Unariun Wisdom

Nikola Tesla: God Lives Here

Presentation given by Michael Tellinger

How can sound travel faster than the speed of light? How can our thoughts and words manifest reality? What do we really know about science, physics, our Earth and the universe around us? Can we truly be the creators of our own beautiful future? Why don’t they teach us this basic stuff at school?

The following is a brief video excerpt with transcript from his main presentation: 200 Thousand Year Old Technology – Sound Resonance Magnetics – The Nature of Reality. The main presentation (video) is available below at the end of the article.


No matter how I look at it, how much research I do, I keep coming back to one guy that stands head and shoulders above all other researchers and inventors, I don’t know, for how many centuries, and that guy’s name is Nikola Tesla.

He says if you want to find out the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. It’s exactly, that’s exactly, what I’ve been sharing with you here.

Prime Resonance Frequency

Everything in creation spins and vibrates. Everything has its own prime resonance frequency. Everything! -and this is why once we can identify a prime resonance frequency of a bacterium or an atom, or whatever it is, or a soccer field, we can then manipulate that object with its prime resonance frequency. In Christianity it’s the WORD. In Hinduism it’s OM. The Egyptians believed the universe was sung into creation and the original people of Australia, not the AB-original, it’s the original people of Australia, believe that the world was created with three sacred songs. And then we have the phenomenal similarities between the six days of creation in Christianity and the WORD that created everything; the six aspects of OM; and the six aspects of the old seeing eye of Horus, and you start seeing the connections between all these ancient cultures and the creation stories.

Source of Creation

Sound is a source of all creation. Sound and resonance is responsible for everything. By now you should know that sound manifests physical form and this is the most basic example. I just cannot get enough of it. I can watch it millions of times. Every frequency has its own specific shape: the prime resonance frequency. Here you are only looking at a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional effect.

So the original people of Australia have a creation story that says time began when the supernatural beings awoke and broke through the surface of the Earth. So imagine the surface of the Earth being something like this. That metal plate being the surface of the Earth and the supernatural beings broke through the surface of the Earth and they created the surface of the Earth with three sacred songs.

This is from Hans Jenny’s brilliant video CYMATICS. This is powder on a metal plate. It’s not a liquid or a jelly. It’s powder. You can see landscapes being formed here over extended periods of time. Mountains can form valleys, volcanoes, all to do with the sound of the earth coming out of the Earth.

And then Eric Larson is the guy that created the CYMOSCOPE and this is when you can suddenly see how the human voice has potential to create infinitely. That with our voice, we have the potential to create everything and anything we can imagine; that we are indeed creators. And remember every thought you have, also has a frequency, and a vibration as a resonance. It’s like your voice.

And some of these pictures, the images of these CYMOSCOPE images, should tell us that it was these sounds, the images of the sound, that actually inspired religious symbols. That beautiful cross, inner circle, at the center of some of these cymatic photographs give us a very clear indication that the creators of the religious symbols knew exactly what they were talking about; that the source of creation is sound itself.

And that takes us to what sound does. Sound pretty much does everything you can imagine because it’s a source of creation. And this brings us to using sound as a tool in technology.

Sound And Technology

Sound creates light. It’s very obvious. We know that God said let there be Light and you can do this yourself by attaching a speaker to an LED light and see what happens. Royal Raymond Rife, you should know by now, is the man who found a cure for all disease with sound and resonance that would convert to electric impulses. And sound continues to amaze us.

Sound can levitate. By now you would have seen this many times. Just a very quick idea that sound actually does levitate things but this is not how the Ancients used to levitate the very big heavy objects. This is a very different technique used here. This is just pressure waves that can levitate things, very light objects, but it does give you the ability to imagine that sound actually levitates.

Great Hurricanes

Sound creates hurricanes, Two guys in 2003 lodged a patent to create hurricanes out of sound, believe it or not, and I believe they were granted their patent to create hurricanes and maybe this is how they create the weather for us, without us even realizing it, and this is where we start getting into the real understanding of some of the Masters and no matter how I look at it, how much research I do, I keep coming back to one guy that stands head and shoulders above all other researchers and inventors of, I don’t know, for how many centuries, and that guy’s name is Nikola Tesla. He says if you want to find out the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. It’s exactly, that’s exactly, what I’ve been sharing with you here. Everything is sound and magnetism  — and this is really important.


So what most people don’t know is, remember sound; God said let there be light so it’s sound, moving sound. Sound manifests toroidal fields. Moving toroidal fields create magnetic fields, toroidal fields as well, and moving magnetic fields create electricity. That’s the sequence of events.

Magnetic Fields

This tells us that because sound creates magnetic fields, it means everything must be magnetic in some sort of way and if it’s not, there’s a very specific reason why it’s not magnetic. So here’s an example: “You might not think of water as being magnetic but it is and so are graphite, aluminum and glass. Aluminum is a good example of a paramagnet and so is oxygen which is attracted to magnets. Here I have a few milliliters of liquid oxygen which sticks to the magnet. I’ll explain why later. Gadolinum oxide and cupric sulfate are good examples of paramagnetic substances. Cupric sulfate is a salt that can be picked up by a magnet.”

Here is a picture of an electron. This picture was taken about a decade ago. They tell us that this is a light beam or electron riding a light beam. Can you see a particle anywhere in this picture? No, there’s no particle! They’re resonant waves and yet they tell us it’s an electron. Can you see how we get brainwashed?

So this is what Nikola Tesla had to say about the electron from an interview in 1928.

“On the whole subject of “matter”, in fact, Dr. Tesla holds the views that are startlingly original. He disagrees with the accepted concept of atomic theory of matter, and does not believe in the existence of an electron as pictured by science.”


