Unariun Wisdom

Atomic Bombs And Spaceships Before The Fall Of Atlantis

by Andrew Tomas

What was the shape of things in Atlantis shortly before the cataclysm? Plato definitely speaks of conquests and imperialism of Atlanteans in their closing epoch.

The Samsaptakabadha scripture of India mentions airships powered by “celestial forces”. It speaks of a missile which contained the “power of the universe”. The blaze of the explosion is compared to “ten thousand suns”. The book says: “The gods had become alarmed and cried: Do not burn the whole world to ashes.”

The Sanskrit Mausola Purva refers to “an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire races of the Vrishnis and the Anhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without any apparent cause and the birds turned white. After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected.”

Alexander Gorbovsky writes in his Riddles of Antiquity that a human skeleton found in India was radioactive. Its radioactivity was fifty times above the normal. One begins to wonder if the Mausola Purva is history rather than legend.

Speaking of charred Borsippa, which is often identified with the ruins of the Tower of Babel, E. Zehren in Die Biblischen Hugel asks what power could have melted the bricks of the ziggurat. The answer is–nothing but a monster thunderbolt or an atom bomb.

Professor Frederick Soddy, Nobel Prize winner and the discoverer of isotopes, speaking of the traditions which have been handed down to us from a prehistoric time, wrote in 1909: “Can we not read into them some justification for the belief that some former forgotten race of men attained not only to the knowledge we have so recently won, but also to the power that is not yet ours”.

In 1909 that power, the power of the atom was not ours. It is obvious that Professor Soddy envisaged a past civilization which had mastered atomic energy. In discussing this pre-historic race, the pioneer nuclear scientist also imagined that “possibly they could explore the outer realms of space”.

Ancient books of India speak of aeroplanes, atomic bombs as well as space travel. A Vedic god Pushan sails in golden ships across the ocean of the sky. Garuda, a celestial bird, carries Lord Vishnu in cosmic travels. The Samsaptakabadha describes aerial flights “through the region of the sky firmament which is above the region of the winds”. This is clear indication of space travel. The Surya Siddhanta, the oldest Sansrit work on astronomy, cites Siddhas or perfect men and Vidhyaharas or possessors of knowledge who travel around the earth “below the moon and above the clouds”. Is this not a definite suggestion of philosophers and scientists orbiting around our planet?

If the Epic of Gilgamesh is linked with the Indian scriptures many gaps in the history of early man become filled. At the time of world cataclysm the ‘sky-folk’ of the Gilgamesh departed heavenward either to orbit around the earth or even to fly to other planets. The Samaranagana Sutrahara says that by means of skyships men could fly in the air and also ‘heavenly beings’ could reach the earth. One can not help thinking of two-way traffic between our planet and other worlds, reading this passage.

It is more reasonable to suppose that the exodus from Atlantis was carried out by boats, rather than by airships or spacecraft which were reserved for the privileged. The refugees settled in the neighboring Pyrenees and Egypt providing an impetus to the civilizations of the Mediterranean basin.

Antediluvian Colonies

A German author K. K. Doberer, writing in The Goldmakers, expresses this thought: “One possibility, in the view of the wise men of Atlantis, was to escape from the peril by migration–by pushing though the Mediterranean, on and on to the east, into the land-masses of Asia and founding colonies on the ‘Roof of the World’.”

This is a startling conjecture and perhaps not very far from truth. The high priests and princes of the ‘Good Law’ could have been airlifted to a remote and safe part of the globe with all the fruits of their culture and technology. In small, completely isolated communities they might have developed their science to heights undreamt of even by our academies. There is evidence to give weight to this apparently fantastic theory.

In the Epic of Mahabharata we read of an archaic era in which airships flew in the sky and devastating bombs were dropped on cities. Brutal wars were fought and evil reigned unchecked. From ancient writings and legends of many races it is possible to restore the picture of what had probably taken place shortly before the geological catastrophe.

