Unariun Wisdom

Integrating Consciousness Into Medical Protocol ~ Part I

by Ernest L. Norman

In the practice of medicine, the doctor is also guilty of the same nefarious deviation from a true and constructive evaluation of life. While medical science has advanced considerably in the past fifty or hundred years, it yet remains for the future medical practitioner to bring out the true cause or origin of many of the diseases which are plaguing mankind today. It should be borne in mind by the reader at this time, that there is no particular quarrel with psychology or with medicine as it is commonly practiced today; for such psychology and medicine while in themselves are still primitive, yet they all combine to make up some sort of functional unit or step in the right direction. The main issue in all contexts or expressions wherein we have entered into discussions of this sort, is primarily against the dogmatic attitudes of the exponents of these sciences.

Along with the dogmatic attitudes which have been adopted by the exponents of these various sciences in setting themselves up on these false pedestals constructed from pure fabrication of truth, they have literally, either directly or indirectly, affected the lives and destinies of countless millions of people. They have incarcerated hundreds of thousands of souls into useless and needless years of pain and suffering; they have detracted them from their true evolutionary course. But even worse, with a far-reaching effect which concerns the average individual, there is the implication that every man does not possess a soul or that such concepts are not concurrently substantiated by modern psychological or medical practice. The psychologist fails to properly understand an Oedipus complex—which is basically the sexual love of a male child for his female parent or vice versa—and therefore this complex will remain in rather mystical terminology not only in the minds of the psychologists but of anyone who so hears this particular expression.

Therefore, from then on—so far as the immediate future is concerned—the complex which has been attributed to this child, remains an unsolved, mystical and undetermined element, simply because the psychologist fails to realize that in past lifetimes, the mother and son or the father and daughter were associated in various relationships as man and wife and built up between them in numerous past lifetimes, a very strong association of sex, which is presently reflecting into their lives in the usual manner and form, and in such vagaries and indispositions which the psychologist calls an Oedipus complex. This same situation resolves itself into any one or a number or, as a matter of fact, into all different particular definitions of psychological parlance. Here again, the same facts are quite obvious in our modern medicine. While the scientists or the medical practitioners are quick to take any advantage possible to superimpose their supposedly abundant and prolific medical training, they are, to some degree, the delineators of life and death over hundreds of millions of people and seem to focus themselves in some sort of a sense of false security into the various supposedly virtuous attributes which they have incurred through their training.

Yet, when the physician or the therapist is pinned down to the mat, so to speak, he will be reluctantly forced to admit that he does not know the true basic and originating cause of more than two or three hundred of the killers which are plaguing mankind. He will admit that only about twenty-five percent of the available knowledge of the human body is presently understood by the medical profession.

It is quite obvious that the other seventy-five percent of available knowledge is contained in diverse concepts which would relate man into the more spiritual dimensions wherein, if the physician could look into the psychic body and see through previous lifetimes and in affiliations and experiences, psychic shocks and numerous other interpolations of life in these past lives, he would find the true originating cause of the mental or physical aberration. A sword thrust which was incurred two or three hundred years ago in the breast of some particular person is very often found to be the seat of cancer in this present lifetime. A person can also suffer vicariously from seeing different catastrophic happenings which had taken place about him.

The supposed unknown cause of any disease and the knowledge which will subsequently lead to its elimination and cure, therefore, must always be found in previous lives. With the exception of a few comparatively primitive aboriginal tribes in the backwashes of the jungles of this world, by and large, most people have lived hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes and, as they have lived these lives idiomatically in any one particular time, place or civilization, they have incurred the various indispositions of these different lives. The context of this evolutionary principle of life is contained in many different places in the literature of UN.AR.I.U.S., as Truth will always bear repeating. Truth is a many faceted gem which needs constant turning to see the new facets, the new beauties and the new iridescence portrayed upon its surface.

To the exponent of our modern day classical psychology and medicine, may we say that almost every day the old forms of different concepts, as they were firmly believed and reoriented into life from these past dispensations are constantly being torn down. In the past fifty years we have seen the passing of many classical expressions of literature, science, philosophy and other different dispensations of life which came out of the various civilizations of the past.

Newton fell to Einstein, just as Aristotle fell to Galileo and so the pattern goes. Each day finds new concepts, new evaluations, new truths taking the place of those which formerly meant life and death to so many millions of people. On this basis it is quite safe to predict that, in the near future, our modern psychiatry, psychology and medicine will be just as primitive as that which we now consider primitive by looking back into the jungles and into the former witchcraft and pseudoisms which have existed in the past ages.

When that long-looked-for day arrives, then mankind will have found his Utopia, for in this common knowledge and in its daily expression, as he relates himself in a progressive evolutionary pathway which is linked into the future and into Infinity, mankind will gradually dispense with the reactionary practices with which he has decimated his world from time to time in the past ages. He will lay aside his warlike weapons, his cruel practices, his masochism, his various complexes which are founded basically in such primitive reactionary elements as would be found in the beasts which prowl the forests and the jungles of the nether regions. He will replace his hypocritical attitudes which have erected these pedestals for him and in their place will come strong and intelligent leadership which will light the pathway for succeeding generations of mankind to follow into a more proper relationship with the Infinite.

Just as he has done in the past, man will replace the asylums, the prisons and the hospitals with institutions of learning wherein mankind can gain a true and more comprehensive pattern of evolution. He will learn to cancel out the various physical and mental aberrations from the spiritual side of life before they have gained sufficient strength and intensity to cause physical and mental distress or even eventual death. He will learn that it is not necessary to remove an organ from the human body when it has become defective; instead, he will supplant this practice with a more realistic medical therapy of life which will relate to prevention and cancellation of a particular psychic shock or a vortical pattern of energy as it stems from the psychic self into the present consciousness. He will learn that such physical conditions as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and various other present killers are, in themselves, a direct result of the evolutionary pattern of life wherein the individual has incurred certain misalignments through psychic shocks and other indispositions; and that reorienting the person into a true spiritual pathway, a true course of life, always removes the misalignment thus bringing about an eventual restoration of physical fitness.

Excerpt from Cosmic Continuum

See Part II here.