Unariun Wisdom

Interview With Founder Of UN.AR.I.U.S. Ernest L. Norman

Dr. R. Juddah, of Oakland, California, a researcher of philosophies and religions of the present time, engages, as part of his work, in gathering together—by going from one school of thought to another—what information he can, in an effort to build up his case of the differences or the similarities of all present-day schools of thought along these lines.

Because he had not yet been made familiar with the clairvoyant aptitude which the Moderator so aptly expresses, the author had to go to some length to try to explain this faculty to him. Neither had he, up to this point, become acquainted with the life principles of regeneration (or so-called, reincarnation)—although about one-half of the world knows of this cyclic reliving; especially by those of the Oriental and European countries including England, etc.

Dr. Juddah said, to Ernest Norman, “If you will be so kind as to share with me your time and to explain just what your understanding and teachings are, we shall be most appreciative and it will serve our cause well.” Of course, the Moderator was most willing, as this is his very life, and with anyone who opens the door unto him, he is most happy to share of his knowledge and of his great and Infinite Wisdom.

However, it would have taken far longer than the four to five hours spent with Dr. Juddah to thoroughly convey the very extensive Science of UN.AR.I.U.S., including the author’s own personal background; but rather, several weeks or even months would actually have been needed to express, even a fair portion, of all UN.AR.I.U.S. is.

With this understanding, Dr. Juddah said: “So, if you will oblige me and describe, informally, a generalization or outline—just basics will be most acceptable, and appreciated—please?”

T – Many years ago, since I started out in various different churches, groups, and making a very thorough study in my own way, I realized there were many elements in my own life which needed justifying and needed, in some sense of the word, to be reoriented, and of course, there was that inward motivation—perhaps I wasn’t consciously aware of the fact; so I spent some fifteen years in very active research in and around the Los Angeles area during the war years. I had sufficient scientific training and background so I could overcome many of the pitfalls which are customarily encountered by people who are doing similar work, on a practical as well as scientific basis, the thing which must be striven for in the orientation and factions in the mind and consciousness which would help a person not only individually but also, to be of some service to humanity, as a whole. I realized that the world at this time was passing through a tremendous cycular movement and that the world in general was entering a new era, and especially through the war years with the development of atomic science which was built up on Einstein’s theory of mass plus energy, the theory of the expandable universe, etc.; and so when atomic science came along and exploded the first nuclear weapon, it literally plunged the world into a tremendous cycle of scientific achievement and development.

As a whole, the general public was not equipped, mentally speaking, in their philosophies and their way of life to compensate for all these things. Today, of course, statistics bear out the fact that while this is a scientific technocracy, yet people, as a whole, are suffering tremendous repercussions, simply because there are no age-old systems of religion or cultisms as they have been expressed through Christianity or any other particular concept on the earth today which can fully justify all of the factors that enter into the life of the present day; nor can science, because science is confined strictly to the third dimension or physical. The slide rule and various other mathematical equations must always be necessary, and so the scientist is very busily engaged today in equating the whole infinite cosmogony of the universe on the basis of his own present mathematics. As Oppenheimer said a year ago, we have long since reached and passed the point where our present mathematics and science are of any service to us in expanding the horizons of our present physical science.

So there were many elements which were very obvious to a philosopher or a person who was earnestly seeking. There were lots of elements which were missing—and even more than this is the fact that while there were millions of books written on life and man and various other constituents which were supposedly adequately portraying man in his life on the planet earth, yet none of them actually dealt with the more realistic creative principles. It says in the opening chapter of Genesis that the Lord made man by stooping to the river banks and scooping up a handful of clay and breathing the breath of life into him. That might be all right for some people but according to the scientist, it does not stand up to a complete and justifiable analysis in our own retrospection. So in going into all of these various factors and different phases, it was very evident we lacked a true scientific science of life. The old Yogi out of the East had, in the old Vedic and Brahmanistic teachings, contained many of the elements which were somewhat basic in the construction of matter as far as the material universe was concerned: and there were various degrees of reference to man’s evolution in spiritual planes, reincarnation, etc.

