Unariun Wisdom

Integrating Consciousness Into Medical Protocol ~ Part II

by Ernest L. Norman

It must be pointed out also, so far as the planet earth is concerned, that in the Infinite Universe in an astrophysical sense, the proponents of various astronomical or astrophysical sciences are just beginning to be vaguely conscious and aware of the great universe about them. With this awareness will come a new understanding: that in this interplanetary and interstellar dimensional space, as it is now called, will be found planetary systems and great worlds which far supersede our own physical world in all sense and proportion. The scientist will find man living in this Infinite Universe and in the many other Infinite universes which are surrounding this particular one. Here again man will find himself living and expressing himself in an infinite number of ways, manners, forms and degrees of consciousness.

With this knowledge will come this obvious fact: the earth is comparatively low upon the scale of evolution so far as it concerns mankind, and on this planet, man has taken only the first step which will, in the concourse of time and many thousands of lives into the future, gradually separate him from the bestial propensities which engendered his existence into the material world. He will gradually learn that through this direct interpolation of oscillating wave forms with the higher forms of life and with the infinite propensities of the Creative Universe, that each individual is thus building for himself a certain dimension which is likewise Infinite in nature; thus man will, in that future time, become somewhat Infinite in nature.

By that time, man will have completely lost his physical form and, as a matter of fact, much of the common knowledge which he formerly used to support that physical body upon the planet earth will instead become knowledge and wisdom to support a new kind of life, a new body, and a new way in a dimension which could not possibly be conceived in his present-day consciousness. A cardinal principle in the personal development of any individual in this evolutionary flight into Infinity is contained in the precepts and in the concepts that each man is, in his own right and in his own way, his own personal interrogator, his own moderator and, in this sense, he also sometimes becomes his own judge, jury and executioner.

To those who would stray from the precept of this consciousness, may they be warned that to usurp the authority of dominion over their fellow man in any one or a multiple number of forms, as it is commonly associated in earth life dimensions, (whether you are king, emperor or simply an exponent of some of the medical or psychological professions in your time and place)—that this warning carries its own message; for if in some manner or form, should you be guilty of diverting another from the true course or purpose, should you usurp the authority or dominion of right which each person expresses as a direct prerogative from the Infinite Will and Consciousness, then indeed, you have incurred grave and sometimes disastrous consequences.

The false sense of security which the average individual learns to develop by focusing his attention into some of the medical or psychological practices of this day and time, could be an obvious and devious device wherein his true evolutionary pattern could at least be temporarily, if not permanently, misdirected and thwarted into one of the astral underworlds.

Thus, assuming proportions and a preponderance of an absolute moderator, in the sense that the physician or the therapist is in a position to alleviate all the ills of mankind, means that the medical and psychological practice is guilty of usurping the dominion of the Infinite Consciousness which is a direct adjutant of all people existing in any particular dimension. He is just as directly or indirectly guilty of this false assumption of power as is the king, the emperor or the dictator. This is also true of those who have set themselves up as demagogues in the educational profession.

Great universities are now flourishing throughout the civilized world and here the young men and women of the future are all put through holes of the same size and the same sieve and are figuratively given a parrot’s beak when they receive their diplomas upon graduation, for now they must all speak the same tongue and the same language. They must all follow the same lines of demarcation, and woe be unto the person who dares to go beyond the limits or the boundaries which have been laid down so rigidly in these academic teachings.

This, too, is in direct contradiction to all known precepts which contain historical accounts wherein certain individuals in relating something basic or something good to the posterity of mankind, have always had to step out beyond the bounds of the recognized dogmas and creeds which were concurrently existing in their own dimension and time. These exponents have also suffered, either slightly or much; sometimes direct physical persecution and even death was incurred from the teaching, directing or the pointing out of truths to the race of mankind in a fashion or manner which was not dictated by the precepts of the various existing dogmatic and demagogic forces which were then in existence. This was the fate of the humanitarian known as Jesus and history is filled with such portrayals wherein individuals have suffered in some manner or form, even to the point of death, for daring to go beyond the reaches of the minds of their fellow men in the systems which had been and were concurrently in force and motion.

