Unariun Wisdom

ETs Among Us ~ Part II

by Ruth Montgomery

The following is an excerpt from an interview with David Paladin regarding his experience with space intelligences.

“For four consecutive nights in September 1961, my four-year-old son claimed that he was being visited by a ‘person’ named Itan who came into the house, awakened him and took him into a big ‘sky car’ which he claimed landed behind our house in the Granite Dells area of Prescott, Arizona. I paid little attention, believing it to be a childish fantasy. My attitude changed when my next door neighbor, a forest ranger, told me on the third morning that he had seen a flying saucer hovering over the area the night before. He also claimed to have seen my son, accompanied by a tall, thin man dressed in white overalls, walking toward a strange greenish light in the rocky area behind our house. He said that he had called out to them, but then ‘seemed to forget’ the incident until he saw me emptying the garbage the next morning.

“We went into the house and talked to my son, asking what he remembered. He said that he had gone for a ride in the ‘sky car,’ going to where the earth looked like a little dot. He said that they brought him home and went into the garage, where Itan and a friend of his ‘milked’ the truck that my neighbor had parked there. We trooped out to the garage and my son pointed to the oil drain plug, telling us that was where they had ‘milked’ the truck. We checked the oil level to find it showing empty. On checking the oil plug we discovered it to be loose, but there was no trace of oil on the ground.

“We considered reporting the incident to the sheriff, but decided that we would appear to be fools. We did discover that there had been numerous reports of flying saucer activity in the area for the past several days. Thereafter, on several occasions my little son took my neighbor and me outside to point out different stars, naming them correctly. To us that was amazing, because the child had not been exposed to astronomy.

“Two months later I awakened one night to see a tall, rather thin humanoid form standing at the foot of my bed. He appeared to be wearing a one-piece silver-white jump suit. I sat up to make certain I was awake. He identified himself as Itan, my son’s friend, and the conversation must have been telepathic, as I do not remember speaking aloud.

“Itan informed me that he and his friends were from another planet that existed in another dimension. They had visited earth for centuries and had attempted to make some contact with humans, but found most of them to be too manipulative and selfish, causing his group to limit their visits. He claimed that they had removed some ‘genetic blocks’ from some humans in order to communicate and share concepts that could be of some use to humankind. He indicated that they would never interfere with humankind’s destiny, but would ‘manifest’ as humans periodically in order to ‘plant seeds’ for positive human growth. During the ensuing years there were numerous opportunities provided to draw upon the many gifts so openly shared by our space friends with Lynda and me, and our lives have been enriched as our desire to work toward a healing of the planet has intensified.

“Some years after that initial visit from Itan, I appealed for help in a medical emergency and was telepathically instructed to drive from Prescott to Albuquerque to meet a medical doctor who, according to my mysterious source, would be able to assist me. I drove to Albuquerque, half expecting to find that my information was an illusion, but upon arrival I did find the doctor. He was working on cancer research and was with a government agency. Even though he was quite abrupt, almost to the point of rudeness, he was able to provide the much-needed assistance. My source told me that he was ‘manifested’ as a human being for the purpose of providing humankind with a few new concepts in the field of medicine. I was informed that on occasion our space friends do take on a human identity, appearing with proper documentation, and finding ways to ‘plant seeds’ that may help us develop beyond our present limitations.

“The doctor ‘manifest’ is now in Germany, active in research and also in the peace movement, and openly sharing concepts for others to accept or reject. There are many others like him. I only hope that people will listen to those concepts and learn how to serve humankind better and to care for the welfare of the planet.”

I asked David if he is aware of any further identity for his space friends, and he replied: “They identify themselves collectively as ‘Kantarians.’ They are ‘interdimensional’ beings, rather than beings from our own space-time continuum. Their guidance of our race goes back to its early beginnings. They are devoted to helping us without direct intervention, because they were at one time instrumental in helping us through a past cataclysmic period, and they had mixed with us genetically. I was informed that some humans are more responsive to them as a result of our evolutionary growth. Some of us have fewer ‘genetic blocks’ to our awareness, which allows us to communicate with them. This kind of communication helps us better to serve humankind.”

