Unariun Wisdom

Q & A On The Wheel Of Life

by Ernest L. Norman

Q – Are there different dimensions or graduations in the astral worlds?

A – Oh yes, indeed; in the astral worlds we find numerous spectrums or places where we find energy assuming many different rates.

Q – Is that in addition to the 101 elements?

A – We do not have the 101 elements in the astral dimensions. These 101 elements are energy expressing themselves in a certain form in the terrestrial dimension only. We have other elements in the higher realms in which energy is vibrating at different rates and relationships.

Q – Have those who are the Logi also had expression in the lower realms?

A – Yes indeed. The ruler and moderator of the entire seven planetary systems is the one who was called Jesus. Mastership means graduation from each one of these seven centers. The Logi have not only achieved this, but also have mastered many other dimensions which are above these.

Q – Why are there thirty-three?

A – Because we are only concerned with the question as they relate themselves to our astrophysical concept. There may be one hundred trillion, but the ones with which we are concerned are those rotating and influencing into these dimensions according to our mathematical formula.

Q – Do we ever incarnate in other physical planets of our solar system?

A – Yes, we do; the fact is that our evolution, as we are rotating back into these astral worlds is only one very small part of our total evolution. It may take anywhere from 100,000 to a half million years or even a million years to complete all the necessary ingredients. But out in these other great voids of the universe are other solar systems and other planets which are on the same similar level or frequency as the earth. We eventually will go to one of those and start a new evolution and a new cycle in a different rate of vibration from some of these other centers.

Those planets of our system maintain a certain relationship to each other and in their expression of life. It is a very infinite and abstract concept. We need to think about it much before we comprehend it because we find innumerable numbers, not only in our own solar system but countless trillions of others.

For instance, Jupiter: the astronomer says there is no life on Jupiter because of the mean temperature of 240 degrees below zero. The atmosphere, he says, is composed of frozen ammonia but that does not mean he is correct. The present-day scientist is concerned only with life in our 101 elements. And how many other millions or billions of elements or energy expressions do we find. Jupiter maintains a balance of relationship a little below that of the earth. It has a much heavier gravitational pull. It is about 318 times the size of the earth, the largest of all in our solar system. We have other infinite forms of life and must revert back again to our infinite concept of God, expressing Himself Infinitely. One’s present imagination isn’t capable of conceiving Infinity. One’s imagination isn’t capable of imagining the immensity of these vast cosmic concepts.

For the past twenty-five or thirty years we have had a great many of what are called fantastic or amazing stories printed in magazines and books. Now by far the greatest part of them are inspired by writers who, in their sleep state or other ways, actually contacted people who lived in these other planets. The stories were too fantastic for the normal person to visualize, yet it is quite conceivable that such places and things could exist for that is the Infinite Nature of God.

Q – How can scientists measure temperatures on other planets?

A – This is a very tricky business to try to measure temperatures and other types of relationships which the astronomer is endeavoring to do through the spectroscope. The spectroscope gives certain lines of reflection according to the different elements with which it is being tested. So the scientist uses the spectroscope in conjunction with the telescope to try to attain the analysis of atomic structures of other planets. That would be fine if the spectroscope worked in all of the different atomic structures, but it doesn’t. It works only with the 101 elements because it is purely an earth crystal, an earth substance machine. So one needs to become clairvoyant before he begins to see these things on other planets, before he has the actual facts.

Q – Do the scientists on Parahelion recognize these 101 elements or are they not limited.

A – They go far, far beyond that number. It would tend only to confuse us if they gave us all that data and it would mean nothing to us at this period of our evolution. The scientists on Parahelion, such as Nikola Tesla and Leonardo da Vinci, say that the radiant energy stemming from all the great vortexes is the Supreme vortex which they call the force of God. All there is, is energy. There is no such thing as a solid substance, including atoms. That conclusion is what the scientist of today is approaching.

Einstein was laboring with this principle when he passed over. That conclusion was the basis for the entire theory of Relativity which he brought out in 1909, which made the atom bomb possible.

