Unariun Wisdom

Past Life Therapy ~ Part II

by Bryan Jameison

As I see it, the past-life therapist is to the soul what a computer consultant is to the computer. Both attempt to correct whatever is causing the system to malfunction. If hidden bugs and/or viruses are detected therein, each tries to purge them from the operating system. Once this is accomplished, the computer, i.e., the soul, is immediately restored to its true capabilities and ready for a fresh start.

From what I’ve observed, when the emotional imprint of an initial trauma/bug is truly neutralized, a domino effect is created, which automatically triggers the release of other detrimental imprints, which have been incurred during subsequent incarnations. From what I’ve noticed after such a release takes place, the client’s entire spiritual dynamic undergoes a dramatic shift from negative to positive.

As might be expected, after such a spiritual cleansing, the client usually goes through a brief period of adjustment, which may last from two to three weeks. It generally requires about this much time for the regressee to become accustomed to living with his newfound freedom from pain. This adjustment process is very similar to the one a person goes through after being released from an extended prison term, or after ending a bad long-term relationship. Predictably, this sort of shift takes a little getting used to.

To illustrate how this domino effect works, suppose you’ve built a house of cards several stories high. Then imagine pulling the key support card away from the base of the structure. The effect will be the instant and total collapse of all the other cards. In this example, the support card can be compared with the original cause over which many other cards, (deleterious feelings), have been added during many other lifetimes.

By equating the cards with harmful perceptions, emotions and/or beliefs, it becomes clear how dramatic the after-effects can be when the key support card is removed. Many therapists disagree with this approach, contending that instead of using this approach, it is much more beneficial for a client to take the house apart one card at a time, beginning at the top and eventually working down to the key support card. Obviously, by taking this approach, it may take the client several years to accomplish the same results that can be achieved within a few hours by using P.L.T. From what I’ve seen, if we fail to deal with our inner discord on a soul level, we will have to deal with it on a psychological level. If it remains unresolved at that level, we will ultimately have to confront its manifestation on a physical level in the form of some disease or deformity. In other words, we will have to come to terms with whatever really is troubling us on one level or another, sooner or later. If we don’t deal with it during a given incarnation, we most certainly will have the opportunity to do so in another life until we are either willing to confront and eliminate it from our consciousness or allow it to break us.

Another way karmic build-up may be illustrated is by the story of a man who, in the beginning of a very long journey, carried a large empty sack on his back. As he moved along, whenever he found a pebble or stone in his path, he picked it up and put it in his sack. For the first few miles his load was light, but as his journey continued, his load became heavier and heavier until eventually it took all of his worn-out body’s effort to carry it. Finally, with no strength left to continue his journey, he collapsed from exhaustion.

If we equate our hurtful emotions and distorted impressions with those stones and pebbles, it is easy to see how they may cripple us someday. However, I feel the greatest price we pay for failing to unload them is their impairment of our freedom to freely pursue our present-life’s purpose with joy. The energy drain associated with our unconscious and unintentional storage of these feelings may cause us to feel tired of living, depressed, helpless or uninspired. It also may cause us to have feelings of inexplicable anxiety, anger or unworthiness. Unlike the man in the story, who knew what he was doing and could see and feel the load he was carrying, many of us inadvertently stow away our misconceptions and malignant feelings without ever realizing their presence within our consciousness or the harm they’re causing us.

As time passes, we become quite accomplished at burying the pain resulting from our emotional and psychological traumas under the equivalent of many layers of spiritual scar tissue until we eventually forget it’s there. I call this process the “moleing effect.” Anyone who has ever had a garden knows that a mole is a little critter that burrows underground in search of food. As he propels himself forward, he moves the dirt from in front of his path to the rear. Whenever he encounters rocks or other obstacles blocking his way, he merely pushes them behind him and continues to burrow forward.

It appears that most of us handle our emotional pain in much the same manner as the mole handles a rock blocking his path. Like the mole, most of us put our hurts behind us as quickly as possible, attempting to ignore their existence as we continue to move on with our lives. As time passes, we no longer consciously feel our forgotten pain until something happens to trigger it again. When this occurs, we suddenly realize it’s still alive and well lurking deep within us.

Nowhere is this more obvious than when we see someone being interviewed on television who has survived a deeply personal and tragic loss long ago. These people usually are able to maintain their composure until their thoughts go back to the moment of their original loss, at which time their eyes fill with tears. It is easy to see these people literally are reliving that tragic moment in their minds. Even though the event being recalled may have occurred over fifty years ago, the emotions they are feeling are as fresh at the interview as when they were first experienced. In such cases it is obvious the common belief that time heals all wounds is but a myth.

