Unariun Wisdom

The Incredible Tale Of The Thought Resonator

by W. Gordon Allen

Following, we believe, is one of the most incredible tales ever to be offered of the never-never land between the two patterns of the scientist and the ecclesiast. It is the story of a highly, technically educated man who quit his responsible position to investigate forms of radiation unknown to science. The reply of the most responsible radiation laboratory in England, [known as] Harwell, to his discoveries is most amusing—or would be, if there were not a note of tragedy woven through the incredible tale. To think that the atomic future of the British Empire rests on the type of reception displayed toward new thought forms of George De La Warr astounds one’s credibility. We shall narrate the tale as we understand it and leave the reader to judge for himself and perhaps follow with some of their own research.

The investigation takes no great atom-smashers, high voltages, or millions of dollars, but only an open mind and simple apparatus—simpler than even the home radio set. But with this type of material George De La Warr has investigated a whole new force field of radiation that has eluded Harwell, Berkeley, Brookhaven, and perhaps even the Russians. If De La Warr is right he deserves every scientific prize and ennoblement forthwith. But, as with Tesla, it seems that he has a problem of submitting his travels beyond the third dimension to a world whose ability at comprehension still is limited. Or it might be that the priests find that he has inadvertently hopped a boundary that they would rather he had ignored.

De La Warr is a graduate civil engineer who for some time worked for various English city governments. Since 1942 at Oxford he has been, with his wife, developing some new thought on just what subtle forces of radiation might do for life forms. He has been amazingly successful in his travels to a dimension that requires thought-form resonance as a criterion of passage.

Before De La Warr, in the laboratories of Columbia University, Gurwith and Frank noted what they called mitogenic radiation: the fact that the little living cell broadcasts just like a tiny radio station. This little radiating living cell does not confine its frequency to one portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, but a different times in the vitality of its life process it broadcasts over the whole of the spectrum. The jumble of frequencies emitted by the living cell ranges over a million different wave lengths, which are emitted only one frequency at a time.

So it was at a modern “degree factory” that two men in a laboratory rediscovered what the ancients seem to have known long ago. Perhaps a man in the liberal-arts division, in the history department, could have told them about the rumor; but he is a history specialist. Perhaps in the philosophy department a Ph.D. could have told them what Goethe has mentioned about the fact that vibrations emitted by the human body should be studied; but then, he is not a scientific specialist he is a man learned in the writings of long-dead philosophers. It seems that very seldom in degree factories do we have men who are permitted to learn the “all” so that rediscoveries are not laboriously and expensively rediscovered.

The Baron von Reichenbach (nineteenth-century discoverer of creosote and other chemical compounds) made his living working for the die trust, but close to his heart were the intriguing discoveries of Mesmer. He searched for people sensitive in the manner of extra-sensory perception. Those who were highly nervous were his co-workers; he called them his “sensitive subjects.” He became convinced that a whole new force field existed in nature, and he called it his “odic force.” He found it had some relation to crystals, magnets, living cells, and was in any place where there was chemical action. Odic force, fantastically enough, can be treated somewhat like a more conventional electrical potential—conducted along wires, focused by a lens, etc. Certain people could heal others and transmit (or act as transmitters for) it.

When the baron published the results of his work in his Researches, the priests who set the pattern said that such manifestations cannot be. They were skeptical and ignored his work, and did not put more fresh and powerful minds to worked developing the study of odic force. The Baron von Humboldt (world traveler and researcher for whom the Humboldt Current is named and a university in the Russian zone of Berlin, and a great man of science) stated that “the facts are undeniable; it now becomes the task of science to explain them.” This task was never taken up by those who set the pattern.

In the United States a fellow by the name of Abrams found that like cells in the different body organs, when those organs are healthy, seem to combine to emit strongly certain frequencies. The emissions of a kidney or a pancreas were weak if the organ was not in healthy condition. Abrams’ next step was logical: he drew up tables of the frequency of the waves emitted by different organs in the human body. This follows, because like cells combine their outputs to emit a complicated but characteristic wave form.