During the Dark Ages in Medieval Europe in the time of the Reformation, it was estimated that more than three million people met their death at the rack, the wheel and the stake, all under the guise of being purged from the face of the earth as heretics, working against the name of Jesus the Christ. The list of names which could be extracted from those who have met martyrdom in this manner and form, would be one quite illustrious in nature and a very few indeed, such as Martin Luther and Galileo escaped this perditious practice of the Holy Roman Empire.

Our present-day civilization is not entirely immune to the same practices; and while we do not burn people at the stake or tear them to pieces on the wheel or the rack, yet the demagogues of the professional world, as they express themselves either in religion, science, medicine or psychology, find their own way to destroy these brash individuals who have gone beyond the reaches of their own minds. They will not only be excommunicated from their own organized societies and the tenets of their own understanding, but such excommunications will also extend into various social structures. This is commonly referred to as “black-listing”, and this modern expression can and often has, reached the point where the unfortunate exponent of a new truth has actually been railroaded into an asylum or into a prison.

Yes, he may find the faces of his loved ones, his fellow citizens, those with whom he formerly associated on a most compatible basis, will now turn away from him. He will find the very privileges of this society which were formerly extended to him, are now denied. Yet as it always has been, so it must always be; that as far as the earth and such similar dimensions of life are concerned, there must be those who are way-showers; those who must reach ahead into the infinite vistas and extract such suitable configurations of truth which will make life more compatible to succeeding generations developing along that dynamic principle of life expression.

Yes, it can even be said that those who in former lifetimes destroyed the exponents of far-reaching newer truths, often became in later lives their strongest exponents. Many of these people were responsible for the carved and graven images which were set up to those who so perished by their hand. Guilt in itself brings its own day of reckoning and, whether incurred in a previous lifetime and in the idiom portrayed from the nature of any particular individual—yet, in succeeding lifetimes as the individual progresses and presents a new face to Infinity and as the guilt or the wrongness of his actions eventually catches up with him, he then becomes his own judge and his own jury. Quite frequently, in the anxiety and the intensity of his guilt complex—as it is thus compounded from past infractions—he again assumes the false prerogatives which are contained in these pedestals which he has constructed for himself and which he will continue to erect in succeeding lifetimes, until he learns the true evolutionary path of life.

Sin is not a part of the Infinite Mind or Consciousness. Each man makes his own evil by wrongly using or by wrongly interpolating various constituents of life with which he is in contact at that moment. In future evolutions, these various past derelictions from truth now become the core or nucleus for a great guilt complex. It is so conceived in the Infinite Mind that each man shall learn of Infinity in his own way; for while in a complete and abstract sense, the Infinite can be considered perfect in all its relationships and expressions, yet mankind has found various and devious ways to circumvent the true advent and purpose of this Infinite Intelligence into his consciousness. It can be said, by this circumvention—by the continual and repetitious treadmill-like pattern of comparisons between good and evil that man manages to make derivations and extractions which will form a substantial platform into a future evolutionary pathway. We have discussed the more fundamental concepts in the development of man’s spiritual nature and in his relationship to the Infinite. We have also entered into discussions which will give man a much more realistic approach to the Infinite in which he will survive in these various spiritual transpositions.

Also in our discussions, we have attempted to present a more equitable and basic understanding of the known and visible, or the third dimensional world wherein man lives at the present time and of his position to this third dimension or material world. All of these contexts would be quite meaningless in their entirety unless we could at least substitute a suitable and more expanded concept which would completely explain and justify all of these known precincts within the realm of our third dimensional science. In this discussion we shall thus enter into and present to the reader a much more realistic approach, not only to our third dimensional science as it is concerned in the world today, but also to enable him to integrate this science into an expanded consciousness which will involve the Infinite Cosmogony.

Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum

See Part I here.