Unariun Wisdom

Chronicles of Atlantis ~ Part II

by Edgar Cayce and Edgar Evans Cayce/Video by Roberto Gaetan

According to the Edgar Cayce readings, many individual souls (or entities) who had one or more incarnations in Atlantis are reincarnating in the earth in this century, particularly in America. Along with technological abilities, they bring tendencies for being extremists. Often they exhibit individual and group karma associated with selfishness and exploitation where others are concerned. Many of them lived during one of the periods of destruction or geological change in Atlantean history. If Edgar Cayce’s prophecies are correct, a similar period of earth changes is imminent.

Hundreds and thousands of people are being reincarnated now who carry urges from the once highly technical civilization of Atlantis. The problems they had then such as selfishness, slavery and destruction are being recreated like unfinished business to plague them again. These individuals are often extremists, with innate capacity for great good or great evil. How they meet their karma may well determine the future of our civilization.

What follows are some excerpts of Cayce’s readings on Atlantis:

“The position . . . the continent of Atlantis occupied is between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand and the Mediterranean upon the other. Evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco, British Honduras, Yucatan and America. There are some protruding portions . . . that must have at one time or another been a portion of this great continent. The British West Indies, or the Bahamas, are a portion of same that may be seen in the present. If the geological survey would be made in some of these especially, or notably in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yet determined.” (364-3)

Question: “Describe the earth’s surface at the period of the appearance of the five projections.”

Answer: “This has been given. In the first, or that known as the beginning, or in the Caucasian and Carpathian, or the Garden of Eden, in that land which lies now much in the desert, yet much in mountain and much in the rolling lands there. The extreme northern portions were then the southern portions, or the polar regions were then turned to where they occupied more of the tropical and semi-tropical regions; hence it would be hard to describe the change. The Nile entered into the Atlantic Ocean. What is now the Sahara was an inhabited land and very fertile. What is now the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States. That along the Atlantic Seaboard formed the outer portion then, or the lowlands of Atlantis. The Andean, or the Pacific coast of South America, occupied then the extreme western portion of Lemuria. The Urals and the northern regions of same were turned into a tropical land. The desert in the Mongolian land was then the fertile portion. This may enable you to form some concept of the status of the earth’s representations at that time! The oceans were then turned about; they no longer bear their names, yet from whence obtained they their names? What is the legend, even, as to their names?”

“You see, with the changes when there came the uprisings in the Atlantean land, and the sojourning southward with the turning of the axis, the white and yellow races came more into that portion of Egypt, India, Persia, and Arabia.” (364-13; 1932)

“In the period, then—some hundred, some ninety-eight thousand years before the entry of Ram into India, there lived in this land of Atlantis one Ameilius, who had first noted the separations of the beings who inhabited that portion of the earth’s sphere into male and female as separate entities, or individuals. As to their forms in the physical sense, these were much rather of the nature of thought forms, or able to push out of themselves in that direction in which their development took shape in thought—much in the way and manner as the amoeba would in the waters of a stagnant bay, or lake, in the present. As these took form by the gratifying of their own desire for that which builded or added to the material conditions, they became hardened or set—much in the form of the existent human body of the day, with that color as partook of their surroundings much in the manner as the chameleon in the present. Hence coming into that form as the red or the mixture peoples—or colors; known later as the red race. These, then, able to use in their gradual development all the forces as were manifest in their individual surroundings, passing through those periods of developments as have been followed more closely by that of the yellow, the black, or the white races, in other portions of the world; yet with their immediate surroundings, with the facilities for the developments, these became much speedier in this particular portion of the globe than in others—and while the destruction of this continent and the peoples was far beyond any of that as has been kept as an absolute record, that record in the rocks still remains. Also their influence extended to the lives of the people to whose lands they escaped. Even today, either through the direct influence of being reincarnated in the earth, or through mental effect on individuals’ thoughts, they may influence individuals, groups and nations in the present.” (364-3)

“In Atlantean land in those periods before Adam was in the earth, among those who were then thought projections and the physical being had the union of sex in the one body, and yet a real musician on the pipes or reed instruments.” (5056-1; May, 1944)

