Unariun Wisdom

The Boys “Topside”

Wilbert B. Smith was a Canadian government scientist/engineer who was interested in the flying saucer phenomenon from the early 1950s until his passing in 1962.

He claimed to have communicated with extraterrestrial people via several means including radio communication, “tensor beam”, and indirectly through channeling by others. His archived correspondence and public presentations describe much information of a technical and scientific nature inspired by the people “topside”. The basis for the new revealed science is presented in his posthumously published online book The New Science.

The space people dropped hints to him about the fundamentals of their science but expected him to work things out for himself. He felt strongly that the knowledge about critical technologies like gravity control should not be generally accessible until the time was right. Perhaps the internet era is the right time to publicize these hints. What follows are verbatim extracts by Wilbert Smith from his archive.

The Space Intelligences

by Wilbert Smith

We have been actively engaged in the study of UFOs for about twelve years, and scientific oddities much earlier than this. We came to the conclusion about ten years ago that the UFOs are real, of extraterrestrial origin, built and operated by people very much like us, and of whom we are descendants.

They are real spacecraft, operated by people like us, who are keeping an eye on things here. We have been in touch with them and have obtained considerable data upon which we are working towards a better understanding of the laws of the universe. These people are way ahead of us in all ways, but nevertheless our friends, and are willing to help us; but not to the extent of giving us a technology with which to make better and bigger bombs.

For your information every nation on this planet has been officially informed of the existence of the space craft and their occupants from elsewhere, and as nations they must accept responsibility for any lack of action or for any official position which they may take. There is nothing more to be done along these lines, and effort in this direction is effort wasted.

Apparently, there are quite a few groups of space people operating in the vicinity of this planet, and while they have knowledge of each other they do not engage in extensive interchange of ideas. Some of them are working for the benefit of the human race, others to fulfill a “plan”, and still others are merely “tourists”. Something drastic is due to happen here shortly and I suppose it is natural that people would flock here to observe it.

Apparently, the time for us is very short and there are several groups who have an interest in the outcome. Most of them are friendly, but there is at least one bad lot who are bent on exploitation. These latter have a base of some kind near North Bay (Ontario). However, I’m afraid that there is precious little that we can do.

So far I have not enjoyed a direct contact with these people, all my contacts being through some intermediate means or person. The boys topside have advised me that in my case there is a definite reason for this but don’t elaborate. I am also told that there are quite a few contacts being made.

I am personally convinced that the saucers are real, that they are operated by intelligences more advanced than we are, that they are not hostile, and that they would associate with us if they could be convinced that we were not savages at heart.

I have never met any of these people from elsewhere myself face to face, although several of my friends have, and I have confidence in their veracity. I have communicated with them by radio and by “tensor beam”, and indirectly through contacts, and I can honestly say that I am as well acquainted with some of these people from outside as I am with people with whom I work at my office. There is no doubt in my mind as to their existence or that they are what they say they are.

I can tell you something about the UFO people. They are of the same basic human stock as we. They have been civilized for a very long time. Cosmic Law requires that each race work out its own destiny, provided that it does not menace others. We are a menace, therefore we must be “dealt with”, but the dealings will be “Acts of God” and our own fananglings, or so they will seem to us. The saucer people stand ready to help and teach us as soon as we are ready. I cannot “prove” these statements yet but I know them to be true and have reason to believe that this will be common knowledge before long.

It is my opinion that the people from elsewhere choose all sorts of methods to make contact with us, and their technology and understanding being much better than ours, they can use methods which we find quite incomprehensible. Most of the Contacts of whom I have knowledge are “mental” in one form or another, directly or indirectly, but they do seem to range through almost all sorts of means, right down to personal face-to-face contact. You asked about the withered spots on our lawn. I feel quite sure that they were caused by the field from one of the little monitors; a sphere about as big as a small grapefruit. Such a monitor has been seen around my home on several occasions, sometimes with his light on and sometimes with it off. I think this particular model belongs to one certain group which were particularly interested in a phase of our activity going on at the time. I have no evidence of its presence since last fall.

As for the inconsistencies reported by the various contacts, I am not in the least disturbed by them. There are many times as many people off this planet as on it, and they live under all sorts of conditions. They are at a variety of stages of evolvement, and their interests are bound to be more varied than ours. Consequently, it is logical to me that the views which we get of them are bound to vary quite a bit.

I do not agree with NICAP policy on contact stories. I have spent too many hours conversing with people from elsewhere to have any doubts about their reality or that they are what they claim to be. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to have made contact with these people have learned a great deal, and profited greatly through this knowledge, in those things which really count, which we can take with us.

One group through whom I have been working seem to have made a pretty solid contact with the saucer people and from them I have learned a lot. At first it all seemed pretty fantastic, because they told me that some of the things which I fondly thought to be foundation stones of our science just weren’t so. Consequently, I set out to either confirm or disprove, and the result is that I satisfied myself that they are right! Naturally, I have been exposed to their kindergarten, so to speak, but I have learned much.

With respect to the technology of the saucers, I can only state that we have learned much. The technology under which they operate is much more advanced than ours; my estimate is about a 500 year differential.

