Unariun Wisdom

New Kindle Version Of The Voice Of Eros

by Ernest L. Norman

About Eros – Fifth Spiritual Plane Of The Shamballas

Going directly to our planet of Eros, I would like to say that we alone, of the seven Shamballas, have an unfixed position; in other words, we travel in an elliptical orbit which comes in contact with a large number of planets which are similar to your earth. We make this orbit about once every 3800 years in your earth time. By dividing this into half, you will see that we will come into position, either exactly opposite your earth or exactly in its affinity in this proportion.

About 2000 years ago, you saw our planet over a certain portion of the earth which has been called the Holy Land. Many people saw the planet at that time although it is not generally visible by any known astronomical or astrophysical means, as we here are in a dimension or relationship which is not reactive to your sense of sight. However, at that time, it was necessary to make a very close contact with the earth for various purposes. Great infusions of radiant energy were projected from our planet at that time which permeated and infused the minds of many earth people. . .

Let us now go directly to our planet and obtain our first view of the fifth spiritual plane of Shamballa which is the scientific plane. Now we find ourselves sitting on what apparently looks like a mountain top; and while you are looking at the substance upon which you are sitting as something similar in shape and form to your familiar earth planet as rock, yet it possesses some peculiar transparency or brilliance to which you are unaccustomed. As in the case of Venus, all elemental substances are in a much higher state of evolution than your earth planet. This principle of evolution was somewhat explained to you and in a more proper understanding of this principle, you will begin to understand that there is nothing happenstance or by chance in God’s great Celestial universe, but is all a thoroughly and completely integrated relationship. And so it is with the things around you on your earth plane; your mountains, your trees, your streams, your lakes, your cities, and so on, are all just a very small fragment of manifestation of the Infinite Mind. If you will think a moment, you can see that this same manifestation will take place on and on, up into many, many other dimensions which are completely foreign to your understanding. Thus it is with Venus, and so it is with us and numerous other great planets and solar systems throughout the universe.

The astronomer or astrophysicist looks through the telescope and sees what is apparently a vast mass of unrelated stars and star systems. While some may appear as nebulae or star clusters in such shapes as may be likened to a pinwheel, others appear as cloud masses. He may think this is rather an ordinary circumstance, whereby they seem to have been tossed by a giant hand out into the sky, but this is not so. If he were clairvoyant, he would see that around all of these star clusters and various galaxies, that there was a definitely related pattern which extended through many other dimensions. So it is with Eros; while we, in a sense, can and do sometimes direct our planet as it best suits our needs, yet as I have said, we do travel in an orbit. This we have been able to accomplish simply because of very high values in our relationship with the Infinite emanating Source of radiant energy.

Now that we are sitting here upon this mountain top, I see you are looking out upon the planes below you, that you are seeing what looks to you like a giant wheel, and that this presents a very strange appearance to you. And while the whole world about you seems to be glowing and pulsating with a white radiant energy, yet as you will become more accustomed to this, you will, as you did on Venus, see that it is a planet which is composed of many hundreds of different kinds of pulsating or radiant energies. What appears to you to be a vast wheel is a city; the center hub is, of course, like a more familiar earth plane equation of the wheel, the center or the controlling force of this whole city. Through the many spokes and out into the rim which covers the plane for many miles in all directions are, shall I say, buildings which are constructed, just as in Venus, of the radiant energies which have been somewhat crystallized or held in form and shape.

The difference here, however, is that these seemingly solid crystalline structures reside in a somewhat different dimension, and therefore possess somewhat different qualities. The buildings in themselves are very beautiful and streamlined and modernistic in appearance and in all cases as you will walk through the various corridors or spokes, and into the various other portions of this huge and vast city, you will find that there are great centers and laboratories. There you will find that they are teaching countless thousands of souls or individuals not only of your earth plane experience, but of many other earth plane experiences. Many of these souls, I might say, are being taught for some future day when they will make their appearance in some other earth-like planet to teach a new science, or they may be people who are from your own planet and teaching in your own time. However, in all cases, these things relate more to the scientific nature of man’s expression and being on the particular planet at which he is at the present time living.

Thus, in the city below, you will find hundreds, yes even thousands of places where mankind, in all levels of life, is learning a new and better way. We might say that these Centers express themselves in the field of biochemistry or with the various organic substances which enter into the bodies in these earth-life expressions or they may be mechanical inventions and contrivances. They may also relate to the more physical field of medicine, where are taught such things as drugs and various processes for healing the human body by the more commonly known physical aspect. While in a pure sense physical healing should be related to mankind from his higher self, yet such forms of physical healing on your earth plane are very necessary and vital for your present stage of evolution. Thus it is that you must set a broken bone and tape it up with splints, but there have been others on your earth at different times and even some in your modern day who could heal these bones by the thought projections of the radiant energies. So will you and others like you, in your evolution through what you call time and space, learn of the proper usage of the radiant energies and in your relationship to these energies, you shall be able to correct those conditions as they arrive.

Excerpt from The Voice Of Eros

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