Unariun Wisdom

Beware False Promises of Space Fleet Landings

by George Adamski

Promises have been made from time to time of mass landings by space people planning to take over control of Earth and her inhabitants. One man has declared himself to be the one chosen to become ruler of the world when this takes place. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The Brothers have no intention of taking over anybody. To the best of my knowledge, no Earthman has been appointed to act as their sole representative. True, many have volunteered their services, but not one has been accepted above all others.

In Europe, I encountered reports of two Ashtars, totally different in character, but each claiming supreme command over large numbers of space travelers.

From such dubious sources have come promises of personal contacts, sometimes even with specific dates and instructions as to time and place. I have yet to hear of any of these promises being fulfilled. Many people have been promised rides in space ships and were sadly disillusioned when the trips did not occur. Warnings of tragic events to take place, with promises to pick up and save those who have “raised their frequencies,” fall into the same category. These are but a few of the many “messages” being promiscuously broadcast today, purportedly from the space visitors. Such fallacies have no place in our associations with people of other worlds!

The people on the other worlds who know of space travel are very advanced and realize that it would be against principle to try and change any earth world not ready for the science of interdimensional space travel. ~ Ernest L. Norman

Contrary to such reports, the liaison teams from other planets are not here to rescue a selected few. They have come to help us develop a realistic, scientific and philosophical knowledge of the Cosmos, which can be readily absorbed by any Earthman who is really interested in brotherhood between men, with the purpose of establishing the age-old hope of peace on Earth, good will toward all. This relationship must be accomplished in our world before our planet can resume its rightful place in the system.

During the years that such false rumors and reports have been increasing in number, the thinking public has turned away, ofttimes in disgust, and has impatiently rejected the reality of interplanetary travelers, especially the validity of personal contacts of any sort, classifying them all as being in the same worthless category. Now, little by little, with scientific events developing as they are today, the thinkers are demanding logical explanations of that which can no longer be denied. But they want no fantasies or confidence games!

One might compare most of those who are today claiming mental contact with the space people with a housewife who, having been away from home, returns to an empty and silent house. To have company, she turns on the radio or TV without selecting a particular program. She only wants the sound of someone’s voice in the house to keep her company. The atmosphere around every planet, as well as space itself, is filled with thought forms, of both the past and present, and of every known characteristic.

Therefore he who, without understanding, opens his mind for “messages,” makes himself the willing receiver for any passing thought regardless of its nature. That is why there are so many frightening messages and false promises being received. They are but repetitions of historic events through which mankind was brought into servitude of one kind or another, thereby losing its inherent birthright of peace, happiness and true freedom which can be assured only through wisdom, and respect between man and man.

“The space visitors modus operandi, is ‘not interfering in the evolutionary development of the Earth. To show ourselves openly, to have mass communication, would be’ and if there were to be a mass landing ‘thousands of people would die of shock. Remember all your movies about invaders? We are not inhumane, we wouldn’t want to cause something like that.'” ~ Ami, Child of the Stars

The space travelers have recognized all these conditions. They do not condemn them, for they understand that they are one process of growing—unpleasant experiences. They know, too, that the material of which such experiences are composed will not stand up in the light of true understanding. It is for this reason that they have not used telepathy to convey information to the inhabitants of Earth.

Personal meetings are used along with some telepathy, as was my case, so that they can be reasonably sure the information they wish to convey is passed on correctly. Even so, there have been misunderstandings of their words, and inaccurate accounts given, through slight distortions by the receiver of the information. Telepathy by itself can never be relied on.

Another problem which the space travelers have met in their attempts to help their Earthly brothers is the matter of those who endeavored to turn their coming into a religion. A number of cults have been established in their name of which they are in whole-hearted disapproval.

“Mass landings, great displays, and the like would only cause confusion. The military would be involved immediately; the governments of the world would be in turmoil, each seeking its own advantage. There would be hysteria and, possibly, panic. And so in the interest of humanity, the space people approach us cautiously.” ~ Howard Menger

The interplanetarians are not superhuman; they are not gods, and do not want to be worshipped.

To them religion is the science of life to be lived as taught by Nature, with new thoughts and understanding constantly being given them by the Supreme Intelligence alone. They did not realize to what extent Earth people have been taught to accept religious interpretations handed down by others as gospel truth, with few ever daring to think for themselves on the subject.

Although the Brothers do not have religious rules and rituals as we on Earth, they do not condemn our practices. They know that all faiths are founded upon a pearl of wisdom. Divisions have been established solely by the ritualistic cloak worn. Basically all are the same.

“There is cosmic law against interfering in the affairs of others, so they are not allowed to help us directly even though they could easily do so.” ~ Wilbert Smith

Terrestrial man will never gain a working knowledge of Universal Law, or of his Creator, so long as he permits other men to do his thinking, accepting on faith alone interpretations of universal wisdom handed down through the centuries, along with errors in translations and personal selections of what was thought right for the people to know. He does not have to give up anything or alter religious beliefs to gain knowledge of the universe. All a man has to do is think for himself. He must merge his thinking with the whole creation instead of confining his thoughts to himself, or permitting others to censor his thoughts. Each must do his own work of rebuilding. As Emerson put it: “Gift is contrary to the law of the universe…Serving others is serving…”

Understanding this, it is obvious why the interplanetary visitors do not want any cult or religion established in their name. Those organizing sects, or making a religion of the space people and their visitations, have been and are working right in line with the factions who would keep mankind in ignorance for the promotion of their own special benefits. Some leaders are innocently working in this respect. Others are working for self-aggrandizement.

Whatever the purpose, all are spreading confusion in the path of sincere seekers. At the same time, ridicule is heaped upon the entire program by the man who dares to think for himself. He refuses to believe all that he is told by others until something reasonable enters the picture. Then he is able to build a conviction with a firm foundation.

Our interplanetary friends, who are as normal and human as you and I, could not allow such falseness, with its resultant confusion, to be built up and continued in regard to them and their visitations on Earth.

Excerpt from Behind The Flying Saucer Mystery