Unariun Wisdom

ESP – The Space Travel Problem

Lecture given on March 4, 1965, by Riley Crabb


That space travel may be, or is, absolutely impossible to us in our physical bodies is guardedly admitted by some of our space biologists. I think this is the reason why Russia has slowed down in its push toward the Moon, because they have learned that it is impossible with our present limited understanding of life.

Here is another recent news item, “Animals And Plants To Get Space Tests”. These space researchers are going to send up trays of frog’s eggs, many kinds of plants, hordes of single-celled animals, cell cultures, rats and mice, and monkeys. The idea is to use these life-forms in 25 experiments to learn more about the effects of weightlessness and the other exotic conditions of outer space.

We are just beginning to look for answers in an area already explored by the Russians! Among all the space firsts, the Russians were the first to orbit a human being, the first to orbit animals, and plant life. So they have their answers and the answers are not encouraging. The Soviets are not so keen to get to the moon so soon.


Those of you who have read Dan Fry’s books know from the examples he gave that the speed of light is relative. Project two rockets from earth, side by side, and accelerate them to where they are traveling at the speed of light. Once the earth is gone, to passengers aboard the two rockets, they are standing still, relative to each other; but to us here on the earth they have disappeared. Any physical object accelerated to the speed of light does literally dematerialize or disappear, from our point of view; but from the point of view of the person dematerializing, he is still quite real. As far as he is concerned he hasn’t changed at all; so the speed of light is not an absolutely limiting factor as orthodox science claims – except to orthodox science. Einstein didn’t actually say that the speed of light was an absolute limit. It may be to one who is confined to the surface of the earth.

But now we are leaving the earth! We are no longer confined to it. So we have to set up a whole new range of values. This is the problem. Science must rewrite the textbooks. A few weeks ago they were hard at it in Warsaw, Poland, Russian and American exobiologists and others. Look at the headline on this item: “Space Ship’s Gravity Is a Major United States Problem. Prolonged periods of weightlessness are dangerous to the human body.” Now you know that if you are confined to your bed for ten days or more, you begin to loose calcium from your bones, we deteriorate in other ways also. The Russian cosmonaut was up there in space for three days. In that time they discovered that calcium was leaving his bones at a greater rate than it does to an ordinary sick person here on the surface. This suggests that a much longer trip to the Moon might remove so much calcium form the astronaut’s bones that his legs might not support his weight when he climbed out of his capsule after returning to earth. This is one of the unsolved problems of space travel at the present time.


…it is the psychic response of the Astronauts to new vibrations in space that is forcing the space scientist to take a long and serious look at ESP and telepathy. Our Space Age supermen are seeing things which don’t register on physical instruments! The only answer to this is to make artists out of the Astronauts so they can bring back a pictorial representation, in color, of what they see. This information was released to newsmen by Astronaut Wally Schirra at the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston a couple of years ago.


Schirra said the best films and hand-held cameras failed to record interesting things seen while in orbit. For instance, there is the controversy over whether Astronaut Gordon Cooper did or did not see houses and more on the Himalayan plateau, from over a hundred miles above.

Occultists say the resolving power of the human eye could not possibly pick up such comparatively small objects from such a distance! A few more open-minded researchers say in Cooper’s case some hitherto unknown neurological process “permits a man to perform better than the science of optics would indicate”. As an occult scientist, I would hazard the guess that under the expanded-consciousness conditions of outer space – which includes weightlessness – Cooper achieved a temporary clairvoyance. So did Schirra and the others.

They report that the best cameras and films have failed to report the wonderful color changes of the planets, especially Venus, as they go through the bands of light above the horizon of the earth. The moon also had an unusual halo about it as it approached the horizon, but the pictures he took at that time revealed nothing of this halo!

Another unrecorded phenomenon is the Red Arcs occurring at about 150 miles. These are a result of ionization, it is supposed. They cannot be photographed so the Astronauts will have to make drawings of what they see. Schirra compared them to the color of Los Angeles smog at night, as seen by a high-flying jet pilot! This is of little help to the physicist.

In the field of astronomy itself, it has long been held by some professionals that their best photos of the moon and the planets reveal little of what can be seen by the trained human eye over long periods of time. Lowell’s paintings of the so-called canals of Mars are a good example. Now the government has commissioned the highly respected Dr. G. De Vaucouleurs of the University of Texas to make drawings and paintings of details of Mars the best cameras cannot or will not register. Fellow astronomers have praised his work for accuracy, detail and color. Is it all physical? Or is he looking into the Etheric as well?