After he had made this tabulation, Abrams then found that he could apparently diagnose a patient’s condition from a reading of his “vibrations.” Well, that’s when the mud hit the fan. All the ridicule and hate, and polemic fury, of the priests hit Mr. Abrams and his claims were never given a fair hearing. Abrams was pushed to making exaggerated claims, perhaps because he himself did not understand too well what he had discovered, and he was tricked into a test in which rabbit’s blood was substituted for human blood. That was the end of Mr. Abrams and his machine to diagnose troubles of human beings through the radiations of samples of their blood. However, it must be admitted that at that time the radio was not the household item it is today and few had ever heard about radiation, or vibrations, or emissions of a radiating body.

So Mr. Abrams was not given a niche in history. He had moved into another dimension and found that he could not properly “decompress” back to the three-dimensional world. Further, he pestered that world with his “great thought.” That world did not respond by thinking and calmly considering what he had to offer; rather, he was squished as a mosquito would be that had just drilled its victim for a bloody meal.

Dr. Ruth Drown in the United States published an interesting account of her similar work in 1939 under the long title Theory and Technique of the Drown Radio-Therapy and Radio-Vision Instruments. Her work was tied to radiation diagnosis through blood specimens, but has not been investigated or approved by the American Medical Association.

There is quite a bit of further background for De La Warr’s work. George Crile in the United States was another to view the human body as a complex radio transmitter in which both the short and the long waves of the electromagnetic spectrum are most significant. The whole human or animal nervous system is, of course, just the conductors of a chemical battery in which the blood is the carrier of the vital chemical energy. The 200,000,000,000,000,000 (two hundred quadrillion) cells in the human body are the little batteries that charge that body. Each also has an electrical potential and emits frequencies which vary in strength with the general health of the organ or the body. It would seem, from this analysis, that the condition of the life blood is most important, and that the very air, or life fluid of the planet, is very important; for oxygen intake seems to be the necessary provender of the chemical potential, and in just six to eight minutes without an oxygen supply, the human system loses its life force.

Now we come to the idea that it is amazing what human beings in this civilized world allow to happen to the great and complex machine that is each one’s body. Those who do not smoke and want pure air are looked upon by the rest as faddists. The whole television system is built mostly upon tobacco advertising (in the United States), which uses this great public-appeal medium to tell teenagers and adults to pollute their systems with foul smoke. In schools and among the medical profession the pattern is prostituted by those who should protect the people. But these same people chose not to make investigations that might alter the pattern.

The intake of food in the civilized world is governed mostly by chance, and the body eliminates a great deal of that intake as waste. Few nutritionists are aware that they are on a very nonproductive trail of research and that the more correct road may well have been pointed out by those we have mentioned.

Again the problem seems to be for man to understand the subtle forces of the universe, because the universe seems to care not a whit about man, if he cannot conform. For centuries there have been whispers of a whole new force field that can be utilized to the benefit of mankind. True, it is just as startling today as transmission of voice and pictures through the air would have seemed one hundred years ago; nevertheless, as von Humbolt said, the evidence is with us today.

It was Lakhovsky who, in quoting Albert Nodon’s work, stated that the radiation of plants is in the same spectrum as that of radium and that the radiation of living insects is three to fifteen times greater than that of plants. The vital human cell’s radiation is even greater. He showed that every living thing is a delicate and complex radiative unit depending upon chains of interlocking processes within itself and supported like a fish in water by a sea of vibrations without. In his view, the whole universe is knit together by a universal plexus of cosmic rays, and all forms of matter, ranging from rarefied gases to solid rock and lead metal, are simply varying degrees of condensation in this plexus. In radiation (or vibration) everything lives, moves, and has its being. Or, as Einstein has said, something material (or three-dimensional) is merely “frozen energy.”

These preliminary statements seem to build quite a case for some different thoughts and conceptions, do they not? Much different from what we are led to believe through our everyday education and associations. But for understanding of the wave-form human being that we have alluded to, and for understanding of other dimensions, these uncommon conceptions are most important. The thought-form resonator operates in this field, not in the field of the gun, the H-bomb, or the surge of the hot gas of a rocket exhaust. It operates outside the pall of violence of our “civilization” and in the subtleties of radiations and emissions that still are in the realm of the fantastic to Western thinking.

We seldom stop to think of how thin is the line that the world and life as we know it is held on. A few degrees of temperature change and life on this planet would disappear. Diamonds, among the hardest substances known, are not so permanent after all. They are just frozen carbon which can be a solid, or a liquid, or a gas, just like any drop of water. The whirling atoms themselves will disintegrate once they stop whirling and will dissipate as a wave form.

