Unariun Wisdom

How Do You Want To Spend An Eternity?

by Tish Brown

Being that we are eternal living beings that even suicide (see my article on suicide) cannot kill, how do you want to spend your eternity? Do you want it to be constructive with love and peace in your life or would you prefer the drama of never-ending upheaval and pain? Guess what? We decide. In every nanosecond of our lives we make the decision.

The distortions of our past enter into every nanosecond of our being. This is what energy does. Energy not only gives us the ability to move and live from breath to breath but it also comes with baggage. It’s this baggage we want to get rid of if we are to finally wake up into a new world or dimension of love and peace. This past is only an illusion that traps us in hate and fear and it is what we have to recognize in our daily life as being just that – an illusion.

For example, let’s say you come across a person you have never met before but suddenly you have this intense hatred for them. No reason that is obvious. This person has never done a thing to you at least in this present lifetime but what about in the past?

Perhaps you did not know he was the enemy in a past life on the battlefield who struck you down and killed you. No you didn’t know that or could not understand how to access that information but you hate him! You subconsciously remember this incident and you can’t help but absolutely hate his guts and so it goes on in the rest of our lives. We have this continuous subconscious reflex that distorts everything.

“Thinking a thought creates some active participle of integration in your own mind and as a result, it has reverted back into your subconscious. Intelligence resides in two levels—in the superconscious and the subconscious, and since most people function from the subconscious, every act of every day merely means going back into the history of your past, either in this life or in a previous lifetime, and relating certain extractions of experience as they exist in the reactionary or subconscious self. Within the superconsciousness reside other dimensional structures (as theosophy explains it to you rather crudely), which relate man in the higher purposes to the more Infinite Mind of the Abstract. This Superconscious Mind or Superconscious Self is what Jesus called, “The Father within”. It is our life purpose as we pass through these numerous terrestrial dimensions through the realm of experience, to attain that infinite concept. The ultimate attainment in the subtractions of all the elements of experience will determine whether we become analytical or whether we revert back into some sub-dimensional form. Every time you think a thought in your mind, you create a definite wave form. That wave form does not simply go out here somewhere and pass away because all thought in its purest and highest sense revolves in another dimension.” ~ Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation

Another example with love: You met this woman and suddenly she is the love of your life. You have to have her through thick or thin. She, it turns out has been with you many lifetimes in many loving relationships. You don’t remember this but your subconscious does.

So as we go through life directed by our subconscious we can become mired in many things of delusion or illusion because we don’t realize that every nanosecond of the day our past life energies stream into us and we out-picture this onto reality. We are mistaken in hate, fear, and more but we don’t realize it.

We haven’t learned the Science of Life yet – the science of living. With knowledge comes the power to battle away this hate, fear and insecurity. With recognition comes the love and peace we desire because we become aware the reaction is just a phantom of the past.

“Until now we have all been more or less reactionary. We have accepted experiences blow by blow as they come to us in our outside world. This is why people are very reactionary by nature. We say that reaction itself is merely a process similar to the wiggle of the worm in pain when it is stepped upon. In the same manner our reaction or “wiggle” to the blow of the outside world is stimulated in a similar process through our psychic body. By an understanding of these laws we shall approach our ultimate destiny and ultimate understanding of Creation.” ~ Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation

Our past is our present. Our present is our future. Let’s make our present loving and peaceful so our future is loving and peaceful because again, how do you want to spend an eternity? Not in the illusions of hateful fearful pasts, of course, but in the Love and Peace of a future celestial kingdom – our true heart’s desire – not a place of fanciful idleness but a place of constructive expansion of consciousness – learning of and delighting in our true Infinite eternal essence.