One thing for sure, Vaucouleurs is seeing and drawing things which the untrained eye and the best cameras do not see on Mars. I would hazard the guess that he is a natural clairvoyant and unwittingly sees into the higher levels of physical matter – which we in occult science call the etheric.


The problem of the expanded state of awareness is very complex, however; and we have every right to ask, are Lowell and De Vaucouleurs deluding themselves when they claim to see canals on Mars? Others don’t see them. Orthodox researchers are applying the same scepticism to the non-physical or extra-physical things seen by the Astronauts. Do Venus and the moon, and the other planets really have halos when seen through the horizon atmosphere of the earth? Or are these hallucinations?

Only time will tell, with repeated observations by reliable witnesses to back up, or refute, the original reports. One thing for sure, the further removed we are from physical matter as we know it, the more careful we must be.

Dr. Edwin Z. Levy is well aware of it. He is or was a member of the aeromedical team at Wright Field in Ohio. Back in 1958, he told a meeting of doctors of the American Medical Association: “The isolation of men from their usual environment, such as will happen in space flight, has a profound impact on the functions of the mind. The longer the isolation lasts, the more difficult it is to take. The most distressing thing of all is when a man loses his sense of time. The first day he has several biological clocks to help him ‘feel’ time – the rate of beard growth, hunger and sleepiness. After the first day the sense of timing becomes confused.”

Also, the Veil between the visible and the invisible worlds becomes thinner. 3-D becomes 4-D. As the pressure of the normal earth environment and as the memory of the past diminishes, the ever-present NOW of space becomes stronger; consciousness oozes out of the body in all directions. The Astronaut may deprecate the objectives of the space mission. They may even disappear from his mind, and the pressure suit and the orbiting satellite as well, as his attention is drawn to other, more important things, there in the Void.

This is why we entitled this talk, ESP, The Space Travel Problem. It is one the exobiologists have not yet solved and it haunts their ever waking moment, as hinted at by Dr. Levy as far back as 1958. Our Mars Mariner missions have proven that an inert satellite of metal and plastic can hold together for a voyage through space, but will it do so with a human cargo aboard? Especially a human passenger who cannot control his attention and who has not learned to think positively? It may be that the Russian exobiologists already have the answer to this and the answer is no! For they have already launched more than one moon mission, all of which have failed. This is why Khruschev blew his stack at the United Nations in 1959. From that world platform he had hoped to make the dramatic announcement that Russia was first to place a man on the moon!


The New York “Journal-American” claimed in a May 1963 article that at least five Russians had died in space flights up to that time. An enterprising reporter pried this information loose from “high congressional and space authorities” in Washington. Four were lost before Gagarin made his successful orbit, April 12, 1961: Serenty Shiborin in February 1959, “never heard from after 28 minutes when his signals went dead”; Piotr Dolgov, whose satellite was launched Oct. 11, 1960. He was heard from for only about half an hour. Cosmonaut Zowodovsky lost contact with earth immediately after launching in April 1961. A month later there was another Russian first, a pair of Cosmonauts, man and woman, who were sent up May 17, 1961. But here the Washington authorities deliberately misled the Journal-American reporter, in telling him that contact with the man-woman capsule was lost after a few moments.

European tracking stations monitored transmissions from that May 17th Russian launch for a week! Conversations in full between the Russian pair and their ground stations were reported in European papers, but such is control of the American press that we had to wait until pioneering newsman Frank Edwards broke the story in the July 1962 “Fate” Magazine. “Fate”, the first national magazine to publicly explain in detail the reality of Flying Saucers.

Reports from the Russian pair were routine until May 24th when they saw through the Veil for sure, or were approached by a very real, 3-D Flying Saucer from outer space! According to Edwards the pair saw “something that at first startled them and then terrified them”. Was it only the disintegration of their capsule? Or were they being picked up by some space patrol? Anyhow, the woman yelled:

“I’ll make it and hold tight with my right hand. Only this way can we maintain equilibrium! Look out the peephole! Look out the peephole! I have it!. . .”

Then the man replied, “Here, there is something. There is something. It’s difficult. . . If we do not get out the world will never learn about it! It is difficult. . .”

Whatever he said after that will never be known because a Moscow radio station overrode the satellite transmission with a broadcast announcement of at the time, 8 p.m. When that was over, no more was heard from the Cosmonauts. It is regrettable, though understandable, that certain conservative authorities in Washington should want this disturbing information withheld form the public. Congressional and public support of the space program might be jeopardized. Yet if there actually is this menace in the skies above the United States, shouldn’t we learn of it and prepare to cope with it? I think so.

Abbreviated excerpt from The Journal of Borderland Research – April May, 1965

See Part II here.