There are solid facts and truths in this universe that depend upon just one phenomenon to keep them in existence. That “fact” is the motion or whirl of its atom of materiality. As Heisenberg, Einstein, and Tesla, and even the priests, realize, the simple question that we should all like the answer to is just this: What is it that causes the electrical ether of the universe to be seized and whirled in a vortex and to be materialized as matter? We know how it is released again by various methods into pure energy, but what happenstance sustains the action? What combinations of force fields make this possible?

George De La Warr found the answer to part of this question by starting his experiments in a very modest way. His first experiments employed sonic and ultrasonic sound waves, on growing plants. He found that a growing plant’s electrical potential was effected when it was treated with sound waves, and when he and his wife held their hands near it. He also suspected that the plant’s rotation to a certain north-south polarity had much to do with the rapidity of the plant’s growth. He questioned that perhaps there was a relationship between the earth’s magnetic field and the interaction of this polarity with the electrostatic potential of the growing plant’s cells. His next natural deduction was that certain sound waves would stimulate plant growth. They did. When he compared his sonic-treated plants with others not treated, he found that their growth had been very appreciably stimulated.

He reasoned (like Tesla, who loved the phenomenon of resonance) that it was the reinforcing vibration of the sound-treating that helped the plant to grow at an accelerated rate. Therefore, he next made a portable cavity resonator (receiver instrument) that could be tuned to the frequency emitted by a plant. The cavity resonator was used to detect the fact that a certain plant was indeed emitting a certain wave train.

How is the resonant point detected? At this point the third kind of radiation comes in (odic force field), that emitted by the human operator who was looking for the “right,” or resonant, frequency from all of those of the spectrum. On top of the De La Warr cavity is a thin rubber diaphragm which the operator strokes, passing his finger repeatedly from left to right with a very, very light touch. When the tuning stub leading from the cavity to the plant is at the right point, the “crackle” or “stick” is felt by the operator; that is the point of resonance, and the machine is in tune.

Why is an operator needed to detect resonance? Why cannot an ultra-sensitive laboratory radio receiver be used? Why? Why? Why? If we follow up with what has happened and why the “stick of resonance” proves there is resonance, we find that here we cross the frontier into other dimensions—the frontier which divides the world of matter from the world where mind is an operative force. For, as we shall see later, the mind seems to act as a modulator (perhaps detector) of complex and continually changing wave forms that are emitted from the human body. To hold in mind a steady thought of something is to “tune” your mind resonance to that something! In order to tune to the plant’s radiation, the operator gets the “stick of resonance” only when his mind pictures the plant! The wave forms his mind is emitting then seem to be in harmonic relationship with the plant’s radiation and in that way reinforce the effect.

This is the fundamental principle of the thought resonator of De La Warr—the resonator when located in one city can diagnose a patient in another, which can supply X-ray-like photographs, which can even provide a “time slip,” or act as what is called in science fiction a time machine.

Now we are finally in the realm of the thought-controlled UFO’s that are conjured up by certain groups into reality. We are in the realm of the reality of “thought forms” themselves. We are in the realm of the conception that reality as we have understood it to this point in our “civilization” is not reality at all, but is just one manifestation of the status of matter that is frozen into three dimensions under certain stable conditions of temperature, which controls atomic movement in a certain stability of force fields. When this stability of force fields and movements is in the slightest way disturbed, our whole three-dimensional material world dissolves like gossamer clouds into the infinity of space and defies detection by our poor and inadequate five senses.

This is the startling thought that dare not be taught to little children in school, say those who determine the education of “civilization.” This we dare not tell from the pulpit, say the high priests. This we dare not give cognizance to, say the tax-collectors. And so it has been on this planet for three to five thousand years. Our civilization has been built upon the fact that if all that does not fit the pattern is ignored, mayhap we can build a reality that belies that reality. If we ridicule those who know a bit of the answer, mayhap we can have the “whole” unrevealed and protect our vested interests. If we call fireballs “meteors,” UFO’s laughingly “saucers,” and have all the governments of the world say they do not exist—even when thousands of world citizens have personal pictures of them—mayhap we can still preserve our pattern. If we keep our educational system in the realm of specialties instead of granting a degree Doctor of the cosmos . . . then perhaps we can see the causative effects that bothered Einstein as a young man at Zurich.

Excerpt from Space-Craft From Beyond Three Dimensions

Part II coming soon.