This is a shock to the system because we all think “electrons”, we’re all electrons, electrons, and you start seeing an agenda being developed here. An agenda being developed by mainstream universities, the mainstream scientific fraternity under the guidance of those that are trying to lie to us and make us believe things that are not so. Einstein, this is what Einstein had to say about the electrons.

“In the theoretical treatment of these electrons we are faced with the difficulty that electro-dynamic theory by itself is unable to give an account of their nature.”

“For since electrical masses constituting the electron would necessarily be scattered under the influence of their mutual repulsions, unless there are forces of another kind operating between them, the nature of which has hitherto remained obscure to us.”

The Stone Circles

So he said, you know, he doesn’t quite understand how electrons come into being, and he tells us that millions of people all over the world are being fooled by the non-existent electron and he has a lot more to say about this. And you start seeing that scientists and inventors and researchers over the last 200 years have been vehemently opposed to this whole concept of an electron, and the atomic structure, that has been forced down our throats, and down all and through all our educational institutions, that we just take for granted and we accept, because we believe the guys that teach us this to be smart and they’re not lying to us: we just accept the stuff.

So what are the stone circles all about? By now you can see that clearly we’re dealing with cymatic patterns. Very obvious we’re dealing with cymatic patterns. That’s what every stone circle is. It’s just a representation of the sound frequency that comes out of the Earth at that specific point. That’s what this is all about with some of these cymatic black sand (structures) on the metal plate, but now (you see) these are (the) stones, right? Some of the structures are actually very distinct magnetrons and of those flower shapes, every time you see a flower-shaped stone circle, it means they actually built an ancient giant magnetron like this, magnetrons that can cut metal in a split second, and I asked two magnetron scientists how much energy would a magnetron 40 meters in diameter generate. Remember that a tiny magnetron can create so much energy and a laser beam that cuts metal in a split second, I mean it literally just melts the metal, and the answer was that a magnetron that size would create more energy than all the power plants on Earth together combined. We have thousands of these magnetrons in southern Africa, thousands of them, so these guys are generating so much energy, it’s insane, and we know this because we measured it. We measured the sound frequencies, the electromagnetic fields, the loudness and decibels, and it’s just insane what’s coming out of these stone circles.

Adam’s Calendar is the most powerful of all these ancient stone circles. Adam’s Calendar is actually much much more powerful. It’s as if they all seem to be sending their frequencies to Adam’s Calendar and that’s like the collection point for all this, the energies created by all these millions of stone circles. That’s sort of what it seems like. So what we have at Adam’s Calendar is a very definite toroidal effect and it’s alive even today because we measured it.

So when you look at ancient structures built out of stone, you realize that these guys knew exactly what they were doing, and understand that stone is the tool that carries with it, in it, information, storage capacity; it’s an energy source, and that’s why they used stone, not because they were stupid, but because they were very very smart. We’re the dumb ones but we’re catching up quite quickly so what’s very obvious now is that all these ancient structures from the pyramids, Borobudur, etc., are all ancient machines. They were giant machines built out of stone, crystalline substance, to create or to perform specific functions. It’s just the function that we haven’t figured out. It’s powered by the sound of the earth and activated by the movement of the sun. I mean it’s bloody brilliant! It’s so simple and now we’re figuring this out and we know that the energies are still there because this is a photograph taken of the pyramids and there’s still huge energy coming out of the pyramids. Even the symmetrical patterns coming out of Stonehenge although Stonehenge has just been completely reconstructed, there are still very powerful symmetrical patterns coming out of Stonehenge which tells us that its original structure was still very specifically created as a resonating device, an energy device.

All this ancient stuff that we’re dealing with, just like I said, these ancient machines are just advanced technology on a gigantic scale. These obelisks in Egypt, they ring like bells, if you listen to them, they ring like bells just like those stones in my museum. And when you go into these temples in Egypt, you know, we were told that they were built for this and offering and it’s all nonsense, offering and praying, and there’s just too many pillars, not enough space. And when you look at them from this angle you realize that this is just something very different, and all those pillars clustered together, why would they build them like that, and then the more I looked at it, the more I realized now, inspired by realizing that the stone circles were powerful energy generating devices, suddenly seeing aerial photographs of these temples in Egypt, I realized that they weren’t temples but they were actually templates; that we are actually looking at gigantic energy circuits. Circuit boards on a gigantic scale, that we could never have imagined. It’s just beyond our imagination, the scale that these guys were building things on is something way out of our perception because we just don’t have enough money to do that.

And micro-processors become gigantic macro-processors, you know and here we are told that these were places of worship and then this is where the people lived. No these are giant bloody macro-processors and that’s part of the circuit board, you know, it’s what it is, and you can start seeing that the pyramids were the same thing, giant powerhouses, creating huge amounts of energy, and just you know, you start seeing things and recognizing how all this fits into ancient history.

Sacsayhuaman is also just a giant circuit board when you look at images from the air. You realize it’s just a giant circuit board. It’s not a fortress on top of a mountain to ward off marauding crowds, you know, guys and horses and spears. No, it’s a giant circuit board!


Michael Tellinger’s full presentation recorded in Sedona, Arizona, USA in May 2017 takes you on a roller coaster journey of rediscovery of lost knowledge, only to realize that everything we have been taught is a lie. Michael shares new information on the origins of humankind, the vanished civilizations of southern Africa, ancient advanced technology, stone circles and other megalithic sites, and a deeper exploration of sound, resonance, frequency, magnetism and toroidal fields – the manifestation of matter from the vacuum or the morpho-genetic field and the strange anomalies we discover on this journey. Be prepared to keep an open mind and break down the walls of our personal dogmas.