“Atlantean land when there were the separation of bodies as male and female.” (2121-2; February, 1932)

“in Atlantean land when there was the first division of sexes among first offspring of such division, first of princesses of that period.” (2753-2; July, 1944)

“in the Atlantean land during those periods when there were the encasements and indulgencies of many that had put on matter or material bodies.” (618-3; March 6, 1935)

“in that now known as the Atlantean land during those periods when the first of the sons of men coming for their expression into matter—and then it took upon itself the activities that brought destructive forces with those reactions during the experience when there were again and again the expressions of the sons of God coming into their manifestations in the earth through taking on of the form of flesh in that experience.” (866-1; March 23, 1935)

“In Atlantean land when one individual first saw the changes that eventually made for that opening for the needs of, or the preparation for, the universal consciousness to bring into the experience what is known to man as the first created man—an adviser to those who would change their forms of activities or the attempts as later expressed as being rid of the appendages of materiality” (2454-3; July, 1942)

“in the days when the sons of God came together to reason in the elements as to the appearance of man in the physical on earth’s plane and this entity was among those chosen as the messenger to all the realm.” (137-4)

“but with these transpositions, with these changes that came in as personalities, we find . . . the Sons of the Creative Force . . . looking upon those changed forms, or the daughters of men, and there crept in those pollutions, or polluting themselves with those mixtures that brought contempt, hatred, bloodshed, and desires of self without respect of others’ freedom, others’ wishes—and there began, then, in the latter portion of this period dissentings and divisions among the peoples in the lands.” (364-4)

“Then began that period when there were the invasions of this continent by those of the animal kingdoms. This brought about that meeting of the nations of the globe to prepare a way and manner of disposing of them, else they would be disposed of themselves by these forces. This animal invasion resulted in the development of destructive force as could be set and then meted out in its force or power. Hence the development of explosives that might be carried about, came with this reign, or this period, when man—or men—then began to cope with those of the beast form that overran the earth in many places. Then, with these destructive forces, we find the first turning of the altar fires to the sacrifice of those that were taken in the various ways, and human sacrifice began. With this also came the first egress of peoples to the Pyrenees. Later we find there was the entering into the black or the mixed peoples, in what later became the Egyptian dynasty. We also find that entering into the Og, or these peoples that later became the beginning of the Inca, or Ohum, those who builded the walls across the mountains in this period, through those same usages of that power that was developed by those peoples. With the same power those in the other land became the first mound dwellers, in that land.” (364-4)

“With the continued disregard of those who were keeping the pure race and the pure peoples, man brought in destructive forces to be used by people that were rulers. These destructive forces combined with those natural resources of the gases, of the electrical forces made in nature, caused volcanic eruptions in the slow cooling earth, and that portion now near what would he termed the Sargasso Sea first went into the depths. With this there again came that egress of peoples. Hence, we find in various portions of the world, even in the present day, some form of legend of these events referring to an ‘Eden’ of the world.” (363-4)

“in Atlantis before the first of the destructive forces; entity builded those that made for the carrying these machines of destruction that sailed both through the air or under the water.” (1735-2; Oct. 16, 1930)

“in Atlantean land in first of periods as the people began to apply those laws as pertain to the combustion as made for the filling up of the skins that were used for those of transportation, excelled in use of the elevator in building in the earth.” (1730-1; Aug. 14, 1930)

“in Atlantis before destructive forces arose—associated with communications, lighter-than-air machines, radioactive forces.” (1023-2; Oct. 17, 1935)

Question: “Please give a few details regarding the physiognomy, habits, customs and costumes of the people of Atlantis during the period just before the first destruction.”