Our 101+ elements which are only by-products of energy from some higher dimension, as in the vortexes, all have their supporting structure. Within this supporting structure the scientist finds the isotopes. We begin to see the co-relationship between these many concepts. Whether you are considering atomic concepts or astrophysical concepts, it is the same dimensional linkage through relationship, which is vibration. It is energy expressing itself according to its own I.Q. We, as human beings, manifest the highest form of that intelligence quotient because we have the integrating faculties of the Infinite. We think, we believe, we manifest faith, we have brotherly love, etc. We function on two levels so far as this world is concerned: from the physical and the spiritual.

Q – Is Mars an astral planet in the 4th dimension?

A – No. It is still a terrestrial planet, however, it is an older planet in evolution than earth and people there are of a more advanced state of relationship. The savants on Mars know how to change frequency or change the atoms just as Jesus did. In my trips there, we found that the Martians were learning to transmute bodies into energies, then they could project them over a beam and materialize them at the other end, just as it is done with the television. This is a new means of travel. Of course, we can do it in another way, as in astral flight. It is not fantastic when we analyze it.

Q – Isn’t it possible when mankind frees himself from some of the past bondages and traditions and gets into this freer form of thinking and has revelations within his consciousness as well as outside, that he could get so in tune with these higher intelligences from other planets that man could, in a short time, have an enormous revelation?

A – Yes, that is very true. Actually, all of these sightings of saucers is to build the consciousness of Eartheans up to a point where these visitors can actually come into this world and set up a continuity or relationship which is healthy. But that will have to come through an evolution of time. It is not for this day and age. It will have to be in the future when people are more suitably quickened to this New Age, this New Aquarian Cycle.

Q – (A question regarding psychokinesis.) Are there some seemingly miraculous preventives for accidents which take place in people’s lives at times in order to save them from certain situations and accidents?

A – Yes, that is very true, because here again we find some sort of an Infinite working out of the different frequency relationships, for they are either sponsored from our negative forces or equations and counteracted or we maintain an equilibrium from our higher self or superconscious self.

Q – When I was a small boy of six years, I wanted to help herd the cattle. One of the cows was vicious to children and as I was starting through the herd homeward, this cow started after me. It so happened previously during that day that the heel of my shoe had come off but left all those sharp spikes in the heel. When I fell over a gopher mound and landed on my back, I kicked the cow a couple of times in the head and she bled and shook her head and went away. Do you suppose that heel came off for that purpose?

A – Yes, I should think that could be true. The subject there so far as our own preventive measures for accidents are concerned-the field is very broad. There are many people who have had these things happen to them and the protective forces come partly from our superconscious and partly from our forces who work with us. It is all a very definitely conceived plan. In fact, no one here could live even a couple of seconds if we didn’t have this help from these higher dimensions. It comes into us in many, many ways.

Q – Are those who are evolved from these seven planets of Shamballa beyond the point of reincarnating into the earth again?

A – By the time they arrive there, they are. Buddha referred to this stage as Nirvana.

Q – If they would choose to, they could though?

A – Yes, after one lives in one of the celestial realms, he might look down clairvoyantly and be overwhelmed by the feeling that those poor people needed help and he could set up a plan within himself whereby he could go back to help relieve those people. That is where we get some of these derelictions.

Q – They could materialize a body if they wished, could they not?

A – Yes indeed, if they have evolved high enough. They surely have, and can appear and disappear.

Q – Are the Rays from these seven centers in association with some of the mountainous centers such as those on the Himalayas?

A – Anything which is devoted and genuinely founded upon constructive principles of fellowship to mankind will be under the influence of any one of these centers, be it a group or an individual. We also find there are organizations in the world which are seemingly devoted to higher things but really have underlying principles which are destructive in nature. That refers to some of the so-called contacts with flying saucer men, etc. We have genuine flying saucer people and others who are not so genuine from the lower orders of Venus, who are still overzealous. We need there, just as here, to learn to separate the sheep from the goats, to discern.

Q – You can tell by the vibration, can you not?

