Unariun Wisdom

It’s The ‘Little Things’ That Count

by Ernest L. Norman

From time to time through various sources of information, such as TV, newspapers, etc., bits of information are presented to the public which graphically portray the constant, never-ending struggle and search for the answer to life which is being made by sundry branches of science; and with every so-called discovery which they make, there are often wildly exuberant claims made that now, at last, science has the answer to life, etc.!

One of these scientific exposes revealed the DNA molecule, which supposedly masterminded the creation of living cells in chemical biology; directly connected to studying cells, new discoveries and their consequent mysteries have been recently uncovered. Working with living cells from animal tissue, the scientist knows how to keep these cells alive and growing in a liquid food plasma. Normal cells will continue to grow and multiply until they reach the edge of the dish which contains the plasma; then they stop growing and remain inert. Cancer cells continue to grow upon reaching the edge of the dish; also normal healthy cells, when infected with virus, will also continue to grow just as do the cancerous cells. Now this poses a great mystery to the scientists, and especially to those who have segregated their particular branch of science; for such segregation is quite strongly marked and practiced in various sciences.

The answer to mysterious cell behavior, DNA molecules and any and all other mysteries of life will never be solved until such segregation is banished and all sciences recombine themselves as they should properly do, basically—as an electronic science. The books and lessons of UN.AR.I.U.S. contain all the answers, including the mystery of the cell, scientifically explained. But to further the general cause of knowledge, let’s clear away this mysterious haze.

Reverting to fundamental concepts, all mass forms of the planet earth—including cells—are reducible to atoms; and atoms are tiny solar systems of energy, each atom, the nuclei of its respective vortex, revolving in the next dimension. All atoms have electromagnetic fields and are either compatible or incompatible on the basis of frequency relationship. When normal cells, growing in the food plasma reached the edge of the dish, they were repelled from the dish atoms because their respective atomic structures were incompatible on the basis of the same frequency relationship principle. A secondary result was also incurred. The EMF’s of the dish atoms superimposed a subharmonic into the cell atoms, which, in a sense, paralyzed them or suspended—in an out-of-phase condition—the normal atom oscillating activity within each molecule and cell.

On the other hand, with cancerous cells or virus infected cells, this certain subharmonic had already been injected into them and in one of the many ways which did not shock the molecules and cells into a suspended condition. Subharmonics of many different kinds or frequencies can be, in many different ways injected into, or oscillated into atomic molecule mass compositions without any immediate apparent deleterious effects; yet through subsequent phase relationships—involving unlimited time periods—such subharmonic injections can re-create certain specific mass malformations.

For example, a woman who died from a sword thrust in her breast several hundred years ago, can develop a carcinoma, or breast cancer in this lifetime; or the husband of this woman who witnessed this act could vicariously incur cancer in the same spot, hundreds of years later. However, there is an almost infinite variety of ways in which inferior, negative subharmonics can be injected into atomic structures and perpetuated through respective psychic anatomies, including the individual human psychic anatomy. The ardent quest of the virus pathologist who believes virus causes cancer may eventually have to resolve any cancer causing incidence from virus as an inclemental factor of frequency relationship, negative subharmonics, etc., or as a proposition to be more clearly defined in an electronic science.

The scientist who studies viruses is also becoming increasingly mystified as he discovers more about these submicroscopic particles. Viruses literally are germs which infest germs, so small are they that they actually infect bacteria, causing them to die from a virus disease, just as bacteria cause people to die. Through the electron microscope, many thousands of photographs of viruses have been taken, and the more pictures, the more mystery; for viruses follow no clear cut and dry lines as do bacteria and other organisms. The electron microscope uses the wave length of the electron, instead of light frequencies, and photographs on the order of 100,000 (or better) times magnification have been obtained with this instrument.

It should be pointed out at this time, however, that by using the electron wave length, a pseudo image may be obtained, that is, through certain kinds of distortions and aberrations, due to the compatibility or incompatibility of EMF’s which are involved, including that of the microscope. However, to better understand this situation, let us discuss viruses and how they come into existence.

Photographs of viruses reveal an infinite number and variety of shapes: spiney, rod, hexagon, round, square, oval, etc. These shapes, as so seen, are molecular, that is, they are atom compounds. These atoms were thus compounded together in what might be called the process of living life.

People who are amassed together in communities and cities are constantly in action; thought waves and other kinds of energy waves so generated are being radiated. Some of these radiations such as thought are more closely fourth dimensional. Other kinds of actions regenerate harmonics into this fourth dimension. Thus over each town and city, there is an intense smog-like radiation of fourth dimensional energy forms, which at their particular moment of generation, do not have psychic anatomies.

In the Infinite Intelligence, all forms and substances are successively recreated through their respective psychic anatomies from the higher dimensions into the lower. The aforementioned smog-of-life living generation is, in a sense, an opposition to Infinite Creation. These great masses of energy forms therefore, according to Infinite law, begin to create for themselves, psychic anatomies; thus all compatible frequencies begin to oscillate about each other, and their first form of a psychic anatomy culminates in the center of its vortex as a virus, (something like children playing ring around-a-rosy with a child in the center).

Viruses then, can and do, manifest their infinite variety of shapes; their never-ending characteristics, according to the information which has been impounded in their psychic anatomies and as supersonic harmonic regenerations from an infinite variety of wave forms from life experiences from billions of people.