Are the Kantarians engaged in an eventual rescue mission? I put the question to David, and he responded: “While they would be willing to assure our biological survival in the case of a natural cataclysmic period, they would leave us to find our own destiny. Should we outgrow our tendency to be exploitative, judgmental and manipulative, they could consider a more active partnership with us in our desires to reach the stars. My friends have insisted that we must accept the ultimate responsibility for our own fate as a species of beings. They would not prevent us from destroying ourselves. Only in the case of a natural cataclysm would they directly reach out in an offer to help. Then they would withdraw to allow us to utilize the concepts they have shared for our ultimate growth or destruction.”

Eager to know more about the Kantarians, I asked the Guides whether they have a circling fleet above us. This is their reply: “The Kantarians came from Sirius, as did David Paladin. It is a remarkable star in that it gives free rein to development of all talents that are usable for the common good, and the Kantarians are indeed protectors of their people on the planet earth, with whom they had early ties.”

As if in benediction, David Paladin sent me a personal message that he said his space friends had asked him to deliver. “Dear Sister,” it began. “The concepts you share with others may well lead to a humanity that openly explores and celebrates its creativity, recognizing that the loving creative spirit is indeed the same as the Holy Spirit as recounted in your scriptures. It is our hope that humankind will listen to their inner voices and seek creative solutions to the problems that exist today, to build a spiritual and moral foundation that will become their true heritage. Like a phoenix, it will rise from the ashes of any cataclysm that might threaten your planet. Even a cataclysm can be a great opportunity for change and growth. However, the seeds for that growth must be planted now.”

The message was signed: “Itan and friends, the Kantarian Confederation.”

The following is a conversation with a walk-in from Arcturus.

But first I asked for more information about Arcturus, and the Guides wrote: “There is no atmosphere as such there, but the souls who inhabit it have light bodies needing no air to breathe and are able to carry on their androgynous lives without temptations of the body. They are complete souls, neither male nor female, and they need no food or drink. They are Pure Soul, in other words; and they feel a pressing need to assist earthlings through the difficult decades ahead, for they love the earth and its people. They will continue with this project [bringing guidance to earthlings] until the shift occurs, and perhaps shortly beyond that, and then may return for a time in the beautiful period of rebuilding, when so much of the evil has been cleared away and the remaining and returning ones are obsessed only with love for each other and for God.”

I wanted to know the ways in which space people are entering our earth plane, and the Guides obligingly wrote: “They are coming in great numbers to prepare earthlings for the coming shift, and while some are observers of the changes, and some are there to help clean up pollution, others are dedicated solely to leading earthlings along a higher path of development. They are more highly evolved, both spiritually and technologically, than earth people and have much to offer. They arrive in various ways. Some materialize from light bodies into human form, some land from spaceships, some replace souls wishing to depart, and arrive as walk-ins. The transformation from light astral bodies into solid human bodies is not as difficult as it sounds to earthlings, who originally peopled the earth in just that fashion. They were thought forms in the mind of the Creator, then ethereal souls, then astral bodies, and finally in the earth plane they were in solid form. Some on other planetary systems are still astral or ethereal bodies, coming and going as they please, and for them there is no difficulty in appearing on earth, as well as on Arcturus and other planets. They are thought forms and feel no barriers as they project themselves, the real I AM, to any locale.”