Quite often the persons involved appear to be totally surprised to discover their old feelings still are active. Many attempt to feel better about themselves. Others also have investigated New Age therapies such as rebirthing, primal screaming, psychodrama and many others; yet, they continued to suffer. This happens because whatever occurred in their childhood, although traumatic in and of itself, may have been only a trigger that set off other deeply buried emotions originating from a past-life experience. Until the original feelings are detected and released, they will continue to fester at soul level and cause “dis-ease” in the person’s life.

Although self-improvement workshops and subliminal tapes aren’t strictly classified as therapeutic, they are, nevertheless, touted to be able to change people’s lives through changing their beliefs about life and themselves. There are countless thousands of people who proudly boast of the endless hours they spend reprogramming their subconscious minds through attending self-help workshops and listening to tapes. Despite this, however, many continue to feel they are unworthy or undeserving of happiness or success.

Through regression, I have found that many of these people were members of the lowest social class in some past life. In that life they constantly were programmed to accept their lowly position. Other victims of past-life abuse were shunned because they suffered from a disease, such as leprosy, or had a physical handicap, which caused them to be the object of physical mistreatment, ridicule and scorn. Since unresolved feelings from the past tend to “bleed through” from one incarnation to another, these deeply ingrained, negative self-images often become the dominant underlying force in the lives of thousands of these unsuspecting victims. As long as these feelings from the past exist within a person’s subconscious, it is quite unlikely any present-day workshop or tape will produce a long-lasting benefit.

It’s impossible for me to count the number of women who have come to be regressed who were well-educated, physically attractive and dressed in the latest designer outfit who, nevertheless, felt as though they were total impostors. For no obvious reason such women inexplicably see themselves as worthless or unworthy misfits. Because of this, they relentlessly diminish their value as human beings.

In most cases, all it takes to change their misperceptions of themselves is to regress them into the causal life (lives ), in which they initially accepted the distorted and dehumanizing judgments of others as their own. After confronting the source of their distorted self-images, they usually are able to release the self-undoing programming and move on. However, without purging their consciousness of these past-life distortions, no amount of present-day therapy or reprogramming can help them. I always point out to these people that the only blessings we receive are those we have previously earned somewhere along the way. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

There are many psychotherapists who believe P.L.T. is too traumatic for most people because they are not psychologically equipped to deal with their past-life stuff. The problem with this objection is that most people are already dealing with it, but not very well, and that’s because they’re unaware of its existence.

To the chagrin of many of my colleagues in the past-life regression field, I agree with many of those who say past-life therapy can be dangerous. This especially is true if either the facilitator is poorly trained or if the regression takes place in a large, inadequately monitored group or when the regressee is using self-hypnosis regression tapes while alone. To the best of my knowledge, there is no way anyone can produce a pre-canned process that can anticipate and/or screen out all of the possibly harmful experiences a regressee inadvertently may dredge up from his past. Although I know there are those who will see me as a Judas for saying this, I don’t care. This is because I often have had to deal with the negative repercussions experienced by those who have undergone such regressions. I believe it is only fair to warn people of the possible pit-falls of such practices.

During any regression some very ugly and terrifying experiences may surface. If these experiences are not dealt with and effectively healed at the time of the regression, I believe they can severely damage a regressee’s emotional and psychological well being from that moment on. This happens because everything experienced during a regression becomes a conscious part of the person’s present-life experiential reservoir. I’m sure you’ll agree with me that no one in his right mind would undergo group brain surgery, let alone attempt to perform it upon himself.

Even though I’m sure there are many past-life reasons to account for why a soul would choose to incarnate as someone with a mental disorder, I feel those who have a known history of psychosis have enough problems in dealing with their present lives without adding any unresolved past-life dilemmas. It’s quite possible the psychotic person might bring up something from the past, which could send him over the edge. To me, the purpose of any therapy is healing, not creating more problems.

How safely one can be regressed into a past life depends upon several key factors: the psychological stability of the client, the competency of the facilitator and the method used. I believe all are extremely important for a safe, successful regression.

Despite the inherent differences between P.L.T. and conventional therapy, they are not mutually exclusive. Both strive to produce the same desired end result, namely, spiritually well-balanced and psychologically healthy clients. Competently practiced, each has much to offer. However, as I’ve said before, if a person’s problems are caused by some spiritual dysfunction or discord, which originated in a former life, I believe past-life therapy is not only the best but is the only way to get to the cause of a problem and affect a lasting healing.

Regrettably, it is too often reserved as the “therapy of last resort,” to be used only after all others have failed. Why not use P.L.T. first?

If Past Life Therapy were accepted and practiced by mainstream psychotherapists, it could completely transform the practice of treating many of mankind’s most common emotional and psychological dysfunctions. It wasn’t until recently that western medical science finally acknowledged there was any therapeutic value to be gained from meditation, acupuncture, chiropractic treatment, or health food supplements. How much longer must those who suffer, in mind, body and spirit, wait to at last have their spiritual discords addressed?

Excerpt from Exploring Our Forgotten Lives: The Amazing Healing Power of Past Life Therapy

See  Part I here