Unariun Wisdom

The Role Of Vibrational Therapy In Medicine

by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby, Dr. W. Nelson

The Information Field

Due to current research in physics, the idea that energy and consciousness drive creation is finally becoming well known and accepted. The “information field” in biology is one of these new/old concepts. The chemicals that make up human bodies cannot create a working human on their own; they need an organizer, the information field. Since matter is less than a billionth of the cosmos, it makes sense that energy is the organizer. Doctors tend to ignore this fact and concentrate only on the physical matter of bodies when dealing with health.

The word “information” literally means to give form to the material. It follows, then, that disease is a disruption or distortion of this information or energy. Healing would involve putting this energy back into harmony and order, as is the case with Energy or Vibrational Medicine.

In the early 1900s, neurologist Albert Abrams discovered, quite by accident, that he could find diseases and tumors by listening to the sound made by patients’ bodies as he tapped on them. He then created a machine called a Reflexophone that could more easily hear those sounds. He also discovered that the Reflexophone would give off a “healthy” sound if the cure for the disease was present. Therefore, he reasoned that a machine could send the correct energy vibrations to a person and reverse the disease. Unfortunately, the medical establishment wasn’t ready to hear this and he was roundly vilified. The few people who copied his machine and ran additional successful experiments were also disregarded.

The energy effect that Albert Abrams discovered is now called the cyclotron resonance effect. It is similar to singing the same note made by a wine glass that has been tapped and the glass then shatters, or having piano wires vibrate when a similar tone is present. This concept is used in MRIs and by energy healers.

The History of Vibrational or Energy Healing

Hands-on healing is the earliest form of energy medicine recorded. Examples of this are seen in Egyptian stories, the Bible and shamanic practices in indigenous cultures. Some other notable examples are:

  • The brilliant Middle Age physician Paracelsus hypothesized an energy field he called archea and spoke of removing negative energy to heal disease.
  • Anton Mesmer (born 1734) was another healer far ahead of his time; he knew about hands-on healing, the energy field inside and surrounding us and the influence of the planets on humans.
  • Professor Harold Saxton Burr of Yale University measured the voltage given off by trees (1920s). He found that the voltage varied by day and night, summer and winter, and with moon cycles. He and a colleague then measured voltages given off by humans and discovered that this changed due to emotions, illness, and other physical and environmental factors.
  • Georges Lakhovsky, a Russian engineer, purported that every living thing emits radiation, the cells working as a type of radio transmitter and receiver (1925). Simplistically speaking, if a germ’s radio waves overpower the body’s radio waves, then an illness occurs. He eventually developed a Multiple Wave Oscillator that would provide harmonic resonance to a variety of cell vibrations and was successful in healing many cases of disease.
  • Albert Nodon, a French scientist, extended Lakhovsky’s research by measuring this radiation; he found that humans give off more intense energy than plants and animals. He also made energy imprints on photographic paper, predating Kirlian photography.
  • Professor Robert Becker, a contemporary orthopedic surgeon, has been nominated twice for Nobel prizes for his research with salamanders. He discovered that body tissues act as semi-conductors and that electrical pollution is harmful to living tissues, thereby furthering the field of electro-biology.

Rupert Sheldrake has extended the idea of energy fields to the morphogenic field, the underlying structure of creation. This field organizes and informs the energy fields, but exists outside energy, time and space. One example of the morphogenic field is the “Hundredth Monkey effect”; when a critical mass of a species learns a new behavior, it changes the field or consciousness of all the members in that group.

Brian Josephson believes that the universe is built upon the dualism of life force and quantum mechanics, similar to the particle-wave dualism in physics (electrons can be both particles and waves, depending on circumstances). This brings together both the details of organisms and their processes in explaining life activities.

Vibration: Matter—Life—Energy

As you experience it yourself you experience that the entire material world is nothing but vibration. When we experience the ocean of infinite waves surging within, the river of inner sensations flowing within, the eternal dance of the countless vibrations within every atom of the body, we will witness our continuously changing nature. All of this happening at a very subtle level.

Vibrational Medicine

There is agreement among science, medicine and metaphysics that certain frequencies can repel disease, and certain frequencies can destroy disease. Herein lies the link between frequency (vibration) and health. Everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. Different parts of our bodies have their own sonic signature. In other words the sound of the cells of your heart differs from the sound of the cells of your lungs.