Getting down to the crux of the whole situation resolved reincarnation as a very badly misunderstood subject. In a more simple phraseology, reincarnation can merely be termed as a cycular pattern very similar to our day by day life. We carry the complete hypothesis, the evaluation of man as a spiritual creation because of the body being resolved into karmic structures which are, in themselves, tiny planetary systems of energy; and while it is quite unknown to the scientist of this day and age that these energy forms represented systems which are called atoms and are supported internally from other dimensions—in fact, an infinite number of dimensions; these are manifested into the tiny solar systems called atoms, through a regular vortexal pattern of interdimensional relationship and the laws of harmonic and frequency relationship, etc.

Therefore, getting down to what man really is in all internal and external appearances, the body is merely an external shell—a shell of energy which represents ideology, form and habit which is developed through evolution in a great number of lifetimes which started way back in the distant past somewhere for each individual. It also resolves God as being infinite, manifested and maintained in infinity, only becoming finite in all consciousness and all things.

Therefore, God is a leaf of a tree, is blades of grass, atoms in our body. He is everything simply because God is now manifested and taking on a different form into numerous dimensions and an infinite number of forms. Therefore, if we can see that man’s physical body is an externalization of the internal interpolations of interdimensional relationships of energy traveling in cycular patterns and movements, then we begin to form a very definite basic pattern for what is called reincarnation—which simply means an extended principle. We might say that Darwin discovered certain principles of evolution as far as the physical life of animal or plant was concerned on the land, but life for Darwin was not explored into the spiritual or the spiritual consciousness.

So now we see man having a spiritual body, as it is more commonly referred to which is actually a matrix of energy forms—tiny little wave forms which reside in vortexal patterns through the psychic body and which reflect outwardly into consciousness all of the infinite quotients of which they were formed from the experiences of past lives. Therefore, man not only repeats in the strict psychosomatic sense the day-by-day patterns which he developed in early childhood in one certain life, but he is also constantly reflecting the sum and total of an infinite number of experience quotients from a large number of past lives—psychic shocks such as murder, being killed and various other catastrophic equivalents which were projected and formed into this psychic self in an oscillating process which the psychiatrists today call a reflex from the subconscious.

The same principle is portrayed in our television set. These various wave forms were formed in the psychic self day by day, hour by hour. Just as the physical body lives by the multiplication and regeneration of a million and a half new cells every minute, so the psychic body is continually being reformed, refurbished and changed in other ways through experience quotients day by day.

This is the scientific side and the analogy of spiritual man. It can and has been portrayed on scientific apparatus, not only in this world but on other planets as well, and other people use that science as a common denominator for canceling out such illnesses or other perversions of intellect which might be coming into the individual’s life.

We have many references in a more or less scientific way which were made by Jesus in the Holy Land two thousand years ago. Like Jesus, we do not believe in prayer as it is externalized by the average church-man or the average Christian, or the average cultist who is on the earth today. It was expressed by Jesus that we should not pray as the heathen does, as the publican does, in the streets or in public places, but we should go within the closet of our own inner consciousness and seek out and maintain the continuity of expression with the Infinite Mind or the Father within, a positive and continued contact with the inner consciousness. Many other misunderstood concepts still exist in what is called Christianity today, which have led untold millions of people astray and down the blind alleys which in some future time must be worked out and justified. There is nothing more fallacious in common interpretation to believe in such things as so-called divine intercession, or that most people believe that Jesus will someday save us all from our sins. Nothing could be more misleading or more paralyzing to the average individual’s consciousness, simply because the basic principles and all evaluations of life are a continual oscillating process from positive to negative for many interdimensional relationships which we call the Infinite Mind.

In order to properly evaluate all conditions, circumstances and the various lifetimes which the individual leads in his process of evolution from the more primitive stages, he simply reflects and reciprocates to a large degree all of the infinite elements which are contained in the Infinite Mind and Consciousness of God. These lifetimes, then, are forming a day-by-day pattern in which he lives into future consciousness where he can become solvent in some spiritual dimension of consciousness which is beyond the horizon of our reactionary way of life.

To Buddha, this was called Nirvana; to Jesus, it was finding the kingdom of Heaven which was within. But it means that place in which every person becomes more directive in his own evolution and consciousness so that he does not resolve himself back into the material dimensions, bound there by the astral residual condiments which he reflected into his psychic self hundreds or even thousands of years ago. To the old Yogi, that was called karma. Karma merely means a malformed vortex of negative energy caused by some psychic shock; and the individual, knowing as he does in some subconscious way, especially in lives in between lives where these things are more apparent and his pattern of life is made more crystallized, knows that these things must be eliminated and cancelled out in order to obtain the true evolution of consciousness. Therefore, he reconstructs for himself through the laws of frequency relationship, harmonic structures in cycular patterns, exactly similar circumstances in which he incurred either one or a number of these psychic malformations. He hopes, by living them out, to wear them down and otherwise conquer them in some vague and subconscious thought pattern or inflection. Not properly armed with the right wisdom, he frequently runs afoul of new circumstances and too often solidifies any existing malformations in the psychic body, thus incurring an increasing number of circumstantial equivalents which he calls sin and evil.

