Unariun Wisdom

“There Are No Gods”

This short compelling documentary three-part series is about the responses of Theramin Trees on his former religious beliefs, and his current non-religious ones – specifically, which divine concepts he affirmatively believes to be false and which concepts he considers unknowable and in the process provides an incongruous panoply of self-contradictions in the field of religion.

Basically his three-part series looks at: 1. What he believed when he was a theist, 2. Concepts for gods he affirmatively believe do not exist, and 3. Concepts for god he believe to be unknowable.

From the author: “I’m gonna try to cover a range of ideas over three videos. It won’t be exhaustive, but hopefully it will give a decent enough feel for the scope of where I’m coming from. What I believed encompassed a lot. My beliefs evolved substantially over my time as a Christian. For brevity I’m gonna break it down into three broad phases.”

Watch the full documentary now (playlist – 39 minutes)