When parts of the body become stressed or dis-eased, they are no longer producing the correct sound wave; in other words they are not vibrating at their prime (optimal) resonant frequency. In order to re-establish or re-calibrate those frequencies, one must understand how lower and higher vibrations affect energy and health.

Vibrational medicine interfaces with subtle energy fields that underlie the functions of a physical body. It is based on the idea of resonant frequencies, similar to a tuned string on a musical instrument resonating with anything tuned to the same frequency. Some sciences and philosophies have recognized vibrational elements as an important part of the universe. It is proving difficult to link these new sciences with the dogma of Western medicine. Even as long ago as 1928 Thomas Sugrue (There Is A River) recognized vibrational elements at work in the human body:

“The human body is made up of electronic vibrations, with each atom and elements of the body, each organ and organism, having its electronic unit of vibration necessary for the sustenance of, and equilibrium in that particular organism. Each unit, then, being a cell or a unit of life in itself has the capacity of reproducing itself by the first the law as is known as reproduction-division. When a force in any organ or element of the body becomes deficient in its ability to reproduce that equilibrium necessary for the sustenance of physical existence and its reproduction, that portion becomes deficient in electronic energy. This may come by injury or disease, received by external forces. It may come from internal forces through lack of eliminations produced in the system or by other agencies to meet its requirements in the body.”

We each have our own vibrations, and vibrate at our own rate. Vibrations vary in intensity within each person and from person to person, depending upon the experiences being manifested. We are attuned to our own vibrations – this attunement is acted upon or varied by the forces surrounding or within us. Vibrations act as a cohesive agent in all nature – holding things together – as all force is vibration. All bodies radiate those vibrations with which it, the body, controls itself, in mental, and physical, and such radiation as is called the aura. Each functioning organ of the sensory system reflects a different vibration.

The Role Of Resonance In Vibratory Medicine

In order to understand the role of resonance, one must first understand the concept of resonance.

The concept of resonance is that of power being rhythmically added to a system. If the power is added at a certain interval that corresponds to the correct interval needed within the system, the system will produce resonance. The system gains more and more in power. The concept of resonance is very similar to that of a child riding a swing. If the pumping action of the legs and the distribution of the weight to gravity is in a resonance harmony with the swing action, then the child will gradually increase the swing to a higher and higher degree, until the amount of energy displaced by the pumping action has reached its maximum, meaning that the swing action has reached its highest zenith. This action describes resonance.

In Tacoma, Washington a bridge was built without the ability to counteract resonance. A resonant frequency built up in the wind one day that allowed the swinging bridge to increase its push a little more and more, until finally the entire bridge snapped and crumbled because of the pressure of the resonant force of the wind. Since then all bridges have been built to have no structural resonance, in that they would have separate entities that would resonate at different times.

So when a system that has a certain periodicity is pushed by another type of periodic waveform, resonance can occur if there is a compatibility between the existing structure and the inputted push.

Another example of this is seen when a singer shatters a glass by singing a certain pitch. If the glass’s shape has a certain type of periodic structure, the resonance between the note and the structure can produce an ever-increasing vibration fed by the push of the singer. This can destroy the glass by making it vibrate past its stable level.

In biological terms many resonances can happen in various ways. Viruses, bacteria and fungi all have resonant frequencies. If the virus is put into a certain resonant frequency, it could effect the body. In psychology a certain set of neurons could be sensitive to a resonant condition if the rhythms are present. Agoraphobia might produce a resonant factor within the neurological circuits, pushing the organism to extremes and often inducing an anxiety or panic attack.

Of the millions of neurons in the brain, certain ideations and thought patterns can be amplified through resonance if an individual has these thought patterns too often or in inappropriate circumstances. These resonant thought forms can have increasingly larger and larger effects, and be imprinted into the engrams of the human being. Certain humans will be sensitive to certain types of thoughts. So a person might inherit a tendency towards depression, or the inherited tendency might be amplified by the living conditions, in which the mother and father might teach depression techniques to their child as a means of coping. Then the child, having resonant effects, can build this depression into his brain, making it impossible for him to break free from it without large-scale help. This is one of the keys to developing a new-age type of psychology; being able to defeat the resonant patterns in daily living.

This resonance is also one key to understanding behavioral psychology. In behavioral psychology what we reward we get more of; what we ignore we get less of. This is a display of neurological resonance reaching into the psychological world of treatment.

