Unariun Wisdom

The UFO Influence In The Conquest Of Mexico

by W. Gordon Allen

Modern sightings of flying saucers or UFOs over the plains of Mexico have been quite frequent, but in a recently completed study of the writings connected with the Spanish conquest of Mexico, it is found that the UFO performed for Cortez and Monteczuma just as it does today for us.

In the study of the stories and writings of the actions of the conquistadors in the Spanish conquest of Mexico, there were several omens that were taken as signs from heaven that the almighty Host would look with favor upon Cortez.

Further, on what is left of the public buildings of the Mayas and the Quiches who lived in Mexico from 20,000 to perhaps 12,000 years ago we also find allusions to “visitors from heaven.” In the study of these writings are all kinds of references to the “lost” civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. The great plateau of Mexico was perhaps the buffer zone between these two great lands. Whatever the geopolitical position might have been, it is quite possible that the lands of Mexico and the two lost continents did have some sort of knowledge of each other and perhaps even regular contact. We won’t say commercial intercourse because it is our suspicion that commerce and trade might be mostly an invention of a later type of psychology that made rule over others and personal acquisitiveness the compensation for the frustration of knowing little about the purpose of man and his growth after the deluge.

It was not necessary that trade and commerce and its resultant political rivalry develop during the time of the preceding civilization. It might well be that man of former epochs on this planet had other desires rather than personal aggrandizement or compensation for his inferiority through slavery of others by bondage or commercial debt.

These thoughts are brought out to indicate that civilizations can develop that do not have “modern” factors as the motivation.

Now, as to the place of the plains of Mexico in this development: we must admit that the relationship of these quotations to present understanding is esoteric in nature. In our opinions of their meanings, we must of necessity, look upon them with the doubtful benefit of a certain type of twentieth century mind. We might remark that we will have as much right to the interpretations as would the sixteenth century mind of a Spanish padre or one of the priestly staff of Monteczuma. Nevertheless, we must admit that there might be a bit of truth in all three interpretations. There is little in the universe that is true or false, or black or white. Each mind arrives at some portion of the so-called “truth.” The real “whole truth” is, of course, not yet for the mind of man to determine.

However, there have been manifestations of the appearance of UFOs over Mexico since the time of 20,000 years ago through the time of the Conquest right to present-day sightings of flying saucers.

One of the reasons that Hernan Cortez had such a psychological advantage over the ruling monarch, Monteczuma, was the ruler’s preoccupation with the predicted “return of Quetzalcoatl.” We know, now, that Cortez was not Quetzalcoatl; but the Aztec was not possessed of this knowledge and acted very strangely. However, the world air forces do not have the answer to the UFO and so they have also acted very strangely. We must understand the military mind – the Aztec military or the modern military – when we wonder how men act under stress.

The stress upon the ruling house of the Emperor Monteczuma in the year of 1509 was quite great when he heard the strange tale of white men from the rising sun who had landed on his shores.

The ruler was feared greatly by everyone in his empire. No one looked at him directly; he never set his foot upon the earth – his subjects carried him from place to place. He had the greatest contempt for the person of any of his subjects and his priesthood tore out tens of thousands of living hearts each year to keep the subjects duly fearful.

So, one can be certain that it was of no mortal man that the Emperor was afraid. So then, why was he so in fear of Cortez? Was it an omen? If so, what omen? Why was the interpretation of this omen of such significance that it destroyed one empire and preserved another?

It was in this year that a large green fireball trailing an orange tail performed for the subjects of this great ruler.

The fireball gyrated in the sky over Mexico City as the subjects wailed and screamed. The ruler made a definite inquiry of his priests as to just what was what. The group of priests who did not come up with an answer that would satisfy the Emperor knew they would lose their hides. (As we mentioned, Monteczuma feared no mortal – not even his priesthood.)

The priests went to the archives and came back to remind their monarch of some historical facts regarding the land he now ruled. Now it would be utter folly for us in the twentieth century to set down these historical “facts” from the archives of the Aztec priesthood as the mutterings of medicine-men with the fear of death upon them, rather, it might be wise to take the “facts” of the priests as those writings kept as a state secret for tens of thousands of years. One of the secrets necessary to their power, power over each succeeding monarch and power over the people. The source of these secrets is, of course, conjecture, but nevertheless, the origin might be of a time before the deluge and of the esoteric school of the East. From the East they could well have passed through the hands of the Mayans and Quiches to the remote ancestors of the Aztec. The astrologers and priests of the Aztec had this to say. (We must remember that for the purpose of this writing, astrologer and astronomer have equal rank.) They told Monteczuma that the world in which he lived would fare no better than had the three worlds before him. Here is what they told the monarch and for the student of the UFO we feel these words are important:

ATONATIUH… (Water Sun) the first world (or civilization?) had been swallowed by a deluge.

