Unariun Wisdom

Light Medicine

by Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., Ph.D.

Did you know that your spirit and physical body are light?

Since our atomic structures are made of light, we can utilize light in conjunction with combination therapies to facilitate greater levels of health and well being. In fact, our cells can use electricity, light, and sound as energy sources. By working with molecules that give off electricity to the body, using light and sounds of healing frequencies, we can enhance the energy in the cells needed for repair and restoration.

We can look at this question of rejuvenation from the perspective of one cell. This cell is like an aging house that needs repair. The more energy, electricity, or light we have to perform the repairs, the faster and more efficient the renovation process can happen. Vitamins and nutrients are the building blocks that allow that reconstruction to take place by affecting DNA to transcribe healthier information. Making sure hormones are functioning properly is allowing the communication between neighborhoods of cells to occur. The detoxification of heavy metals that interferes with the proper functioning of our DNA and vital enzymes is an important step in helping cells become more youthful. Information carriers, such as peptides, can also provide messages to reverse illness. Imagine a future direction of our understanding of health that cannot just help reverse aging and diseases but, in a lifestyle approach, prevent premature aging from occurring at an accelerated rate. We can imagine that when we understand how our spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical experiences affect our health than we can change what is affecting the body adversely and therefore are able to facilitate healing and restoration.

Science already knows how our moods and attitudes affect our biophysical structure and how stress and negative emotions shorten our life span and health as documented in telomere research. The exciting news is that lowering stress and enhancing mood can reverse those markers of aging.

Everything alive is dynamic. It can be changed as the governing information changes. Literally by changing our mind, we can improve our health for the better. By using the light of molecules and natural substances, we can grow younger and healthier.

Light Medicine is a new paradigm describing the science of light, spirit, and longevity.

How Biophotons Show That We Are Made Of Light

by thespiritscience.net

A biophoton or Ultra-weak Photon Emission, (UPE) is a kind of light particle that is emitted by all living things. Though it exists in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum, in order for us to see it, our eyes would have to be about 1,000 times more sensitive.

While we can’t see them with our eyes alone, technology has given us a glimpse and what it’s shown us may have a profound impact on us all.

Biophotons were first thought to be merely the byproduct of metabolic chemical reactions. That idea is being challenged with an exciting theory that claims biophotons have a much larger role to play when it comes to our physiology and quite possibly our consciousness as well.

Experiments are showing that biophotons (UPEs) can be captured and stored inside of cells and  can even travel through our nervous system; suggesting that biophotons might provide a way for cells to transfer energy and communicate information. It’s has also been suggested that UPEs might even have properties which help us to visualize images.

This makes sense considering how we’re creating computers. All computers are is silicon crystal chips which we pass light through to relay 0′s and 1′s. (Light on, Light Off). The first computer was literally built with a light bulb and these punch cards which had holes in them, which is how we would program computers.

Today, our computers are far more advanced, and yet at the core, the electrical information we are passing through computers today is still a form of light. Now our sciences are revealing humans work the same way, and Light carries information through our brain, nervous system, and even our DNA.

Yep! Scientists are finding that our DNA is a strong source of UPEs, it communicates with and is created from light itself! It’s been observed that DNA produces extremely high biophoton emissions and has excimer laser-like properties. Excimer lasers (or exciplex lasers) are special lasers consisting pseudo-molecules that only exist in a highly excited state and emit light in the ultraviolet range.

If that wasn’t cool enough already, scientists have also discovered that not only do we emit light, we have the ability to effect it with our thoughts alone. In a recent study, participants were placed in a darkened room and asked to visualize a bright light. When they did this, they were able to increase their levels of biophoton emissions significantly, showing that our intentions have an influence on light itself!

In conclusion, Light appears to be a fundamental part of our being. It’s hard-coded into our very bodies to function directly with, and through – Light. On top of that, the fact that we can affect light with our intentions alone… outstanding! It would appear those new age hippies are right when they say we are all beings of Light.

Light Deficiency

by J. Tunér and L. Hode

Underlying the many things that can go wrong with the body as we age, or expose ourselves to injury, is a deficiency of light.

