Unariun Wisdom

My Trip To Mars ~ Part II

by William Ferguson

In the two hours Earth time that I was on Mars I had an enlightenment given to me that would equal four years of intensive study on the planet Earth, because I was functioning in four dimensions. After I had arrived on Mars, then I was given the answers to so many things I wanted to know concerning myself.

The Martians taught me so many things in the two hours that I was there, but in particular, the one who guided me about; his name was, and is, Khauga. Khauga is, as I have said, a Celestial Being, he is the one who engineered my teleportation, he is the one who helped the Martians to accomplish what they started to do. He is, and with reference to terms, I will use the terminology that is best suited to the understanding of the people of Earth, what is known as the Chief Uniphysicist of our Solar System. The scientists on Mars are known as uniphysicists, and they have an understanding of the physics of the whole universe. I am speaking of our universe; of which our galaxy, just one of the many galaxies, is one part.

The Martians who greeted me were leaders and teachers, they are ones who have progressed, and the Martians have progressed according to the Cosmic Law that governs our particular Solar System, the same law that governs all Solar Systems. They are very outstanding people, a kindly people, with great understanding. Their phase of progression now is immortal life in the fourth dimension of existence. They no longer need to go out into three dimensional life projection and repeatedly go through the transition we call “death.” They are now existing in eternal progression.

I shall never forget the one outstanding question that was asked of me by one of the Uniphysicists, who stepped up to me, and very directly said, “Is it true, as we have observed, that people on your planet go out and kill one another in battle?” I said, “Yes, it is true, as you have observed.” This radiant being said, “The very thought of such a thing to us is abhorrent.”

Now I will tell you how they took me. I will give you the techniques of it. First they took the matter of me, my body, and raised it into a four dimensional state. That is the state in vibratory rate which is the state of the next evolutionary step of man. All peoples of the Earth are going to reach that kind of an existence, that is our next evolutionary step. Now after one has been raised to four dimensions, after the matter has been raised to four dimensions, you change matter into energy.

I am going to tell you in our language, most people are not familiar with this terminology, the thing that actually took place with me in getting to Mars was teleportation through space. Our scientists today are changing energy into matter three dimensionally; but in the particular instance of which I was a part, this matter (my projection) had been raised into a four dimensional frequency, then it had been teleported to Mars at the speed of consciousness.

Some people ask, “How long did it take you to get to Mars?” Now the speed of consciousness is five million miles a second, and assuming that Mars was, at that time, approximately 50 million miles away from the planet Earth, it took me ten seconds to get there.

Here is something else that fits with that. You must understand that time is consciousness. Time in four dimensions ceases to exist as we know it here, but time is consciousness. Space is the movement of consciousness. Now I am giving you information concerning things that Earth scientists have thought about and deliberated upon, and formed theories, and hypothesis for many many years, and the more they think about it the more puzzled they become. But many are gradually getting closer to the answer.

Upon my return to the planet Earth and into my home, I went into the living room where members of my family and a friend were sitting listening to a radio program. I tried to attract the attention of each one in the group but was completely ignored. I said, “Can’t you see me? Can’t you hear me? I have been to Mars, I have just had a most wonderful experience.” In my enthusiasm and excitement and eagerness to tell my experience I had not first allowed myself to return to three dimensions. I remembered then what was going on, so I went into the other room and laid down on the cot and transformed back into three dimensions, then went into the living room and told my story.

Another question which would very naturally arise in the minds of people, assuming they believe my story, they ask me, “Well, do you think people will believe you?” I believe people will believe the truth when it can be explained, and particularly when the truth has to do with things that we hadn’t known about, pertaining to that which we see transpiring about us every day. Then we have a check on the truth that we have been told.

You hear many stories as to why the visitors are here from Outer Space. What is their purpose, what is it all about? What is the end product?

The Martians told me what they were going to do, and why they were going to do it.

Now, concerning that which I am telling you at this time, sometimes from other people, other thinkers, other researchers, other investigators, maybe in the future a little bit, you will hear them verify the very things I am telling you now. I talked with Martian people who told me things that Earth people have never even suspected. It was a great enlightenment.

The message that I must give to the people of the planet Earth came from people who are 20,000 years ahead of us in all kinds of thinking, consciousness, spiritual development, and scientific development. Here I will repeat that they have gone through the steps that we are about to go through, and that is our next evolutionary step. This is part of the Cosmic Plan, it is in the plan for the planet Earth. Our Sister planets all about us are very much further progressed, according to Cosmic Plan, than the planet Earth. The Earth has been very backward, in fact, at least once in the history of this planet, I said at least once, the people destroyed themselves. God didn’t destroy them, that wasn’t according to the Cosmic Plan, but they destroyed themselves. Destruction again is not going to be permitted, the time has passed.