The Role Of Harmonics In Vibratory Medicine

Harmonicity, or the production of various harmonics, is something else we must analyze in vibrational medicine. A note produced by a sound has harmonics produced at certain intervals. Thus a certain generated note will have a harmonic at a higher note that is the same or similar note in a different octave. This is different from the resonance we have discussed, because the true, pure resonance seeks rhythmic similarities. In harmonic resonance we often do not need to have extremely similar vibrations to induce harmonic resonance. Harmonic resonance can be induced often by other notes that are at harmonic levels to the original pattern.

If we hammer a piece of steel, we will see that this produces a certain note. There is a harmonic note that can be produced by a hammer of another size, and even higher harmonics produced by other hammers. Harmonics have infinite numbers of series, but often are limited to seven series, in the case of octaves in music. All vibrations, whether they be photon, electron, neutron, etc., have harmonicity at various levels. These harmonic frequencies have interference and amplitude factors on other carrier waves. Harmonics work in many strange and wondrous ways. The effects extend to other dimensions.

As we look at the wide variety of vibrations that occur within the cells of the body and the vibrations that occur later within the networking of the cells, we can see a tremendous number of opportunities for harmonicity interaction. Various harmonics can interplay not only in photons but electrons, sound, and other energetic activities. Our best example of harmonicity is that of the barbershop choir, where three or four singers can develop different notes and blend them into a harmonic, producing a much more pleasant-sounding note. This is known as a consonant harmonic resonance. This is very important for the factors of biology in helping to produce various states for biology and health.

In producing a calming, stress-reducing environment, we will need to involve many types of vibration including pleasant sounds, pleasant lighting for photons, and pleasant ionization.

Here we can see that in a harmonic way these factors can be additive, and that the sum can be greater than the sum of their parts. This is another way of describing the factors of harmonic resonance, where the summation of forces interacting can become greater than the sum of the individual forces themselves.

We can find that interference patterns are also produced, and that certain vibrations can be used to cancel out or negate other types of bad frequencies. Here we have the development of a Rife-type machine. Rife developed a machine that could generate various types of vibrations that could break up viral, bacterial and other microorganisms. This was done through developing a pattern forced into the body at these various frequencies that would attempt to harmonize with the microorganism intruder, and through the factors of resonance, shatter them.

Also it must be pointed out in our discussion of vibrational medicine that almost any type of electrical photon or sound vibration given to the body can have positive effects. We speak in psychology about the Westinghouse effect, in which a researcher went into a Westinghouse plant to try to find psychological ways of improving production. He found that when he moved the cafeteria, he had an increase in production. When he moved it again, he also had an increase in production. He found that whenever he set up studies and did operations, production seemed to increase. In other words, the final conclusion of the Westinghouse effect was that attention given to the system of the plant seemed to increase of productivity; the people liked the attention. This is often the case with the body itself. The body likes to have attention. When it is given photon, electron, sound or ionization attention, it seems to respond.

Building A Vibrational Medicine Model System

It would seem that factors of harmonicity and resonance have possibly been built by nature, or God Himself. This matrix seemingly has harmonic and Fibonacci relationships built into the system. It seems that some of the mathematical relationships built into this matrix determine reactivity. These mathematical relationships allow for biology, and will dictate our vibrational medicine model system.

Harmonic resonance also dictates and shows us another form of reverence that we must build into our system. The total knowledge of all the resonance factors and the ways that a cell or set of cells in an organism can interact is infinite. As one organism interacts with another and with the environment, it goes past our understanding. This should produce some reverence; a way for us to look at natural systems of medicine in our vibrational medicine model. We do not want to just develop synthetic waveforms and think that their mathematical formulae are all we should consider in vibrational medicine.

The best vibrational medicine technique we can use on a system is the vibration of medicine in nature; the gentle waterfall, the pleasant wind, the non-toxic air, the gentle refrain of a loved one, the reassuring touch of a doctor with a good bedside manner. These are the factors that really should be looked at in vibrational medicine. Our development of harmonic frequency generators and function generators are merely side issues in comparison to the true healing factors of the human.


Each part of the body, even the smallest constituent, is a part of this bio-energetic communication network. Vibrational medicine stimulates this network, and the body’s restorative systems respond without the side-effects associated with the use of pharmacological substances. Everything living vibrates at certain frequencies. This is true not only for molecules, cells, tissues, and organs, but also for parasites, bacterium, viruses, etc. Imbalances, disorders and diseases alter the bio-energetic communications network, and through the use of non-harmful vibrational medical therapies balance can be restored. Your body can then go to work healing itself!

More On Frequency And Vibration