Answer: “These, as we find, will require their being separated in the gradual development of the body and its physiognomy as it came into being in the various portions of the land, as well as to those that would separate themselves from those peoples where there were the in-dwellings of peoples, or man—as man, in the various areas of the land, or what we call world. In the matter of form, as we find, first there were those as projections from that about the animal kingdom; for the thought bodies gradually took form and the various combinations (as may be called) of the various forces that called or classified themselves as gods, or rulers over—whether herds, or fowls, or fishes, etc.—in part much in the form of the present-day man (were one chosen of those that existed in this first period as the first destructions came about). These took on many sizes as to stature, from that as may be called the midget to the giants—for there were giants in the earth in those days, men as tall as (what would be termed today) ten or twelve feet in stature, and well proportioned throughout. The ones that became the most useful were those as would be classified (or called in the present) as the ideal stature, that was of both male and female (as those separations had been begun); and the most ideal (as would be called) was Adam, who was in that period. . .” (364-11)

“In that land known as the upper Atlantean during those periods when there was the entering of many that took bodily form for the dispersing of the thoughts given by the lords of the land—entity used rather as the experiment in the associations with the various conditions.” (2126-1; Nov. 17, 1921)

“in the Atlantean land when there were the first periods of attempting to use the creative forces for the separating of the influences in the activities that had come about by the thought forms and the activities of the creative forces of the Law of One,” (1745-1; Nov. 12, 1938)

“in Atlantean land during period not of second destruction but of early upheavals and activities of varied groups that were a part of the evolution of bodies and minds and of the others that were a part of the idea of evolution for conveniences, for the settling of judgments, and for drudges in the activities” (3022-1; May 30, 1943)

“In Atlantis, a priestess, a keeper of the white stone or that through which many of the peoples, before the first destructions in Atlantis, kept their accord with the universal consciousness through speaking to and through those activities” (5037-1; April 19, 1944)

“in Atlantean land when there were those disturbing forces—or just previous to the first disturbing forces that brought the first destruction in the continent, through the application of spiritual things for self-indulgence of material peoples. These were the periods as termed in the scripture when, the sons of God looked upon the daughters of men and saw them as being fair.” (1406-1; July 13, 1937)

“in Atlantean land during those periods when there were the divisions between those of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial, or the offspring of what was the pure race and those who had projected themselves into creatures that became ‘the sons of men’ (as the terminology would be) rather than the creatures of God.” (1416-1; July 27, 1937)

“in Atlantean land when there were the greater questionings between the Sons of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial or between those that were purified by keeping of the pure strain and those that were projections by thought individuals or beings.” (1417-1; July 30, 1937)

“In giving the interpretation of the records, we find that it is well that there be given something of the background so there will not be confusion. For in giving the experience of an entity’s sojourn in a period as remote as the early destructive influences in that land called Atlantis, or in Poseidia, there is oft a confusion in the interpretations of the records as to whether Poseidia was the land or Atlantis was the land.” (877-26)

“There were also other centers that were developing. For in the projections they began as many, and in creating influences they began as five or in those centers where crystallization or projection had taken on such form as to become what was called man, though it hardly could be said that they were in the exact form as in the present.”

“So, in following or interpreting the Poseidian period or in Atlantis let it be understood that this was only ONE of the groups; and the highest or the greater advancement in the earthly sojourning of individual entities or souls at that particular period.” (877-26)

Further on this same reading defines the Sons of Belial as those who sought “the gratifying, the satisfying, the use of material things for self, without thought or consideration as to the sources of such nor the hardships in the experience of others. Or, in other words, as we would term it today, they were those without a standard of morality. The Sons of Belial had no standard, save of self, self-aggrandizement.” (877-26)

In opposition to the Sons of Belial were the Sons of the Law of One, those whose standard was: “that the soul was given by the Creator or entered from outside sources into the projection of the mental and spiritual self at the given periods. That was the standard of the Law of One, but was rejected by the Sons of Belial.” (877-26; May 23, 1938)

“in Atlantean land before there were the definite separations of the children of the Law of One and the Children of Belial” (1474-1; Nov. 11, 1937) “in Atlantean land during those periods of early rise of Sons of Belial as oppositions that became more and more materialized as the powers were applied for self-aggrandizements.” (2850-1; Nov. 14, 1942)

“in Atlantean land during periods when there were activities that brought about questionings that arose between the two great forces, the period before the first destruction of the land—among children of Law of One who cared much about those ‘things’ that were parts of the activity having been brought about by the great teacher in those experiences—entity aided in helping these to overcome, when they became aware of the relationships of the individual entity to the universal consciousness or God—periods of progression—entity lived to be 1000 years old in years as termed today—saw many changes in the earth and in the way in which preparations were made for the advent of the souls of men to be brought to their relationship with God.” (3579-1; Jan. 20, 1944)

