Unariun Wisdom


by Hilton Hotema

When modern science succeeded in cracking the atom, it was surprised to find that Atoms, long considered as the ultimate of Matter, are actually constituted of whirling Sparks of Astral Light, Living Fire.

Then science promptly boasted that, in this achievement, it had gone deeper into Matter and advanced farther in the realm of the unknown than man had ever gone before.

Archaeologists have discovered that more than fifty thousand years ago the Masters had a perfect system of symbols, similar to the biblical symbols, for what modern science terms “nuclear fission.”

For almost two millennia, scholars have tried to interpret these symbols, and failed because their knowledge was insufficient for the task.

Before science uncovered the secret of the Atomic Bomb, we come first to the greatly ridiculed postulate of the ancient alchemists regarding the Transmutation of Metals – a theory long scoffed by scientists.

With the discovery of “nuclear fission,” gold money suddenly went out of circulation by act of the National Congress, and it even became illegal, under the new law, for one to possess gold money.

Only these atomic scientists knew the reason why. They had discovered, with profound surprise, that the ancient alchemists’ allegation as to the Transmutation of Metals was not so silly as modern science had believed.

When these shocked atomic scientists discovered that the Transmutation of Metal is a fact, they hastily notified the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, – and that is the reason why gold went out of lawful circulation.

It is said that Egyptian Tarot contained in symbolism the secret of nuclear fission, and even stated the kind of metal required, – radium, symbolized by the planet Uranus.

The feat is performed by tremendous electric voltage. The Ancient Masters knew how to do it, and they did it.

And furthermore, these Masters knew what occurs within the atom to cause it to break up or disintegrate. They understood the underlying principle.

Like all great achievements, the most puzzling problems become simple when the basic principle is understood. Even the ailments of man.

That is the reason why a certain doctor, in 1944, was silenced. He died suddenly in jail of “heart attack.” He paid with his life for getting too far ahead of medical art.

That is the common practice, and extends back into the dim past. Ye know nothing at all, nor consider that it is expedient for us (doctors), that one man should perish in order to save medical art (Jn. 11:50, 51).

Then the deceived, mind-controlled masses ask why the Masters don’t come out in public and teach the mysteries of Life.

History constantly repeats itself because human nature never changes.

As we study the symbolism of the Ancient Masters, finally destroyed in the 4th, 5th and 6th centuries by the Mother Church, we are amazed to see the wealth of knowledge they possessed.

In taking a certain degree in the Ancient Mysteries, the lips of the neophyte were lightly touched with a live coal of fire, the interpretation of which is: In due time the masses of the earth will be scorched by a terrific conflagration of their own making.

It seems the answer to that one has appeared – the Atomic Bomb.

Every mason should know, but they do not, that the Living Fire is symbolized by “the strong grip of the Lion’s Paw” that “raised” (energized) Grand Master Hiram Abiff (History of Freemasonry, p. 181).

The Living Fire is symbolized by Leo in the Zodiakos.

As they understood life, evolution, cosmic law and human nature, the Masters knew approximately what the condition of the earth would be now.

While the earth is constantly changing, certain factors and principles remain the same.

The Masters knew that human nature never changes. What man has always done, he will always do. He would work his own destruction in the future just as he has done in the past. And the Masters even knew by what means this would occur. So they wisely deferred the fatal event as long as they could by concealing the secret from the masses and the despots.

Now, read history again, and learn how ancient civilizations have disappeared, and left behind no trace to explain the reason why.

Modern man, in his deceptive “progress,” is approaching the final stage. Already his latest discoveries have filled him with terror. He has come too close to the Infinite Power of the Universe. Not the church God, but the Mighty Atom.

As man envisages the dangers of his new discovery, he is horrified by what he has found. He has been taught by the church to look to a Good in the sky and tremble at the thought of the approach of the Last Judgment, and now he finds that the Omnipotent Atom is the Master of the Universe.

With this knowledge before us, we learn the reason why the Masters so carefully concealed cosmic secrets from the unscrupulous despots, and the unreliable and irresponsible multitude.

To understand the Science of Man, we must know the secrets of the Universe. And to know these secrets puts into man’s hands a power too great for any but the tried and tested Initiates.

The Masters understood the Science of Man because they knew the secrets of the Astral World. In their scrolls they described the Science of Man in symbols and parables, fable and fiction, in order to preserve it for the race, and to conceal it from those unworthy to have it.

Land of Darkness

The great Land of Light and Learning becomes the Land of Darkness.

One writer says, “Why Egypt was called the ‘Land of Darkness’ is difficult to understand. There are many lands on earth that at one time rose to great heights, and then sank to a very low level; but none of these is commonly referred to as the ‘Land of Darkness.’” – Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid.

There is a story back of this that the Mother Church has tried hard to keep concealed from her dupes and slaves.

