Unariun Wisdom

Reincarnation Concept – Becoming Widespread

by Ruth Norman

Now, due to another book just received in the mail titled, “Here and Hereafter”, by Ruth Montgomery, (published by Coward McCann, New York) which is similar in content to various others being published in these ‘latter days’, and because some students have written to us regarding such writings, they feel here are similar teachings to that which UN.AR.I.U.S. teaches. It may be helpful to point up to the sincere seeker that only a slight similarity exists in such comparisons. We are always glad to see more and more of this type of publication come to light (past life realizations), for they are all healthy signs of the times. These people are seeking; they are all more or less beginning to agree with the fact that man lives again and again, that he reincarnates into many different embodiments, that he is, in the present, the result of his past acts, deeds and thoughts, but the vital, and ever-present, and inescapable scientific principles of how and why, he does not know. These important basic concepts are missing! It is of little benefit to read these beliefs or speculations if we cannot learn why and how! We can resolve nothing within our consciousness unless it can be followed through in principle and sequence—cause and effect!

Life or evolution is very exacting and precise in principle and it is this science of the causal realms that they are all missing. In fact, Miss Montgomery starts out her book (which could become a best-seller in its field) by stating that no one could prove reincarnation, even though this is the very motive of her book; yet, too how wrong she is! You, the reader, I, or any individual sufficiently learned in the science of UN.AR.I.U.S. can prove these principles; and we here have done so very, very often. In fact, life itself is the proof. The great difference between these many so-called dispensers of Truth and the infinite and vast Science of UN.AR.I.U.S. is, they have not been taught as UN.AR.I.U.S. teaches, about the all-important psychic anatomy of every individual—and without which there could be no individual, animal or any other living entity!

Such speculations as she relates (as do many other similar writers) will cease to be mere speculations and will be imbued with true understanding when one learns the Truth—that man is, in fact, an electronic computer, that every act, thought, or deed is electronically recorded within this energy body or psychic anatomy in a very exacting wave form pattern. It is these energy patterns which are constantly reflecting outwardly through conscious mind that cause man to act and react as he does. Man is incepting and oscillating outwardly the sum and total of any one, or from many experiences and expressions of his countless past lives! Thus, as a proof beyond any shadow of doubt, when man, for instance, has some physical disorder and views what it was that set it in motion, what particular experience in that past is responsible—in this objectification, he cancels out the negative oscillation and healing can instantly result! This, dear reader, is your proof; this is the Science which all other schools of thought do not have and which is so very important. It is the very basis of life itself. However, needless to enter into any discussion with these various scientific concepts our Moderator has taught, for they are all given in detail throughout the UN.AR.I.U.S. texts, the lessons and books.

But do not be misled, as have many who have not as yet learned the UN.AR.I.U.S. Science, that here is another school or individual teaching the science of UN.AR.I.U.S., for it will not be so. The Unariun Moderator is the only personality on earth so aware of these advanced concepts and you, as a Unariun student, are most fortunate to be in on the ground floor, so to say, in having this teaching in this, your present embodiment. Be not deluded by others with false claims. Read these observances objectively and if you are learning your UN.AR.I.U.S. lessons well, you will conceive the great differences and pick out the flaws and shortcomings, and realize that the all-important creative, regenerative, interdimensional science is missing in all other schools. We would suggest the reading of the “Here and Hereafter” book. You will find it of interest and, in part, it does serve to prove the UN.AR.I.U.S. teachings, however, because this author, or any other earth man, for that matter, is not aware of the Unariun concept regarding the energy body, etc., the true creative regenerative principles, she has interjected some such phrases and beliefs such as ‘paying penance’, etc., but you, as a Unariun, will recognize these erroneous beliefs. The only reason any person encounters serious negations of any duration or size is due to the negative wave forms within his psychic anatomy which are constantly being out-pictured. When we learn the true creative science, then all the superstitions and mysticisms, the false beliefs of the past disappear. This is the main reason why the scientists cannot go along with their reincarnation beliefs, they cannot furnish the whole picture, thus, the scientists must label it pseudo! Ruth Montgomery, as so many others, still believes in the old saying, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” . . . so to speak, which is not the true science of life nor is it factual.