When a band of illumined philosophers and scientists had realized that culture was doomed and the progress of mankind imperiled, they decided to withdraw into inaccessible parts of the world. Secret underground shelters were built in the mountains. Hidden valleys in the Himalayas had been allocated for the chosen few who were to carry the torch of enlightenment into the future.

When the ocean engulfed Atlantis, the surviving colonies were left intact to build a utopia, avoiding the mistakes of the destroyed empire. Away from the barbarism and ignorance, these communities prospered in protective isolation. It was resolved from the start to sever all connection with the outside world. Unencumbered their science flourished, surpassing the achievements of Atlantis.

Fantasy? Yet a number of present-day scientists have already suggested underground shelters and even subterranean cities in anticipation of an atomic holocaust. Depopulation of cities and construction of underground towns–are the projects offered by responsible men of science in an attempt to ensure the continuation of the human race. If this plan is contemplated by today’s scientists, is it not possible that a similar project was proposed and carried out by the cultural leaders of Atlantis when confronted with the moral degeneration of mankind and the menace of ‘Brahma’s weapon’, which blazed like ten thousand suns?

The picture of a powerful state with an advanced technology in a forgotten epoch is well within the framework of sane scientific thinking. Professor Frederick Soddy, a pioneer nuclear physicist, in an endeavor to explain scientific tradition of the ancients, said in 1909 that “it may be an echo from one of many previous epochs in the unrecorded history of the world, of an age of men which have trod before the road we are treading today”.

To preserve the products of civilization for an indefinite period against the dangers of devastating wars and geological calamities, nothing would be more effective than underground shelters. This is as true today as it was in the days of Atlantis.

From the story of man’s life on this planet many pages have been torn out by the hand of Time. However, legends speak of a colossal disaster which wiped out an advanced civilization. Most of the survivors became savages. Those who were later rehabilitated by ‘divine messengers’ rose from their primitive state and gave birth to the nations of ancient history from which we ourselves derive our origins. the secret communities of the ‘Children of the Sun’ were small in number but great in knowledge. By means of their high science they excavated a vast network of tunnels, particularly in Asia.

Isolation has been the eternal law of these colonies. Philosophers, scientists, poets, artists, religious devotees, writers and musicians require a peaceful environment in which to pursue their labors. They do not want to hear the tramping of soldiers’ boots or the cries of the market place. No one can accuse these philosophers of the vice of selfishness because down through the ages they had shared their wisdom with those who were ready for it. This detachment is of a protective nature. For is not the rule of the fist as strong today as in the times of Caligula? Perhaps, the fist is even more awful in its technological armour.

The Elder Brothers

Because of the global scope of the Atlantean disaster, many centuries had passed before volcanic activity subsided. Until land, washed away by tidal waves, was dry enough to bear vegetation, no animal or human life could exist. Atlantean survivors were scattered all over the earth. The center of culture and the elements of civilization had perished. For lack of writing in the conditions of savagery imposed by the catastrophe, tales of a rich empire destroyed by fire and water were passed from mouth to ear. These became the origins of all myths. Handed down from one generation to another, some facts were forgotten or distorted. It was only with the rediscovery of the art of writing that legends were permanently recorded on tablets and papyri.

Folklore has immortalized divine beings who civilized mankind after the deluge. These torchbearers of culture implanted sun-worship. They became beneficent rulers who taught man astronomy, agriculture, architecture, medicine and religion. Clay tablets of Babylon speak thus of sky-descended beings.

Lost in the secret valleys between snowy ridges or hidden in mountain catacombs live the Elder Brothers of the human race. Indications of the reality of these colonies came from such widely separated countries as India, America, Tibet, Russia, Mongolia and other parts of the world. Over the expanse of time these reports have appeared in the past five thousand years. Embellished by fancy of the people living in various lands, they contain grains of truth.

Excerpt from Atlantis: From Legend To Discovery