When the facts are known, the answer is easy to find. Livingstone had the answer in his work, “Book of David,” under the subhead “The Constantine Bible” (p. 140).

He knew who founded the Roman Catholic Church, why it was established, and who directed the task of compiling the book called “Word of God”.

When Constantine “the Great” had gained the throne of the mighty Caesars, like most other despots, he craved more power.

He was motivated by the vain ambition to have the exclusive religious power of the world. He would go to the seat of the religion which ruled most of the subjects of his vast realm, import that religion to Rome, revise and alter it to serve his purpose, invent a popular name for this new religion, and then conceal his fraudulent work by sending out his army to demolish the ancient temples and to collect and destroy all the ancient scrolls that could be found.

To make his work the more secure, effective, and complete, he would murder the Masters of ancient religion, and then discredit them and disgrace their country by stigmatizing it, “Land of Darkness.”

When this Roman despot and his successors had finished their nefarious designs, the grand Land of Light and Learning was actually transformed into a “Land of Darkness.” Its temples were demolished, its scrolls were destroyed, and two shiploads of its precious instruments and equipment were dumped into the sea.

It was the most astounding crime ever committed against humanity in all the known history of the world; and its consequences and reactions were so broad and vast, that it plunged the Roman Empire into a state of intellectual darkness that is still in evidence in Europe and America.

For this “good work”, Constantine, the murderer, was the first person to be elevated to the plane of “Saint” by the blighting institution which that “good work” created.

Out of that darkness and desolation has come all the history of ancient days that the Christian world has had until the last two centuries.

When it became less dangerous to do so, archaeologists began to salvage from the ruins of the “Land of Darkness” some precious fragments of the Lost Wisdom of the Ancient Masters.

Facts Suppressed

The actual facts of this crime have been suppressed as much as possible by the Mother Church.

The Science of Cosmogony, Anthropology and Biology of the World before the Flood, brought to Egypt by Enoch, Seth, Noah And Shem, and preserved from loss and destruction in the Great Pyramid, remained unknown to the modern world until the 19th century, thanks to the Mother Church.

Our scientists, philosophers and theologians, reared and schooled in the intellectual darkness created by the “good work” of Constantine and his successors, have known so little about the basic sciences of the Universe, that they were unable to decipher the ancient symbols and inscriptions on the monuments and temples of stone in Egypt.

Had not the Wisdom of the World before the Flood been thus preserved, it had been forever lost. We would have practically no alternative but to believe as true the baseless claims of the religionists, scientists, and evolutionists, that modern man stands at the peak of human development and progress.

A century ago scholars said that “the more the subjects of ancient Egyptian mythology and symbology were studied, the less they knew about them.”

The reason of this is clear. That mythology and symbology related to Cosmogony, Anthropology and Biology, whereas we had been led to believe by the church that it dealt with actual gods and saviors.

Recent discoveries of the researchers into Egypt’s ruins began in 1858, and have unearthed a mass of startling knowledge, concealed for sixteen hundred years in the strange hieroglyphs on the ancient tablets and stone monuments, which no one could interpret because the Key was lost.

The Rosetta Stone

When Archbishop Chrysostom, in the middle of the 5th century A.D., made the boastful statement that –

“Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth,”

and that the Papacy, as –

“The ghost of the Roman Empire, sat crowned on the grave thereof,”

it appeared that man was lost in a world of darkness out of which he would never be able to work his way to the Light, if the church could prevent it.

A character in a modern drama made this observation that, “Money is made in the dark.”

Christianity was born in the dark and lives and thrives on darkness.

On author said, “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life is when religion is afraid of the Light.”

The symbology and allegory of the Bible, meaning little to the laity and lying far beyond the ability of the preacher to interpret, seemed like they would never give up their secrets to the world.

All this was suddenly changed in 1799 by the shovel of a trench digger that unexpectedly struck the Rosetta Stone in the soil of the Nile delta.

For that shovel struck a fatal blow against the Mother Church at the very close of the 18th century.

When Col. Broussard dug up the Rosetta Stone, Napoleon wisely saw its possible value.

It may be that, for direct cultural value to all races dominated by Christianity, no event, battle nor reformation in human history surpasses that single discovery of an entablatured rock.

That rock is rapidly proving the ghost of retribution, the instrument of justice, the Nemesis of a religious system promoted by darkness, fostered by ignorance, and supported by superstition.

The message of that rock opens up the vast treasure house of ancient Egyptian literature, which presents the full and incontestable evidence of Christianity’s false claims.

That literature supplies the missing link in the body of comparative religious study which proves beyond all cavil that Christianity is not the first pure, divine release of the one “true religion,” but only a badly mangled copy and mutilated form of ancient Egyptian drama.

In the year 195 B.C., the Egyptian Masters erected this stone in honor of Ptolemy V. Epiphanes. It is 3 ½ feet long, 2 ½ feet wide, nearly a foot thick, and carved into its surface was an inscription, duplicated in three languages, in the Greek, in the Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and in the common Egyptian tongue.