I thought best to include this word of warning as I have suggested it as an interesting book to read [link to full book here]—yet, do so with caution! Watch for misconceptions that they may not become a part of you!

Even more important is the wondrous radiating power the UN.AR.I.U.S. texts carry to the reader, the inner contact with the Creative Infinite Intelligence, and which is not found in any other earthly writings. The Power, the Light and Energies transduced into this physical dimension through the Infinite Consciousness of the Unariun Moderator are thoroughly unique with UN.AR.I.U.S. teachings—the transcending element which lifts the reader from his normal consciousness into higher states of being, the element which makes it possible for the mind of the reader to conceive the Word, and step by step, to climb to ever higher states of awareness—and to which there is no end!

Again, returning thoughts to the “After Life” book, to point up once more the incredible abilities of the developed Mind of our Emissary, although I have read only a few pages, I was relating to Ernest how, as the authoress relates, one man, a nonbeliever in reincarnation, during a visit to Egypt with others, was climbing up the pyramid when suddenly a strong fear and feeling of doom overtook him—so much so, he retreated to the bottom. While he sat there, he viewed psychically the slaves building the great stone structure, he, himself among the slaves! He saw the huge stones rolling over upon him as he labored to fit them in proper junctions, and watched himself as he was crushed to death. Thus, he joined the ‘believers’ henceforth. But my point here: as this psychism was merely mentioned to the Moderator, He instantly tuned into the happening and viewed not only what the man had seen, but added much more as He related to me exactly how huge ropes were laced through a large eye or ring to serve as a pulley by which the stones were moved about. He told how this man was seen stepping over large, round logs about the ground, used to aid in the moving of the stones; He saw how his feet were hurt several times in all this heavy construction. The Moderator saw also why or how it was he became a slave among the many; that, as a citizen, he had stolen a mirror and was thusly punished! Now, he should have a strong rapport, a feeling with (or against) mirrors.

Excerpt from Here and Hereafter:

The Reverend George F. Emery, pastor of the First Methodist Church in Lacon, Illinois, made his first preaching mission to the Middle East in 1966, and after delivering a sermon in Cairo, Egypt, he accompanied a group of other pastors and friends to the nearby pyramids at Giza. The youthful minister is an athletic type, full of vigor and vitality, and the moment that he glimpsed the Great Pyramid he announced that he intended to scale it. Some of his colleagues volunteered to join him, and he was in the forefront as they eagerly began the climb, but he had advanced no more than a few feet when he was “overcome by a terrific sense of gloom and fear.”

“I was dumbfounded at my reaction,” he confesses, “but I knew that I couldn’t go on. The others kept shouting at me to keep climbing, but I carefully inched my way backward, until I could sit down at the base of the pyramid and close my eyes. Immediately, I saw slaves pushing the heavy blocks into place, and amid the bustle of the colorful mental image I clearly identified myself with one of the young workmen. I was laboriously helping to push a heavy block of stone into place, when I heard a piercing shriek, and saw the blocks collapsing on me. I knew that I had died as a slave in Egypt, while helping to erect that pyramid.”

The Rev. Mr. Emery found the experience extremely disquieting, because he had until recently scoffed at the idea of reincarnation. He consequently made no mention of the eerie drama that had unfolded before his inner eye, and proceeded on to the Holy Land, the next stop in his itinerary.

Here is the kind of verification by which one can factually prove this principle of reincarnation to himself. It would be very natural for him to have quite a rapport with mirrors. This is the type of consciousness or attunement possible with such a developed Mind as the Moderator. Time or distance is of absolutely no concern to him in such viewing or relating the past, present or future! It might be mentioned, however, He does not recommend folks delving into their future; his reasons are that then the conscious mind will set up ways to try to help bring about the incident (if it happened to be a desirable one) and cause blocks to what would otherwise have worked out easily and naturally. He is reticent to relate the future for this reason. Then, too, it is in the experience that the lessons in life are contained.

Mind you, dear reader, this was the only contact necessary for the Moderator to reach out in his attunement with that ancient past—my mere mention to him of the person! I am sure to many, this ability is inconceivable, yet it is factual. No limitations, as He often says—and proves!

Excerpt from Bridge To Heaven