Unariun Wisdom

Causes of Spirit Possession ~ Part II

by Eugene Maurey

Psychic attack, whether it is spirit possession or comes in some other form, may happen to anyone at any time. The condition may come into being whether or not the victim has a knowledge of psychic activities. The problems may range from only a minor illness, a negative change in attitude to a complete change of personality. Unless the victim or someone near him can recognize the symptoms and seek help from a competent psychic, he is in serious trouble. With such help the psychic can unravel the causes of such infestation and correct the problem. Such help will restore the mind as well as improve the health of the patient.

There are two common roads to possession. The first is voluntarily asking a spirit to enter one’s mind. In most instances the victim does not realize that he cause this condition. His motive may have been sympathy, grief, need for companionship, or simply curiosity. No evil was intended. The second is a state of mind when a spirit enters without invitation. This is called an involuntary; it usually leads to serious problems for the victim as well as for those the victim influences.

When possessed, voluntary or involuntary, the person in some way attracted a spirit entity to himself by an overt action or thought. In almost every case the victim of a possession is entirely unaware that he caused the possession. Also, more frequent than not, he is not aware that he is spirit possessed.

Involuntary Possession

When a person is in a state of low vitality he is exposed to possession by an intruding spirit. This can occur during a surgical operation or when unconscious while intoxicated or when seriously injured. At these times, the mind of a person is defenseless and there is insufficient energy to resist the intrusion of a strong spirit personality. This is an involuntary possession. A prolonged illness, in which the subject has long been in a state of exhaustion, can permit an entity to take over a person’s mind and body. The person simply does not have the strength to ward off the intruder.


In our society today, there is perhaps no faster road to possession than excessive drinking. An alcoholic draws spirits to himself like a magnet. It is not accidental that whiskey is referred to as spirits. My observation of hundreds of alcoholics not only indicate that alcohol is the primary cause of possession but that possession is the shackles that perpetuates alcoholism. Once a person becomes an alcoholic and becomes possessed, it is extremely difficult for him to stop drinking. The organization, Alcoholics Anonymous, admonishes its members that they must never take another ‘first’ drink. Should a reformed alcoholic do so, he may well fall back into his old sorry habits. Also, just because he stopped drinking, does not mean that the entities on board have left. Often they are still there, thirsting for an alcoholic drink. I had the opportunity to examine a group of eighteen AA’s for possession; fifteen were possessed.

As remarkable as it may seem, I have relatively little difficulty in helping an alcoholic put aside his drinking habit. The following case histories well illustrate what can be done when the exorcist has an inquiring mind and is persistent.

Case Of The Alcoholic

Lena O. is a superintendent of a manufacturing company. She was irritable at times due to an almost constant domestic problem. Her husband, Henry, was an alcoholic and had been one for some twenty years. When returning home on Fridays, after having spent most of his paycheck at a bar, Henry was abusive and ill-tempered toward his wife. Normally, when not intoxicated, the husband was a gentle and agreeable person.

I was told of the situation by a mutual friend. I was able to verify that Henry was spirit possessed by a single intruding personality. There were also nine other spirits around him all eager to find a way to enter his mind. Using at-a-distance dispossession techniques, Henry was cleared of these influences and his wife informed of what was done.

A month later Lena reported, “Henry was great for the first three weeks and had stopped drinking. Now he’s gone back to drinking. He’s about as bad as he always was.” Again, I checked for spirit possession. He was clear. This indicated to me that there had to be an outside influence upon him. A list of drinking buddies was compiled. When they were checked for possession, of the seven listed, only two were spirit possessed. The two were promptly cleared. For the next two months the husband was normal and refrained from excessive drinking. Then he again reverted to his Friday habits and threatening behavior. He was still in trouble.

Something of an unknown nature was bothering the man. Four months passed before the first clue emerged. In a conversation with Lena, she mentioned the bitterness and contempt her son had for his father. The son’s attitude was caused by the father’s alcoholism. I snatched at this information and immediately checked the son. Detecting nothing unusual about him, he had, however, a number of negative programs (negative thought form energies) which I cleared. That did it!