As it was taught by Jesus, the Christ Consciousness is the true principle of intercession, because in the infinite and most abstract understanding of man as a spiritual being means that the Infinite compounded in a cycular fashion all of the equivalents of the Infinite Consciousness into one personification, and this one personification became the life cycle of the one individual. The one individual is multiplied by all the number of individuals’ personification living on this planet and an infinite number of planets throughout this universe and other universes. Therefore, God, or the Infinite again manifests infinity, becoming again finite in all consciousness. The true Christ Self, then containing all of the elements of God, if it is properly brought into complete rapport with the conscious mind, can be the personal savior of every individual, simply because in the conditions wherein the individual is now incepting into the conscious mind through the reflective oscillating process of energy constituents, all Infinite Principle and the ideology, form and wisdom contained in the superconsciousness. In this particular connection, no sin or evil can live in his life. All malformations in the psychic body are cancelled out and neutralized and made whole. This is the true basic principle of spiritual healing and one which must be taught to the masses of people in the future, if they are to survive when they are to pass from this particular domain of this materialistic world to evolve into higher spiritual states of consciousness. Before they do that, they must learn the creative processes of life as they are contained in the energy wave forms which they are constantly reflecting into the psychic self.

The history of the world, the health of the people, the political systems, our intercontinental relationships with other people on the face of the globe would change overnight if every individual knew that the day-by-day process of what he calls thinking is a direct reflective process which institutes all the reactionary factors he has let become permissible in his daily life, that they are actually the energy wave forms which form the basis for his future evolutions in future worlds and different consciousness. If he knew that, he would know the true meaning of casting the bread upon the water—or do unto others as he would be done by. If he knew that in the sum and total of all the things which are reflected into his psychic self were, in themselves, interconnected with an infinite number of people through the laws of frequency vibration and harmonics, that he was also connected in an infinite way with other dimensions, astral, sub astral, or otherwise spiritual as the case may be, and that he was actually beating as one small pulse of energy in a great and infinite number of pulses which were beating throughout the infinite cosmogony, then his pattern would quickly change. He would try to do something about it.

Not so many years ago, one philosopher expressed religion as an opiate used by the people, and in fact, that is exactly what religion is. It is the largest escape mechanism which the people have generated for a system of self-justification and what otherwise derives neurotic thought patterns. They blame God for every ill, evil and sin which befalls them, that God is punishing them, that the only way to salvation is through suffering and sin. That kind of interpretation of life is what degrades people and projects them into the sub astral worlds and makes them victims of all the dark and evil forces which have made man subjective to his own desires.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven which is within and all things shall be added unto you. That is the way one man calls the inner consciousness—the direct ability of every man to be able to orient his thoughts either with the mental conscious or the superconscious or from the reactionary elements he has permitted to permeate into his consciousness to become activating forces in his own day-by-day life. That is the reactionary way of life, the life in which the average person lives—a system of personal justification and escape mechanisms.

The principle of this new science—and yet it is not new in the sense of the word—the very principles of creation itself, even from the most primitive forms of elemental energy structures, are involved in the science of UN.AR.I.U.S.. They are portrayed from higher planes of spiritual consciousness by those who have gone on from these material and reactionary worlds. It is a great movement, a great attainment and a great fulfillment which is being brought about in this present day. Many people believe in such biblical versions as the end of the world, etc., because of lack of sufficient knowledge of cycular patterns of not only personal evolution but astrophysical evolutions as they are concerned with all planetary systems, the interdimensional relationships which hold the planets in their course.

The sun itself is a vortex of energy, a whirling great dimension which comes to a point or a focus which is expressed as our own sun. Likewise, each and every one of the planets are so interconnected through the great vortexes of energy which are expressed from higher and higher dimensions—the sum and total of intelligence portrayed in an infinite number of ways.

Excerpt from Tempus Invictus

See Part II here.