A – Yes, indeed, and not only that, but we must be analytical and not become overwhelmed at the moment. We can analyze and reason that any intelligent or constructively-minded order or group of individuals from these higher dimensions, if it was part of their prerogative to do so, could contact the leaders of this country. We must remember that these higher spiritual forces are not concerned with making physical appearances on this planet to lead us from going astray because they know how valuable these experiences and growth are for our own personal evolution. They can radiate these influences to us by giving us inspiration and comfort. They can show us that there is a Light, there is a path to follow, but it is up to us to follow. You see we are concerned with about 170 million people who are all very reactionary in nature. Even if all of them knew about flying saucers and were completely conditioned for it through our various means of communication, I believe there would be 160 million who would go stark raving mad and panic the minute a fleet of those flying saucers came down out of space. If you recall the time that Orson Wells gave a radio program saying that the Martians had landed? Due to panic, there were thousands of people who were killed and injured that night.

Q – Do the people on Mars have to go through all this evolving and incarnating?

A – We must take these things as they are, in a very infinite concept; even the universe as we know our universe, is only one little speck of light in the great cosmic void. Our universe has something like a hundred trillion suns (according to Mt. Palomar) all as large or larger than our own sun. You have seen the pictures in the Observatory, sort of a pinwheel proposition, like a huge platter, and there are appearances of certain radial lines which stem out from that universe edgewise. It is like putting two plates together, thicker in the middle and stems outwardly. Now in this big universe-and it takes light something like 100,000 light years to travel across it-you picture that this is actually a very tremendous thing in itself. There are so many planets and planetary systems that you could live from now ‘til kingdom come and you’d not have a faint idea of how many there were in just this one universe alone. Now when we go out into space (and they have photographed these universes), they are hundreds of millions of light years away and there are other universes beyond that.

Q – Isn’t it comforting to realize that there are no limitations to it all?

A – Indeed, and we have it from good authority that those from “upstairs” who come to us and give us these revelations tell us that the end is nowhere in sight for people even above them!

Q – As you were saying awhile back that everything is all interconnected in the cosmos, then if they were to explode an atom bomb, would it not affect these other worlds indirectly as well?

A – That is right and I have often used that homey little expression of the tail wagging the dog or the dog wagging the tail but there is nothing that we do that does not first start upstairs or in the Inner Dimensions; there has been nothing taken place that has not first been an idea form, a part of that infinity that is contained in your life cycle. You are merely expressing this in the world of experience to solidify it or integrate as a factuality so that it can attune as a wave form and mean something to you in the future.

Q – What do the scientists mean in their talk and working with so-called radioactive isotopes?

A – This subject will be entered into more thoroughly a little later on, but it deals with the threshold of spiritual healing. I might tell you a little story. Back in Europe if you were a doctor there and were purveying medicine of any kind, you could sell anything at any price you wanted if you attached an American label on it and labeled it some antibiotic drug. There was one woman in Spain suffering from a salt deficiency and went to the doctor, who gave her salt tablets and told her it was streptomycin or some such thing and she immediately became well-so this topic is on the threshold of perception. If you interject radioactive energies into your body and do so as they do in a solution of substances on the betatron or some other atomic machine where they can project their pure neutronic energy into a phial of substance they use for that purpose, and when that gets into the blood stream, they use a geiger counter and if they activate a certain substance with iodine, for instance, when that solution gets into the blood and with the geiger counter moving it about, it goes immediately into your thyroid, if the thyroid is working right. They can determine by the number of clicks on the geiger counter, from their experimentation, whether or not your thyroid is working. Actually you do not get any cure from these radioactive substances. The only radioactive substance they use for curing, are capsules of radioactive energy which they imbed in cancerous tissue or something of that nature and they burn it out; it is only a burning process. But there is no known cure for interjecting radioactive substance in the blood and hoping to do any good with it because they do not. All they are doing is using a geiger counter to determine from the ticking noise whether that gland is functioning properly.

My friends, it is now time to bring this seventh lesson to a close and until our next lesson, we project the Radiant Energies to you, one and all.

Excerpt from The Infinite Concept Of Cosmic Creation