Unariun Wisdom

Image Of God’s Virtue

It has been said that God has created thee in His own image
Yet it is surely not of these things of the flesh
Neither of the body nor its limbs.

For surely the body can be slain by the sword
or that it wasteth with hunger
And that it must falleth away with time.

But rather it is that God has created thee
as the vessel of His own self
Wherein thou containest all of the virtues
of His Infinite Wisdom
For wherein are not the things of the flesh,
That may perish by the sword,
Or wasteth with hunger or passeth with time.

But rather has God gathered in this vessel
All of the virtues of His own self
from whence He has created
Not only man but of all things of Heaven and earth.

by Ernest L. Norman

Excerpt from The Anthenium