The boys topside make extensive use of significant events for all sorts of purposes including communications. I am also told that they navigate their ships by what we would call astrology. They also make use of a type of energy which we do not understand, “Tensor Energy, or Beam” which is space-time independent, for all their menial tasks and communications. I am informed that ours is by no means the first civilization which has existed on this planet. There have been many others, and even some of the souls at present incarnated here participated in these previous experiments. There exists in very inconspicuous places in several museums, artifacts which represent a culture at least as high as ours, and which existed during the coal age!

All is not quite as it seems, and our conventional ideas about electricity, magnetism, gravitation, and time are not entirely correct. The saucer people do not realize that we have these odd ideas. They assume that because we have made a certain amount of scientific progress that we do have basically sound ideas.

Furthermore, we have mistakenly drawn a heavy veil between our spiritual world and our physical world, and there are even many to whom the spiritual world is something vague to be mentioned only on Sunday. I understand from the people from elsewhere that such is not generally the case with them. For many of them there is no real veil between the physical and the spiritual, and communication and participation between the two is quite the normal thing.

I have done quite a bit of work along the lines of basic physics, but I have been requested by the boys topside not to publish any of this yet, as the world is not yet ready. You see, there are many earth people who have each been entrusted with a portion of the new knowledge, but until certain events have taken place this information may not be assembled into the whole.

Apparently the Higher Authority does not wish time field information to get wide dissemination. I prepared a tape with a very brief outline of the principles on it for [George Hunt] Williamson. He started it playing but after about 10 to 20 seconds it got all fouled up with goo which resembled rubber cement! They scraped and scoured, breaking the tape, but couldn’t get it going, so they hauled the tape off, wound it up by hand and sent it back, all plastered in goo. When I got it, there was just a trace of goo left which was gone by the next day. So I take it that this bit of information with which I am entrusted must remain confidential for the present at least.

Dr. Stedman had a similar experience when he attempted to photograph a spectrum for publication purposes, which would establish the field nature of time. The rare element which he had isolated was removed from right under his nose!

I have no doubt at all about the authenticity of the greater part of the saucer contacts, but what puzzles me is the apparent completely independent actions of the various units. I suppose I am conditioned by earth thinking, but it seems to me that they are missing a good bet by not coordinating their efforts. Then again there is the problem of the various “planes” and how these tie in with the various groups who obviously are operating hereabouts and communicating with earth people. I would like very much to establish a radio circuit of some kind in lieu, of course, of a personal contact.

One thing which I would like to check thoroughly is the identity of all the various space people, where they are from and some of their objects hereabouts. I am deliberately keeping you in the dark with regard to my other contacts so I can work this phase of the check. Could you find out from your various contacts the names of as many space people as possible, and the names and objects of their various projects, and also if they know corresponding particulars of other space people and projects? What I hope to do is find the same group of people making contact at two or more places not related. So far I have been able to get a few check points but not nearly as many as I would like to have. It would appear that each group works hard to establish a contact and then rests on their laurels thereafter. It doesn’t make too much sense.

There is one point which I think we all should bear in mind at all times when assessing these communications. I am convinced that the majority of them are genuine, but subject to a fundamental lack of precision in semantics. By this I mean that most of the people from other worlds use direct thought communications, which in itself is quite precise, but when they have anything to do with us they must work through a language. Consequently, although they appear to have a pretty good knowledge of the language, close examination brings out the fact that they frequently have pretty weird ideas about the meaning of some of our words. For example, one group with whom I was conversing used words entirely in their literary sense. We were discussing mathematics, I asked about their number scale which was ten like ours, since they also have ten fingers. I asked the difference between seven and three, and was told that there was no difference since they were both numbers! I asked when one subtracted three from seven how much was left and was told, nothing, since when one subtracts it is all gone! Further questioning brought forth the fact that their mathematics is operational and not equivalent as ours is. But this goes to show how careful one must be with the value of words.

There is another point to consider, and that is what appears to be a fundamental cosmic law; no information can be passed through intervening means or medium unless that intervening mechanism has been coded to carry that information. In other words, no saucer person can tell us anything about his way of life or technology unless the individual receiving the disclosure already has within his experience or knowledge the concepts and terminology applicable to it. This seems to apply equally to a person to person contact as well as information passed second or third hand or even through machines. I am sure you will appreciate this point after you have thought about it a bit. Some learned man a while back remarked that there was no royal road to learning, and I am convinced that this is only too true.

There is one other point on which I am convinced, and that is that these people cannot give us any of their technology unless we are prepared to work it out from scratch. They might give us hints and clues, and confirm when we are on the right track, but I think outright instruction is out, mainly because of semantics.

I find my best method of work to be; work out the basic principles as well as I can, making my own terminology as I go along, and then when opportunity comes, check it with the saucer people. I am then ‘coded’ to pass the information, and I soon find out if I am right or wrong and where. I have already been set back on the rails several times.

In a general sense, these are the points I feel are fairly well established. Space people from a number of alien planets are in the vicinity of the earth. Physically, they resemble us quite closely, and are probably of the same basic human stock. Something is about to happen which will be quite serious for the human race of the earth, and probably will have serious repercussions throughout the solar system. The space people intend to minimize the damage and ensure that our race does not perish. That we are rather primitive compared with other races, and under normal circumstances would be left to our own devices to grow up as best we could, but because of some impending crisis, they must now interfere in our affairs, but they intend to keep such interference to an absolute minimum. Beyond this I feel we have little but conjecture to go on and I want to extend our information as far as possible by the cross check method which I proposed above.

See Part II here.