The Martians know that we have been passing through a great crisis. They knew there were so many things that we must know, and that we needed assistance, and they were going to do their part, although they weren’t the only ones. They had a particular part to play and they had certain things they were going to do in our atmosphere. They told me very definitely what they were going to do. They said, “We are sending an expedition to reconnoiter the planet Earth. We are going to release positive energy particles into the Earth’s atmosphere. We are going to do that to counteract the negative energy particles that man himself has released.”

Man has released three different kinds of negative energy particles. He has released physical particles of energy. We are all familiar with what that is those things that go “whoosht,” and there’s a mushroom. Then he has released mental energy particles through his wrong thinking, through his greed and selfishness, his hate. Then spiritually he did the same thing, because, in many cases man has been regressive, he’s been going backwards, he has been becoming more animalistic. But our Sister planet Mars, and other Sister planets, because they have passed the point that we will reach, decided to do something about it to help us.

Now there was another reason they told me that they were coming to this planet. They have been here before, they have been observing us, particularly during the past two thousand years. The past two thousand years is an important time for the planet Earth, the time when the classes will be over, the graduation day for each being is getting close. Some will graduate and some will not graduate. Some will have to go through the whole thing again.

The Martians said they were going to investigate the motives of the leaders and the teachers of the planet Earth. Whenever you think a Martian doesn’t know if he is watching you or observing you, which he has a means of doing without your seeing him he knows your motive. If you are doing something for the good of your fellow man, naturally the Martian will smile, they are great people for smiling, they are one of the kindliest people I have ever been permitted to see.

Now if you will read, many have been reading, and if you will continue to read, you will begin to assimilate the news that is passed out to you, even though you get only a tiny bit of what you should get, you are going to read between the lines, and you are going to see great changes made. You have been seeing changes among your leaders and teachers.

Some people will say, “Well, that’s good, but what are they going to do about it?” Assume that the majority of the leaders and teachers have motives that are not right, are evil, what are the Martians going to do about it. All people who have reached a point where they might call themselves human beings have reached the point of free will. They can choose what they want to do. But these Martians are very intelligent people, they know so much, and they know just how to go about these things. You might have questions about this, questions I had, and I asked the question, “How are you going to and what are you going to do with the people themselves, how are you going to change the people?” They are not going to do anything to the ones who are evil. There are plenty of people who do have the right motives, and you will find them in all walks of life. You will find them in every conceivable kind of a society or community. Those people can work constructively. The Martians will give those people every aid and every assistance to do whatever they should do to bring about this great love of your fellow creature here on Earth, this is the thing that must take place first before these other things take place.

When the expedition of the Martians finally reached Earth, I was one citizen who was not frightened or agitated in the least. “Flying Saucers,” “Flying Discs,” sure I should know, I rode in them. They were the small craft sent out from the huge mother craft hovering 10,000 miles above the Earth’s atmosphere. The apparent rain of meteors, flashes of light, and other strange things that happened at that time (1947) were the expanded elements the Martians were releasing in the Earth’s atmosphere. In my laboratory at that time there was a hundred percent increase in the expansion of the water I was working with, which to me was absolute proof of the expanded elements the Martians released at the time of the visit of the “Flying Discs” to the planet Earth.

Now in retrospect let’s go back to Khauga. This great being who had engineered everything. I found out he was the one who had me in tow ever since July the 9th, 1938. I had often wondered, until the past few years, what special entity had been guiding my hands and consciousness in my work. Since the time of meeting personally with Khauga, it has all been made clear and concise to me. What a revelation to know that you have been working under the guidance of one of the greatest Uniphysicists in our Solar System.

Because of the interest of the Martians in our own development, or in the Earth’s development, Khauga had made it a point to use Mars as the proper place where the message they had, and the message he had, could be relayed and given to the people of the Planet Earth.

To all fellow Earthmen, I can assure you we are now in a wonderful development period in our Earth’s history. We have entered the expansion phase of our development, and as a result, all things will become new and finer for the enjoyment and happiness for each and every being.

As Khauga told me, we Earthmen as a whole have not had vision, but that phase in our development is past. Since March 7, 1947 we have entered into that era of the expansion of matter in particular. The whole universe is expanding, and our part in that expansion is inevitable.

If we can cause man to stop thinking that that which he cannot personally conceive of is not impossible, then we will have entered into the realm of possibilities where all things man can imagine are POSSIBLE.

So to the future of the human race on the Planet Earth, and to all of those who are progressing according to Cosmic Law, will eventuate in PEACE, JOY and HAPPINESS.

See Part I here.