Unariun Wisdom

Mysterious Object in Giza Pyramid Found By New Thermal Scan

Frame from a thermal camera viewing limestone blocks in the
Great Pyramid of Khufu, also known as Cheops. A “particularly impressive”
heat anomaly (red above) was found on the ground level of the eastern side of Cheops
and also in the upper half of the Great Pyramid. More thermal imaging will be
done during the Operation Scan Pyramids international project that began on
Oct. 25, 2015, through 2016. FLIR image by Heritage Innovation Preservation.  

Two weeks of new thermal scanning in Egypt’s Giza pyramids have identified anomalies in the 4,500 year-old burial structures, including a major one in the largest pyramid, the Antiquities Ministry announced Monday.

The scanning showed “a particularly impressive anomaly located on the Eastern side of the Khufu pyramid at ground level,” the ministry said in a statement.

While inspecting the area, they found something like a small passage in the ground, leading up to the pyramids ground, reaching an area that shows three particular stones with higher temperatures.

What will be behind it?

Courtesy of UFO Sightings Hotspot