the space people on a fairly constant basis.

Now the next obvious question is in regard to the nature of the communications that are being received. Just what do they say, and what do they mean to the man on the street. At this moment Dr. George Hunt Williamson and the author have almost completed an approximately 30,000 mile lecture tour of the United States and Canada. We were able to see some very amazing things while on this trip. From beginning to end we were approached by individuals who spoke to us of the various experiments that they and their groups were carrying out. In every conceivable field we found evidence of the hand of the space people. Certainly the new age is not going to simply materialize out of thin air any more than a baby is created totally the instant that it is born. There must be a time of growth and formation when it is not visible in any specific form to the outside world. All over the world the “baby” New Age is in its formative state. After the coming world changes and catastrophe or cataclysm many will look about them and at first see a world shattered and lost, but then suddenly those individuals who have been working under the guidance and instruction of the space people will rise up and say, “Here, look here. We have already begun the development of a new science and way of life.” With this the new world will be built and the New Age begun. Already people who are top men and women in their fields are working on these things. It is only a matter of time until “free energy” principles will be adequately applied. This means devices now requiring electricity will get their energy directly from the “ethers” and will no longer necessitate cords and plugs in the wall. “Television” is now almost perfected with which it is possible to tune into the “other side” with which spiritists are so concerned. Whole new concepts in science, religion, and the arts are being applied. Scientology, New Age psychology, now makes it possible for people to tremendously increase their abilities and intelligence, something never before accomplished to this extent. If it were possible to state just who the individuals are who are working on these devices, the reader might be very surprised. Top names are involved, some of which all would know. The greatest work is being done by those individuals who are working quietly and unobtrusively. They are not the persons writing books in most cases or anyone who is in the public eye. The important people are the scientists, for example, who go up to the mother ships once a week to work in the laboratories there or to attend discourses. The people who sit down at a drawing board and begin to receive plans for various instruments or scenes of other planets, those who are writing the new music, those who are performing the IQ-raising experiments in psychology, are the ones who are doing an important work. The New Age is developing well, but it has yet to be born. At the proper time it will be ready.

The most amazing thing that was observed cross-country was this: In every little town and city, almost, we encountered people working along the same lines, even though they had never heard of each other and in some cases knew almost nothing about UFOs. Everywhere there was talk of crystals, piezo effects, copper pyramids and cones, etc., etc. To us this was the greatest proof that could be offered as to the validity of the messages that have come from the various contacts. This showed us that a master plan was in operation, being worked out from a central point. All over the Earth a great army is rising up. It is an army whose conquests are in the fields of knowledge—that man might live, rather than die. When you come across two, three, four and then more and more people who are working on developing the same thing or something of a complimentary nature, then you see that the guidance of the space people and the spiritual hierarchy of this planet are things which are very real and very active.

The evidence is startling and amazing. Science fiction has not even begun to conceive the drama that is being enacted on our planet. Fantasy writers might laugh at the story saying that it is too unrealistic! Yet, it is true! A mighty force is being built which will build a new world so when the New Age is nigh, and the people ask, “Now what shall we do? Return to the caves?”, the answer will come from those who have developed already this new way of life. They will bring forth the knowledge and developments and teach these things. Thus the teachers of the remnant that will remain are now being prepared as are the subjects which are to be taught. Some ask, “Where is this New Age?” Open your closed eyes, ears, and hearts as Lo, the great Earth is made ready to bring forth this child.

Excerpt from UFOs Confidential