The Continuing Mystery of Ceres

Ceres-PIA-19617-closer-examination-of-Occator-Lightsby UFO Sightings Hotspot with added material

NASA’s Dawn spacecraft has revealed marvelous sights on dwarf planet Ceres during its first year in orbit, including the mysterious bright spots in the Occator Crater.

The Occator Crater, measuring 57 miles (92 kilometers) across and 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) deep, contains the brightest area on Ceres, the dwarf planet that Dawn has explored since early 2015.

ceres bright spot rectangular structureWhat stands out is a strange spot next to the crater. The object in the spot appears to have a rectangular structure with in the middle something that looks like it has been artificially created, like a dome on top of the structure.

ceres bright spot rectangular structure 2




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