Unariun Wisdom

Gravity, Bioenergy And Spin

by Buryl Payne, Ph.D.

Gravity has been difficult to understand or connect with the other forces of physics–nuclear, electric, and magnetic. It is the thesis of this paper that a connecting link between gravitational and electromagnetic forces may be made by introducing spin as a fifth fundamental force. Spin may also serve as a link between living organisms and the other forces of physics.


All bodies in the universe spin as far as we know. The Earth spins on its axis and revolves around the Sun which in turn spins on its own axis. All the other planets and their satellites also spin. The Sun revolves around the center of the galaxy and the entire galaxy is also presumed to rotate, as well as all other galaxies in the Universe. How galactic rotation got started is one of the great mysteries of astrophysics and it has been proposed that the entire universe rotates and transmits some of its rotation to all objects within it. Atomic nuclei, electrons, protons, and other sub-atomic particles all have spins associated with them. Although these spins are different from the spin of planets about their axes or about the Sun, there is at least one common element between sub-atomic spin and the spins of planets and stars–that is magnetism. Those celestial bodies which spin usually possess magnetic fields and in general, the faster they spin, the larger their magnetic fields for equivalent masses. Some rapidly spinning pulsars have enormous magnetic fields.

Entire spinning galaxies are observed to have magnetic fields. Sub-atomic particles, too, have their own tiny magnetic fields. Wherever we look, at any level, where there is spin, there are usually magnetic fields; throughout the universe these two go hand in hand. Electron spins contribute to the generation of magnetic fields which are observed when electrons move in wires, and when wires are formed into coils, the revolving electric currents produce large magnetic fields. So-called magnetic fields appear to be present when spin fields are organized in special ways.

Spin as a Fundamental Force

Some equivalent statements about spin as a fundamental force are:

I. If a mass is present in space in the vicinity of a much larger mass, it will experience a force at right angles to a radius vector from the center of the larger mass. That is, it will revolve around the larger mass (or a common center of gravity).

II. If a mass is free to move in space it will begin to rotate about its own axis.

III. Given any distribution of particles, present in space, they will all begin to revolve about a common center of gravity and rotate around their own axis.

Spin and Gravity

The forces of gravity and spin would be expected to always appear together in the universe. Where there is a mass, there will be both spin forces and gravitational attraction. Spin and gravity are complementary forces. In classical mechanics the centrifugal force may equal the gravitational force as a special case. In general, however, the spin force may be a function of the magnitude of the masses involved, their axial spin already present, material composition and organization.

The formation of the solar system, the presence of satellites, planetary rings, comets, and differential rotation rates of the Sun’s atmosphere or the atmospheres of the gas giant planets all could be accounted for by assuming the presence of a universal spin force. The rotation of galaxies too could be accounted for by this postulate.

Biological Energy and Spin

Recently the presence of a heretofore unrecognized type of biological energy field was detected and measured. This biological field was found to vary in amplitude with variations in the magnetic activity of the Earth. However, it is not a magnetic field, nor any electrostatic field, for it is about one million times as large in amplitude as the body’s intrinsic magnetic field.

The device used to detect it consists of a frame or coil suspended around the upper torso of a human body. When a body is present, the coil will rotate from 2 to 12 degrees. Field have also been detected around plants, and presumably all living organisms have such fields. Anyone can replicate the simple and inexpensive device used in this research.

Although more research needs to be done to establish the spatial distribution function of the field intensity, it appears at this time to be a torque or spin force and could be connected in some fashion with the spin force postulated to be present around all material bodies. In fact, it was the results of this experimental research which led to the thesis of this paper that spin should be considered as a fundamental force in physics.

Some Suggestions for Experimental Research

Ephraim Fischbach of Purdue University has recently (1985) proposed the existence of a counter gravitational force which he calls hypercharge. Weaker than gravity, this force could account for his experimental evidence of differential rates of fall for objects made of different materials. Gravitational forces may prove to be spin-dependent. Perhaps a different rate of fail would be observed for organic or inorganic materials.

Living organisms are highly organized. Just as an iron magnet consists of organized iron domains with electron orbits and spins aligned, so a living organism could have the spin forces of its organic molecules aligned to produce a large overall spin field which could interact in some way with gravity.

It might even be possible to construct a living magnet. Maybe a number of healthy organisms with strong spin fields could be aligned by some external field much like iron domains are, and fixed in the aligned position. Such a living magnet might have some novel properties.

There have been reports of people who have levitated, such as the Tibetan Yoga, Milarepa, and the founder of Transcendental Meditation has claimed to teach students how to levitate in recent years. IF THIS COULD HAPPEN IT MIGHT BE EXPLAINABLE AS AN EXTRAORDINARY ALIGNMENT OF ALL SPIN FORCES IN THE BODY IN SOME MANNER AS TO TEMPORARILY OPPOSE GRAVITY. A person might have to focus on being in the exact center of the vortex of the spin field.

