Unariun Wisdom

The What And The Why ~ Part I

by Ernest L. Norman

It has often (and very truly) been said, that of all the enigmas in the universe of human understanding, man himself is the greatest. This is so, for despite the fact that of the many thousands of years in which man has inhabited the planet earth, and in these thousands of years he has spent tremendous time and effort in trying to understand himself; as of today, he is still confronted with this inescapable paradox. This seems a bit ridiculous for, in viewing the many advanced factors and concepts which are at the disposal of everyone, yet life still goes on, basically much the same as it always has.

Principles of life in personal relationships are functioning just as inviolately as they always have. Perhaps the greatest part of this great enigma could be found in such kindred fields as human endeavor which are commonly referred to as the healing professions, such as materia medica and such adjacent divisions of psychology, etc. For despite great hospitals, the advanced techniques in medicine and surgery, etc., the modern doctor reluctantly admits he knows only about 25 per cent of what goes on in the human body whether it is medicine or a more general classification of sciences, the enigma remains just as great; great, because man is constantly surrounded at all times with all of the answers which would solve this enigma. As a matter of fact, science holds within its hands all of the keys to the wisdom of the Infinite, yet it does not apparently know, either how to use, or to understand them correctly.

Some years ago, a man named Einstein gave an advanced theory that mass was an illusion, and that everything was, after all, energy. This was later proven in our nuclear science. The implications and ramifications of this concept are infinitely broad, but are reducible to some very easily understood factors.

First, as all things are energy, to learn the secrets of life will therefore mean that we, as individuals, who would like to learn these secrets must begin to understand energy. This is quite true, not only with the individual truth seeker, but also with the future materia medica, psychology, etc.; for, while in the present tense, this materia medica and attendant therapeutic practices, literally hold the power of life and death over hundreds of millions of people; yet without exception, no practitioner understands or applies such an understanding of these electronic principles in his daily practice.

No exceptions are made for X-rays, square sine wave generators, encephalographs, heat lamps, etc. These are all comparatively crude; their function is only partly understood, even less in most cases by the operator.

A large number of so-called incurable diseases will therefore remain to plague mankind until that future day when the doctor becomes a true scientist and deals with each patient as a composite amalgamation of electronic forms and their attendant functions; for every human being is this, and nothing more. His body is composed of a large group of atoms, each one a tiny solar system of energy, supported in its power and function by a vortex of energy which functions in an adjacent dimension, (the psychic anatomy).

To better understand these principles of life, we will divide energy into two classifications; the “static,” or atomic form composed of various kinds of electrons in a solar system, and the “dynamic,” or moving forms of energy. These can be reclassified as light or electricity which travels at 186,000 miles per second to the slower forms of energy like sound.

In all cases however, static or dynamic, the principle of integration of consciousness is contained in the frequency rate or the number of times which any energy wave form or atom vibrates, in a positive to negative to positive fashion. In the fourth or adjacent dimensions all such polarity expressions are carried in a cyclic form. This means that they contain within themselves, their own time factor which, as the cyclic form, retunes itself, so to speak, like links in a chain, with all other cyclic forms in the Infinite macrocosm and microcosm.

So far as our material or third dimensional wave forms are concerned, time is separate and assumes itself in the form of polarities, or a starting place, and finishing place called positive or negative. In any case, such starting and finishing places as positive and negative are only relative, and are of concern only in our various interpolations of these energy constituents in our daily life.

In other words then, whether or not we are describing movements of any form of energy in any dimension, we must remember that the same principles hold true and inviolate with every human being. The various processes of life connected with the five senses, are merely ways in which, man individually, intercepts and recombines various wave forms which come to him from the outside or exterior surface of his life, into the complex matrix of wave forms in the subconscious. On the basis of frequency relationship, these various wave forms are either immediately attuned to these various existing wave forms, where they are reflected or regenerated into the conscious mind, or else they remain a disembodied form of consciousness in sort of a twilight zone.

This is more easily understood in this comparison: A person can see any familiar object, the process of oscillation from the subconscious into the conscious, which takes about 1/10th of a second, is a sort of a reshuffling process, as the familiar or semi-familiar object is compared or scanned, as it were, through frequency attunement with other previously existing wave forms. If this person sees an unfamiliar object he, at first, does not believe what he sees; the wave forms of this unfamiliar object find no harmonic attunement in the subconscious, and will remain suspended in the twilight zone, until the person begins to rationalize. This means the person who has seen this unfamiliar object, now sets up certain harmonic wave-trains which are, to some small or large degree, compatible on the basis of frequency, with this unfamiliar object as it oscillates in the twilight zone.

This process of regenerating and recombining the harmonic elements of comparison may take only several minutes, or it may take years, or even a lifetime, depending, primarily of course, upon such factors as the number of existing wave forms already in the subconscious which can be harmonically attuned and recombined with the unknown elements in the twilight zone.

Excerpt from Infinite Contact

See Part II here.