But for the discovery of that stone, the history of ancient Egypt might still be buried in the ruins of its towns and temples, demolished by the Roman Army under the leadership of Roman Catholic Priests, as they reduced the Land of Light and Learning to the “Land of Darkness.”

By comparing the Greek translation of the stone with the Egyptian, the French scholar M. Champollion, in 1822, was able to discover the Key to the fundamental principles of the ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and to begin, for the first time in modern history, a decipherment of the mysterious, long-dead, unknown language of Seth, Enoch, Noah and Shem.

And so, the lost history of Ancient Egypt began to unfold before the staring eyes of the startled world.

Champollion’s labors released the Ancient Voice which Chrysostom had believed was silenced forever, and which Voice refuted with a withering negative practically every one of Christianity’s historical claims.

The startling story told by the stone amazed the world and shocked the Mother Church.

The church authorities always rush in and take possession of all ancient scrolls that may be discovered, in order to keep their true messages from the masses. But the Rosetta Stone escaped them.

The cryptic literature of ancient Egypt, sealed in silence by the Church Fathers when Christianity was being built, began to haunt the church like a taunting specter, and stalked forth like a living ghost out of a dark tomb, to point its bony finger of accusation at a system that has far too long lived in darkness and waxed fat on ignorance.

For that literature, out of oblivion, now rises up to proclaim the true source of every dogma and doctrine of Christianity as being Egyptian, the product and heritage of a remote antiquity.

After the discovery of the Rosetta Stone came the translation of the Egyptian –

1. Book of the Dead
2. The Pyramid Texts
3. The Book of Thoth

which laid open to the world the irrefutable data which showed that, far from being the First Gleam of Light in a world said to have previously been benighted in heathenish darkness, Christianity was only a poor, crippled orphan, appearing without the evidence of its true parentage and sadly belying in its external form, the semblance of its ancestral lineage.

The precious scrolls of ancient Egypt now unroll the sagas of wisdom which announce the inexorable truth, that not one single doctrine, rite, tenet or usage in Christianity was a new contribution to world religion; but that every article and particle of that system was and is a disfigured copy of ancient Egyptian mythology, symbology and allegory.

Christianity, it proclaims, not only failed to register one single advance in any line of wisdom, but deplorably vitiated and disfigured the beautiful structure of Cosmogony, Astrology, Anthropology and Biology which it ignorantly adopted and wretchedly purveyed as its own alleged new creation.

The ghostly shadow that pursued Christianity with the semblance of external similarity for sixteen hundred years, now resolves into the substance of verifiable proof of original identity.

The entire body of Christianism is now seen to be nothing more than crudely revamped and horribly mutilated Egyptianism.

The ancient parentage which it strove so desperately to hide and deny, and the marks of which it so sedulously endeavored to obliterate in the early days of its existence, now rise up from the dead past out of that “Land of Darkness” to change its ungenerous offspring with faithlessness and deceit.

The Christian Bible, the creation legend, descent into and exodus from Egypt of the “Children of Israel,” the ark and flood allegory, the “history of the Israelites,” Hebrew prophecy and poetry, the gospels and epistles, are all now proven to have been the transmission of Egypt’s scrolls into the hands of later generations, which knew neither their origin nor their fathomless meanings.

Long after Egypt’s voice, expressed through the inscribed hieroglyphics, was hushed in silence, the perpetual relics of Hamitic wisdom from the World before the Flood, with their cryptic message utterly lost, were dragged forth and presented to the world by parties of ignorant zealots as a new body of facts and truths.

Egypt’s “Christ” was not an actual man. It had been equally fatal to Christianity had he been.

The fact of his symbolism now rises out of the past which the Church Fathers thought they had sealed in oblivion forever, to strike the death-knell of a false and spurious religion.

The “gospel life” of the “Christian Jesus” in nothing more than the garbled, distorted, fragmentary copy of an Egyptian prototype who existed only as a symbol, a purely dramatic figure, portraying the nature of Life and the Constitution of Man.

With this single revelation of lost truth, the structure of historical Christianity crumbled into ruins.

So long as the voice of ancient Egypt’s wisdom was hushed in silence, so long as the Egyptian symbols could not be made to speak, the pious imposture of the Church Fathers could continue unchallenged.

The Rosetta Stone and Champollion’s remarkable work in deciphering its cryptic hieroglyphics, reveal in ancient Egypt’s wisdom the ancient origin and long denied parentage of Christianity.

Christianity can no longer support its claims in the face of contradictory evidence which, with the release of Egypt’s hidden wisdom, the recovery of the lost language of symbolism in which all ancient scrolls are written, and the recovery of the buried esoteric meaning of all ancient religion, has increased in volume from hillock to mountain size.

Excerpt from Land Of Light