Physicists who hold that particles can explain all the forces of physics might devise some new experiments to search for spin particles, although if the spin force were more like a plasma, it might be possible to collect, store, or focus it.

Some Experimental Predictions

Since there appears to be some connection between spin, magnetism, and gravity, and since the spin force around a living organism increases when there are solar flares and subsequent geomagnetic activity, some definite predictions may be made:

1. At times of intense solar and/or geomagnetic activity the Moon’s motion might slightly change. At these times the motion of Earth might change as well.

2. Different stars of the same mass might have different gravitational field strengths depending on their spin fields and/or composition.

3. All objects have a spin force around them and it could be measured by some more sensitive version of the present instrument used to measure the spin force around the human body.

Some Theoretical Possibilities

Maxwell’s equations could possibly be rewritten or expanded to incorporate spin. Perhaps magnetic forces can be reformulated in terms of special types of spin vectors and gravitational forces can be described as some type of “anti” spin or complementary spin forces. Spin may be a restrictive term; spiral or vortex motion may be more suitable in general.

Based on more experimental work, and in view of the above considerations, it may be possible to provide a way to bring life into the equations of physics. Spin may be one clear and definite measure of aliveness which can be connected with the other forces of physics. More healthy, more alive, or more organized forms of life may have more aligned and hence larger spin fields around them.

Introduction of spin as a fundamental force along side the present forces used in physics could help to explain astrophysical phenomena, link magnetism and gravity, and possibly even one aspect of life.

How can energy be obtained from the Spin Force?

I don’t know. Maybe some reader will figure it out. Here are a few of my thoughts about it and I certainly will be experimenting on it for many years to come.

When an object changes its velocity, energy is said to be produced. Energy x Time = Action. Force = Mass x Acceleration.

That is, Newton’s Law: F = MA, but it’s not a law.

Well forget all that stuff and the words too, and consider what’s needed: To produce something that will heat homes, drive vehicles, and run factories. Usually we think that would be electricity. It could be hydrogen. Once steam was used. Could it be spin?

Spin is not in the electromagnetic spectrum. What could it be? How could it be amplified? Stored? Easily transported? Used to produce electricity?

Spin is fundamental. All motors spin. Electric generators spin. Iron can exhibit a large spin force (magnetism), if treated by exposing it to another larger spin force. The Earth’s magnetism, or spin force, is large. When iron in the molten state cools some electrons lose their heat, or molecular agitation and align with the Earth’s spin force. Therefore, iron stores the spin force. How can it be easily removed from iron? Heat will remove iron spin storage, perhaps magnetized iron could be a heat source by slowly removing the magnetism.

What else could be a spin storage system? Flowing water? Electrons in a superconductor?

How about some plastics? (Plactics – The subset of plastics that can store the spin force). Living organisms?

Perhaps spin can be stored in the protons, rather than the electrons? Or molecules (plastics)?

Clearly, means of storing spin and extracting large amounts of force are desirable.

Extracting Energy from Earth’s Spin

How could spin force be obtained from the Earth’s spin force? The center of Earth is now thought to be spinning faster than the crust. The equator of the Sun is observed to be spinning faster than the polar regions. According to ancient vortex notions of the planets, they are at the center of spinning vortices, which spin faster at the center. Matter (planets and suns) condenses out of these vortices. Living organisms have spinning vortices around them too. Maybe even all matter. Electrons are not particles. They are the denser part of vortices.

Can we obtain energy from the spin of the Earth?

The geographic poles of the Earth are relatively stationary. They wander about 6 meters a year. This wandering is named the Chandler Wobble, after the man who discovered it over 100 years ago.

Perhaps the flow of electrons, which continuously come from the Sun and more copiously strike the Earth in the Polar Regions, could be captured and directed to flow as a current on their way to recombine into orbits around protons.

Or perhaps the spin force is greater at the poles and can be geared up to run a generator.

This is a challenge to creativity, thinking outside of the limitations of the so-called ‘laws of physics’ which aren’t all laws after all.

Some baby ideas on collecting Earth’s spin energy.

Since the force is small a large collecting system is needed spanning the pole. Also since the exact pole point shifts around a little bit a large collecting system will swamp out central perturbations.

  • Imagine a conductive liquid, it could even be salt water [with antifreeze) which circulates around the pole. As seen from the center, the conductive liquid on one side would be perceived as going in one direction and the liquid on the other side would be moving in the opposite direction as seen from the center. How could energy be tapped from this perceived difference?
  • To tap into the spin force of the Earth, Edgar Cayce notes use a spiral antenna, set up at the pole or aligned with the pole at noon, or when the Sun is aligned with the pole or…?
  • Perhaps two rings with magnets suspended on them passing over coils. One direction the magnets would move easier than the other due to the added force of Earth’s spin. The difference in rotation rate might be used to generate a small voltage at very low frequency which could be transformed up to produce usable power.