John Andreadis was unaware of this description by the Guides, but when I asked him to discuss our space friends he replied: “They don’t come from the outside illusionary world of dense vibratory ice—matter is to spirit as ice is to water—but from within, from Paradise. We know that there is a speed limit to the objective world of matter, and that is 186,300 miles per second, the speed of light. However, this speed limit does not apply to the higher dimensional worlds where our space friends live. Don’t confuse this fact with the quasar phenomenon NC273, because that is an entrance way from the higher dimension into this one, from a earth point of view. The stars are the parents of matter. This is where the building blocks are made. However, NC273 is a focal point of higher dimensional light or intelligence which feeds this dimension with life. On the other side of this quasar is the vast sea of consciousness, not matter. It is from NC273 and other quasars like it that the Christ Consciousness, or the Guiding Intelligent Force backbone of all forms, fills this dimension with its power. Many space beings enter into this dimension through such doorways, but that is not the only way. And don’t think that the Christ Consciousness, or the beings consciously attuned to it, are limited to that avenue of entrance alone, for in reality it enters through the hearts and mind of each atom. It is omnipresent and transcendental in its scope.

“The source that supplies NC273 with its power is far beyond this dimension, and when this powerful force interacts with the matter of this dimension it quickens the vibrations of this dimension up to its limitation of light speed. Thus, everything in the way of this force is transmuted into light, or a higher form of energy according to its capacity to receive higher dimensional force. Therefore, it appears that light is moving at speeds beyond 186,300 m/sec., but this is impossible for light of this dimension, and is not the case. Light is not moving beyond its speed limit, but the energy from NC273 is. That is the secret! The energy that Swedish scientist Bjorn Ortenheim calls Super Plasma is force or energy, but it vibrates much faster than physical light and consequently can travel through space more quickly. It is this higher octave of energy that acts as the controlling force of intelligence known in this dimension as Universal Consciousness. However, do not limit the Christ Power only to Super Plasma, for this impersonal force transcends all the worlds and is worthy of our humble knowing. Our intelligence is just an infinitesimal part of His intelligence. We are created from Him, out of Him, by Him.”

I broke in to ask what all of this had to do with extraterrestrials, and John said: “Our brothers and sisters from outer space come from this higher realm of existence, which is really inner space. Some do also inhabit bodies composed of material from this dimension, but those who do are able to ascend in consciousness to this higher, impersonal realm and re-materialize at any point in the physical universe that they desire. It is beyond the place called ‘the other side’ where our departed loved ones go. There are different classes of extraterrestrials now coming to this planet for various reasons. Many are coming only to observe the crucial transition of our race from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age, but many more are coming with a definite purpose to take an active role in helping earthlings prepare for this transition. It must be remembered that although we are many souls dwelling on many planets and stars throughout many dimensions of conscious unfoldment, we all share a single parent who is God. There is only one God, who is Love. We cannot claim Jesus, Rama, Krishna, Buddha or the other avatars as our own. Their greatness embraces the entire cosmos. These concepts must be understood if we are to grasp the meaning of the advent of our space brothers and sisters and know how to greet them. First we are souls, children of God. Then we may become earthlings, Venusians, Arcturians, etc. Different souls incarnate on different planets to experience the various vibratory lessons that can be learned on each planet. There are many souls evolving through matter, but only the most advanced races of this dimension have understood the secrets of intergalactic or interdimensional travel. Only the great Yogis of this planet (one of whom was Jesus Christ) have understood how to do it, and the Hindu Vedas give elaborate descriptions of all the planets and star systems, not only of this universe but of the astral and causal planes, and the beings who inhabit them.

“Paramahansa Yogananda described these facts in his book, Autobiography of a Yogi, but only recently have these ideas been dreamed of in the West, and that is because of the leap in awareness that our planet is undergoing. As the vibratory rate of human consciousness increases, so does our capacity to receive and attune ourselves to the sacred Aum vibration, which is the Holy Ghost, the forerunner of the emancipating Christ Consciousness. Because of this increased vibration of human consciousness we are more able to attune ourselves to the higher intelligences from other dimensions, and they are able to contact those of us who are receptive.”

My Guides further concur elaborating that “These space friends are materializing in every part of the world now, and are able to do so without the machines [UFOs] that cause too much discussion and idle curiosity, and they are visible to any who wish to see them, for they can assume the shape of skin and bones and walk among us, although they are also required to materialize identification papers and background material if they want to work and function in today’s society. But this necessity is obviated if they arrive as walk-ins, to replace a soul that wishes to depart.”