As of this writing, more than three years have passed without further excessive drinking by Lena’s husband. Not only does a peaceful relationship exist between wife and husband, but what was not anticipated is the close bond which now exists between father and son. The two men are almost inseparable – they cannot do enough for each other.

Fantasy Land

In the case next described, a clearing was successful for 30 year old Louise V., an alcoholic for 14 years. During that time, her life was filled with romances which turned into nightmares, with close escapes from creditors, and with loss of jobs. Here is her story:

Louise, had been hiding in her parent’s basement to escape a hundred imagined fears. She had been anxiously watching television during the Falkland Islands War with the belief that she was destined to marry Prince Andrew. The prince, heir to the throne of England, was a fighter pilot in the war zone. She was fearful that the Prince’s enemies would kidnap her!

With her father’s cooperation, it was discovered that she was a closet alcoholic. “At night,” her father explained, “Louise would steal up to the first floor and raid the liquor cabinet. We had to lock it. We have asked help from the state mental service but have been refused. We are at our wit’s end to know what to do.”

After I heard his desperate plea for help for his daughter, I reflected a moment, I then said with confidence, “Well things are going to change for the young lady, leave it up to me.”

The next morning, rested and in the quiet of my room, I cleared Louise of the possessing entities. This took but a few moments, as I had obtained most of the information about her the previous evening.

Two weeks passed. An excited and incredulous father phoned me. “Louise,” he said, “voluntarily came upstairs the day after you exorcised her. She talked nostalgically about the times the family went to the lake during the summer. It appeared as if she had just awakened from a bad dream. For the first time in a year without prompting she returned to her bedroom upstairs!”

The father continued, “A few days later the neighbors discovered Louise walking about in the snow in house slippers and in her nightgown! She was dazed. She is now in a hospital and we pray she will make a quick recovery.”

Louise was apparently unable to orient herself to a way of life that she had almost forgotten. She was as if walking in the shadow of Rip Van Winkle. Louise remained in the hospital for two weeks and then returned home. There was every indication that her mind was once again clear. She began to eat regularly and in about six weeks she had regained her normal weight. In addition, her health rapidly improved. She suffered none of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. It wasn’t long before she found work as a temporary office worker.

The objective of an exorcism is to normalize the subject’s personality and to cancel out all negative influences acting upon the person. The results are not totally predictable, but in general there is a substantial improvement. In Louise’s case, there was evidence that something extraordinary had occurred.

My analysis had indicated Louise had attracted three spirit entities who, to a large extent, were doing her thinking for her. The strongest of these was a mean, negative spirit who under sufficient stress could resort to car robbery, theft, mugging or similar deeds. Since alcoholism was Louise’s problem, the spirit probably had the same problem during his/her lifetime on earth. During a drinking session this entity quite likely dominated Louise’s mind and compelled her to act irrationally without regard to the consequences to herself or others. In truth, when drinking, she became another person, another personality taking on the unpleasant character of the dominating spirit.

From my experience, when a person has three or more entities influencing his/her mind and ten to fifty nearby, (Louise had a total of fifteen) it is the pattern of an alcoholic. It is known that even if a person ‘goes on the wagon’, stops drinking, the entities usually remain during the person’s lifetime.

Similar to my first experience, the clearing of John Van Drie’s daughter of spirit possession was the incentive for him to learn and perform the work of an exorcist. Since that time, hundreds of persons have significantly benefited by his dedication to his work.

Not all exorcisms are easy to perform. Some take considerable time and ingenuity. The plight of Glenda related in the next case well illustrates this point.

A Can Of Worms

A situation analogous to a can of worms existed in a family of a mixed East Indian-American marriage. Glenda D. was born in India. From her first marriage to an American, she had three sons, ages twelve to fifteen. After her divorce the boys lived with their father. Glenda remarried a Pakistani. Almost every day Glenda would visit the home of her former husband to tend to the needs of her sons. Between members of both families there were bitter recriminations, nasty disputes and arguments. It was an explosive situation.

What further aggravated the problem, the Pakistani was aware of the reality of spirit possession and had learned to project this condition upon others. At this time he was unemployed and in such a state of mind that he was unemployable. When someone would displease him, such as a company personnel director, a neighbor, a welfare worker or even the school principal, they ended up with a few uninvited spirit guests on board. He also was possessed.