Spinning Gyroscopes

  • A gyroscope has a tendency to maintain its direction in space. A large gyroscope with good bearings and a vacuum enclosure would continue to spin with minimum loss of energy. If the world turns underneath it, power could in theory be extracted from its motion relative to Earth.
  • The late professor, Eric Laithwaite in England showed the property of spinning gyroscopes to have the property of reduced weight. He showed that a gyroscope weighed about one pound whereas the stationary, or nonspinning, gyroscope weighed nearly 50 pounds! He was looking for a way to extract energy from the spin radiation from the stars 20 years ago. He suggested that spin radiation comes from everywhere in space and could be detected with the appropriate antenna.
  • An unusual approach to magnetism and spin was taken by Pier Luigi Ighina, an Italian scientist, now deceased, who worked with Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of radio [actually Tesla invented radio]. He developed the notion that there were entities called ‘magnetic atoms’. He hypothesized that with the union of the positive and negative magnetic atoms he could create an eternal source of energy by utilizing the magnetic rotation (spin force) of the Earth. I couldn’t understand his work clearly enough to duplicate it. Perhaps some reader can.
  • Alexander Shpilman, a Russian physicist, has designed a spin field generator. He considers spin to be different from magnetism, whereas I maintain that magnetism is a special case of spin. Spin is apparent mostly in iron atoms, where their outer electrons are free to change their spin. When a number of them align, they exhibit the property, which is commonly known as ‘magnetism’, a word historically applied in Greece, but he also states that velocities faster than light are prohibited. But that prohibition, which comes from Einstein and Lorentz equations, is not a limiting ‘law’. It has even been shown to not apply by the experiment of another Russian researcher reported elsewhere. Shpilman uses the term ‘field’. “Every substance creates a spin field around it”, he says.

Shpilman’s means of producing a spin force is to rotate an object at high speeds. Shpilman rotates magnetic polarized substances; soft iron, called ferrite, where the magnetic polarization is at a different angle than the spin axis of rotation.

If spin force is created by something other than electrons, (perhaps protons) aggregates of molecules in iron called domains, or crystals, his work could provide some new information about what structures possess a spin force around them.

Could spin be obtained from the Sun?

If Earth’s core is spinning faster than the outer Earth, are clouds around the Earth moving more slowly? The moon orbits around the Earth slower than the Earth’s rotation around its own axis. This is called ‘conservation of angular momentum’. Is Earth the place where a vortex changes from an invisible rotation in some [to our instruments] intangible invisible ‘ether’, to more dense [to our senses] forms? If so, initially an atmosphere composed of gases, like oxygen and nitrogen would form. Thin clouds, composed of water vapor, would gradually become denser as one gets closer to Earth’s surface. At the surface, even denser substances, like oceans, sand, and solid rocks collect. Under the Earth’s surface (the crust) a core of molten iron, molten silica, and then finally back into hard, dense solid form again.

All the elements are mixed up in the solid-seeming Earth. Living organisms [the biosphere] mostly inhabit the semi-solid region.

How can we tap this powerful vortex or spin force? Can we temporarily stop it or make it do work? Perhaps at the North or South poles? If big iron balls were magnetically levitated and allowed to roll on a circular track around the polar axis would such balls move faster or slower, relative to the center? Would there be enough difference in the motion to extract energy?

Could a fluid be used instead of iron balls? Or, the precession of a giant gyroscope? [The polar axis is not an exact point, but moves about six meters a year]

The magnetic pole does not coincide with the polar axis, which is similar to Alexander Shpilman’s spin force generators, wherein the electron spin alignments are different from the induced spin force alignment of other elements.

Can the difference between the magnetic pole and the polar axis be used to generate work?

In a few reports I’ve read about flying saucers, the saucers were described to be spinning, or some segment of the circular shaped vehicles were spinning, and this was a source of power. Perhaps there is a connection between spin and power.

One book about flying saucers described a conversation heard by someone who was onboard a saucer. A jocular remark was overheard between two flying saucer people: One remarked on the spinning wheels of automobiles and another said it would be better if the wheels were horizontal. The writer/observer only recorded this. I don’t know why, or remember the exact words or source. However, to me, it was another clue about the power source of flying saucers possibly being related to a spin force.

The choice of a pyramid, the original form of the Biofield Meter, was based upon the observation that pyramids were special. Now, in 2008, I came upon this Kirilian photograph made in 1991 that shows a remarkable double helix (double spin) formation above a pyramid.

Many years ago I read about a man named Abrahamson, from Bellingham, Washington, who claimed to have channeled information about future conditions on Earth. One comment that I remember was about power being extracted from the Earth’s spin which involved setting up power stations at the North and South Poles of the Earth. Could this mean tapping into the Earth’s spin force somehow? I don’t know, but an experiment that needs doing is to measure the spin force around people at the poles of Earth, as well as the equator.

For the full collection of notes on The Spin Force by Buryl Payne, Ph.D. Please see here.