John Andreadis agrees with my Guides that souls from other planets have always been present here, but he asserts that until recently the mass consciousness of the human was so dense and matter-bound that we could not contact them. “Now many souls from other stars and planets are able to incarnate here and to experience the vibrations of earth,” he says, “because the earth is passing through a higher electro-spiritual field known as the Aquarian constellation. It is due to this higher influx of light vibration that we are even able to understand the fact of NC273.”

John continues: “These increased vibrations are also causing all the matter-bound souls who are not able to glimpse beyond the veil of sense perceptions to go a little crazy. This is because all of these new energies are out of ‘sync’ with the lower sense-mad mind.”

I asked John to explain what he was talking about in terms that even I could understand, and this twenty-one-year-old Arcturian replied: “When a cold-water fish is placed in warm water it will die. The Piscean Age through which we have been passing since the time of Christ is a water sign, symbolic of cold water; yet the Aquarian Age deals with electromagnetic waves of higher vibrations and of the higher vibration of water which is steam. Aquarius is a gaseous or air sign, so all souls acclimated only to liquid water cannot survive in the higher, more spiritual electromagnetic waters of Truth. We are transcending an octave in consciousness. The space visitors are naturally acclimated to the higher vibration of the Christ Consciousness and are here to help usher mankind into a new golden age.”

I timorously asked why and how we could be presently “transcending an octave in consciousness,” and he declared that the earth is now in the portion of its 24,000-year orbit in which it is moving closer to the galactic center, or seat of God. “The galactic center is the focal point of God’s energy in this galaxy,” he continued, “as it is the magnetic point around which the central suns rotate, and is the most powerful source of energy in our system. Thus the vibrations of the atomic structure are increasing, and with this increased vibratory rate humanity as a whole is becoming increasingly more aware of the subtler states of matter. What this means is that humanity is becoming aware of the finer forces in nature, and thus is more able to comprehend the possibility of higher dimensional realities that in actuality are the homelands of the various extraterrestrial intelligences. As modern physics has proven, all of life is vibration. As we grow spiritually we become conscious of an entire universe that transcends the limited realm of the five senses. It transcends duality, and everything in it is conscious.

“These are the higher dimensional worlds and star systems that are inhabited by super-terrestrial intelligences. The bodies of our space brothers and sisters are not as dense or tangible as ours. They are more like thought projections. Though many of them come from planets in this solar system, the most advanced come from farther-away systems that serve as training schools for souls. If a soul is to enter into a new solar system it must be trained in the ways of that system so that it can be of greatest service to the race. When souls finally free themselves from earth they may go to Arcturus, there they receive training before going on to higher ideals of service. Many of our space friends here are those who have gone on from this world in Mastery, and then come back to serve and participate in the great plan for the transcendence of the earth.”

John says that our space friends travel the universe on beams of light or astral planes, and materialize a spaceship or a body when they reach their destination. “Their travel is interdimensional, and they come in forms according to the vibrations of their recipient environment,” he explains. “Just as your Guides can perceive this dimension where we are, but we cannot perceive them, so do our space friends perceive us without being perceived by us, unless they want us to, in which case they materialize bodies and spaceships to experience the fullness of this dimension. Many people on earth are having extraterrestrial contact either physically, or in dream state, or telepathically.

“They are here, and they will become known. Many great discoveries are to be made with their help in the near future, just as was done on the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria. The earth is part of an intergalactic universe-federation of which we have been ignorant for over twelve thousand years. The Ascended Masters and higher dimensional beings have never lost touch with us, though we in our indulgent pursuits became so engrossed in dense matter-consciousness that we lost touch with our friends who are beyond the five-senses world. Now all this is changing with the advent of the Aquarian Age.”

Excerpt from Aliens Among Us

See Part I here.