The fact that this appears in the books of ALL other religions over the world indicates that this fact seems pretty well known to every one of the ancient writers who attempted to preserve the legends that survived as religious literature. It seems somewhat remarkable that Montezuma’s astrologers knew this “fact” just as well as the Padre who accompanied Cortez.

TLAICHITONATIUH… (Earth Sun) had been quartered and divided again by earthquakes. Later, in other references we shall note that this was the great cataclysm that caused Atlantis to sink. How did the astrologers of the Aztec Empire know about this “fact” that seems not even to be widely accepted in the schools of the Western world even to this day?

ECATONATIUH… (Wind Sun) was very very interesting. This time great winds rose and killed all higher life except a few female monkeys.

TLATONATIUH… (Fire Sun) was, of course, the last world and that of the present Aztec Empire and that would be destroyed by fire. The Western bible predicts the same end for the planet.

Now, one would agree that we have two courses in lending credence to these declarations made some 450 years ago by Aztec priests. We can try to unwind the esoteric-psychological significance or we can just put them down to what ignorant savages told their ignorant monarch.

The latter course is the one that Western historians have followed until this writing. The author prefers to dust off these rather remarkable references and have “another go” at the problem of just what information these people had access to. It seems one devil of a lot more accurate than much we have used to build great hypotheses upon.

We might remark that our own astronomers have filled the public mind with what seems to be the most ridiculous of understandings of the cosmos. The International Geophysical Year discoveries have shown our own astro-observers to be not one whit better than superstitious savages – all their instruments notwithstanding.

We have long felt that astronomers were most exacting of scientists. Now we must admit that they are the most in-exacting. So, our thought is to try to pay a lot more attention to the “historical facts” of the ancients. In the light of what we feel is our new knowledge we might find a much better fit to the jigsaw puzzle of the place where man fits in the universe.

What about the Water-Sun that swallowed the earth by a deluge? What caused the deluge? What cosmic disturbance could cause such a thing upon the whole planet?

The Aztecs say the deluge was caused by the explosion of the planet in the orbit beyond Mars into small parts. The largest now is the asteroid some 465 miles in diameter. There are thousands of other smaller pieces that make up the asteroid belt. This, perhaps, was the cosmic disturbance that brought about the first deluge.


Long eons after the deluge was the final settling of the earth’s crust which could have been the cataclysm that sunk Mu, and raised both the Andes and the Rockies. Some very slight cosmic quake (disturbance of the planet’s force fields) could have triggered this action. But the remarkable part of the tale seems to be that these ignorant savages knew about this happening eons before their time.

The Wind-Sun is the next earthly catastrophe that killed all higher life, but female monkeys are most interesting and at first reading seem like the mutterings of a witch-doctor.

BUT – there is reason to believe that the moon was once in an orbit between the earth and Mars. This satellite was either “pushed” out of the way of the Martians or “captured” by the “field” of the earth.

This could have caused the great winds that blew most of the life off the earth. The disturbance could have first been the “slight” cosmic disturbance that dropped Lemuria into the deep. Then the final result being the great winds around the planet as the atmosphere on the moon was “captured” by the earth when Luna dipped into its orbit around the bigger planet.

Why should our moon be by far the largest in the solar system in relation to its planet?

Now, there are truly remarkable situations which these astro-students of Monteczuma seemed to know about and brought out of their archives for his information at the moment when a ball of fire was performing over his empire. They had other omens on which they could build their case for the “Return of Quetzalcoatl – a Spaceman” and, of course, they proceeded to give him their full performance.

The remarkable thing is that they seemed to have knowledge denied even to us today and consequently, they were expecting a white god from the heavens.

The fact that Cortez was not this god indicates that they just didn’t have their identification proper arranged.

But there is more to the record about this Spaceman, Yogi, or Christ-like figure that brought about the story of Quetzalcoatl.

God of the Wind

He, as God of the Wind. “A man of good appearance and grave countenance with white skin, a beard, and dressed in a long flowing white garment. He was called by some, Quetzalcoatl, and by some, Huemac, because of his great goodness. He taught the men of that long past time the way of virtue of his word and deed. He hoped to save them from vice and to give them laws, and good doctrine and to restrain them in their lewd and lust-like ways, and he instituted fasting and care of the body among them. But, seeing how little they followed this doctrine, he vanished to the East, telling them that at some time he would return.”

