Unariun Wisdom

Outer Space And They That Dwell Therein

by Bryant and Helen Reeve

If we are ever going to understand space craft and space people, the first thing we must understand is logically enough outer space itself. What is outer space? If we really understood the answer to this question, it would be the very key to our “conquest” of outer space, a task to which man on earth is even now seriously dedicating himself. Before we could build a submarine we needed to understand water, the medium in which the submarine had to operate. Before we could bring forth successful airplanes we had to learn more about the air itself. Before we can make any real progress in space flight, we will certainly have to expand our concepts and our understanding of the basic nature of outer space itself. It seems to us that many people these days have the cart before the horse. Or shall we say the saucer before the cup – before the cup of knowledge of outer space itself which must precede our understanding of space ships and space travel.

Old And New Concepts of Outer Space

On our [flying saucer] pilgrimage we found a very interesting thing. We still found plenty of the old conventional, materialistic concept of outer space. Everybody knows about this concept. One looks into the starry heavens and sees “solid” bodies like stars and suns and planets, and between them one sees vast reaches of “empty” space. Of course the most learned ones among us also see “nebulous” formations, but these also float around in “empty” space. And so it is all very simple. All we have to deal with is solid or nebulous bodies on the one hand and “empty” space on the other hand. What one cannot see with the physical eyes does not exist. Outer space is just nothingness, vacuity! This is the usual materialistic concept of outer space.

But what surprised us most was that here and there we found some very astute but practical thinkers who were talking about new and entirely different concepts of outer space. These concepts seemed to us to be so startlingly different from the conventional view, to be so far reaching, so impressive, or shall we say so “new age”, that we made a special note of them. As these remarkable concepts cannot be presented in one or two sentences, we shall make the effort to present them in some detail, step by step, in the simplest possible terms. We feel that they merit this attention. We shall call them “the vibratory frequency explanation of outer space”. Let us now examine the essential points in this challenging explanation of outer space.

Vibratory Frequency Explanation Of Outer Space

Life is Consciousness. The background concept of this entire explanation of outer space is in the proposition that life is primarily a manifestation of consciousness, or if one prefers it: life is consciousness. Now there is life as a whole and there is individual life. Life as a whole is the sum total of all consciousness. This summation of consciousness takes in all life, all existence and all reality. On the other hand individual consciousness takes in only that particular portion of total life, existence and reality which the individual is aware of at any given period of his/her evolution.

Limitations of Human Consciousness. Human consciousness, or the consciousness of individuals like ourselves, has great limitations. It cognizes only a very limited phase of existence. Its chief limitation lies in the fact that its view of life is confined to a time-space-matter type of reality. It recognizes only a “physical” type of existence. It “tunes in” to only one narrow wave band of life and thus presents a very narrow view of total reality. As one researcher put it, “Viewing life through the human consciousness is like looking at a great football game through a knothole in the fence. All one sees is a very small portion of the spectacular game. Thus, human consciousness only sees – is only aware of – one small part of the great game of life!”

This limited view is all the five physical senses or human consciousness can give us, but life as a whole extends far beyond this physical plane into infinite realms. But these are outside of the present “tune in” range of the human consciousness.

Vibratory Frequencies. Reality as a whole in “outer space” exists in various bands or octaves of vibratory frequencies. These correspond to different planes of consciousness. The human or earth man’s band of vibratory frequency presents only the manifestations of physical life or reality as we know them. But there are many other bands of vibratory frequency in outer space. These other bands of frequency are definite vibratory motions of energy representing different types of matter which go to make up other phases of reality and existence. Consciousness produces energy in many frequencies and modes of motion and with it creates the “matter” or the “substance” of things or activities which it is conscious of.

The great error of the human mind is its limited belief that matter or substance in the higher realms of life is vaporous, weightless and non-solid. Nothing is farther from cosmic truth. Each vibratory frequency has its own “solid” matter, its own reality of existence – that is, it is solid and real to those who live in that frequency.

And how many bands of vibratory frequency or planes of consciousness are there? Please do not ask us. Oriental philosophy mentions seven or possibly eight. An advanced teacher we knew spoke of twenty-one. We doubt if any human being knows. If he knew, he would not be living in the human octave! Possibly all the frequencies merge or join each other. Possibly there are an infinite number of life’s frequencies – “worlds without end”.

The Department Store Simile

A simile which has helped many people to grasp this “vibratory frequency” explanation of outer space is as follows:

Outer space is like a department store. We refer to one of those modern mercantile establishments with many different floors devoted to many different kinds of merchandise which are reached by elevators. One cannot reach the floors above the ground floor unless one goes up to a different level – up the elevator.