The reason for this peculiar virus situation now becomes quite clear; also on the same basis of frequency relationships, all viruses, irrespective of their shape, are attuned to people, animals and plants, but particularly to people, who are the greatest source of this negative virus material. That is why certain nontoxic virus can quickly become toxic. Colds and other virus conditions manifest in an infinite variety. The human system cannot build up a permanent resistance against cold viruses for the simple reason that there is a sympathetic vibrating condition with these Viruses from the mind and body of the person it is infecting, and which may have in the past, partially been responsible for the creation of this virus which now infects the body as a cold.

Here again is the overwhelming proof of an in phase, out of phase condition. All people are literally saturated with virus, but usually suffer no ill effects from these multiple virus forms until certain in phase, out of phase conditions are imposed. A few hundred thousand viruses which, through the harmonic principle have been changed into cold viruses, can quickly trigger all the viruses in a healthy body into becoming cold viruses when they are injected into this healthy body, as through the respiratory tract. Certain wave lengths of energy such as thought radiations can also trigger these viruses in a healthy body into becoming cold viruses when this healthy person merely looks at the cold sufferer. He does not have to breathe the cold viruses; the auto suggestive processes through thought transmission are often sufficient. That is why colds are so contagious, also why they have such a degrading effect upon the human system, and through a negative discharge condition, the physical aura is depleted causing great discomfort and inability.

The concept of the virus is indeed complex; and it cannot be properly understood until all the laws which govern interdimensional energy transmissions and their functions are thoroughly understood. A third dimensional hypothesis based upon surface reactions, facsimile, photography, etc., is totally insufficient. Whether man will or will not solve this facet of his planetary life may be one of the keys which will or will not unlock a better future; and if this door is not unlocked, man may well bring about his own undoing and eventual doom, not through nuclear war, but through the very processes of living in the countless, never-ending generation of negative energy wave forms. He will constantly construct and reconstruct new killers and invent new names for them—yet even here the most insidious of all life process generations is that negative energy acid which is now currently eating away at the vitals of his very being. The bastions of his civilization and his very civilization is now in dire danger of falling into the dust of decadent morality.

Just as Daniel transcribed the handwriting on the wall to the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, so does the Moderator transcribe and translate the numerous signs and portents, the obvious derelictions, the decadent expressions into what should be a fair warning to all those who wish to survive. The question of immortality, life beyond death, will be resolved by any person who heeds this warning, or for that matter, any nation or the world itself. The Moderator does not stand alone in this position; there are many others who are well aware of this down-hill toboggan slide to oblivion; yet there are none among those who have the true answers, the absolute solution. For here again is the reason for UN.AR.I.U.S., and of the great Message of life it contains for anyone who will dedicate himself to the problem of personal emancipation from the earth world life and to establish a progressive evolution. This he can do only for himself and each person must, likewise, at some time make this selection—this determination, or he will surely perish.

Jesus implied the same selection; and since His time, the hell-holes have been filled to overflowing by those who refused to choose this course. As one of the interplanetary Messengers, the Moderator is, at the present time, maintaining contact and consciousness through the physical form into one of these hellhole purgatories (earth). In this missionary work, He has devoted Himself, for lo almost countless thousands of years; and He is not alone. There are others too, from the higher worlds who journey into the astral underworlds to carry the Message of Immortal Life; Their purpose, Their dedication and Their knowledge is far beyond the earth man’s comprehension. This is the Unariun Brotherhood. Heed Their Message well—if you would live—for it is your future.

And so the search for the answer to the riddle of life continues—a never-ending, ceaseless, quest; for man has an insatiable appetite to know the ultimate answer, the reason for being, the why of all things, the whence from where he came, and the whereto of his going. And like the building of the tower of Babel, his quest has become the clamor of many strange tongues, all claiming their own Victory; yet even as they cry their exultation for having discovered some new hit of information, so are their voices lost in the frenzied clamor of other voices. Thus, it is from halls and laboratories of the world of science, men on pedestals and perches look down upon the crawling world of common things, and preach their dogma that life began as a cell. And in other places other men have built great linear betatrons and cyclotrons, believing that the atom holds the secret. And overhead in the far-off blue skies, a satellite swings in its orbit around the planet; one of many, each one trying to dig or pry the secret from its heavenly course.

Yes, even man himself has ridden in one of these ‘fiery chariots’; but unlike the prophet of old, he returned to his earthly hell—unlearned; and the chemist, the biologist, and the nuclear physicist labor so assiduously, each believing in his own right, unashamedly admitting his ignorance, yet quick to use the scourging lash of censorship upon any individual who dares to broach the citadel with something new which he does not understand.

Yes, there are other men who ply their trade beneath the shadow of a steeple church; those who don the robes and set themselves up on altars to be worshipped as purveyors of the great secret; yet from their mouths fall the words of a false blasphemy: that man can be salvaged from the dregs and slime of an earth-world cesspool by a false god who ruled the pagan hordes of Babylon. This is man’s civilization, his modern ‘Tower of Babel’; and while he labors in his many ways amid the clamor, the clanging, grinding, knocking, screaming, hate-filled world of lust, vengeance and vice, a Tall Man stands upon a nearby hill—watches for a while—then turns away; for He had walked among them once before, and tried to give them that great thing for which they sought. Yet, even as he told them of the way and place, they stilled his Voice upon the Hill of Calvary.

And as He turns away, He knows how well it is that, buried deep within each man’s heart, the secret lies, and answers not the dinning world outside, but waits until the time and place when all the clamor of the world is stilled. And then from out this silence, bursts a mighty strength that lends the secret to its cause; and like a flower bursting forth from out the dark brown earth, the new man borne from out the long-held secret of his past, becomes the fairy bloom, to live his newborn life resplendent in the glory of all things made whole.

Excerpt from Tempus Procedium