Unariun Wisdom

The Fisherman

And I came upon the sea whereon there was a vessel
From whence the fisherman didst cast his net
And even as he casteth, he draweth not unto himself
the many fish he desired;
Nor neither could he discern beneath the sea
The place where there were fish.

And so it must be that he cast his net fruitlessly
And his body became weary with many castings;
And his arm acheth from the pulling on the sail
As he did come and go from many places upon the waters.

So there is within us, and our lives here on earth;
And as we seeketh, so are we likened unto the fisherman.
And because of this, we casteth not our net with discernment
Of the Spiritual Eye which seeth beneath the surface;
Nor can we draw the fishes into our nets because of this lack.

Therefore heed ye, that thou shalt always see, and discern,
For surely, the things of the earth shall passeth away;
And ye shall be without the sea ~
or the place whereof thou casteth thy net.

And as ye casteth thy Spiritual net,
and with thy Spiritual Eye
And draw unto thyself the fishes of life that shall feed ye,
For verily they are of God, and
Verily, so shall ye live forever.

by Ernest L. Norman

Excerpt from The Elysium