Unariun Wisdom

The True Meaning Of The Adam And Eve Story ~ Part I

by Ernest L. Norman

The book of Genesis in the Bible contains what are probably the most important parables in the whole Bible. These are the stories of the creation and the Garden of Eden. We are all familiar with both of these stories and of their many versions. Yet, their true interpretation lies more in the realm of astrophysics or astronomy, as well as the study of ancient peoples or civilizations on this earth. We are all familiar with the story of creation in which the Lord created the earth in six days and on the seventh He rested. There are many people who have taken this literally and there are others who have embarked upon various interpretations which resolve into nothing and are rather meaningless. If we look at this story or parable in a more scientific light, we will find that the six days refer to six major cycles. These are, in the terms of the modern astrophysicist, the cycles of the recessional. The earth, in its yearly journey around the sun, comes out minus so many hours and so many minutes from the time in which it originally started out from a given point in making up the Gregorian calendar of 365 days. This, in itself, is added up and introduced as an extra day in the month of February.

Now, you ask, why is this of any consequence as far as history is concerned? What it actually means is that the sun is a huge magnet and extending out from the north and south magnetic poles of the sun are vast strong magnetic rays which are much like the old-fashioned pinwheel at the Fourth of July celebrations. In a crude fashion, they stem out into space and intersect and bisect other solar lines from the north and the south magnetic poles of all of the planets in the solar system. When you have grasped this idea, you will have some sort of universal concept of what astrology means.

In the progression of the earth in its orbit or the ellipse around the sun, it intersects and bisects these lines of force every hour, every day, every month during the entire year, and in each following year there is only a slight and minute change. At the end of 25,862 years’ time in our Gregorian calendar, the earth will have made a complete retrogressive circle of 360 degrees and will have intersected and bisected all the lines of magnetic force of the sun. This is the same principle that runs the motor in the vacuum sweeper or raises the elevator in the skyscraper. All modern twentieth century electric motors run by exactly the same principle. The 25,862 years were measured in the Lemurian calendar as 33,000 years and have a counterpart in the old Yogi understanding of the cycle of 24,000 years. However, whatever our interpretation of time is, it rests purely in the interpretation of our calendar and has nothing at all to do with the exact time of this great cycle.

Now it is easy to see that we are beginning to understand how the effects of the lines of magnetic force as they intersect and bisect those of the earth can have some effect not only on plant and animal life, but upon mankind in general. If we take this vast cycle of 25,862 years and divide it up into twelve segments like a pie, as everyone understands that a cycle is a circle, if we start from Pisces and go on through the rest of the astrological signs, we come back to Aquarius.

Each of these ages as denoted in the astrological calendar have the all particular portent, or the particular spiritual significance upon the peoples of the earth. According to the corridor of time of the big pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt, it ended all time as far as the six days or cycles were concerned, on August 20, 1953.

We are therefore said to be something like almost two years into the Aquarian Age. We will understand also that this cycle is in itself of little more than 2000 years’ duration according to our Gregorian calendar. Its peak or apex of the cycle will be about 1000 years from now.

The Aquarian Age is symbolized by the figure of God standing with his foot upon the earth and the horn of plenty in his right hand from which he is strewing the contents of the upturned horn upon the earth. In his left hand, he holds the three-pronged trident which represents the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, or the Triad. Therefore, the symbology of the Aquarian Age means simply that God shall gradually begin to ascend into the leadership of the earth people through spiritual interpretation from the inner consciousness. Man will gradually begin to understand and to live by the teaching of the Master Jesus.

If we take these six days and further pursue our understanding of this parable of the Bible, we will add them up and find that we come out somewhere about 160,000 years ago. This, in itself, is very significant inasmuch as it is the starting point of earth’s history as it is concerned in the Bible. It means that at this time a great space ship from a far-off planet down near the solar system called Lemuria, landed somewhere in the vicinity of the Himalayan Mountains. The ship was badly damaged and there were eleven Supermasters assigned us from this great planet who were unharmed and unhurt by the impact of the ship upon the earth’s surface. They emerged and later built an amphibious vessel from the remnants of the ship and the machinery therein and were able to travel over land and water with this ship. They embarked upon a journey which brought them out to a great continent which was called Lemuria which has long since sunk beneath the waters of the Pacific Ocean. This great continent embodied land which was in itself almost as large as two-thirds of the continent of North America. The sinking of this continent left only the islands: the Easter Islands, the Polynesian Islands, the Hawaiian Islands and other archipelagos in the Pacific Ocean.

When these Masters emerged upon this continent, they proceeded to build a civilization. In going about the earth, they found the ten tribes of people as they were described in the Bible—people who were rather primitive, living as they did in caves or in wattled huts in various sections of the earth. They returned from time to time with some of these people and began instructing them in the art of how to live a true spiritual life. As these Masters, in themselves, lived tremendously long lives, even into the thousands of years, they proceeded along these lines to teach these people a constructive spiritual way of life. This is, in itself, an interpretation of the Tower of Babel story. You can imagine the confusion or frustration these Masters felt at times in trying to integrate the lives of these people together in a constructive fashion so that an intelligent pattern of life could be expressed in the building of various dwellings and the temples and other various and sundry edifices in this great and new building civilization of Lemuria.

Therefore, we can assume that they were quite successful in the building of this civilization. The Lemurian Masters also had to teach these rather primitive people in their childlike way—a way in which they could understand these things through symbology or signs or portents. One of the symbols that they taught to the children of Mu was the symbology of the creation or the perpetuation of the race. God or the infinite indwelling Spirit of Light was symbolized as a serpent, being the all-wise, the all-knowing, the long-lived thing. This symbolical snake or serpent was coiled around the tree of life which is the bay-leaf tree and is still worshiped in the Orient. The serpent was handing to the configuration of man and woman (not an individual, but Adam was called man and so represented all men, and likewise the representation of all women was Eve) the apple of life, which is the pomegranate because of its many seeds denoting the multiplicity and the fertility of life. Therefore, the spiritual interpretation of this picture was that God wished Adam and Eve to go forth and be fruitful and replenish the earth.

Excerpt from Tempus Invictus

See Part II here.