Now the ground level corresponds to the human vibratory frequency, the human plane of consciousness. Then if one desires to go into a higher frequency or reach another dimension of life, one enters the “frequency elevator” and goes up the scale of vibratory frequencies. Then one gets off at a new floor, a new level – a new level of frequency of consciousness. Here one finds a new world in which there are different people, different things, a different atmosphere from what existed on the ground level. Even the individual taking the trip is different because his entire being, physical, mental, and spiritual undergoes a quickening, an increase in vibratory frequency, by virtue of his “ascension” in the frequency elevator. Anyone who is still on the earth level cannot see the reality, the solidity of what is going on at the higher levels. The higher levels are outside of the range of his human senses. This is the “department store simile” or parable if one prefers that term designed to aid us in grasping the vibratory frequency explanation of outer space.

The Television Simile

Another simile or parable which has been found helpful in comprehending outer space is the television simile.

Outer space is like television. A person sits in a room with a television set. He tunes into a program and behold a miracle! Suddenly he becomes aware of people, things, motion, activity, sounds, speech, music – yes and even color! He experiences a part of life! But is this all of life? No! It is only one program. Where are the other programs? They are right there – right in the room with him. They are in the atmosphere which surrounds him in the form of vibrating energy. The programs co-exist in the “empty” space of the room. But how can it be “empty” when it is filled with programs which co-exist and interpenetrate each other?

The man at the television set cannot see or hear or cognize any program unless he tunes into it. What separates these invisible programs? Nothing but vibratory frequencies or the type of energy vibrations which characterize and differentiate each one.

After the man has tune into all the different programs in the atmosphere and has enjoyed all these little manifestations of life – is this the extent of life? Are there no other manifestations of life for him to tune into? Indeed there are! But he cannot do so with his television set. All that his television set will give him consists of things and happenings in the physical octave of life. But the cosmic programs, the cosmic realities of life in other cosmic frequencies, are also present in the room. It is just a matter of tuning in. This is the “television simile” or parable which is designed to help us better to understand the mysteries of outer space.

The Best Simile

All similes of course have their limitations, and these two similes are no exception. They both have limitations. But to us, one is definitely better than the other, in a certain respect. There is a certain important point which makes the television simile better than the department simile. In case some of our readers may wish to puzzle this out for themselves, we will not state the answer at this point. However, to make sure that our thinking and that of our readers is not too far apart on this point, we will state it as a note below [at the end of this article].

Cosmic Relationships

There exists an important cosmic relationship between outer space and consciousness. As we see it, this is a very simple relationship – simple but profound. Outer space equates with consciousness! Outer space is consciousness unlimited! It is the infinitely large “room” in which consciousness acts and produces the things it wishes to be conscious of. But outer space is not something apart from consciousness. The two interact. They are one.

Outer space is not empty. It is filled with creations of consciousness. It vibrates with energy in different frequencies, motions and densities unseen by and unknown to the physical senses. But energy in motion constitutes substance. When we learn to tune into these unseen levels of vibrating energy or substance in outer space, we will find new worlds, entire new civilizations, just as solid, visible, tangible and real to those who live there as our world is to us.

Outer space contains endless LIFE in endless forms, endless modes of energy in motion! It thus contains everything – everything that limitless consciousness (or imagination) has conceived throughout endless existence and is still conceiving. It is all planes of “consciousness” put together. Outer space is the field of activity in which consciousness expresses itself. It is that in which consciousness manifests and gives reality to its own concepts, that in which all action takes place. It is the endless stage on which the producer consciousness “struts its stuff” for a season and then rings down the curtain only to reappear at another season with new actors, new scenery, new costumes, new dramas, new cosmic productions. Outer space is pulsating, scintillating, living consciousness without end – ever new, ever changing. Outer space! Consciousness unlimited!

In contrast to all this, the little human senses are consciousness limited. The only reason we are not aware of the magnificent and endless manifestations of life in outer space is that we have lost our way on the three-dimensional level and cannot find the “frequency elevator” – the only means of rising into the higher levels of consciousness. But in this age we feel that many will find their way back to the elevator, will regain their lost “tune-in” ability, and will once again enjoy the freedom of the frequencies.

They That Dwell In Outer Space

And what can be said of those who dwell in outer space? Some saucerers (contactees) claim that outer space is filled with nothing but “human beings” just like ourselves. In other words that nothing exists but earth life, three-dimensional life, indefinitely extended into outer space – just “more of the same” ad infinitum! Others take the view that outer space is filled with nothing less than advanced beings, almost God-like in their evolvement and always thousands of years in advance of us. Personally we prefer Dr. George Williamson’s statement that while outer space does contain advanced beings, it also contains less advanced beings – “who have just discovered the wheel and the fact that if they put bees wax on the axle it will last longer and squeak less!”