”Those entities that were then the producers (as we would term today), or the laborers, the farmers or the artisans, or those who were in the positions of what we would call in the present just machines, were those that were projections of the individual activity of the group. And it was over these then, and the relationships that they bore to those that were in authority, that the differences arose.” (877-26)

“Then we find the entity, now known as or called (——–), was among the children of the Law of One; entering through the natural sources that had been considered in the period as the means of establishing a family. However, they were rather as a group than as an individual family. For those who were of the ruling forces were able by choice to create or bring about, or make the channel for the entrance or the projection of an entity or soul, as the period of necessity arose, then such were not as household or as families, like we have today, but rather as groups.” (877-26)

“in Atlantean land when first upheavals were brought about, when the activities of the Sons of Belial brought to the daughters of the children of the Law of One the abilities for enjoying the pleasures of excesses of every nature in human relationship as well as those activities related to same.” (1999-1; Sept. 13, 1939)

“in Atlantean land when there were those activities that caused the first upheavals and the use of those influences that brought destruction to the land—among those of the Law of One but was persuaded by and with leaders of the land to apply spiritual laws for material gain—thus brought or aided in bringing what eventually became the destruction of the material lands.” (1292-1)

Mrs. C: “You will have before you the life existence in the earth plane of (1968) born November 22, 1910, in Pine Bluff, Ark., and the earthly existence of this entity as Asmen-n, in Atlantis during the period of the first destructive forces. You will give a biographical life of the entity in that day, giving the development or retarding points in such an existence. You will answer the questions, then, as I ask them, concerning her present associations and the influences from that sojourn.”

Mr. C: “Yes, we have the records here of that entity now known as, or called, (1968) and the early experience in the Atlantean sojourn as Asmen-n. In giving an interpretation of the records of the entity, and in giving the characteristics or manifested personalities in the present, it is well that something of the experiences of life through such sojourns be put into words, [so] as to give a concept of the earthly experience during such sojourns.

“For the activities in the physical plane then would be hard to interpret in the terms of the experience of an entity living in the present. But, glimpse these—it is possible in your own experience. We find that in those periods there was not a laboring for the sustenance of life (as in the present, but rather individuals who were children of the Law of One—and experience)—were served by automatons, or THINGS, that were retained by individuals or groups to do the labors of a household, or to cultivate the fields or the like, or to perform the activities of artisans. And it was concerning these ‘things’ about which much of the disturbing forces grew to be factors to be reckoned with, between the children of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial. For these were the representation of what in the present experiences would be termed good and evil, or a spiritual thought and purpose and a material thought or desire or purpose. Hence, the entity entered the experience as one of the children of the Law of One, or of the one purpose.

“The LIFE existence of the entity, as compared to the present, would be years instead of weeks; or, in that experience, to live five to six to seven hundred years was no more than to live to the age of fifty, sixty or seventy years in the present. Hence, to be understood, this must be considered in the mental experience of the entity in the present: There we find that the entity, as has been indicated, was PHYSICALLY in love with one of the children of the Sons of Belial. Hence there were disturbing factors. There was an attempt to influence the entity to refrain from associations with the children of Belial. For—compared with the present—the association would be that of a young girl with those who were given to debauchery, or to the satisfying alone of the appetites of every nature. These brought disturbing forces throughout the experience; yet there were the eventual associations—or conjugations—with the son of Belial. Thus there was the taking on of physical desires, the physical reactions which were at variance to the teachings and the innate expressions of those who had been the companions and associates of the entity. Hence there were turmoils throughout that experience, yet the entity in the whole sense never lost sight of, or sense of, the need for keeping the body and mind and purposes in a correct, or direct, association or activity.