Over a period of four months my colleague, John Van Drie, and I labored to identify those persons who were in some way associated with the family and who were possibly possessed. These people lived throughout the world, in the United States and Canada and as far away as India, Australia and England.

As the months went by, with only temporary improvement being reported, we searched for every clue to seek all the basic causes of the family’s infighting. Of the 804 names submitted to us for analysis, 251 were spirit possessed, a high average of 31 percent. Glenda’s numerous long distance phone calls and anxious letters attested to the urgency of her situation.

Finally it was the observation of Glenda’s disturbed state of mind that gave us the first clue as to the direction we were to take. We asked ourselves, “Was Glenda unwittingly the catalyst that kept the flame of anger in the family always at the point of eruption?” There was no indication that she was possessed. We decided to include Glenda in a clearing and to emphasize one other point, a special visual projection of harmony for all members of the family.

The results were immediate and exciting. Glenda’s final letter written a few weeks after this special session was as follows:

“Our life is improving every day. My husband has improved almost 95 percent; the boys also. It is such a welcome change, especially in my oldest son who no longer berates me.

“My husband is laughing and talking, he is no longer silent and disturbed looking. He sleeps better at night and is communicating in a talkative manner.

“I feel we are going to live in peace and not be shrouded in darkness again. Thank you!”

As reported, two years after the clearing, all continues to go well with Glenda and her family. Her husband found employment and there is good will between all members of her large family.

Summarizing the reconciliation, the problem had originally been that of possession with negative thinking and projection of negative thoughts toward each other. The spirit entities were subsequently removed, and this made a decided improvement in relations. Yet negative thinking continued to exist. It resulted in the projection of energy in the form of distrust, vindictiveness and the desire to physically hurt one another. Unconsciously, Glenda, was projecting to the members of her family the expectancy of disharmony, which became the catalyst to bring it about.

The Drug Scene

During the past fifteen years, our society has become drug oriented, particularly as reflected in the younger generation. The effects are the same as with the heavy drinker. These people most often become spirit possessed and experience the same disastrous results as the alcoholic. In severe cases, the victim is completely dominated by the intruding personality.

When drugs in heavy dosages are prescribed by a physician, the patient also may become spirit possessed. Certain drugs, like alcohol, cause the body to lose its resistance to intrusion by an entity. Unfortunately, when an earthbound spirit takes residence in a person’s mind, in whatever way this may happen, the person is in for a bad trip. My associate, John Van Drie, related to me the following account of his work with young drug users. “Several years ago, a mother requested I check her two sons Joel thirteen and Brad sixteen, for possession. She had observed, within a short span of time, a marked behavior difference in them. She could not explain it nor could she cope with it. She was divorced and the father had no interest in his sons.

“She related, ‘Joel, a short time previously, had been an excellent Little League pitcher and a home-run hitter. Now he had dropped baseball completely. Also, Brad wants to quit high school and bum around’.

“My analysis showed that the two boys had picked up several negative entities as well as negative thought forms. They were cleared. The results were almost unbelievable. The younger boy rejoined the Little League, leading his team to the local championship and runner-up in the regionals. The older boy regained his interest in school and found a part-time restaurant job.

“The event leading to the possessions was typical. The mother went to a dance and left the youngsters to their own resources. The boys also went out, to a pot party. There, they had smoked marijuana and attracted a host of undesirables to them. [Editor – Same can be said for smoking cigarettes or any other non-constructive addiction.]

“Six months later the mother asked me to again check her sons as they were becoming unmanageable. As previously, the boys had gone to a pot party and again picked up some uninvited guests. The mother could not understand why the protection placed around her children was not strong enough to keep them free of possession. I explained to her that they had free will and if so inclined could make the same mistakes all over again. It was important to understand the attraction they had to such activity. Peer pressure was irresistibly forcing the boys to participate in a pot party when held.

“I then had to widen my scope of thought. I collected the names and ages of the boy’s friends. All were cleared. The two boys again returned to more normal activities.”

When we recognize the symptoms of a possessed person, we can be helpful in clearing him/her or at least finding someone to give the person aid.

Excerpt from Exorcism: How To Clear At A Distance A Spirit Possessed Person

See Part I here.