It seems to us that the deepest thinkers of all have arrived at the “vibratory frequency” concept of outer space, and to them outer space contains every conceivable type of life or manifestation of consciousness. It takes courage to pioneer these concepts. But we feel they are right. From this advanced viewpoint some of the dwellers in outer space are like us, but others are unlike us both as to form and consciousness. Some are mostly consciousness with a minimum of form, and in others form is given a more predominant emphasis. Some are more advanced in cosmic evolution than we and some less advanced. Some belong to an earth-type of evolution, and some belong to totally different types of evolution. Some live in higher frequencies, some in lower frequencies – different types of matter.

The veils between the frequencies make some space beings and their worlds of life invisible and intangible to each other and to us. Thus in outer space there are both visible and invisible worlds, suns and planets. Awareness of any of them depends on one’s “tune-in” ability.

From this cosmic viewpoint some space beings possess space ships and understand space travel, and some are still in the horse and buggy stage or even the stone age. The more advanced beings are masters of energy or of “matter”, which is merely a phase of energy. They can control and convert energy to matter and vice versa. They are able to precipitate matter directly from energy, to levitate and to effect teleportation and to perform many other feats which seem impossible to us but are natural to them. These more advanced space beings include the Guardians of the planets and the solar systems – beings of great wisdom and love as well as of power. Such beings utilize space craft if needed for any mission, but they are able to travel without the necessity of space craft, passing at will into or out of the vibratory frequencies of outer space. Thus we must be prepared to find anything and everything in outer space or consciousness unlimited.

Freedom of Thought

Out of interest we asked a number of these profound thinkers who had arrived at the vibratory frequency view of outer space why they did not stick with the simple, old conventional view of solid bodies and empty space. Some replied rather tartly that this view was “simple” all right – so “simple” in fact that it was inadequate to explain modern saucer and space phenomena! Too many things were “falling out of nowhere and appearing and disappearing”. This was one reason given. Another reason given was that many outer space communications were being received from space beings themselves which definitely set forth the vibratory frequency principles of outer space. They felt that these advanced beings who live in outer space ought to know more about it than we do!

Regarding the old conventional view, so far as they were concerned it was like another conventional view held at one time by many educated and intelligent people: namely, that the earth was flat. This was a simple view, but it was not adequate. These [current] advanced thinkers felt they did not wish to go down in history as simpletons who thought that outer space was empty. They did not however, criticize the views of others because they themselves were just emerging from the conventional view. They felt it was all right for others, particularly those to whom thinking is a painful process. Some people, they thought, still needed a materialistic “Santa Claus” or “Kris Kringle” view of outer space, space beings and space craft. Therefore, why disturb them? Time itself would unfold the true picture of inhabited outer space existing in different levels of vibratory frequency.

Friends, as we see it, at the present time each one of you will have to decide for yourself how you feel about outer space. There is no other way. The view you accept will depend upon your own individual conditioning and development – your own physical, mental, emotional, scientific and even spiritual evolution. Your view, the best view for you at this time is the view you like best, the view that appeals to you most, the one that rings truest to your individual understanding.

We hope you appreciate the fact that we have not been dogmatic on any point. We have learned better. We do not say, “This is it, or that is not it” to the exclusion of all else. If you have some other view of outer space which you feel is better we would like to know about it. We are not trying to convince anyone of any particular view. We are reporting, not preaching. We feel that tolerance, open mindedness and keen free thinking are the best ways to cosmic truth, and that everyone is entitled to his own individual interpretation of modern space-phenomena and its tremendous implications.

But the thing that has impressed us is that to the advanced space beings there are no conflicting divisions of knowledge or of truth. Long ago they were able to reconcile religion and science, physics and metaphysics. If we are ever to progress we also must bridge these gaps! It seems to us that the vibratory frequency explanation of outer space goes farther in this direction than any other. However, each to his own! So here is indeed food for thought. Is outer space empty? Or does it teem with infinite life in frequencies unseen by human eyes?

Note: The department store simile gives a good idea of the different planes of consciousness but says nothing about the fact that different planes interpenetrate each other. This we realize is difficult for the human mind to grasp. Thus the television simile is better in that it sets forth the ever present and interpenetration of the frequencies of outer space. In cosmic reality there is no here or no there. All is always present – in consciousness. But to become aware of the reality of things in any frequency requires “tune-in” ability to that particular octave of life.

Excerpt from Flying Saucer Pilgrimage