Unariun Wisdom

Spirit Releasement Therapy: Types of Possessing Entities ~ Part II

by Dr. William J. Baldwin

Thought Form

The thought form is a projection of consciousness. It can be in the form of an emotion such as anger, fear, or sadness. In this form, it can simulate an earthbound spirit in its effect on the host. As a thought form projected by a living person, it has no spark of God consciousness at its center, yet it seems to have consciousness, intelligence and purpose. It may have a mind fragment of the person who projected it.

Angie experienced what at first seemed to be an angry entity. Further probing revealed that in a past life she was a passenger on a sailing ship. The captain of the vessel was unscrupulous and attempted to force his affections on her, which she refused. Angry at her rejection, he pushed her overboard and she drowned at sea. His intense anger followed her as a thought form. In the session she forgave the captain. The thought form of his anger was dissolved by visualizing Light surrounding it.

A thought form can be a figure of some sort—for example, an imaginary playmate or protector that a child might wish into existence. A sorcerer, witch or black magician might conjure a spirit helper called a familiar spirit. The familiar spirit can be sent out to do the evil bidding of the conjurer. The thought form is connected to the conjurer by a cord of consciousness. A thought form can persist through lifetimes of its host. Since it is created by the sorcerer, it has no history, no memory of existence, prior to being conjured. Conscious beings are created by Source and can recall the experience of the Light.

Fantasy role-playing games such as “Dungeons and Dragons” can become terribly engrossing for teenagers who play. During the game players conjure or fantasize beings which are often given powers of destruction to be used against other players. Extensive involvement in this game can disrupt the reality perception of the young players. Numerous cases of violent crime and teenage suicide have been attributed to such participation. This game has led some teenagers into active participation in Satanism (Pulling, 1989).

The thought form created by the client in this or another lifetime can be eliminated as the client takes responsibility and chooses to cease creating the form. This might entail past-life therapy with the client to locate the actual incident when the thought form was conjured and resolving whatever emotions led to the act.

Inspirational Possession

Frederic Thompson was apparently influenced by R. Swain Gifford, a prominent artist who died in 1905. They had only a brief acquaintance prior to Gifford’s death in January of that year. During that summer, Thompson gave in to overwhelming urges to paint. The subjects of the paintings were unknown to Thompson, yet on investigation they were found to be familiar to Gifford, in particular one of Gifford’s unfinished works. In this well well-documented case of possession, Thompson assumed the artistic skill of the deceased artist (Rogo, 1987, pp.13-51)

Brazilian psychologist and psychic Luis Antonio Gasparetto produces works of art in the trance state, apparently transmitted by the spirits of the great painters (Villoldo and Krippner, 1986, pp. 6-18).

As a child, Rosemary Brown believed she saw spirits around her family. At age seven, Franz Liszt began to appear to her. She studied piano for a year as a child and a year and a half as an adult. Under the direction of and partial possession of Liszt, she gave excellent performances of difficult piano compositions.

Pearl Curran produced more than 4,000 pages of fine literary work over a period of 24 years. Patience Worth was the spirit who transmitted the work written in late Medieval English. Mrs. Curran had little education and limited exposure to English literature.

Matthew Manning went to boarding school at age 15. Prior to his leaving his father’s home, there had been an outbreak of poltergeist activity. Furniture was rearranged; puddles of water appeared on the floor; there were scribblings on walls; faucets and lights turned on and off. In the boarding school which he attended, beds moved in the dorms, kitchen utensils rained into the dorms from out of midair, writing again appeared on walls. This ceased only when Matthew took up drawing instruments and began producing sketches, drawings and paintings, purportedly from deceased masters.

Robert Louis Stevenson credited his “little people,” or “brownies,” as he called them, for much of his literary output.

These cases are considered to be inspirational possession. There is no indication that the possessors are earthbound spirits. Loved ones in the Light can bring messages of assurance or assistance for ones still living. When they assume the familiar identity, there is recognition without fear.

Can higher beings impart skills to living people? Is it possible for a more advanced spirit to manipulate or control the mind and body of a living person and create art, prose or music such as these people produced? Such questions evade understanding. The answers remain part of the Mystery.

Non-Human Entities

A tiny fraction of the 30 million species of insects in the world pose a threat to the humans. Of the thousands of animal species, only a few are poisonous and deadly. Of the countless varieties of microorganisms, many are beneficial while others are parasitic, invasive and harmful. In the plant kingdom, a few are known to be harmful, even deadly, to humans. Many have proven to be beneficial and healing. In fact a large number of modern medicines were first derived from plant material.

So it is in the spiritual or non-physical level of reality. Of the myriad beings created and emanated by Source, a small fraction seem to be hostile to humans. Many others are friendly, loving, and helpful. It is up to each individual to use the spiritual gift of discernment of spirit. Human beings are admonished to test the spirits.

The spiritual realm is vast; only a small number of created beings chose to enter the cycle of human existence on this planet. Many beings however, seem to want to experience this level of reality. For some, this can only be done through the physical apparatus of a living human. There seem to be other beings of different levels of vibration currently existing naturally on this planet, such as the little people of folklore, and plant Devas.