It seems as if this great and good man with a beard has visited every land. He told of a fine way of life, but it seems that men, being what they are in all lands, did not take his teaching to heart and they persisted in falling upon evil ways.

But why would this great Emperor be so concerned about this ancient legend?

Here is another detailed description of a very strange phenomena in the sky that many would call the appearance of a “flying saucer.”

“A big ‘comet’ appeared in the sky that looked like a big flame of fire, very bright, which threw forth sparks. This ‘comet’ was in the shape of a pyramid, wide at its lower part, and becoming narrow as it rose, so that it ended at a point. It could be seen in the middle of the Eastern sky and could be seen during the day and at night.”

We might think that this was a truly remarkable description of “something” that was in the sky and certainly was not a comet even though that is the translation. But there is more to indicate that, contrary to the action of a comet, this “thing” seemed to leave in its wake a very heavily charged “field” electrical in nature.

“The temple of the war god was seen to blaze without any human reason for it and the flames came from inside of the beams outwards. The priests called for water to put out the fire but the more water they poured on, the more the ‘fire’ burned. The next portent was the lightning strikes. The big ‘comet’ ran all through the sky of Mexico throwing off hot coals and big sparks and had a very long tail. The lagoon of Mexico (for the Aztec city was built on a lake) rose and boiled in fury though there WAS NO WIND!”

Well, in reading it two ways, conventionally, the only explanation for this is that the writers were not to be believed. Such a thing is impossible.

IMPOSSIBLE unless it was a space ship and that it did have a highly-charged electrical field around it that could enable it to perform these “tricks” with ease.

This does, however, give us the basis of the reason that the Emperor of the Aztecs, his rule as absolute as that of any man on earth, was afraid of the advent of the “return of Quetzalcoatl.”

The Omens

We can never know more than this which was without doubt the reason behind his strange actions. The misinterpretation of the omens do, nevertheless, leave us with the interesting afterthought that the omens themselves might well have been the real return of a space craft with some “Quetzalcoatls” aboard.

Now these sightings of typical UFO or “flying saucer” phenomena by the astrologers or soothsayers of the Aztec are one thing.

What was the other side seeing in the sky at the same time? What kind of an omen was it to them?

One Bernal Diaz del Castillo makes a passing remark to the very same appearance. He saw the same performance of the highly-charged body over the sky of Mexico over a period of time that would preclude its being a comet.

The Spaniards took this to be a message from their God that he looked with favor upon the venture to obtain this great new land for purposes of making ever greater numbers of Catholic converts.

But, nevertheless, it did perform. It was not a comet. There is to this day no adequate explanation in our scientific worlds for this performance.

These things are mentioned in passing just as strange stories and are not particularly part of the narrative. Mainly they are valuable ONLY to those who feel that the history of Western man as told to us in school is indeed a fairy tale.

Other stories of the high plateau of North and South America tell of little people and giants. These indefinite tales tell of the little people who built pyramids in high places in the Andes of giant blocks of stone that we cannot lift even with today’s equipment. We feel they were little people because the passages in the structures were for little people.

Tales of Giants

The tales of giants also abound. Giants came down from above and killed the Incas from time to time. We don’t know if these were later Quetzalcoatls who had spent too much time aboard their space craft, or what, but this same Bernal Diaz del Castillo has this to say about the thigh bone of a giant that Cortez sent to the court of the Spanish King to demonstrate to the Monarch that he was indeed in a strange land with many wonders:

“They said that their ancestors had told them that in times past there had lived among them men and women of giant size with huge bones, and because they were a very bad people of evil manners they fought with them and killed them and that those which remained had died off. So that we could see how high and tall these people were, they brought us the leg bone of one which was very thick and the height of a man of ordinary stature (5 ft.?) and that was the (thigh) bone from hip to knee. We were all amazed at seeing these bones and felt sure that there must have been giants in this country. Our Captain Cortez said to us that it might be well to send the bone to Castile so that his Majesty might see it, so we sent it with the first of our agents who went there.”

The Mexican no doubt would have been happy to have the Spaniard believe that they were giant killers. But the bones themselves indicated that there were giants about this high plain of Mexico a few hundred years ago.

Then if we believe it to be true we might ask what sort of giant was it that appeared on the high plain of Mexico and also in the Andes some thousands of years ago?

As Cortez and his men had a lust for gold, and not for giants and UFO reports, we might take them at their face value.