We all need light. Our bodies evolved for millions of years in a field of incoherent light from the sun, as did all our food sources. If you are feeling miserable in the depths of winter notice how uplifted you feel by the red holly berry, or the sparkling white when sunlight hits frosted trees. Plants use light for photosynthesis to manufacture carbohydrates. Animals and humans have receptors for light in the eye, and receptors in the skin. We are able to manufacture vitamin D from ultraviolet light, from the sun.

A truly holistic approach to health must include LIGHT. This is because the ability of our cells to communicate depends on specific frequencies of light. Every cell emits at least 100.000 light impulses per second at a variety of frequencies.

If light stimulates bodily processes, then it is obvious that if we are light deficient, disease can take hold. Cancer cells are the only cells that do not emit light. As light beings, it makes sense to use light to stimulate the body in the way that it can recognize and respond to. When we are in sunlight, for instance, cells only take the photons they need. And if those cells are under-performing and not allowing nutrients to cross the cell wall, because of damage, the light can repair the damage.


The power of light to heal has been known from ancient times.

• Ancient Egyptians are said to have built special temples for healing with sunlight and colored light.

• Pythagoras used color for healing five hundred years before the birth of Christ.

• Reference to color healing can be found in ancient Chinese and Indian texts.

Early Research

Neils Ryberg Finsen, Nobel Prize winner in 1903, demonstrated that the most refractive rays from the sun (the chemical rays) have a stimulating effect on the tissues. These rays are found to be more abundant at altitude, where the absorption of the rays by the atmosphere is less pronounced. This is why treatment of tuberculosis in mountain air was so successful, before the availability of drugs allowed us to forget the benefits of sunlight.

Finsen treated smallpox lesions with red light (1893) and lupus with chemical rays free from heat rays (1895).

Light From Within

In 1933 the Russian scientist Gurwitsch hypothesized that all cells emitted light. It took until the late seventies before German biophysicists (Popp et al.) provided evidence to show that he was right. Every cell emits at least 100,000 light impulses per second at a variety of frequencies.*

Experimenting with differences in light between the healthy and the ill, Popp found that whereas the healthy had light emissions, which followed set patterns, and biological rhythms, the sick did not. Thus cancer patients had lost the natural periodic rhythms, and their coherence. The means for the body to communicate with itself and the outside world was sabotaged because the light had become distorted.

When a cell is healthy, coherent light is emitted. When a cell is disturbed, the light turns chaotic.

In summary, Popp demonstrated that weak light emissions of low intensity were able to influence the body, and that light in the body may be the factor that determines health and illness.

In other words complex pathways of resonance and frequency form the body’s communication system.

*Popp FA, Becker B. Electromagnetic Bioinformation, Ed. 2, Urban and Schwartzengerg, Germany, 1988.

In quantum physics coherence means that these subatomic particles are able to cooperate with each other and highly linked by bands of common electromagnetic fields. As Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt puts it ‘cells gossip, inform, celebrate and grieve… When things go wrong, such as in autoimmune disease, they fight each other. Light (and sound) can have a profound effect on regulating and correcting intercellular communications.’+

+Textbook of Psycho-Kinesiology – A New Approach In Psychosomatic Medicine – Dietrich K. Klinghardt, MD PhD, Verlag Herman Bauer Frieburg, Germany 1995

Light And The Body

Our body is made up of approximately five trillion individual cells. Each cell must supply its own vital energy called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Every job a cell must perform needs to be done with the aid of ATP. Light is the only medication that can directly increase the production of ATP. Our cell power plant, the Mitochondria, converts photon energy (light energy) into ATP (cell energy), when there is a deficiency.

When electrical current stimulates a specific medium or element, the atoms of that medium give off photons. Each photon, thus each waveform, is characterized by a different wavelength. Each wavelength interacts with a given substance in a different way, by altering the frequency of cells.

Everything in nature, including tissue cells, bacteria and viruses, has a unique frequency. Biophotons are involved in cell communication through a process that is termed ‘ultra-weak cell radiation’. The cellular source of radiation is DNA in the nucleus.

An example of malfunctioning communication between cells is between malignant tumor cells. Mutual light contact is missing, resulting in increasing cellular disorder.

The high energy photons from gamma rays, x-rays, and UV rays tend to ionize matter and damage tissue. On the other hand red (visible) and near infrared (invisible) light have therapeutic benefits.