Substance Spirits

Substance spirits are akin to plant Devas. Hallucinogenic and consciousness-altering drugs of plant origin seem to involve these characteristic beings. People see them, feel them, and describe them in specific terms. An example of this type of being is “Mescalito,” the spirit character associated with the substance described in the works of Carlos Castaneda (1969, 1971). When they are discovered as attached beings, they are sent to the Light, accompanied by angelic guides.

Little People

Occasionally a client will describe an ugly-looking character and call it a gnome, an imp or a troll. They are not dark or malicious; they just seem to be grouchy, mischievous, ornery, and try to get in the way. They are sent to the Light.


Bioengineering and genetic manipulation may produce medical miracles in present times and in the future. There is also serious concern that some of the experimental effects may cause immense, irreversible and unalterable harm to living organisms, the inhabitants of this planet, including human beings.

In the time of Atlantis, the fabled continent which allegedly submerged beneath the Atlantic ocean some 14,000 years ago, biological experiments were also conducted on living beings. At the time it was possible for interspecies breeding to produce offspring. Supposedly, mythological creatures which were part human and part animal existed at that time. They were considered as “things” and were routinely enslaved and otherwise brutalized. Experiments and surgeries were performed on them to produce freaks for exhibition to the decadent crowds (Robinson, 1972, pp 49-71). They were not ceremoniously buried after death but discarded in trash heaps or pits in the earth.

These strange creatures were of very low intelligence and yet they were created beings with evolving souls. The experimentation and brutalization so traumatized them that many remained earthbound in their agony. When they are discovered as attached entities, they are usually found in groups. The rescue spirits from the Light are often recognized as doctors or other experimenters who violated them in Atlantean times. These fearful beings cannot comprehend the situation and usually refuse to go with their former tormentors who want to atone for their errors in these earlier times. Other rescue spirits must be summoned from the Light. These pitiful earthbound spirits will finally reluctantly agree to accompany the rescuers.


Some beings do not want to come through the Portal in the Light to engage in the reincarnational cycle of earth. They do not want to go through the process of preparation for the earth plane in the halls of learning and the planning stage. Not wanting to bother with human birth and maturation, they may selfishly attempt to attach to a living human and simply experience this world through the sensorium of that person. They sometimes attempt to displace the contracted spirit and take over the body completely.

Carla, a 35-year-old woman, was very upset and she burst into tears after observing a demonstration of a spirit releasement. Her tears finally subsided and the entity attached to her was able to speak. It was her brother in another lifetime on another planet in a different solar system. He followed her to this system but did not want to endure the whole process of becoming a human in his own body. He wanted to crowd her out or at least move her to one side and take over her body.

With very little explanation he realized the harm he was doing to his sister, whom he loved yet wanted to dominate in a a chauvinistic manner. As he told of their life on their home planet in a distant space and time, Carla also recalled the love they had shared there and began to weep again, this time for joy of the memory and the sadness over the loss.

He agreed to go and she agreed to release him, though the attraction of love was strong between them. More than a year later, she reported that many positive changes had occurred in her life as the result of the release of her ET brother.

The description of ET, or extraterrestrial, encompasses beings which come from a different planet, solar system, star system, even a different dimension. Some arrive here alone, while others claim to belong to groups, forming many such connections with living humans. It is not appropriate for these or any other discarnate beings to attach to living humans.

Spirit Guides

Spirit guides are non-physical beings who, by agreement, are assigned or chosen for service as advisors for other beings who choose to incarnate in human form. Most people can neither see nor hear nor feel the presence of their guides and so do not accept the reality of guides or guardian angels. Still others accept the actuality of spirit guidance and actively participate with these spirit helpers in everyday life.

The spirit guide comes from the Light and has its own source of energy. It does not use the energy of a person. The earthbound has not returned to the Light since death and must draw energy from the host.

Guides are non-judgmental, non-critical, non-intrusive, non-interfering, only give advice and guidance when it is sought, and have no earthly needs of their own. Earthbound spirits may be very egotistical in their attitudes and judgments and often satisfy their own very human needs and appetites through the sensorium and physical apparatus of the human.

The earthbound has its own agenda for living life. The guide has no agenda of its own. A spirit guide has no residue to impose on a person; the earthbound often inflicts its ailments on the host. The only purpose of the true spirit guide is to serve the incarnated being.

A spirit guide does not attach to the human in any way and cannot be exorcised. It carries a different energy. A person who is aware of spirit guides might describe them as “light,” “floating,” “sparkling,” “tinkling like crystal.” The earthbound is “shadowy,” “heavy,” “clinging,” and sometimes interferes physically. The earthbound entity is of such low vibration that it is often not discernible by the spirit guide.

Occasionally, a spirit guide will respond to the questions of the therapist and will speak through the voice of the client in a deep altered state. It will refer to the client in the third person, as “he” or “she”. It will offer information and insight which is usually not known to the person. There is often surprise and sometimes awe or reverence at this phenomenon, especially if it is a first-time event. Though the client may report a feeling of dissociation and loss of control of the voice mechanism, there is usually a feeling of deep trust and love for the guide in this experience.

Excerpt from Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual

See Part I here.