Unariun Wisdom

Tesla’s Spirit Radio

by BoredomTherapy

When you hear about ghosts, spirits, and other supernatural phenomena, it’s easy to take them as nothing more than tall tales. But every so often you’re faced with evidence that causes you to question everything.

In the early 1900s, electrical pioneer Nikola Tesla supposedly created a “crystal radio” that could channel the spirit realm. While many people cried foul and claimed his invention was bogus, one man recently recreated the very same device… and the results were absolutely spectacular.

This man decided to build the same spooky spirit radio that was originally constructed by inventor and experimental physicist Nikola Tesla.

He put it together the same way Tesla did, using as much of the original plans and methods as he could.

“My first observations positively terrified me,” Tesla said about the radio in 1901, “as there was present in them something mysterious, not to say supernatural, and I was alone in my laboratory at night… The sounds I am listening to at first sound like human voices conversing back and forth in a language I cannot understand.”

But when he finally turned it on, he heard this…

What is that? Is he just picking up random radio signals… or something else?  On the other hand you have researchers such as follows who feel they have made “successful immediate spirit contact”.

Would you like to build your own? Here are the instructions on how to build your own Tesla Spirit Radio.