Unariun Wisdom

The Lamp

Behold, it is the early evening, and as I passeth through the village, I do see
From within the many houses the glow of the lamps therein,
And the good wife, who lighteth the lamp and trims the wick,
So it will burn more brightly,
And not cast off shadows, Or useth too much of the oil;
And I came to the hilltop and, lo it is,
I see the lights of countless stars
And of the moon, and I seeth that their light shineth from within;
Or that the moon is radiant of face from another great star;
So I sayeth of men that ye are also like unto these things, that may it be,
Ye shall shine of the pure light from within;
And ye keepeth your lives trimmed in the fullness of this awareness
And also ye may reflect outwardly of this Divine Light.

Excerpt from The Elysium