“Thus we find in the present, the associations which have come about with an individual who represented that sojourn, or that one with whom the entity was associated in that experience, there have come disappointments, and the not being satisfied innately in self as to the perfect association, or as to there ever being a perfect cooperative influence.” (1968-2; Jan. 25, 1940)

“in Atlantean land at the time of withdrawing from the Law of One—establishment of Sons of Belial—was a priestess in temple built in opposition to the Sons of the Law of One—during time when there was the creating of the high influence of radial activity from rays of the sun that were turned on crystals in the pits that made connections with internal influences of the earth.” (263-4; March 6, 1935)

“in Atlantean land during those periods when there were the destruction or separations of the land during the period of the first destruction—among those who aided in the preparation of the explosives or those things that set in motion the fires of the inner portions of the earth that were turned into destructive forces.” (621-1; July 21, 1934)

“in Atlantean land when there was the second division or when there was the destruction of the lands that made Poseidia the remaining portion in which there was the greater activity of the Sons of the Law of One. These periods when there was the application of much that is being discovered or rediscovered today, in application of power to modes of transit as well as use of nature’s means for a helpful force in giving greater crops for individual consumption—period when a great deal of thought was given to conveniences of every kind.” (2562-1; May 9, 1941)

“in Atlantean land just preceding the first breaking up of the land when there was the use of many of those influences that are again being discovered that the Sons of Belial turned into destructive forces—could be benefits to communications, transportation, etc.” (2560-1; May 8, 1941)

“The name then, was Deui (pronounced Dar, or D-R); and the entity was active in recording messages, and directing those forces. These were not only the rays from the sun, amplified by crystals, but were the combinations of these. For it was these gases, that were used for what we call today the conveniences as for light, heat, motivative forces; or radial activity, electrical combinations; thermotivative forces of steam, gas and the like—for the conveniences.

“Then this entity, Deui, was among those who attempted to make such influences a part of the experience of those who were—as indicated—the producers of food, clothing; for these ‘human machines’ as we would call them today (not the machines used for obtaining power from the crystals).

“The use of these devices by the Sons of Belial brought, then, the first of the upheavals; or the turning of the rays from the sun—as used by the Sons of the Law of One—into the crystal for the activities of same—produced what we would call a volcanic upheaval; and the separating of the land into several islands—five in number.

“Poseidia, the place or the settlement of that particular entity—Deui—at the time, then became one of these islands. Hence the confusion that at times is seen by those who would interpret such records.” (877-26; May 23, 1938)

“in Atlantean land during those periods when there were the first of the rebellions that brought the misapplication of the knowledge; or the forces that might have been used constructively but were used in destructive activities—entity joined with Sons of Belial who brought about destructive forces in the attempts to destroy the animal life that in other lands overran same.” (1378-1; June 1, 1937)

“among those who came as messengers from foreign lands when people planned to protect themselves from beasts of field and fowls of the air.” (2675-4; April 15, 1926)

“in days when the peoples of nations gathered together to defend themselves against fowls of air and beasts of fields came to meeting in lighter-than-air machine.” (2749-1; May 13, 1926)

“in that land where people came as representatives of those who would make the lands secure against the beasts of the fields and fowls of the air or the animals of the air in the second rule in the Atlantean period.” (2470-2; Jan. 21, 1926)

“in Indian land when said was ruler—among those who gathered to rid the earth of enormous animals which overran the earth but ice, nature, god, changed the poles and the animals were destroyed, though man attempted it at the time.” (5249-1; June 12, 1944)

“of that country to which messengers came when there was gathering together of men to defend themselves against beasts of fields and fowls of the air.” (2855-1; May 29, 1926)

“in that land when there were gathering of nations to combat forces of animal world and kingdom that made men and men’s life miserable, entity among those that stood for use of elements in the air, the elements in the ocean, the elements in the lands as applied to forces to meet and to combat those of the animal kingdom. Oft has the entity from this experience been able to almost conceive wherein the disappearance of those known as prehistoric animals came about.” (2893-1; Aug. 13, 1929)

“when Poseidian land was greater in power, when there was the meeting called for those of many lands to determine means and manners in which there would be control of the animals that were destructive to many lands. Entity in capacity of those who guided the ships that sailed both in the air and under the water, also maker of that which produced the elevators and connecting tubes that were used by compressed air and steam and the metals in their emanations—especially as to things controlled by the facet for the radiation activity of the sun on metals and control of such and airships.” (2157-1; March 27, 1940)

Question: “Please advise me regarding the preparation and presentation of the article or story which I am preparing on the Great Congress held during the age of the destruction of the enormous animals that once roamed the earth.”

