Unariun Wisdom

Ancient City Ruins On Mars

by Ennio Piccaluga

City Found On Mars  – Scott Waring

The following images were recently published by UFO and anomaly hunter Scott Waring (also video above). These images were transmitted by the American “MRO” probe with a HIRISE camera on board, capable of photos with resolutions up to 30 cm/pixel.

Image 1 here is the original

Image 2 here is shown with a “interpretive restoration” and reconstruction by graphic designer Luigi de Matteis. Note the dome located at the center of the image.


A study conducted by the Mediterranean UFO Center (CUFOM) team specializing in the observation of Martian sites came to the conclusion that this is likely an example of a thriving city that once existed on the red planet and that it is sufficient evidence in and of itself that there were likely many more other areas on the planet that were inhabited or densely populated at one time.

These images taken in great detail of the surface of Mars took place in 2010 and only now are just being released through the University of Arizona which had been tasked with archiving and examining these images – the images of the MRO probe.

Above is an aerial view of Rome. The similarity with the Martian city is truly amazing if we consider that the Martian site, called by NASA Atlantis Chassis, is what likely would remain after an era of perhaps 10,000 years. The date is arbitrary, but realistic if you observe the state of the Martian ruins, exposed to extreme temperature changes and winds that can blow up to 5-600 km.

De Matteis reflects an accurate study of the orthogonal lines in this image. The number of lines is very high and testifies to the impossibility that nature could have designed the layout of this site.

In the above image, it is possible to see what are naturally occurring geometric dashes, but it should be noted that, first of all, the few centimeters of these hatches are not comparable with the tens of meters of lines in the Martian city image. And although these hatches have an appearance of geometric structure, it is clear that they do not have a regular pattern, let alone the accentuated orthogonality of the Martian site. In the archaeological field, as well as in the military, orthogonal lines have always been interpreted as proof of artificiality. Nature usually prefers rounded lines, little organized and non-repetitive.

In the image above Luigi de Matteis reconstructed the central dome similar in many aspects to the dome of St. Peter in the Vatican.

Here, Luigi de Matteis shows the completely restored dome and rooms highlighted and traced. Each room would occupy an area of about 100 to 150 meters.

It should be pointed out that in the examination of the original images, the exact location of this city has not yet been determined or released. However, these images are not that much different from other similar sites found on Mars but just not as detailed or as obvious. For example, the Mars ruins here.

Could it be that these cities, perfectly organized, perhaps could be connected to one another? From perhaps even underground? The study of this site, Atlantis Chassis reveals not just the presence of a single urban settlement, but an infinity of small and large city-type structure.

Stay tuned…history is changing before our eyes.