Answer: “In the period when this became necessary, there was the consciousness raised in the minds of the groups, in various portions of the earth, much in the manner as would be illustrated by an all-world broadcast in the present day of a menace in any one particular point, or in many particular points. And the gathering of those that heeded, as would be the scientific minds of the present day, in devising ways and means of doing away with that particular kind or class of menace.

“As to the manner in which these gathered, it was very much as if the Graf [Graf Zeppelin?] were to start to the various lands to pick up representatives, or those who were to gather, or were to cooperate in that effort. And, as this, then, was in that land which has long since lost its identity, except in the inner thought or visions of those that have returned or are returning in the present sphere, the ways and means devised were as those that would alter or change the environs which those beasts needed, or that was necessary for their sustenance in the particular portions of the sphere, or earth, that they occupied at the time. And this was administered much in the same way or manner as if there were sent out from various central plants that which is termed in the present the Death Ray, or the super-cosmic ray, that will be found in the next 25 years.”

Question: “What was the date B.C, of this gathering?”
Answer: “50,722” (262-39)

A recapitulation (by Edgar Evans Cayce) of what has been brought out so far in the life readings covering Atlantean incarnations indicates that:

1. Man has existed in the earth for at least 10,000,000 years.
2. Atlantis was one of the places where man as such developed.
3. Man’s origin was as a spirit, not a physical body. These souls projected themselves into matter, probably for their own diversion, interrupting an evolutionary pattern then going on in the earth. Through the use of his creative powers for selfish purposes man became entangled in matter or materiality to such an extent that he nearly forgot his divine origin and nature.
4. A very long time ago man attained great technological progress, equal to it if not surpassing that existing today.
5. Just as the misuse of their spiritual powers brought turmoil, strife and questioning among themselves, men’s misuse of scientific and material achievements brought physical destruction to the earth.

At this point I (Edgar Evans Cayce) want to refer you to Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters. Frank Waters had the cooperation of Oswald White Bear Fredericks, a full-blood, college educated Hopi. Through Fredericks it was possible for Waters to converse with Hopi elders and to unravel the mysteries of the Hopi ceremonials which have baffled anthropologists and enthnologists for years. It is interesting to compare some of the Hopi legends with material in the Edgar Cayce readings. The Hopi creation myths link man to his creator through a series of psychophysical centers in the body. One is reminded of Hindu and Tibetan mysticism which postulates a similar series of centers of “chakras.” A number of Edgar Cayce readings indicate a physical spiritual connection through the ductless glands of the body, the pineal, pituitary, adrenal, thymus, thyroid and parathyroid, gonads and cells of leydig.

The First World of the First People of the Hopi sounds very much like that described by Edgar Cayce when man first entered materiality. The idea of a medicine man being able to diagnose one’s condition by looking at him through a small crystal sounds very much as if the medicine man were seeing the “aura” or colored light emanation from a human body that Edgar Cayce often claimed to see and whose colors indicate one’s physical condition.

The Hopi legends describe the destruction of this first world because the people “used the vibratory centers of their bodies solely for earthly purposes, forgetting their creator.” The legend continues with a description of the separation of men and animals and the destruction of the first world by volcanic action and fire. Some people were saved by hiding in caves and eventually emerged to begin a second world. This second world of Hopi legend sounds like one of high civilization as “villages were built and goods traded.” However, the more people traded, the more they wanted and they “soon forgot to sing praises to their creator and began to sing praises for the goods they bartered and stored.” The people quarreled and wars began. The destruction of the second world is interesting, for according to Hopi legend the earth did not continue to rotate properly but teetered off balance and spun crazily around and rolled over twice. Mountains plunged into the sea and the seas sloshed over the land. The world spun through cold lifeless space and froze into solid ice. This brings to mind Edgar Cayce’s statements of a shift of polar axis, and of course there is historical evidence of an ice age associated with worldwide climatic changes.

There is a Third and Fourth World in Hopi legend as well as the idea of the Hopi coming to their Arizona homeland from a country to the south. And these, too, relate to Edgar Cayce readings.